Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 474 Weekend plan, plot against Zhang Tianlong?

court adjournment

Another recess.

Ni Qiuping made both the prosecution and the defense take a step back and gave a temporary adjournment.

And now, Zhang Wei is in Ni Qiuping's judge's office together with Master Tang and his big apprentice.

"When is the next court session, when do you plan?"

Although Ni Qiuping asked again, she glanced at Zhang Wei.

Because she knew that Mr. Tang naturally wanted to delay as long as possible. He even hoped that the court would be held next week or the next week.

Next week, if there is any more delay, Zhan Qingze will be discharged from the hospital.

In the next week or so, maybe Zhan Qingze's case will be announced.

Once Zhan Qingze was found guilty, there was no need to save the case.

"Zhang Wei, tell me the time, what day do you want to have the court again this week?"

"Judge Ni, actually you don't need to ask me, I think the defense can talk about the time first."

"Are you serious?"

Ni Qiuping froze for a moment, then looked at Master Tang, his master and his apprentice.

Sun Kongwen was not ambiguous, and took a step forward, "Judge Ni, Mr. Qian, our client, said that the trial has consumed too much of her thoughts, so I hope that the rest of this week can let her deal with the company's affairs."

"She strongly requests that the next formal hearing can be postponed until next week!"

Ni Qiuping glanced at her schedule, "But there are three days left this week?"

"Judge Ni, in fact, I think it's okay. How about just starting the court next Monday?"

But at this moment, Zhang Wei spoke up.



What's more, what he said made Ni Qiuping and Master Tang a little taken aback, they almost thought they heard it wrong.

Are you in a hurry?

Today, you have been questioning witnesses in court like this, and even revealed the identity of Lord Tiger in the end. Don't you plan to take advantage of the victory and pursue it?

You still have to postpone until next week?

It's fine for you to have a trial on Friday, but would you rather let the jury go back to rest after 3 working days + 2 weekends?

"The defense agrees with Lawyer Zhang's view that the trial next Monday will be very good!"

But since Zhang Wei started, Sun Kongwen immediately expressed his support, which also blocked Ni Qiuping's words.

You see, both the prosecution and the defense have reached an agreement, and the court will start next Monday, so you, the judge, should not push you too much.

"That's fine, I'll let the clerk inform the jury later, so that they can make adjustments this week, and take two days off on weekends to prepare for Monday's trial!"

"Then even if it is finalized, there is no hearing this week, and the next hearing will be scheduled for next Monday morning!"

"Thank you, Old Ni, for your hard work!"

Zhang Wei expressed his thanks and left the office politely.

This scene also surprised both Ni Qiuping and Master Tang.

Zhang Wei, why did he look so excited that his plan had succeeded?

Could it be that he has secretly made some kind of preparation?

"Go back and tell Qian Moli to read the company's documents again, and everyone in the know will investigate the background to ensure that there will be no omissions within Dongxing Securities!"

"In addition, you and your younger brothers and sisters have been staying in Dongxing Securities for the past few days, conducting a mock questioning of all employees who are going to appear in court, to ensure that they can handle it even if they are temporarily summoned by Zhang Wei!"

"When you are at Dongxing Securities, by the way, pay attention to the company's wind direction and make sure that no one is a spy arranged by Zhang Wei. Once you find someone sneaking around and asking for some news that shouldn't be done, just deal with it directly. !"

When he walked out of the office, Master Tang gave such instructions to his big apprentice.

"Master, don't worry, my brothers and sisters and I know how to do it!"

Sun Kongwen bowed to accept the order, and took the task to find the younger brothers and sisters.

Master Tang, on the other hand, was staring at the aisle of the court, staring at the direction Zhang Wei left, lost in thought.

"Why does it have to be five days apart? Could it be that you are planning something? Zhan Qingze should be able to resume basic actions next week. Next week, he must be tried as soon as possible, and this trial should be over!"

"As long as it lasts until next week, the case will be completely determined. Then our Tiger Hall must win in the end, and you Zhang Wei can't turn the sky!"

Thinking of this, Master Tang already understood the next course of action.

That is tow!

If it was delayed until Zhan Qingze was convicted, they would win.

But Zhang Wei, will they let them delay the time smoothly?


Zhang's Martial Arts Hall, temporary combat room.

"Zhang Wei, why is there a trial next Monday?"

"Also, what about little sister Xiaoxia, isn't she your bodyguard, why isn't she seen?"

This time it was Zhang Xinwu who raised her hand to speak. She looked around and found that Xia Qianyue was not there.

"She was called back by Team Wu, saying that she might have a temporary mission and let her know about the situation. I asked her to go back and hand over the information. Don't worry, she will still come."

After Zhang Wei responded, he wrote three words on the blackboard.

"Zhang Dihu, who is this?"

Zhang Xinwu looked curious.

"Xiaoxiao, stop playing with the computer, give Miss Xiao Wu a little science, who is this?"

Zhang Wei hurriedly called out to the second girl who was looking down at the computer to ask her to look up at the blackboard.

"Oh, Zhang Dihu, the second eldest in the family is the younger brother of the most hypocritical Zhang Tianlong in the Zhang family."

"Zhang Tianlong, Zhang Tianlong, the speaker of our Eastern Metropolis Council?"

"Yes, there is only one Zhang Tianlong in the East, and that's him~"

As Zhao Xiaoxiao said, she leaned into Zhang Xinwu's ear and said in a low voice: "Actually, there is another gossip that Zhang Dihu is the boss of Tiger Hall, but no one can prove it."

"Master Tiger!" This time, Zhang Xinwu was not calm.

This name, for her who opened a martial arts gym and was in contact with all kinds of religions in the Oriental Capital, she had vaguely heard of it.

Anyway, within the gang forces in Dongfang Capital, this character is extremely taboo!

"That's right, Zhang Dihu is Lord Tiger, and Lord Tiger is Zhang Dihu!"

Zhang Wei tapped on the three words on the blackboard, and said solemnly: "This time our case, to put it bluntly, is to deal with this person!"

"Wrestling with Lord Tiger?" Zhang Xinwu was startled, her mouth was slightly opened, unable to close it for a long time.

"Isn't it a securities company? How come gang members are involved..."

"Because Dongxing Securities is Zhang Dihu's pocket!"

Zhang Wei directly showed his cards and told the information he had so far.

"Dongxing Securities actually made a lot of money through secret layout every time there was a huge fluctuation in the investment market, and the money ended up in Zhang Dihu's pocket. The 20 billion this time is the same!"

"Every time, they openly said that they cooperated with the Financial Services Agency's investigation, but in fact they secretly sacrificed an unknowing employee, let him take the blame for the company, and made that investment by falsifying documents and other records. The project that caused a huge loss of personal funds becomes the responsibility of that employee, so the person who is responsible for it becomes that person!"

"This time it was Zhan Qingze, the last time it was Wu, the last time it was Lei, and the first time it was Dai. They are all responsible for huge losses, and the real culprits are Qian Moli and Zhang Dihu. They are still at large!"


Hearing what Zhang Wei said, Zhang Xinwu finally lost his composure.

Is this the capital market?

The rich try their best to reap the money of the poor, and the poor are kept in the dark until the end, thinking that they have found the real culprit who caused their losses, but it turns out that it is just the real culprit introduced by the rich to make you think.

"If we can't get rid of them this time, then next time, they may have to do something more ruthless. At that time, investors will lose 100 billion, 200 billion or even more."

"With so much money, how many of them are the same as our client, who listened to their salesman's tricks, and finally sold the iron, sold the house, and bought the stock after taking out a mortgage. I can't keep it!"

Hearing this, both Zhao Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xinwu all looked serious.

If this is true, it is hard to imagine how many families in the East will go bankrupt.

After working hard all my life and earning so much money, I listened to a call from a certain salesman and invested all my money in the investment market.

As a result, the market that you thought could make you rich is actually eating up your money in a different way, making you lose all your money, and make you completely bankrupt. Can you bear it?

It is estimated that in the end, the rooftops of those high-rise buildings in the Oriental Capital may suddenly become very crowded.

"By the way, why are you going to court next week?"

"Why not the remaining three days of this week, isn't it just a chance to take advantage of the victory?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao also raised her hand with a strange expression on her face.

"Because it's very simple, only this weekend can we obtain evidence of a comeback!"

"this weekend?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xinwu looked at each other, is there anything going on this weekend?

"Zhang Wei, I'm back!"

At this moment, Xia Qianyue's charming voice came from the gate of the martial arts hall.

"Hanhan, what's up, how's the situation?"

"Well, Captain Wu said that there might be a secret operation on the weekend, and asked me if I would like to participate. I said that I might want to protect your safety, so I won't participate..."

Hearing Xia Qianyue's feedback, Zhang Wei nodded.

"Indeed, that action was stupid enough in the first place, and it is doomed to fail. It doesn't make sense for you to go!"

"How can you say that, their action has been prepared for a long time, and the anti-mafia group..."

Xia Qianyue was about to say something, but suddenly realized that this operation was a confidential mission, and she could not disclose it.

"Anti-mafia group?"

Zhang Xinwu and Zhao Xiaoxiao on the side were a little surprised.

Why did the weekend incident involve the anti-mafia group?

"Hehe, I guessed it a long time ago. From the local prosecutor's headquarters to the serious crime team, and then to the vicinity of the investigation department, I even asked Director Zhou and my father-in-law."

As Zhang Wei said, he wrote a line of words on the blackboard.

"There was an operation by the Anti-Mafia Group over the weekend involving gang members."

"That's what I guessed. The local prosecutors need to cooperate, and your serious crime team needs to cooperate, but I don't think it makes much sense."

Zhang Wei sneered in his heart, because the anti-mafia group's actions were doomed to "failure".

This so-called failure is not that they can't catch people, but that they can't catch key people.

Maybe the gang will send some of them to take the place of the dead ghost, or the younger brother will come out to take the blame, and deal with this operation.

In this way, if the anti-mafia group catches people, it may not be two or three small fish, and it may be able to catch a middle-level cadre, which can be regarded as a job.

The serious crime team and the local prosecutor will share some credit in the future, but so what?

In this operation, the only ones who were injured were the younger brothers who were going to be arrested, and none of the high-level gang members could be caught.

What is this not a failure?

In the final analysis, although this operation is a secret, in the eyes of some high-level officials, it is an open secret.

"Zhang Tianlong, Zhang Dihu, they are the problem!"

As Zhang Wei said, he took out his phone and opened a text message.

"Hanhan, you can accompany me to this place on weekends!"

"Where is it?"

Xia Qianyue took the phone, only to see a statement from the city councilor's office that a charity gala would be held.

It turned out that since the first auction house's charity party went wrong, Zhang Tianlong decided to hold a second charity party as the city council speaker.

The location of the party is in a manor on the outskirts of the city.

According to Zhang Wei's investigation, this manor is actually under the name of Zhang Dihu, and it is his private manor.

Although the property of the manor was legally obtained by Zhang Dihu, everyone could tell that the manor was the property of the Tiger Hall, and even the main hall of the Tiger Hall.

Therefore, this manor is naturally a real dragon's pool and tiger's den.

"By the way, the mayor's office is going to issue a statement later, please watch a good show."

Zhang Wei said, and asked Zhao Xiaoxiao to turn on the computer and connect to the live broadcast.

"What's so interesting about the press conference?" Although Zhao Xiaoxiao was reluctant, she followed suit.

"For this press conference, I arranged a little work for our mayor."

After Zhang Wei chuckled, he pointed to the podium on the computer screen.


at the same time.

In the reception hall of the City Council, a press conference is being prepared.

In front of the podium, it was naturally full of reporters from Dongfang Capital, densely packed, even the corridors were full of people.

As for the big night, why it is so lively is naturally because the city council chairman Zhang Tianlong is going to give a speech.

Of course, the reporters have heard the general news.

Probably because there was a problem with the last charity gala, so the speaker decided to hold another one in his own name.

Of course, this time the scale may be smaller, and the ostentation is relatively low-key.

Don't choose a place as big as the first auction, just choose a manor on the outskirts of the city.

When Zhang Tianlong came out, he just explained the time and place of the party, announced some guests who might be there, and said something about the scene.

Therefore, although the reporters are waiting for the battle, they also know that there is nothing exciting about the news this time.

They just followed the steps and wrote down everything that Zhang Tianlong said today.

"Time is up!"

I don't know who shouted at the scene, but the reception hall suddenly fell silent.

Then, amidst the "lively" applause, Zhang Tianlong walked up to the podium waving his hands.

"Hi everyone, I'm Zhang Tianlong..."

After the familiar opening remarks and self-introduction, Zhang Tianlong began to announce the party.

Everyone recorded it word by word, and no one asked any questions.

After all, this person in front of you is a big shot. The rules of interviewing big shots are that you can ask them only after they finish talking.

"...So, this weekend, I decided to hold another charity gala to make up for the previous regrets. I hope everyone will join us."

After Zhang Tianlong finished speaking, he looked at the reporters in front of him.

"If you have any questions, you can ask."

As soon as the words fell, one of them, a man and a woman, suddenly raised their hands excitedly.

The speed was fast, so fast that the other reporters were a beat behind.

"Please tell me!" Zhang Tianlong smiled, indicating that the two could start asking questions.

"Chairman Zhang, according to the information we heard, someone said in court that your brother Zhang Dihu is the leader of the largest gang in Dongfangdu, the Tiger Hall. Is this news true?"

As soon as the questioner's voice fell, the audience suddenly fell into silence.

Even Zhang Tianlong's expression froze.

Who is this, what is the question asked, this is definitely not the person they arranged in advance!

"Who are you……"

"Chairman Zhang, I am the editor-in-chief of the Oriental Metropolis Entertainment Tabloid, and my surname is Pei."

"Your question is purely slander. How could my brother be a gang member? He is a philanthropist and a good person who often does good deeds. Please don't associate him with so-called gang members. It's an insult to him."

As Zhang Tianlong said, he also smiled, which attracted many people in the audience to cooperate.

"But, the boss of the Tiger Hall, Mr. Qian, is rumored to be having an affair with Mr. Qian from Dongxing Securities. Someone took a photo of Qian Moli and your brother on vacation together!"

Zhang Tianlong looked at the woman who asked the question again, and stood beside the editor-in-chief just now. Obviously, the two came together.

"How is it possible? My brother and Dongxing Securities' Qian Zong may be friends. Besides, where they go on vacation is their freedom. So what if they meet?"

"Chairman Zhang, I heard that the Dongfang Capital Martial Arts Association has actions on weekends. It seems to be about gang members. If your brother is not the leader of the Tiger Hall, where should he be at the weekend?"


Zhang Tianlong secretly shouted, good guy, although he knows the news, most people don't know it, how did these two people know?

But now that the whole audience is staring at him, he can't get angry, and he can't ask his subordinates how the news got out.

"On the weekend, my brother will naturally accompany me to the charity gala, and he should be with me then."

"Oh, then we can rest assured. If your brother is with you on the weekend, then he must not be the leader of the Tiger Hall?"

After a man and a woman finished speaking, they got into the crowd and left the scene quietly.

Because the task assigned to them by someone has been completed.

Next, they will leave Dongfang Capital overnight to avoid the edge.

And at the scene, on the podium.

After Zhang Tianlong was asked several questions in succession, the nature of answering reporters' questions also faded.

"So, that's all for today's questions. If you still have questions, you can ask the press spokesperson in my office."

Zhang Tianlong left the scene with a gloomy face, and secretly remembered the two people who asked the question just now.

He swears, he must let this entertainment tabloid of the Oriental Metropolis disappear in this city!

But what he didn't know was that the tabloid had been canceled a few days ago.

If you go to investigate now, you won't find any information.

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