Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 468 The plaintiff goes to court, a determined idiot

(May be busy today, update in advance)


"Hello witness, please tell the court who you are."

"I am an employee of the internal audit department of Dongxing Securities."

"Can you please tell me about the new project team?"


"Hello witness, please tell the court who you are."

"I'm from the project review department of Dongxing Securities."

"Can you please tell me about the new project team?"


After selling the crown, Zhang Wei summoned two people from Dongxing Securities one after another.

Their statements about the new project team were all consistent, and the person in charge was Zhan Qingze.

But when Zhang Wei asked the project team to review the qualifications, their answers were a little hesitant or speechless.

This made the jury aware of the tricks, and there was clearly a problem here.

The most important thing is that these witnesses are all Dongxing Securities' own people, which also makes Master Tang and Sun Kongwen helpless.

It is impossible for them to cross-examine their own people, and the questions Zhang Wei asks are all facts and unspoken rules, and it is impossible to deny them.

Once they deny it, the ghost knows what other methods Zhang Wei will prepare in the future.

"Ahem, after the repeated summons just now, this court is a little tired, everyone should take a break, go down and have a sip of tea, we will start the court in 15 minutes!"

Following Ni Qiuping's announcement, the court entered an intermission. Those who should drink tea should drink tea, and those who should drink water should let water go.

The prosecution and the defense each returned to the preparation room.

Defense preparation room.

"Master Tang, are you and your apprentice letting that kid ruin my company's reputation?"

As soon as she sat down, Qian Moli couldn't help getting angry.

"Mr. Qian, don't worry, this is just the beginning!"

Master Tang waved his hands calmly.

Afterwards, he also muttered: "But that kid is really difficult to deal with. There are only a few ordinary witnesses, and the jury is almost on one side."

"Master, I will definitely fight for the next trial!" Sun Kongwen hastily expressed his opinion.

"Don't worry, if the next witnesses are the same as before, then the effect of the confession will be greatly reduced, and the jury will get tired of hearing it. That kid is a smart person, and he won't do such meaningless things!"

Master Tang said, looking towards the neighbor, "If I'm not wrong, he is probably going to let the plaintiff go to court by himself."

"The plaintiff?"

Both Qian Moli and Sun Kongwen knew it well.

next door.

The prosecution preparation room.

"Mr. Li, prepare yourself, you may be called to court next time!"

"I see!"

The man in the couple nodded, and then began to take a deep breath to adjust his mentality.

The wife is holding her daughter and sitting aside.

Seeing this scene, Xia Qianyue hurriedly came up and asked, "Zhang Wei, will it be more convincing to let the victim go to court next?"

"Theoretically yes, but it's also more risky!"

Zhang Wei said with serious eyes: "Because I let the victim appear in court this time, the defense will have no scruples and will fight with all its strength."

"But they are victims. If the defense attacks with all its might, won't the jury..."

Zhang Wei pulled Xia Qianyue aside and said in a low voice: "If it's a criminal case, then naturally we can't attack the victim with all our strength, but if it's a civil case, especially one involving financial fraud, then that's another story .”

"Although people have sympathy, what they have more is a sense of superiority!"

"What do you mean by that?" Xia Qianyue scratched her head, looking not very smart.

"It's very simple. If someone believes in the advertisement on the telephone pole and calls the rich woman in the advertisement, and the other party asks you to send a sum of money to prove your decision, if you really sent the money..."

"Does anyone believe this kind of advertisement?" Xia Qianyue blinked. Isn't this anti-fraud awareness too poor?

"Yes, that's what you think."

But Zhang Wei patted Xia Qianyue on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "The jury is just like you, they will also think, this can all be tricked, are you victims too stupid?"

"Humans are all based on a sense of superiority. Many people have been cheated of money and began to yell at liars. But those who have not been cheated of money will not scold liars along with them. Instead, they will feel that they are smart and have not been tricked. , and at the same time despise those who have been deceived from the bottom of their hearts, thinking that you are all too stupid."

"Isn't this too immoral?" Xia Qianyue couldn't believe it, how could people do this.

"Hanhan, human nature is very complicated, and law is a study of the bottom line of human nature, so legal practitioners can see the despicable side of human nature that ordinary people can't see. I hope everyone can be as innocent as you, but Too bad that's not realistic."

Zhang Wei sighed, and then looked at the person in front of him.

"If the whole world were full of innocent people like you, then there would be no bad people in this world, no good and evil, right and wrong, and everyone would abide by the law and sacrifice themselves for others, and this world would become a utopia."

So ideals are ideals after all.

Zhang Wei patted Xia Qianyue lightly, indicating that she would also go to rest for a while, and the trial was about to begin.

15 minutes of rest time, quickly passed.

The trial started again.

After the rest, Ni Qiuping's spirit is not bad.

He looked at the prosecution seat.

"Zhang Wei, are there any witnesses who need to be arraigned?"

"Yes, Judge Ni, we summon the plaintiff, Mr. Li, to testify in court!"

Hearing this summons, Ni Qiuping suddenly regained her spirits.

The heavyweights arrive, and the victims testify in person.

"Is it really here?" At the defense table, Master Tang and others also smiled.

Finally came, they were a little bored with the previous witnesses, and finally came a person who could make them fire without any scruples.

The witness sat on the witness stand, glanced at his wife, then at the hearing stand and jury stand, with a nervous expression on his face.

"Hello, Mr. Li."

"Hello, Lawyer Zhang."

After the interaction, the questions began.

"Mr. Li, how did you learn about Dongxing Securities and stock trading?"

"I was speculating in stocks before, but instead of following the broker of Dongxing Securities, I downloaded an app from another platform and invested a small amount of money in it."

"Can I ask conveniently, how much is this little money?"

"Less than 20,000."

"Well, then, why did you choose Dongxing Securities?"

"Because I received a call one day, and the other party claimed to be from Dongxing Securities. They own a bull stock in their hands, and the daily limit can be reached!"

"Did you believe them then?"


The witness shook his head, "Since I signed up for the app, I have received no less than 10 similar calls every day, people recommending stocks, asking me to join a group, and special teachers leading us to trade, all kinds of things, too. Too much..."

"But you took note of that stock, didn't you?"

"Yes, they all said that the daily limit has been reached, and I must have a look."

"It turned out that the stock really went up?"

"Yes, so I wanted to buy it at that time, but the app told me that I was not eligible to buy it, and I had to find a specific brokerage."

"That broker is Dongxing Securities?"

"Yes, I later called the broker, and she told me that it was about the trading seat and asked me to register for a trading account with Dongxing Securities. Then I listened to them, registered for the app, and submitted the application. Information, bought that stock."

"How about the income?"

"It started off well and made a little money."

When Zhang Wei heard this answer, he laughed immediately, "Then you should invest more?"

"Yes, the broker called me again and asked me to increase my position and buy this stock in large quantities."

As Mr. Li said, he sighed and said, "If I had accepted it as soon as I saw it, maybe I wouldn't have appeared here, maybe..."

"So, you increased your position?"

"I hesitated at first, but the broker told me that this stock still has several daily limits, and it will definitely make a lot of money, and there is good news in the market, it is absolutely impossible to fall!"

"Then let me ask you a simple question, how much did you increase your position?"

"I took out the down payment that my wife and I have saved for so many years to buy a house. I also took out a personal consumption loan, and my wife also took out a credit loan. The total is close to 3 million..."

When Mr. Li said this, he showed a trace of helplessness and remorse.

With this amount of money, if they grit their teeth and save money in the next few years, they can definitely pay a down payment for a set of old and small in the urban area of ​​the Oriental Capital.

But now, there is nothing.

3 million, all gone!

"If the money isn't buying stocks, what are you going to do with the money?"

Mr. Li glanced at his wife, and then fixed his gaze on his daughter.

"If I didn't buy stocks, then I will use this money for the down payment, buy a good school district house in the urban area of ​​Dongfangdu, and then live a stable life with my wife, save money and pay back the loan slowly!"

"School district room?"

"Yeah, although I can only work part-time for the rest of my life, I hope to give my daughter the best conditions so that she won't lose at the starting line..."

When Mr. Li said this, he was a little excited, and he said with tears: "I'm sorry for my wife and daughter. I really listened to that broker's words and thought that the stock would not fall, so... just...'

He didn't need to say more about the rest, the people present already understood.

Among the six-member jury, three or four cast a sympathetic look at Mr. Li.

This number is similar to Zhang Wei's expectation, and he can't expect everyone to be affected so quickly.

That being the case, it is necessary to pursue the victory.

"Mr. Li, don't blame yourself, let's get back to this case."

"I wanted to ask, can you get in touch with your broker after the stock starts to drop?"

"It's the broker who promised you that you will make a lot of money and never lose money?"

Mr. Li shook his head: "As soon as the stock started to fall, I called, but unfortunately I couldn't get through."

"After that, I called my agent more than a dozen times a day, but she didn't answer once. I kept calling like this for a week, and it was the same."

"In the end I went to Dongxing Securities, but was told that their company did not have such a broker. I asked about stocks again, but they responded with one sentence."

"Investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the industry, is that the sentence?"


"How did Dongxing Securities treat you after that?"

"They warned me that it was my own choice to invest and lose money, and then they kicked me out, and then I was blacklisted by their company, and I couldn't even get in the door!"

When Mr. Li said this, he looked indignantly at the dock.

"You Dongxing Securities, you are so vicious!"

"Objection, inflammatory speech!"

Sun Kongwen got up immediately and interrupted the witness's speech.

"The objection is valid!"

Although Ni Qiuping was helpless, this blatantly provocative speech was indeed a bit too much.

"Witness, please control your emotions. This is a court, not a place for you to vent your dissatisfaction!"

After a word of warning, Ni Qiuping looked at Zhang Wei.

"Judge Ni, we have no problem with Mr. Li for the time being."

After the self-certification was over, Zhang Wei walked out of the courtroom.

After he sat in the plaintiff's seat, Xia Qianyue immediately joined him.

"how is everything?"

"It's okay for now, but the real danger begins now!"

As Zhang Wei said, he pouted at the defense chair.

Master Tang had a sullen expression on his face, and his big apprentice, Sun Kongwen, had already got up.

"Mr. Li, hello!"

Sun Kongwen went to court and greeted the witnesses, but unfortunately there was no response.

But he was not annoyed, still smiling.

"Mr. Li, you said that you not only took out the down payment for buying a house, but your wife also made two loans for this investment?"


"Then don't you think it's too stupid to do so?"

"What did you say?"

"I said, it's completely stupid of you to put all your wealth in the stock market!"

"be opposed to!"

Just as Sun Kongwen continued to speak, Zhang Wei stood up directly, "Harassing witnesses!"

"The objection is valid!" Ni Qiuping nodded, and then warned: "Lawyer Sun, please pay attention to your wording!"

"Sorry, Your Honor, it was my mistake."

Sun Kongwen immediately apologized, "Then let me put it another way."

"Using leverage, you can indeed make a big fortune with a small amount, but everyone knows that the stock market, or the investment market, has uncertainties and risks."

"In my opinion, real investors will not put all their assets in a market that looks risky, they will reserve room for themselves, and only use 50% or 30% of their funds to invest in stock futures. Or other financial products, this is the rationality that a healthy investor must possess.”

Sun Kongwen's words made many people in the hearing and jury seats nod in agreement.

Obviously, they all consider themselves relatively rational investors.

"In my opinion, the behavior of the plaintiff, Mr. Li, is actually very naive."

Sun Kongwen continued to shoot at the plaintiff: "In the investment market, trying to make a big fortune with a small fortune, and then put all his wealth on it, and finally led to being locked up, losing all his money, and then asking a securities company for an explanation, which is unreasonable in itself."

"It's like you bought a chair, and the merchant suggested that the chair can only bear the weight of one person at most, but you insisted on sitting on it with your wife, and even your wife was holding her daughter in her arms, and the chair collapsed. You blame the quality of the chairs produced by the merchant, do you think this is reasonable?"

Hearing these words, Zhang Wei in the plaintiff's seat was slightly surprised.

"Yoho, the level of this example is not bad!"

Since Sun Kongwen is Master Tang's master apprentice, he obviously has two talents.

This sneaky change of concept really made many people in the court change their views.

The most important thing is that many people looked at Mr. Li without sympathy, but with indifference and sarcasm.

Think stocks can make money, let you change 3 million to 6 million, or even 10 million?

Dream on you, how can there be such a good thing?

Now that you wake up from the dream, you just ask someone to blame you, and you don't even think about whether it is your problem?

"Mr. Li, let me ask you, did the stock drop immediately after you increased your position?"

"No, it has risen for a few days."

"Then why didn't you sell the stock during the rising days?"


How did Mr. Li answer?

Do I want to sell stocks that are rising?

Then am I not a fool?

Do you not understand the principle of buying up and not buying down in the stock market?

"Mr. Li, I think you don't understand the principle of closing when you see it. You actually had the opportunity to sell stocks and exit the market, but you didn't seize the opportunity. You always wanted to make more money, so you ignored it. possible risk!"

"So you are a short-sighted investor. You think you can earn the amount you want, but you always want to hold it for one more day and sell it tomorrow. Finally, until the risk of the stock market is triggered, you are locked in!"

"Is your behavior different from those who lose money in stocks?"

Sun Kongwen said, imitating Zhang Wei's tone, and said sarcastically: "Oh, there is actually a difference, that is, those who suffered losses did not think of coming to sue the securities company!"

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the hearing booth laughed.

In the jury seat, some people smiled, but after all, they sat in different positions, so they had to remain serious.

Sensing the change in the direction of the court, Mr. Li couldn't sit still.

"not like this!"

"That's not it, what is that?"


Sun Kongwen felt that he had to add fire.

He also walked to the dock and took a document from Mr. Tang.

"Mr. Li, let me ask you, when you were investing in the stock market and preparing to increase your position, did you contact your parents and tell them about it?"

"I called them..."

"How did they tell you?"


Mr. Li looked embarrassed.

"Did they warn you to keep calm and don't think about these..."


"In fact, they warned you and called you many times. In fact, we also sent investigators to question your parents!"

"The following are their original words, from your father... I warned my son and advised him to calm down, don't think about what is there and what is not, and since you have saved enough money, hurry up and buy a school district house for your granddaughter , but he won't listen!"

"Mr. Li, did you not listen to your father's advice, and put your money into the stock market without hesitation, even at the expense of increasing leverage to increase risks for yourself!"


"Your father can understand the truth, why don't you understand?"


Faced with Sun Kongwen's repeated questioning, it was Mr. Li's turn to be speechless.

Moreover, in the hearing seat and the jury seat, the gazes looking at him were already showing unkindness.

A fool!

Blinded by interests, an idiot who can't listen to anything!

This is what everyone thought when they saw Mr. Li.

"Judge Ni, I have nothing more to ask about this witness!"

Sun Kongwen accepted it as soon as he saw it, and ended the cross-examination directly.

The direction of the court has also begun to change.

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