Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 477 The end of the operation, a fire

Before Zhang Wei acted, he specifically warned Xia Qianyue.

When you can act, it is best to control the movement to be small.

Although there was the explosion of fireworks as a cover, he was actually a little scared in his heart.

Zhang Wei's mouth widened when he saw the wall explode.

Fortunately, although the bathroom is large, there is no one in it.

If there were people inside, they might be scared to death.

The dust dissipated, and a figure in night clothes walked out of the blasted wall.

"Hanhan, can you be quieter?"

"No, this wall is a bit thick. If I don't use my strength, it will not be easy to break through."

After removing the mask, Xia Qianyue pointed to the wall behind her with a big hole in it with a solemn face.

Seeing the other party's serious face, Zhang Wei could only complain wildly in his heart.

As expected of the Zhang family's house, the quality is good, my Hanhan really can't punch through the wall without fists.

As he spoke, Zhang Wei also took out a black mask from his pocket, directly covering his face.

He was wearing a black formal suit, so he could blend into the night, and he didn't need to change clothes in advance like Xia Qianyue.

"Okay, wait for the next firework to wake up, you just break the wall in this corner, and we'll go straight from here!"

Zhang Wei pointed to an area in the corner of the bathroom and said so.


Xia Qianyue rolled up her sleeves, flexed her right wrist, and was ready to go.

Chirp - snap!

In the garden, the second firework rose, and then exploded.


The corner of the bathroom exploded with the sound of fireworks.

Looking at the big hole in the ground in front of him, Zhang Wei swallowed subconsciously.


The two got in from the blasted hole and quickly left the bathroom.

And the bathroom door.

There are also a few waiters standing here, and they look inside with strange expressions.

"By the way, did the floor shake twice just now?"

"Also, is the sound of the fireworks exploding so loud? Did I have tinnitus, did I hear something strange?"

"Maybe, but I'm just wondering, it's just going to the toilet, does it take so long?"

A waiter pointed to the bathroom with a strange expression on his face.

Because Zhang Wei went in, it had been quite a while, and logically speaking, it would not take so long to put the water.

"By the way, that girl also went into the bathroom, did she go into the man's or the woman's, will they have a hair in it?"

"Who knows, but I guess it's possible."

The waiters seemed to have guessed the truth, and their smiles suddenly became obscene.

Anyway, there is only one entrance to the bathroom, as long as they stay here, it is absolutely impossible for them to miss Zhang Wei!

at the same time.

The two people who were supposed to have a fight in the bathroom have already moved quickly on the roof of the manor.

But it's an action, but Xia Qianyue is actually carrying Zhang Wei on his back, flying over the eaves and walls.

Hearing the sound of breaking wind and the explosion of fireworks not far away, Zhang Wei felt that this night was really exciting.

After Xia Qianyue jumped several times in a row, she finally came to a courtyard-style house, and there was already a woman in night clothes waiting here.

Zhang Xinwu took off the scarf and hurriedly said: "Sister Xiaoxia, Zhang Wei, you are here!"

"Is this right here, Miss Wu?"

"Yes, there are quite a few guards below, and there are even some good players. It must be here."

Zhang Wei looked in the direction of Zhang Xinwu's finger, and saw many tall and strong bodyguards in black walking around in the yard.

This courtyard is obviously not the venue for the party, but the guards are stricter than the venue of the party.

That speaks for itself.

"Then it looks like the secret of Tiger Hall is hidden here."

"Do you want to act?"

Zhang Xinwu put on the black face scarf again, ready to move her hands and feet.

Xia Qianyue on the side was even more eager to try, waiting for an order for a long time, and was about to kill.

"Don't worry, wait for Xiaoxiao to cut off the signal here."

As Zhang Wei spoke, he tapped his earphones.

"Xiaoxiao, how are you doing over there?"

"Don't worry, the little guys who cut off the signal have already arrived."

"Little ones?"

Zhang Wei froze for a moment, then raised his head.

In the light of the fireworks, a white shadow approached rapidly.

It was a drone, very fast, hurtling through the sky above the three of them.

It just flew over, as if something had been sprinkled down, a dark patch, like a bunch of insects.

Zhang Wei stretched out his palm, took it, and saw a bug the size of an ant in his palm.

When he took a closer look, it wasn't a bug, but some kind of tiny robot.

"This is a robot commissioned by the war department to develop. It is usually used in the battlefield area. Today, I went to ask for a set to cooperate with the operation."

In the earphones, Zhao Xiaoxiao's voice sounded.

"Good guy!"

Seeing that the small and exquisite thing in his palm turned out to be a battlefield robot, Zhang Wei had to say, Uncle Zhao is awesome.

The ant-like bugs quickly fell into the building below, climbed on the wooden beams of the wall, and soon filled the surrounding area.


As Zhao Xiaoxiao yelled all over, she seemed to press a certain button.


There was a burst of electric current in the earphones, and then Zhao Xiaoxiao's voice completely disconnected them.

"Second girl, second girl?"

Zhang Wei shouted a few words in a low voice, but Zhao Xiaoxiao didn't respond at all.

Apparently, the contact communication was interrupted.

Zhang Wei and the others put the earphones away, then looked down.

There is nothing more to say, the action begins!

"Do it!"

Following two yells, Xia Qianyue and Zhang Xinwu jumped into the courtyard.



"Bold, dare to..."


The group of guards hadn't finished speaking when they heard a "cracking" sound from below, and then they all lay down on the ground.

"Quick, call for backup!"

Someone immediately realized that it might seem like two people, but the fighting power is too fierce.

need help!

But after they took out the walkie-talkie, they found that there was no movement on the other end.

Putting the walkie-talkie close to my ear, I could only hear a burst of noisy current.

Communication has been cut off!

In just 3 minutes, the battle below was over.

When Zhang Wei jumped down carefully, he saw that the guards all over the floor had lost consciousness.

"As expected of Miss Xiaowu and Hanhan, their fighting power is fierce!"

Seeing the results of the two girls' battles, Zhang Wei was glad that they were all his own.

If this is the enemy, wouldn't he be unable to sleep at night?


After Zhang Wei and the second daughter met, he waved his hand directly, as if giving orders, and the group began to grope.

This courtyard is very large, and there are many rooms in it, but Zhang Wei didn't look at the rooms on the first and second floors.

He knew that even if Zhang Dihu wanted to hide something, he couldn't hide it in a conspicuous place.

He must be in a very, very hidden location.

Since this place belongs to the Zhang family, it is reasonable to prepare several basements in the manor.

The basement is not only secret, but also the size of the space depends on how you dig.

If you have a lot of things to hide, why not just dig the basement a little bigger?

The three of Zhang Wei walked in the house. After sweeping all the way, they finally came to a closed iron gate.

There was a guard at the gate, but Xia Qianyue stopped him for less than a second, and the other party probably didn't even have time to react.

"This door is quite thick!"

Zhang Wei knocked on the sealed iron door in front of him, which cannot be opened by manpower.

That being the case, he naturally took a few steps back.

"Hanhan, look at the timing, remember to listen to the sound of fireworks outside, and don't make any big noises."

"I will try my best……"

Xia Qianyue, who was regarded as a door-opening machine, moved her wrist and began to accumulate strength in her body.


The sound of fireworks outside continued.


Xia Qianyue's voice of "opening the door" also sounded.

But when he punched down, the iron door was only slightly twisted and deformed, and a small part was dented.

"So hard!"

Looking at the twisted iron gate in front of her, Xia Qianyue was a little surprised.

"One punch is not enough, then two more punches!"

Zhang Wei chuckled, signaling Xia Qianyue not to worry.

Anyway, the communication was cut off, and they were not afraid of setting off any alarms.

Moreover, Zhang Dihu seems to be very confident in this place, and has not set up any security organs.

After a few more fireworks exploded, the iron gate finally couldn't support the bombardment of Xia Qianyue's fist, it became fragmented, and collapsed with a loud cry.

Behind the iron gate is a dark secret passage leading underground.

The three of Zhang Wei looked at each other, apparently feeling that they had found the right place.

"Let's go, the secret of Tiger Hall is inside!"

The three walked into it, and their figures were quickly swallowed by darkness.


On the other side, the party scene.

In the sky, fireworks rose one after another, exploding colorful flames.

As the initiator of the party, Zhang Tianlong stood in the middle of the garden, surrounded by a crowd of people.

Beside him is his younger brother Zhang Dihu.

The two stood hand in hand, smiling all over their faces, accepting the constant compliments from the people around them.

But being in the center of Vanity Fair, the two brothers didn't feel disgusted at all, they dealed with it calmly, as if they were born to like it.

Not far away, Master Tang came over and nodded to Master Hu.

"Excuse me, I have to leave for a while."

Zhang Dihu hurriedly greeted the people around him with a smile, then pushed through the crowd and came to Master Tang's place.

"Master, is there any movement from that kid?"

"Master Hu, don't worry, that kid, he should be at..."

As Master Tang said, he leaned into Zhang Dihu's ear and whispered a few words.

"Oh, it's been almost an hour, and you haven't come out of the bathroom yet?"

Zhang Dihu also laughed when he heard that, he really is a good guy, he planned to not come out before the end of the party, right?

Is your kid really that good in stamina?

Or is it that in this kind of occasion, doing those things secretly makes you feel stimulated, and you are reluctant to come out?

"Master, are you sure that kid has been inside?"

"Yes, I'm sure, I have four or five of my men staring at them, and there is only one exit to the bathroom, there is no way they can hide from so many people's eyes."

Master Tang is naturally very confident.

But he didn't know that there was only one bathroom exit, but someone could use brute force to open another exit.

"That's good. After all, this is an important occasion, and that brat doesn't dare to make trouble!"

Zhang Dihu sneered, and asked again: "So, what about the action I told you before?"

"Master Hu, don't worry, the candidates have been drawn up long ago, and they have all been taken away now. According to the news we have received, both the Anti-Mafia Squad and the Serious Crime Squad have been closed."

Master Tang said with a cold smile: "Those guys, it doesn't matter if they confess or not. They haven't been exposed to the core secrets of our Tiger Hall for more than half a year. Even if they really want to confess, there is nothing to say."

"And my apprentices are guarding Dongxing Securities, and I won't save them. Only the public defenders arranged by the court can help them. However, how can they be rescued by the level of public defenders?"

Master Hu and Master Tang looked at each other and smiled, their eyes were full of sarcasm.

This time, they counted everything.

"Then that's the only case left."

In Zhang Dihu's eyes, there was a hint of viciousness and viciousness.

As long as the Dongxing Securities case is over, they can use the 20 billion yuan to sit back and relax for a while.

Next time when they are short of funds, they will still follow the old plan to sacrifice a blamer, and then...

"Hey, Lord Tiger, is there a barbecue at the party?"

At this moment, Master Tang suddenly sniffed his nose with a strange expression on his face.

He vaguely remembered that food was prepared for the party, but no barbecue was arranged.

But why did he smell a burning smell? What's the situation?

"Master Tiger, I'm getting old, has my nose degenerated, do you smell burnt?"

Zhang Dihu frowned, and the tip of his nose twitched.

He also smelled the same smell, like barbecue, but mixed with some burnt and pungent smell.

"It's not good, it's on fire!"

Not far away, someone shouted, attracting everyone's attention.

Not far away, the flames shot up into the sky and diffused with the goods.

The flames rose, and almost half of the area of ​​the manor was ignited.

"Master Tiger, that's where!"

Zhang Dihu and Master Tang looked not far away, their faces were horrified, and their canthus were cracked.

Because that place is where Zhang Dihu stores important things, and his subordinates strictly guard it 24 hours a day.

But now, that place is actually on fire.

"Quick, cover the speaker to leave!"

In the garden, the city councilor's bodyguards began to move to cover Zhang Tianlong's evacuation.

Zhang Tianlong was also depressed at the moment.

Why did I attend two charity galas and both ended up in trouble?

Although I participated in name only for the first time, the initiators were Lin Xiangtian and the others, so I just put up with it.

This second time, it was initiated in my own name, how could something happen?

What do those subordinates do to eat? How can they let go of the fire hazard?

What do people in Dongfang Capital think of me now? The charity party initiated by the mayor was interrupted due to work negligence?

I, Zhang Tianlong, don't want to lose face, do you?

But now, he couldn't say anything, and he was surrounded by a group of subordinates and bodyguards, who led him to retreat.

Zhang Tianlong had no choice but to leave under the cover of his subordinates, then got into a special vehicle and left the scene.

But when he was sitting in the car, he began to think about a problem.

The burning place seems to be the basement where my younger brother hides the secrets of Tiger Hall, right?

That place is the top priority, why did it catch fire?

The manor was in chaos because of the fire.

Many people panicked, fled around, and rushed out of the manor.

In the crowd, three figures also left along with the crowd, and then quickly got into the car.

"Smelly brother, drive and walk!"

Following someone's order, Zhang Xinyan drove directly away from the scene.


The next day, the weekend.

Zhang Wei sat in the Lin Mansion, looking at the "Dongfang Metropolis Morning Post" in his hand.

The title of the first page of the article is about the fire situation at the charity party yesterday.

The cause of the fire was a leak from an underground gas pipeline, and then an open flame caused a fire, but fortunately no explosion occurred.

However, at the scene of the fire, the bodies of many people were found, and none of these people escaped from the scene.

"Hmph, the scumbags of the Tiger Hall deserve their death!"

Seeing the death toll reported in the article, Zhang Wei was not sympathetic at all.

Because these people are all from Tiger Hall.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, someone knocked on the door of the Lin Mansion.

"come yet?"

Zhang Wei sneered and got up to open the door.

"We are from the serious crime team of the investigation department, lawyer Zhang Wei, is it convenient for you to talk now?"

Standing at the gate was Captain Liu, Zhang Wei's old acquaintance, who took out his ID almost mechanically.

"Captain Liu, what's the situation? Why did you alert the crime team? What did I do?"

"You didn't do anything wrong, it's just that a fire broke out in a certain manor on the outskirts of the city yesterday, and many people were burned to death at the scene. The higher-ups asked us to inquire about the situation at the scene."

"I remember that the cause of the fire has been determined. It was a gas pipe leak, so it was an accident?"

"Although it was an accident, after all, there were so many casualties, and it was difficult for the higher-ups to do so. We have to give everyone an explanation."

Captain Liu said, and directly took out his notebook, "Lawyer Zhang, because this is not a criminal case, we just want to restore the truth as much as possible, please cooperate with us."

"It's natural, I will definitely cooperate with you."

As Zhang Wei said, he invited Captain Liu and the others in, and made them all a cup of tea.

Subsequently, Zhang Wei began to "explain" the situation at that time.

"You don't know, I was going to the toilet that day, and suddenly it caught fire. The fire was too big. I was so scared at the time, so I ran out with my Hanhan, and then decisively got in the car and left."

"Who is your Hanhan?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's Xiaoxia. Isn't she a foolish person? I'm used to shouting."

"After the party started, you went to the bathroom not long after and stayed in it for an hour?"

"That's right, Captain Liu, you don't know how boring it is outside, so it's better to have fun inside."

"Entertainment entertainment..."

Captain Liu, as a veteran of the serious crime team, naturally knows what the so-called entertainment really means.

He also visited pornographic venues before, and some young couples like to do some work in the bathroom for the sake of excitement...

He never expected that the seemingly gentle Zhang Wei in front of him would play so flamboyantly.

"Did you really hold on for an hour?"

"Why, Captain Liu doubts my ability?"


Well, Lao Liu stopped talking.

He was old and didn't want to know about such things.

The investigation ended quickly, Captain Liu couldn't ask anything, so he could only leave.

Zhang Wei watched them leave with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Next, it's time for Zhang Dihu to have a headache.

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