Zhang Wei planned to act.

After all, in this hypocritical Vanity Fair, although he thinks he can handle it, he is also a little bored.

Talking about people when seeing people, talking nonsense when seeing ghosts, getting together with a group of hypocrites, and saying things that are against your will.


Zhang Wei gestured to Xia Qianyue, who also nodded.

Then the two came to the nearby waiter at the same time.

"Excuse me, where is the bathroom?"

"Oh, the bathroom is on the second floor. Go up the stairs through the aisle over there, and then walk straight for 1 minute and you will see it."

The waiter showed Zhang Wei the way, and he set off immediately, as if he couldn't hold back, he ran wildly.

"It's so urgent!"

The waiter watched Zhang Wei leave and smiled.

Zhang Wei went up the stairs and went straight to the bathroom after reaching the second floor.

He quickly ran in and closed the door behind him.

At the corner, Zhang Wei took out a miniature earphone from his pocket and put it on for himself, then tested it.

"Hey, can you hear me?"

"I heard~"

On the other end, the voice of the second daughter, Zhao Xiaoxiao, sounded.

"Hey, hey, is Zhang Wei there?"

Suddenly, Xia Qianyue's voice also sounded.

"Hanhan, I can hear you!"

Zhang Wei glanced at the next door, where Xia Qianyue was.

However, the communication between the two has to be done through the tiny earphones in the ears.

"Smelly brother, report the situation!"

"Got it, got it, my sister has been in for almost 30 minutes, but I haven't found the place you mentioned so far. By the way, everything in the parking lot is normal, there is no problem."

Zhang Wei shouted again, and then Zhang Xinyan's reluctant voice sounded.

"It's normal that there is no situation outside, but Miss Xiao Wu has been searching for 30 minutes, but there is still no clue?"

Zhang Wei's eyeballs rolled, obviously also aware of the trouble.

"Zhang Wei, why do you insist on saying that the clue is here?"

Xia Qianyue, who was also hiding next door, once again played the role of a curious baby, with a slightly puzzled tone.

"It's very simple. How did you feel when you saw Zhang Tianlong and Zhang Dihu for the first time?"

"They are so hypocritical. They obviously hate you to death, but they can still come up to you and smile at you and shake your hand."

"Yeah, that's it."

Whether it is Zhang Tianlong or Zhang Dihu, they are all very hypocritical, so hypocritical that Zhang Wei is too lazy to talk to them.

Because such a person is the one who really talks to people when he sees people, and talks nonsense to the devil, anyway, not half of what he says is the truth.

"Do you remember Team Wu's mission today?"

"Remember, cooperate with the anti-crime team to act together."

"That's it. Zhang Dihu understands that there is an investigation outside, and the target is probably the Tiger Hall. Then, as the boss of the Tiger Hall, he will definitely want to hide the secrets of the Tiger Hall and hide it in a place where anyone can find it." out of reach."

"The headquarters of Tiger Hall?"

Hearing Xia Qianyue's guess, Zhang Wei smiled.

"If it was a normal time, the secret would indeed be hidden in the headquarters of the Tiger Hall, but is today a normal time, obviously not?"

After he laughed, he analyzed in a cold voice: "Zhang Dihu is very hypocritical, and how hypocritical people look at other people, they may regard others as the same as themselves."

"When they look at others, they always think that this person is hiding secrets in their hearts. When they see someone acting abnormally, they think that this person may be a spy. When communicating with others, they will also think about whether this person is approaching me for other purposes. "

"Because they are hypocrites themselves, they will also substitute others into the same people as themselves. In other words, they can never trust others, only themselves. They believe that in this hypocritical world, only themselves are the most reliable that person."

Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes and emphasized: "So, Zhang Dihu will definitely hide the secrets related to the Tiger Hall by his side, that is, hide it here. As for the so-called headquarters of the Tiger Hall, where Zhang Dihu is , that can be regarded as the headquarters!"

"But there is going to be a party here today, isn't there too many people?"

"No, there are actually not many people at all, and the location of the party is actually only a small part of the manor. This manor is so big, it is enough to hide something."

Zhang Wei said, looking out the door.

"What's more, because the entire East knows that a charity gala is going to be held here, and this is an event initiated by the city councilor, it is absolutely impossible for the investigation department to search here. The secret of Tiger Hall is hidden here. Absolutely safe."

"Now is the time for us to dig out this secret thoroughly!"

When Zhang Wei said this, his face became extremely dignified.


at the same time.

Oriental Capital, somewhere at the pier.

Unlike the bustling city center, the pier becomes sparsely populated at night.

Except for some trading ports that are still operating at night, some small piers in the Eastern Capital are empty at night.

Because of this, evil is easy to breed in places that ordinary people can't touch.

Tiger Hall controls many dock businesses in the Eastern Capital, and this small dock is also owned by Tiger Hall.

In the warehouse in the pier, many people are gathering at the moment.

"What's the situation, boss, let us come here, saying that there is a batch of goods?"

"This place, the headquarters is about to give up. How can there be goods to be handed over, and it's still in such a place like this?"

"Yeah, this pier seems to be out of use for a long time. There have been no ships coming over for several months, and the goods are here today?"

A few gangsters got together and discussed things.

"Boss, what's the situation? It's the appointed time, why is there no movement from the seller?"

One of the gangsters came to a man with a higher status and asked impatiently.

"The meaning given above is to wait, wait until the goods are handed over to us!"

The man just waved his hand and didn't say much.

However, his complexion is indeed not very good-looking.

Because he has recently received a little wind, as if there is some action from above.

However, due to his status in the gang, he didn't know the detailed information, it was just hearsay.

"somebody is coming!"

Suddenly, another gangster yelled.

The man led a group of men, looked towards the warehouse exit, and saw more than a dozen gangsters walking in one after another.

"Hehe, I don't know who it is, isn't this Brother Huo?"

"Qiangzi?" The man called Brother Huo frowned after looking at the person.

Because this guy named Qiangzi has about the same status as himself in the gang, and the two don't get along very well on weekdays.

Most importantly, the two belong to the same gang.

Since he is one of his own, he is not a transaction partner.

"Qiangzi, what are you doing here?"

"The boss asked me to collect a batch of goods, and the appointed time is now, but Brother Huo, you also know that since I was in school, I hate things like returning from early to late, and I hate waiting for others the most. So we got there within the agreed time.”

"How come, you are also here to receive the goods?" Hearing this answer, Brother Huo frowned.

"Also... Brother Huo, what do you mean?" Qiang Zi also noticed something was wrong.

What's the point of the gang asking two gangs to collect the same batch of goods?

For a moment, a bad thought flashed in the minds of the two of them.


"Drip flash!"

The two each yelled at the younger brothers, and then shouted at the wind.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

bang bang bang!

Around the warehouse, there was a sudden explosion, followed by projectiles with smoke falling in front of them.

"Tear gas!"

Seeing the thing on the ground, whether it was brother Huo or Qiangzi, their expressions changed dramatically.

This is the stuff of the investigation department, and it is generally the equipment commonly used by anti-mafia groups.

Although unknown, it can make you uncomfortable.

And the most important thing is that when they see this thing, they will understand that there are people from the anti-mafia group nearby.

"Brothers, the note is here, let's fight!"

Qiangzi had an impulsive personality, he yelled directly at his subordinates, and then took the lead in charging.

"Oops, was it calculated, or was the transaction exposed?"

Brother Huo frowned, his eyes flickered, and he began to think about why he was in such a situation.

He completely followed the instructions from above, and came to the specified place to receive the specified goods at the specified time, which did not violate the arrangement of the above at all.

In the past, as long as you obeyed the rules, there would be absolutely no problems.

But today, what's going on?

How could there be a note, and it seemed that the other party had already been waiting here.

"Boss, what should we do?"

A younger brother shouted in a panic.

Because of the effect of tear gas, all of them had red eye circles, tears streaming down their faces, and their faces were full of pain.

This feeling is like someone is chopping onions in front of you. After cutting hundreds of onions without stopping, the eyes can hardly stand it.

"Rush with Qiangzi!"

Brother Huo waved his hand and asked the younger brothers to follow behind Qiangzi.

However, he himself did not act. Instead, he took out a quick face towel from his pocket and covered his face.

Seeing his subordinates rushing out with Qiangzi, Brother Huo ran straight to the corner where no one was around.

There is more than one person in the warehouse, he chooses to walk the path alone, so that it is not easy to be exposed.

As a result, when Brother Huo ran out from the path of the warehouse, he saw a dozen or so people densely packed at the door.

"Stop and put your hands up!"

More than a dozen guns were aimed at him, and Brother Huo said that there is no need to be so solemn.

He raised his hand almost reflexively, without any hesitation.

Soon, Brother Huo and the younger brothers met again, and also met Qiangzi.

The dozens of younger brothers under him were all subdued to the ground, and no one dared to act rashly.

"Team Lei, Team Lin, Team Wu, Team Liu, all the people who have been arrested so far are here, no fish slipped through the net!"

Brother Huo felt that he was swept by the eyes of many people.

"It's strange, don't you think this operation is too smooth?"

"If you don't tell me, I feel the same way."

"Didn't I receive a tip that some high-level executives from the Tiger Hall came here to trade? Why do I feel like I caught some low-level boys?"

Hearing this last sentence, Brother Huo almost wanted to reply.

They are all younger brothers, but I am not, I am a person of status.

"It's a joke, you don't even ask, who am I Qiangzi? If you call me a low-level younger brother, I Qiangzi refuses to accept it!"

Well, someone really said something.

Brother Huo was speechless, and almost couldn't help kicking Qiangzi to death.

You're so brainless, aren't you?

Both of us have fallen, and you are still forcing Lai Lai, and revealing your identity, for fear that others will not know that you are the middle level of the gang?

Do you understand if you cooperate, don't talk when things happen, understand?

"Brother Huo, you should say something!" Qiangzi shouted directly.

"Brother Huo, I don't know what you're talking about!"

Brother Huo really couldn't bear it any longer, and wanted to give that bastard a hard time.

Who are you, I don't know you well, Brother Huo is something you can shout, shut up for me.

"Brother Huo?"


"I remember these two guys are the middle-level cadres of Tiger Hall, but they don't seem to be the top-ranked middle-level cadres."

"So what about the middle level, if it's not the high level, the gains from this operation will not be great."

"Forget it, forget it, it's better to catch someone than not to catch it, it's good to have someone."

"By the way, Team Lei, how about the operation over there?"

A tall man took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Oh, how about the anti-mafia group's actions?"

"People have been caught, but it seems that there are only two or three middle-level cadres. Are you the same?"

"Understood, it looks like our operation failed!"

The tall man hung up the phone, and then looked at his colleagues.

"The anti-mafia group is the same as us. They raided the 'headquarters' and caught two or three kittens. We raided the 'trading location' and also caught two or three kittens."

The group looked at each other, as if they sensed something was wrong.

"Team Lei, we found some contraband in the warehouse!"

At this moment, a team member greeted him.

5 minutes later.

All the contraband in the warehouse was seized and spread out one by one on the open space of the dock.

But whether it was Qiangzi or Brother Huo, seeing the amount of contraband in front of them, they all looked puzzled.

Because they really didn't expect that this batch of goods had already been placed in the dock warehouse. They thought that the containers piled up in the corner were empty, but they didn't expect there to be goods inside.

Now it's time to play.

Is it considered stolen and won now?

"Is there anything else nearby?"

"Lei team, we have searched everything, and even sent assistance dogs, there is really nothing nearby."

"It's gone, then close the team!"

With a wave of the team leader's hand, everyone began to close the team.

Contraband and gang members are naturally taken away and seized.

After returning to the headquarters of the investigation department, the two groups of the crime team and the anti-mafia team also joined together.

Looking at the people captured by both sides, the team leaders of both sides could tell that the operation was actually a failure if no one was caught.

Someone was caught, but it was the same as not being caught. That's probably what it meant.

Lei Hu, Lin Ruonan, Wu Yong and others from the serious crime team also got together at this moment.

They were in the monitoring room, watching the scene in the interrogation room next door.

The leader of the anti-mafia team is interrogating Brother Huo inside.

"I won't say a word until my lawyer comes!"

"Where's your lawyer? He hasn't come yet. I've been waiting for more than an hour?"

"Anyway, I'm going to wait for my lawyer, they will definitely come!"

"Okay, I'll stay here with you today and see when your lawyer will come."

Seeing the stalemate in the interrogation room, Lei Hu and the others shook their heads.

They knew that in this interrogation, there was actually nothing to be asked.

As for the so-called lawyers, usually when they catch people from Tiger Hall, the lawyers almost follow them there.

But this time, things were a little abnormal. It had been an hour, and the lawyer hadn't shown up yet.

This shows what?

"I always feel that the other party seems to know about this action in advance?"

"Yeah, I have the same feeling. When we acted today, there happened to be two middle-level cadres in there, and they happened to find contraband that could convict them, and the lawyer from Tiger Hall didn't show up for a long time. It's a possibility."

"They are all outcasts!"

Several captains looked at each other in blank dismay, and then showed unwillingness.

You caught the people from the Tiger Hall, but they let you catch them.

This feeling is like being manipulated by others.

Looking at the anti-mafia team leader who was still competing with the gangsters in the interrogation room, Lei Hu and the others shook their heads.

This time, it was doomed to fail.

Although there will be a press conference in the future, the information of brother Huo Qiangzi and others will be announced, and the anti-mafia group will be commended for their contribution in this arrest operation.

But only they knew that the two or three kittens caught were nothing more than two legs of a centipede to a gang like Tiger Hall.

If you give up, you give up.

What they are thinking about now is when the news of this operation leaked, and what link went wrong.

It has been planned for so long, but why is it so...

Obviously they were divided into two groups, one team raided the stronghold, and the other pair raided the trading site, but both teams unexpectedly rushed to nothing.

The person behind the Tiger Hall has hands and eyes all over the sky.


at the same time.

Charity gala scene.

"Well, okay, I see."

Zhang Tianlong hung up the phone, and then came to his brother Zhang Dihu with a smile.

"The team has been closed over there. I have caught a few people you arranged in advance. A press conference will be held later to commend the achievements of the operation."

"Hmph, harvest."

Hearing what his brother said, Zhang Dihu smiled.

Those cops are really stupid, I let you catch them, so you can catch people.

If I don't let you catch it, you won't get anything.

The corner of Zhang Dihu's mouth curled up slightly.

This is the advantage that status brings, allowing him to override the general rules.

"Speaker, you need to take the lead in lighting the fireworks."

At this moment, the speaker's secretary hurried over and whispered in Zhang Tianlong's ear.

"Let's go, the next thing is the focus of this event. Your plans tonight are going smoothly, and it's worth ordering a firework to celebrate!"

"Okay, today we have to set off fireworks to celebrate."

Zhang Dihu followed Zhang Tianlong to the garden.

at the same time.

Bathroom on the second floor of the manor.

"Zhang Wei, I seem to have found a place where there are no guests nearby, but it is well guarded!"

"Okay, that must be the place where Zhang Dihu hides his secrets. Miss Wu, please stand by where you are, and we will arrive later."

Zhang Wei said, looking at the time.

"Hanhan, the fireworks show will start later, and we are ready to act!"


Hearing Xia Qianyue's response, Zhang Wei nodded.

Afterwards, he looked left and right, and after confirming that no one came in the bathroom, he moved away from the wall of the women's bathroom.

In the next second, a trail of flames rose from the garden.



The fireworks went high into the sky and then exploded.


The wall of the bathroom also exploded at the moment when the fireworks exploded...

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