Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 478 Public opinion, hot search, second fire


In a luxurious villa, the master bedroom on the second floor.

Zhang Dihu opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling with a trance look on his face.

Beside him lay a naked woman.

"Master Tiger, can't you sleep?"

After the woman woke up, she saw Zhang Dihu lying motionless, with some worry on her brows.

"Yeah, I can't sleep!"

Zhang Dihu opened his eyes, his gaze remained motionless, and his brows could not be stretched.

Because just last night, the place where the Tiger Hall's secrets were hidden was burned down by a fire.

As for the cause of the fire, he did not know.

But he knew that the place was specially chosen, and there was no gas pipeline underneath.

And even if there is a gas pipeline, even if there is an explosion, with the defense measures in that place, neither the explosion nor the flames can threaten the underground location.

So, obviously someone opened it up and set fire to the place from the inside out.

Only in this way can we explain why the fire was so big at that time, and why not only the outside but also the inside were burned.

But, have all the secrets really been burned away?

What if someone sneaks in, takes his secrets, and then burns them to pieces?

Once this thought occurred to Zhang Dihu, he became restless.

Because if this is true, if I guessed correctly, then it's not good.

He has been in charge of Tiger Hall for so many years, the records, ledgers, and transaction information left behind.

Aren't all the things he did, the secrets of so many years, going to be exposed?

If so...

He is going to have trouble sleeping and eating.

So here comes the problem.

Who set the fire last night?

Although the news on the surface was that the pipeline was leaking, he knew the problem himself.

He was waiting, waiting for a call that would reassure him.

Jingle Bell!

Soon, the phone rang.

"Master Tiger, we've done an investigation. There should be no suspects among the guests who attended the party last night!"

"You specifically asked to investigate Zhang Wei, but Zhang Wei was in the bathroom with his girl that night, until the fire broke out and ran out in a hurry, and then the two fled the party."

Hearing this news, Zhang Dihu was still worried.

"Are you sure they were in the bathroom all the time?"

On the other end of the phone, the subordinate paused, and then said with certainty:

"Yes, I asked the waiter who was in charge of watching. The kid didn't come out until the fire, and he was inside all the time."

"Later, because of the large fire and the traffic jam when the guests fled, the fire trucks arrived very late. Not to mention the inside of the manor, even the party outside was affected by the fire, and the second floor where the bathroom was located was also burned down. .”

"Speaking of which, it's also the fate of this kid. If he is still there, he may be buried in a sea of ​​flames that night!"

Zhang Dihu was naturally not interested in listening to his subordinates' teasing.

"I see."

He said a word and hung up the phone.

But even though he heard the reports from his subordinates, he didn't let go of his hanging heart.

"Master Tiger, why don't you rest for a while, I haven't slept all night~"

The person next to the pillow said delicately.

But Zhang Dihu couldn't sleep now.

"Jasmine, let's forget about it today, I'm not in the mood."

Pushing the woman away, Zhang Dihu got up directly.

The woman was Qian Moli.

As a female business executive, she was just a caring maid in front of this man.

Seeing Lord Tiger get up, she hurriedly stood by and helped him get dressed.

"Master Tiger, are you leaving?"

"Of course, there are some things that I have to check myself!"

"Well, Lord Tiger, my case..."

"Don't worry, Master Tang will take care of it."

Faced with Qian Moli's request, Zhang Dihu was obviously not in the mood, so he said something perfunctory.

"Master Hu, if Master Tang can't handle it, you won't give up on me, will you?"

"Don't worry, you've been with me for so long, I can't bear you!"

Zhang Dihu left, but he gave the woman a guarantee before leaving.

Hearing this guarantee, Qian Moli's mood improved instantly, and most of the original melancholy in her heart disappeared.

Because she knows how powerful her man is.

As long as the other party promises to protect herself, no one dares to touch her.

Let alone one Zhang Wei, she is not afraid of ten.


What is Zhang Wei doing now?

He's very busy right now, very busy.

Since coming back that night, he locked himself in the room and didn't go out for a day.

Even lunch and dinner were brought to him by the second daughter from the Zhang's Martial Arts Hall next door.

It wasn't until early in the morning that the door of the room opened slowly.

Zhang Wei stared at a pair of dark circles under his eyes, and walked out step by step.

"Wow, how many nights have you been up?"

The second girl, who was wearing pajamas and was about to go upstairs to sleep, exclaimed when she saw him.

Zhang Wei's state at this moment is the same as when he stayed up all night for several nights.

"Although less than 24 hours have passed, I said that I have stayed up for 10 days and nights, do you believe it?"

"You lied, hum!"

As a smart person, Zhao Xiaoxiao naturally didn't believe Zhang Wei's "nonsense".

But Zhang Wei sighed.

Why do many people not believe the truth?

But then he looked into his room.

"Tiger Hall, Zhang Dihu, you guys are really amazing, you have done so much evil!"

In his room, lies the biggest secret of the Tiger Hall, and these secrets were all brought out by him during the fire.

Now, Monday's trial will be interesting.

But before the trial begins, Zhang Wei still has some things to arrange.

He took out his mobile phone and hurriedly made a call.

"Hey, it's Editor-in-Chief Pei, how are you and Editor-in-Chief Guan?"

"Oh, don't worry, you can come back after the incident this time is over, and going out now is just to avoid the limelight temporarily?"

"If you say no problem, that's good, that's good, thank you for your hard work."

"By the way, I just called to ask, do you have any friends from the media in the East, preferably the kind who dare to break the news and are not afraid of offending people."

"Oh, I see. Thank you, Editor-in-Chief Pei. I will contact them later."

"Where are you, you are polite, so bye."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Wei waited for a while before dialing a number.

Then, his plan began.



There have been many big revelations in the news media circle of Dongfang Capital.

"Shocked, Tiger Hall, the largest evil force in the Eastern Capital, has acted heinously! "

"Shocked, the true face hidden behind the philanthropist is actually..."

"The mayor is also implicated, the two brothers are all human faces and animal hearts? "

"Why the anti-crime operation failed, the truth turned out to be..."

Almost at the same time, a storm blew up in the news media world of Dongfangdu.

Many unknown or even low-level media, freelance writers, suddenly published a lot of revelations about Tiger Hall.

It is said that there is also content that directly points to Zhang Tianlong, the speaker of the Eastern Metropolis Council himself.

What was supposed to be a quiet weekend became lively because of the ups and downs in the media world.

The Internet is full of people who eat melons, and they are all eating melons crazily.

But no one can stand up and tell them whether the melon will be ripe or not.

However, these news reports are not groundless, because there are a lot of evidence posted in many articles.

Among them are photos, video screenshots, and even so-called transaction records and internal ledgers.

Dongfangdu, inside the investigation department.

"Hi, hello, we are the investigation department, what can I do for you?"

"This is the reporting center, may I ask what trouble you have encountered?"

"Hey, hello ma'am, you are calling us to..."

During the evening rush hour, the investigation department received almost uninterrupted calls to report the crime.

The content of the call is only one, that is, whether there is such an organization called Tiger Hall in Dongfangdu.

The same is true for V blog hot searches. More than half of the top ten articles are about Tiger Hall, and there is even a mention of a tiger master who can't see his head and tail.

After all, there are gossip that Master Hu is Zhang Dihu!

The Internet public opinion exploded, and the public sentiment was raging.

Countless people want to seek the truth, and the only thing they can do is to find the martial arts association that upholds justice, and the Asylum Investigation Section of the public.

For this reason, the Investigation Section had to urgently hold a press conference to ask the spokesperson to explain the matter in front of the media.

"People in the Eastern Capital, please rest assured, we are safe here..."


Eastern Metropolitan Council.

Speaker's office.

On the big weekend, Zhang Tianlong also came by car. After arriving in a hurry, the assistant knocked on the door before he could sit down on his buttocks.

"Speaker, Representative Mo and the others are all here."

"Let them wait in the conference room, I'll be right there!"

After giving the order, the assistant left in a hurry, while Zhang Tianlong covered his head with an impatient expression.

"It looks like my little brother is going to suffer too!"

Although he didn't read the news carefully, he roughly guessed what happened.


The secret of Tiger Hall was still exposed.

It should be said that this matter is almost inseparable.

If this is the case, it will take a huge amount of manpower, material and financial resources to conceal this matter.

Although these things are not lacking in their Zhang family.

But as soon as this happened, he really had a headache.

"Forget it, go see Lao Mo and the others first, I have to suppress this incident!"

Zhang Tianlong muttered, and went to the big conference room next door.

After a few hours.

Before the people who eat melons received the news, some sharp-eyed netizens discovered that the top ten most searched content began to change.

The popularity of the original hot search about Tiger Hall began to drop sharply, and after clicking on many posts, the content contained words such as "the content of the article cannot be searched".


The master of river crab has made a move!

But more people who eat melons are puzzled, why can a group in the Tiger Hall affect the action of the river crab master?

For a while, speculation about Zhang Dihu's identity became even more turbulent.

Even, chat topics, discussion groups, and even communication communities with keywords have appeared on the Internet.

Netizens are discussing this.

We don't talk about Tiger Hall, we don't talk about other things, we just talk about Zhangdihu, it must be fine.

If even a "philanthropist" like Zhang Dihu, a celebrity, is not easy to discuss, does that mean there are ghosts in it?

Although Internet public opinion is under control, netizens' enthusiasm for eating melons is still high.

Zhang Dihu's name even replaced the previous hot search and re-squeezed into the top ten.

Inside the Speaker's office.

Zhang Tianlong had just finished meeting and was about to go back when he remembered the phone again.

"What, my brother's name is on the trending list, and it's climbing steadily?"

Zhang Tianlong's head hurts again.

He never expected that this matter would never stop, right?

Are these netizens full of food and want to get to the bottom of one thing?

Wouldn't it be nice to have this spare time to read a few more books and improve yourself?

Zhang Tianlong hurriedly called the assistant.

"Let V Bo remove my brother's hot search!"

"Speaker, I just talked to the person in charge, Mr. Wang, and he said it's not easy to withdraw!"

"What's going on, why is it not easy to withdraw?"

"Because it's too obvious to do so. Their V blog's hot searches and external data claim to be open and transparent. If it is withdrawn all of a sudden, they say it will have a bad impact."

"Open and transparent, hehe!"

Hearing this explanation, Zhang Tianlong himself laughed.

It is open and transparent, and the data is fair. This kind of thing is okay to deceive those who don't know how to do it.

You still use this trick with me?

Who doesn't know, your company is like a bitch, you can get it if you give it money.

Now set up a memorial archway for me, right?

"Tell the person surnamed Wang to remove it immediately. If I still see my brother's name on the trending search within 10 minutes, let him bear the consequences!"

There was already a hint of anger in Zhang Tianlong's tone.

"Yes, yes, I will contact you right away, right away!"

The assistant quickly ended the call with Zhang Tianlong, and took the order to leave.

Soon, among the top ten most searched, Zhang Dihu's name became less popular again, but within two minutes, it was withdrawn.

But within a minute, a hot search named "Zhang Huo" appeared in the top ten hot searches again, and the attention and growth of the hot search were very fast.

All of a sudden, netizens can tell that this is an organization initiated by someone, and it's a special fight with V blog.

Don't you claim that the data is open and transparent on your V blog? How come the hot searches once or twice are somehow reduced.

Now let's do another one and see how fast you can get it down.

Many netizens even launched posts and activities, inviting relatives and friends to increase attention.

Many people began to boo on the Internet, saying that they would give some color to the trending search for being a bitch and setting up a torii.

After all, everyone hates this kind of company that has one thing on the surface and one thing behind it.

The three words "Zhang Hu" rushed to the top of the hot search within a few minutes almost with the help of the entire network.

V Bo executives were shocked and even held an emergency meeting overnight.

Then the board of directors immediately issued instructions to reduce the heat and must suppress this matter, otherwise they cannot afford the consequences.

So within a few minutes, the trending searches for "Zhang Hu" dropped again.

But not long after, another hot search called "Zhang Erhu" rose again, and the rise was equally astonishing.

Seeing this name, the senior executives of V Bo shouted f***ing shit!

How boring are the netizens this year, and they are fighting us, right?

Another intense night of meetings, conference calls, video conferences.

Then the company's high-level instructions were issued, keep coming, let's see who is afraid of whom?

The popularity of "Zhang Erhu" dropped, and soon disappeared.

But within a few minutes, another trending search for "Zhang Jiahu" began to increase, and it suddenly jumped to the top ten.

Seeing this scene, the board of directors knew that this session of netizens was really against the heavens.

They also made a decision not to sleep tonight, and they fought against this year's netizens, and decided to fight to the end.

This went on until 4am.

At this moment, the top ten list of hot searches appeared, and a hot search called "Chapter IIIV tiger" appeared.

Prior to this, the top management of V Blog has lowered the rankings of popular searches such as "Chapter II tiger", "Chapter II Tiger", and "Chapter two tiger".

Not only that, but among the top ten hot searches, there were also hot searches such as "V blog executives can't sleep tonight", "V blog is embarrassing now", "seeing V blog, how can you deny it" and so on.

The top ten most searched are almost all one-sided ridicule hot search lists.

In the high-level video conference room.

"I can't do it anymore, this year's netizens are really difficult!"

"Then what to do?"

"Turn off the hot search for a few days, otherwise it won't stop!"

"But the top ten searches represent our company's revenue."

"Whether revenue is important or making that person satisfied is important, now is the moment of life and death!"

"Then... I understand..."

In the end, the top executives of V Bo held a meeting overnight and passed a resolution.

In less than 10 minutes, the hot search list for eating melons among netizens was suddenly closed.

[Sorry, there is a systematic error in the hot search list, it is temporarily closed, and the specific recovery time will be notified separately]

The netizens who have eaten melons now have received such a unified reply message.

"Is V Bo unaffordable?"

"Surrender now, just send an announcement to deal with us?"

"You know you can't win, so you just unplug the network cable, right?"

"Now let's see how you still deny it and say that the data is transparent and open, I'm pissed!"

Netizens all gave full play to their talent for having fun, and still posted related posts to ridicule V blog.

For a while, outside of the popular searches, Vbo once again became the object of ridicule by netizens.

Afterwards, the senior executives of V Bo Company, who learned about this, all turned green with anger.

They never expected that such a simple hot search list would bring irreversible word-of-mouth collapse to their company.

Of course, this is all for later.

As soon as the Internet public opinion fermented, someone who was the instigator had already replenished his physical strength for the trial on Monday.

He rested all night, but he didn't know anything about the war on the Internet.

Anyway, there is only a period of memory for things on the Internet, and no one will pay attention to this kid after a few days.

And he used the Internet to make trouble for Zhang Tianlong and Zhang Dihu, but he just "ignited a fire" again.

Although this fire did not burn anyone, it made some people feel more uncomfortable than the first fire.

Make it difficult for the enemy, then the opponent will make mistakes, be overwhelmed, and even show flaws.

This is Zhang Wei's purpose.

Next, he has only one purpose, and that is to use these evidences to attack Dongxing Securities and the people behind it!

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