Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 475 When the operation is in progress, the false vanity fair

In the suburbs, in the manor.

Zhang Dihu put down the phone, his brows became sharp.

Just now, he had a phone call with his elder brother Zhang Tianlong.

At the same time, he also turned on the TV to see the live broadcast just now.

"Are those two reporters so full that they dare to question my elder brother face to face like this?"

After turning off the TV, Zhang Dihu was very upset.

Because the meaning of Zhang Tianlong's call just now was to ask him to accompany the former during the weekend charity party.

It's nothing, after all, he was going to the party this weekend.

But he originally intended to do so, and now he was being questioned by others, and then had to do it in order to gag others, it felt different.

When will their Zhang family be kidnapped?

In order to silence other people's mouths, his brother had no choice but to do so.

It's as if I originally planned to go out according to my own wishes, but instead I was driven out with a broom by my father. This feeling is uncomfortable anyway.

This made Zhang Dihu very uncomfortable.

Nothing has been going my way lately.

Either Dongxing Securities was investigated and got into a lawsuit, or it was a sudden whim to crack down on gangsters.

However, relying on his elder brother's relationship, these are small scenes, and he also believes that it is impossible to find him in the Tiger Hall for the so-called operation this time.

"Master Tang!"

Zhang Dihu yelled to the room on one side, and Master Tang walked in quickly.

"How about the preparations for that operation?"

"Master Tiger, don't worry, I have already arranged scapegoats. They are all undercover agents of other gangs, or people related to other gangs. And in order to make the note less embarrassing, I specially arranged for a few middle-level leaders of Tiger Hall, Either they knew people from other gangs, or they were old and had lost their blood, so they just took advantage of the trend to clean them up."

"very good!"

Hearing Master Tang's answer, Zhang Dihu was very satisfied.

As expected of being his own military adviser for decades, he can rest assured that Master Tang will handle affairs.

"Master, are you sure about the Dongxing Securities case?"

Hearing Zhang Dihu's sudden mouth, Master Tang paused slightly.

"Master Hu, I don't think this case is very difficult. After all, Zhang Wei lacks key evidence, but I always feel that there are some things that I don't understand."

Mentioning Zhang Wei, Master Tang frowned.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for ordinary young people to be the opponents of the Tiger Hall, and no one has the guts to dare to confront them.

But Zhang Wei is obviously an exception.

This kid seems to be fearless, and he only picks and provokes difficult people.

They, Tiger Hall, are not devout men and women, they never expected Zhang Wei to show no fear at all.

"Master Tiger, I guess this kid has something to rely on!"

"Nonsense, all the four heavenly kings under my command have been defeated, and that kid has a powerful force by his side."

Zhang Dihu snorted coldly, quite dissatisfied with Zhang Wei's defeat of the Four Heavenly Kings under his command.

"Four Heavenly Kings..."

Regarding these five vulgar people, Master Tang was also a little speechless.

Although in terms of force, they are all good players who can stand up to ten or even hundreds.

But warriors are just not very smart, and occasionally they will give you a little trouble.

"Master Hu, don't worry, I've already taken care of Mr. Qian's side, and even just in case, I left all my apprentices at Dongxing Securities to make sure nothing goes wrong!"

Master Tang told Zhang Dihu all his advice to his apprentices.

"Well, if you do something, I can rest assured!"

Zhang Dihu waved his hand to tell Master Tang to step down.

The latter bowed to leave, and went down to prepare to go after saying goodbye.

Zhang Dihu sat on his grand teacher's chair, with a gloomy expression on his face.

"Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei, if it wasn't for you, how could my third brother be imprisoned!"


In a blink of an eye, three days passed.

It is 7 o'clock in the evening, and the lights of the Oriental Capital have been turned on.

The lights of Wanjia are reflected along the Dongjiang River, and the stars are shining brightly, just like the stars in the vast Milky Way. People can't help but admire, it's great to have a house!

Zhang Wei was dressed in formal attire, standing on the balcony and waiting.

As for who to wait for, it is naturally Xia Qianyue.

At the last charity gala, because Hanhan was busy, Zhang Wei invited Jessica to accompany him.

But this time is different, he can finally invite his nominal girlfriend to a dinner party.

"Zhang Wei, I've changed my clothes!"

The door opened, and Xia Qianyue, who was wearing a professional suit, came out.

After knowing her "shortcomings", Xia Qianyue also has a concept of dressing.

She also knows how to wear uniforms or OL outfits, which can perfectly cover up many of her shortcomings.

On the contrary, OL outfit can also make her look intellectual and professional.

Of course, she is a member of the investigation department, not a doctor or lawyer. It doesn't matter if she is professional or not, as long as Zhang Wei likes it.

"OK, let's go!"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, and was not dissatisfied with Xia Qianyue's preparation for so long.

Downstairs, Zhang Xinyan and Zhang Xinwu are already waiting here.

However, unlike Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei, Zhang Xinyan, the driver, and Zhang Xinwu, the companion, dressed more casually.

The purpose of comparing them today is not to attend a party where celebrities gather.

But... make trouble!

"Go, let's go!"

Zhang Xinyan drove the four of them to the manor on the outskirts of the city.

Originally, the traffic on the outskirts of the city was relatively smooth, but because Zhang Tianlong set the location of the charity party in this area, the traffic near the manor was blocked.

Even with the field assistance and guidance from the Transportation Department, it takes at least 20 minutes to pass a traffic light.

By the time Zhang Wei and the others arrived at their villa on the outskirts of the city, the charity party had already begun.

"Hanhan, let's go!"

Zhang Wei got out of the car and made a gentlemanly invitation.

Xia Qianyue was naturally very... The female man grabbed Zhang Wei's wrist, then scanned the surroundings with a hint of guard between her brows.

This naive, don't understand the mood.

Zhang Wei was helpless.

If it was Jessica, she would lightly hold her arm, leaning over very ladylike and let him lead her in.

"Forget it, take your time and cultivate a simple lady character step by step..."

Zhang Wei feels that this is a long way to go.

He could only lead Xia Qianyue into the manor.

"Jincheng Law Firm, Zhang Wei?"

At the gate of the manor, the waiter in charge of receiving the distinguished guests looked surprised after receiving the invitation from Zhang Wei.

"I remember this invitation is for Mr. Zhao Qingyan, why..."

"Uncle Zhao has something to do at the moment, so let me attend on his behalf. Why, can't you?"

"Yes, yes, but you, Zhang Wei, are not..."

The waiter glanced at Zhang Wei, embarrassed.

There is no way, now the entire East knows that the person in front of him has conflicts with the Zhang family.

Especially Zhang Lang, the youngest of the Zhang family, was not the one who sent him in.

Now in Zhang's territory, let you Zhang Wei come to the party, isn't this looking for trouble?

"Hehe, Lao Tang, you are here!" But at this moment, the sharp-eyed Zhang Wei saw an acquaintance, and immediately greeted him.

The one who was called Lao Tang was naturally Master Tang.

"Why is this little bastard here?"

Seeing Zhang Wei, Master Tang was also surprised.

He never expected that Zhang Wei would have the face to attend the charity party held by Zhang's family.

Don't you know how to write dead characters?

No, this time all the people who come here are people with a reputation in the East, so there can be no accidents.

Master Tang suppressed the viciousness in his heart, walked towards Zhang Wei with a fake smile on his face.

"Lawyer Zhang, why are you here?"

"Master Tang, don't I want to contribute to the charity of Dongfang Capital?"

As Zhang Wei said, he took out a check for 1 million and handed it to Mr. Tang.

"Here, here is the check I prepared. The amount is 1 million. It can be regarded as echoing Chairman Zhang's intention."

Master Tang took the check with surprise on his face.

You Zhang Wei can still be so kind, donate 1 million as soon as you say it?

But since you paid all the money and brought an invitation from the Zhao family, you should indeed be allowed in.

"Let Lawyer Zhang come in!"

As soon as he ordered, the waiters who blocked Zhang Wei unconsciously moved out of the way.

"Go, keep this check, and remember to mark Lawyer Zhang's name!"

Master Tang called another waiter, and after handing over the check, he gave some instructions.

The latter naturally nodded, and bowed to leave.

"Then, Lawyer Zhang, I don't want to accompany you if I have something else to do. There is self-service food in the garden, and all drinks are free here. You can do whatever you want."

Master Tang said a word and left directly.

But before he left, he told a nearby waiter and pointed to Zhang Wei's location.

Obviously, he told his subordinates to keep an eye on Zhang Wei and not let him cause trouble.

Zhang Wei naturally smiled slightly at these small actions, and led Xia Qianyue to wander around the garden of the manor together.

Speaking up.

The location of this garden is not far from the Wujia Manor where the Wulin leader challenged last time.

Even walking to the second floor of the manor, you can still see the Wu Family Manor not far away.

Both have the same design, garden villas, small bridges and flowing water, full of artistic conception.

Unfortunately, Zhang Wei felt that this place was a little too hypocritical.

At least for the guests who came here to attend the party, everyone wore a hypocritical mask and a hypocritical smile on their faces.

They met each other with smiles on their faces, but secretly they wanted to stab each other with a knife.

"No wonder Uncle Zhao doesn't like this place. It really is a hypocritical Vanity Fair. He spends his days tinkering with codes and researching new products. He may be bored with the world."

Zhang Wei led Xia Qianyue to walk around the garden for two or three times before finally walking into a hall.

There are more people here, and the masks on their faces are even more hypocritical.

"Mr. Qian, your company seems to have gotten into a little trouble recently?"

"Where is it? It's just a small problem. The Finance Department has said that our company is innocent. The culprit is that trader named Zai Zhan Qingze. I also suffered an innocent disaster."

"Really, I heard that your opponent seems to be a difficult person this time?"

"Zhang Wei, right? I think it's okay. I believe that lawyer Zhang should also be a person who understands righteousness. He won't embarrass a weak woman like me, right?"

After walking a few steps, Zhang Wei heard a familiar voice.

Molly Qian!

As Zhang Dihu's secret woman and a successful businesswoman in Dongfang Capital on the bright side, it is normal for her to come to the dinner party.

"Mr. Qian, is that person..." Among the people who talked with Qian Moli, someone recognized Zhang Wei.

Qian Moli looked back, and there was a flash of undisguised resentment in her eyes.

She obviously hated Zhang Wei to the core, and hated the person who confronted herself and Dongxing Securities in court.

However, this trace of resentment disappeared quickly, and Qian Moli's eyes regained her composure.

But it was obviously impossible for her to greet Zhang Wei.

Qian Moli turned around and started talking with a few familiar friends again, as if she didn't see Zhang Wei.

But when Zhang Wei walked past Qian Moli, he could keenly feel a murderous intent lingering around him. It was obvious that Qian Moli had been staring at him.

In the hall, all the guests are here.

As for why, it is naturally because Zhang Tianlong, the initiator of the party, is here.

And beside him, there is a man who is taller and has a face that is five or six points similar to him.

Zhang Dihu!

The legendary Tiger Lord in the Eastern Capital.

Speaking of which, this was the first time Zhang Wei met the other party, the legendary gang leader.

Of course, the other party's apparent identity is a philanthropist in Dongfangdu.

And compared to this identity, his elder brother's identity is truly dazzling.

Zhang Tianlong is the mayor of Dongfang Capital, so as his younger brother, he is naturally willing to be a green leaf.

Just when Zhang Wei walked into the hall, Master Tang heard the report from his waiter, and he hurriedly brought the news to Zhang Dihu's side.

After whispering a few words in the latter's ear, Zhang Dihu also looked at where Zhang Wei and the two were.

Zhang Dihu moved closer to his elder brother's ear and said a few words.

"Oh, Zhang Wei is here?"

Whether it was Zhang Tianlong or Zhang Dihu, they couldn't believe it when they heard the news that Zhang Wei was coming to the party.

How dare you little bastard come here!

After sending my brother to prison, you can still pretend to be okay and come to our party?

If we don't throw you out, don't we feel sorry for you?

But in fact, Zhang Tianlong still put on a smile, then gently pushed aside the crowd and walked towards Zhang Wei.

"Lawyer Zhang!"

I have to admit that Zhang Tianlong is a refined middle-aged man, and his smile can make people feel like a spring breeze.

At least when Zhang Wei saw Zhang Tianlong approaching him with a smiling face, he couldn't help complaining about "a complete hypocrite".

This smile, and this decent aura, are like Murong Fu in "Dragon and Ba Bu", Yue Buqun in "Swordsman", and Hua Tiegan in "Lian Cheng Jue".

Being from a noble family, a decent family, and a high position, these are all Zhang Tianlong's personalities.

"Chairman Zhang!"

Zhang Wei naturally greeted him with the same smile, and the two even shook hands cordially in front of the crowd.

"Lawyer Zhang, I heard that you donated 1 million for this party?"

"Wherever it is, this is all my heart."

"Lawyer Zhang is worthy of being a young talent in our Eastern Capital. If everyone can be as kind as you are, I believe we can build the Eastern Capital into a better place."

"Speaker Zhang is talking about making the East a better place."

At this moment, the two greeted each other with a smile, bringing the word hypocrisy to the extreme.

"By the way, I heard that you have had some conflicts with my brother recently, and you are still slandering him in court?"

Zhang Tianlong's smile suddenly faded, obviously referring to "business".

"Oh, Chairman Zhang, I heard it too, and in court, sometimes it is necessary to use some small means."

"That's true, but I still hope that as a lawyer, I can say something that is based on facts. After all, legal workers are all about evidence."

"Chairman Zhang said yes. I'm also surprised. Who said that your younger brother is the Tiger Lord from the Tiger Hall? Isn't this completely slandering? How could Chairman Zhang's younger brother be a gang member?"

"Hahaha, as long as Lawyer Zhang knows."

Zhang Tianlong smiled again.

"Come on, let me introduce you. This is my younger brother Zhang Dihu. He has always wanted to get to know you, Lawyer Zhang."

Under Zhang Tianlong's recommendation, Zhang Wei and Zhang Dihu officially met.

"Let's talk, I'm going to entertain other guests."

Zhang Tianlong smiled and left, leaving Zhang Dihu and Zhang Wei behind.

After the crowd left, Zhang Wei and Zhang Dihu were face to face.

"Master Tiger?"

"Lawyer Zhang, I'm not a tiger master, don't call me wrong!"

The two each took a step back, and then their faces became extremely indifferent.

Without outsiders, the two obviously didn't intend to pretend anymore.

"Master Tiger, you are joking, there are no outsiders here, so let's stop pretending."

"Lawyer Zhang, you are the one. Even if there are no outsiders, do you think I will fall into your trap?"

Zhang Dihu looked at Zhang Wei, and thought to himself that you probably have recording equipment on you, kid.

Don't think I don't know, I've already investigated your kid's style of doing things.

"By the way, Lawyer Zhang, can the conflict between you and Qian Moli be reconciled in private?"

Zhang Dihu pointed to Qian Moli who was not far away, and hinted to Zhang Wei.

"Master Tiger is planning to reconcile?"

"Civil litigation is nothing more than money!"

Zhang Dihu seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and said with a smile: "I know you also want to rely on this lawsuit to gain fame. After all, reputation is very important in your lawyer profession."

"But you probably don't know how much this fame can be exchanged for, so let me tell you on behalf of Qian Moli, if you can withdraw the case, she can give you this amount."

As Zhang Dihu said, he raised a finger.


"If Lawyer Zhang thinks it's too small, you can add a zero after it!"

"Master Tiger is really good at calculating. He took 20 billion from the investor and broke up many families. Then he decided to use 1 billion to eliminate the disaster. The last 1 billion is probably the last savings of countless families, right?"

"Lawyer Zhang, I don't understand what you're talking about. I only know that in Dongfangdu, no one can ignore my advice like that!"

"Really, Lord Tiger, let me tell you that I, Zhang, don't need to rely on cases to gain fame, thanks to some people, now the entire East knows that I am a 'murder lawyer'! "

"Hmph, since you don't eat and drink as punishment for toasting, then there's nothing to talk about!"

Seeing that Zhang Wei was not cooperating, Zhang Dihu didn't bother to talk anymore, so he turned around and left.

Zhang Wei, on the other hand, watched the other party go away with a sly smile on his face.

He returned to his female companion Xia Qianyue, and whispered in his ear: "Start to act, we must get the evidence we want today!"

Obviously, Zhang Wei came to the party for another purpose.

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