Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 479 It's so hard for me, Ni Qiuping, to tidy up the secretary

Monday, court day.

Municipal Court, Civil Division Office.

Ni Qiuping, as the presiding judge of the Dongxing Securities civil litigation case, is preparing in her office.

After putting on the robe, putting on the glasses, and tidying up her appearance, she felt almost ready.

"Let's go, go to court!"

Leave the office and walk through a corridor into the civil court.

"All rise!"

Ting Wei still made the announcement dutifully, with a loud voice.

He is also telling everyone that the presiding judge is here, and you all quiet down.

Everyone in the audience stood up and paid attention to the trial seat.

Ni Qiuping sat down calmly, her eyes swept over both the prosecution and the defense.

Zhang Wei, the plaintiff, Sun Kongwen, Mr. Tang, the defendant Oh Qian Moli and others had already taken their seats and took their seats.

"Sit down!"

Seeing that the main characters were all present, she nodded.

"It's been a few days since the two of you, how are you resting on the weekend?"

Although the court was about to start, Ni Qiuping decided to greet her.

"Old Ni, I'm ready and feeling good!"

Zhang Wei, who was on the prosecution's seat, spoke first, and made an "OK" gesture to the judge's seat.

Who are you?

You still call me Lao Ni, I know you very well?

Ni Qiuping couldn't help but rolled her eyes, you kid just like to taunt, don't you?

"Thank you, Judge Ni, for your concern. We are ready."

On the other side, Master Tang and Sun Kongwen, master and apprentice, also nodded towards the judging seat.

"Okay, if that's the case, then this court announces that the hearing of Yuan's case against Dongxing Securities will start again!"

Ni Qiuping announced with a hammer that the trial will continue.

"Witness Qian Moli, please come to court again!"

Qian Moli got up from the dock and went to the witness stand to take a seat.

"Lawyer Zhang, I remember that your cross-examination just started last Tuesday, right?"

"Yes, Old Ni..."


"Ahem... Judge Ni!"

Seeing Ni Qiuping looking at him sideways, his eyes full of warning, Zhang Wei quickly changed his words.

"Hurry up, kid!"


Since Ni Qiuping urged herself, Zhang Wei naturally did not dare to neglect and walked directly to the witness stand.

"Mr. Qian, did you enjoy this weekend?"

"Thanks to you, it's okay!" Qian Moli snorted coldly.

"It's okay, that's good..."

Zhang Wei chuckled, and then his face turned cold: "Because the next thing may make you very unhappy!"

As soon as this remark came out, a chill spread in the courtroom.

Although Zhang Wei is just an ordinary person, what he said made many people feel cold.

"Mr. Qian, do you still remember the question I asked you last week?"

"What question, I don't remember."

As Qian Moli spoke, she put on a show and said, "I have a large company with thousands of people to manage. Do you really think I can remember any trivial matter?"

"Oh, small matter, that's fine."

Zhang Wei wasn't annoyed, he just asked jokingly, "Is the relationship between Zhang Dihu and you a trivial matter?"

"be opposed to!"

In the dock, Sun Kongwen got up immediately, "Judge Ni, what's going on, didn't you say that my client has nothing to do with Mr. Zhang Dihu, and Mr. Zhang is not a tiger master, he is just an ordinary philanthropist !"

"Judge Ni, I didn't say that Zhang Dihu is Lord Tiger. I just asked about the connection between the defendant Qian Moli and Zhang Dihu. Why did Lawyer Sun react so strongly?"

"Well, you're right!"

Ni Qiuping nodded, and warned Sun Kongwen: "Lawyer Sun, is your reaction too extreme?"

"Sorry, Judge Ni, I will try my best to restrain myself!"

Sun Kongwen also realized that he had gone too far, so he quickly apologized.

After all, Zhang Wei just asked Zhang Dihu about the relationship between Qian Moli and Qian Moli had already answered this question last week.

"I've already told you, Mr. Zhang and I are just friends, ordinary friends, and we just happened to meet each other when we went to the beach hotel."

"As for your so-called photos, it's just that the two of us have found a common topic. We are discussing charity, so our behavior seems a little more intimate."

"Besides, Mr. Zhang is a humorous man. He doesn't have a wife, and I'm also single. Even if we really get together, isn't it against the law?"

Qian Moli said a lot, but there was nothing wrong with this answer.

"Mr. Qian, my memory is better now. Doesn't this answer all the questions I asked last week?"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly and began to tease, but Qian Moli was in no mood to talk to Zhang Wei anymore.

"Indeed, as you said, it's fine for the two of you to make friends and get together in a normal way."


Zhang Wei raised a finger and emphasized: "If you conspired with him to swallow the 20 billion funds from Dongxing Securities investors, and then put it all into his pocket, then this matter will be different!"

As soon as these words came out, Qian Moli's pupils shrank violently.

"Objection, false accusation, the prosecution's subjective speculation!"

At the defense table, Master Tang couldn't sit still, so he stood up and interrupted.

"Against there is..."

"I take back that last sentence!"

Just when Ni Qiuping was about to fire, Zhang Wei had already made a prediction in advance.

"Mr. Qian, let me ask you, do you really not know where the 20 billion assets went?"

"Group leader Chen from the Finance Department told me that the money has been transferred to an offshore account. How do I know where it is?"

Qian Moli snorted coldly, and denied it: "Besides, if you ask me what I do, go ask Zhan Qingze, he must know where it is!"

"Mr. Qian, you are joking, how could you not know where this money is?"

"I have no idea!"

Seeing Qian Moli not cooperating, Zhang Wei was not annoyed.

"Actually, the key to this case is the 20 billion investment shortfall. Everyone should know that under the operation of the capital market, the total amount of assets actually remains unchanged. If someone makes money, someone will naturally lose money."

"In the same way, investors lost 20 billion, so who took the money out of the investment market, this is the question we need to find out?"

"I don't know if you still remember. I showed the trial report in the criminal court. Chen Weitian, the head of the investigation department of the Financial Services Agency, once said that this case was actually a pump-and-dump strategy. Inside Star Securities, relying on false good news, they greatly increased the stock prices of environmental protection stocks and resource recycling stocks, and then sold them at a high level, detonating the bubbles in these stocks."

At this point, many people in the jury and court nodded.

They all still remember this matter.

"Then the question is, in the investor's account, the stocks are all loss-making, so in those accounts that have been sold in large quantities, are their assets all profitable?"

As Zhang Wei said, he took out a chart and put it on the projector.

"Let me explain first that this is a fund flow chart of a bank account. This account is an internal account of Dongxing Securities. It is also an account for buying environmental stocks in large quantities. Later, when selling environmental stocks in large quantities at a high level, it is also this account. .”

"Everyone, please look at the time of capital flow in this account. Since January of the beginning of the year, there has been continuous capital injection to buy stocks. When the price of environmental stocks reached its highest level in June, all of them were suddenly sold. Suddenly, there is a whole 100 million more funds in the account."

"Guess, how much of this 100 million yuan is the hard-earned money of investors?"

Zhang Wei pointed to the line with the highest score in the chart, with a sly smile on his face.

But his words made both Qian Moli and Master Tang roll their eyes.

What can this mere chart illustrate?

"I know, everyone must have a question, that is, what does this chart prove?"

"Everyone can look at the date after the highest score, and you can see that this 100 million fund is rapidly decreasing. Almost within a few days, such a sum of money disappeared."

"It's the so-called disappearance you see. This one hundred million disappeared from the bank. There is no trace of it. It was transferred to an unknown place."

"Mr. Qian, as the boss of a securities company, you know the tricks inside, right?"

Facing Zhang Wei's question, Qian Moli directly vetoed it: "I don't know!"

"I'm just in charge of the company, not a professional securities trader, and I don't know much about these details!"

As a trader, Zhan Qingze obviously understood what she meant.

"Really, but this is easy to understand, at least I understand."

Zhang Wei said with a smile: "Actually, this method is very simple. Break it into parts, split one hundred million into one million 100 pieces and transfer them, that's all."

"Banks attach great importance to the flow of large amounts of funds. If you want to transfer 100 million yuan, it is impossible for ordinary bank tellers to operate it. You must report it layer by layer until the branch president or even the head office agrees. to be able to operate.”

"However, if one hundred million yuan is turned into one million one hundred yuan, and then the money is transferred out in a small amount and high frequency, the bank's review of this amount of funds will be delayed for several days."

"When the bank inquired about the amount of this transfer, which totaled as high as 100 million, the money had already been transferred to an offshore account, which is why 20 billion could disappear without a sound."

"But I do know that the money wasn't moved out without anyone knowing, in fact someone did!"

Having said that, Zhang Wei walked up to Qian Moli and sneered.

Everyone in the audience looked at him.

Do you want to tell everyone that Qian Moli knows about the flow of this money?

"Now please tell me, are you fully aware of the flow of this money... Secretary Zhu?"

"I have no idea!"

Zhang Wei suddenly raised his voice, and Qian Moli answered immediately.

But then, the latter realized that the target of Zhang Wei's question was not himself.

"Congratulations to the secretary?"

The eyes of everyone in the audience turned to Secretary Zhu who was sitting on the defendant's witness stand.

Secretary Zhu was stunned, why are you looking at me.

"Secretary Zhu, the registrant of this account is Dongxing Securities, but you signed it as the person in charge of the company when it was registered. Do you still have the impression?"


Secretary Zhu never expected that Zhang Wei would find out all of this.

She has indeed registered many accounts in the bank. After all, it is a securities company, and she must register securities trading accounts, docking accounts, third-party fund custody accounts and so on.

"I...I...I don't remember..."

Secretary Zhu didn't know how to answer, so she could only look at Sun Kongwen as if asking for help.

"Secretary Zhu, you see that other people are useless. You are responsible for this account. You have to tell us that the money is in your registered account. How was it transferred out?"


After being stared at by so many people, Secretary Zhu's complexion changed, and finally Master Tang's instructions before the trial sounded.

"After the court session, no matter what questions Zhang Wei asks, just throw the blame on Zhan Qingze!"

"It was Zhan Qingze, who asked me to register in the name of the company, and I also handed over the last registered account to him!"

Hearing Secretary Zhu's answer, both Sun Kongwen and Master Tang nodded.

Yes, that's what you want.

"You mean, Zhan Qingze asked you to register an account?"

"Yes, this account should have just been registered at the beginning of the year. It was Zhan Qingze who asked me to register. I guess he had ambitions for this project at that time!" Secretary Zhu finally hacked Zhan Qingze.

She even silently praised her on-the-spot response ability in her heart.

"Do you dare to swear, this is a holy court, you didn't lie?"

"I swear, I didn't lie, Zhan Qingze asked me to do it!"

Seeing Secretary Zhu swear, Zhang Wei finally smiled.

"Okay, then let's look at the second account."

Zhang Wei took out the second chart. Like the previous account, there was a large amount of funds flowing, and the internal funds also had 100 million.

"Secretary Zhu, what about this account?"

"It was Zhan Qingze who asked me to register!"

After getting the exact same answer, Zhang Wei smiled.

"Secretary Zhu, let me ask, when did Zhan Qingze join Dongxing Securities?"

Secretary Zhu lowered his head and looked at the documents in his hand, "About a year and six months ago?"

"Oh, that means I've been with Dongxing Securities for 18 months."

As Zhang Wei said, he walked to the projector and tore off a sticker to reveal the contents inside.

"Please take a look. The information on this account shows the time when the account was created. Can you tell me when I registered?"

Secretary Zhu took a closer look, and then the pupils of his eyes shrank sharply.

"The registration time was...was...10 years ago...this..."

"Secretary Zhu, it's so strange. Could it be that Zhan Qingze had already planned this 20 billion fraud project 10 years ago?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the court were happy.

If what Zhang Wei said is true, then this Zhan Qingze is awesome. He started the layout ten years ago. He was only in middle school then, right?

"So, it turns out, Secretary Zhu, you're lying?"

This time, Zhang Wei's words implied sharpness.


Secretary Zhu was suddenly speechless.

What else could she do if the lie was exposed in court.

"Secretary Zhu, who made you lie in court, and who instigated you to give perjury in court?"

As Zhang Wei said, he looked at Master Tang, Sun Kongwen and Qian Moli.

The three quickly shifted their gaze, not daring to say anything.

There is no way, now Zhang Wei is taking the lead and instigating witnesses to give false testimony in court, which is not a small crime.

The three of them did not dare to respond, and Qian Moli frantically winked at Secretary Zhu.


"It's okay, it doesn't matter if you have to bear the charges, anyway, perjury is enough to send you to jail, so I wish the secretary, I wish you goodbye."

Zhang Wei didn't need to know Secretary Zhu's answer, but said goodbye to him with a smile.

"Tingwei, detain this witness and send it to the investigation department after the trial is over, let them investigate the witness's perjury rules!"

With a big wave of Ni Qiuping's hand, the two court guards on the left and right immediately set off and escorted the bewildered Secretary Zhu down.

"Mr. Qian, did you instigate your secretary to commit perjury in court?"

Zhang Wei cleaned up a secretary, and then directly opened fire on Qian Moli.

"No, force witnesses to testify against themselves!"

Master Tang immediately interrupted Zhang Wei's speech.

"Master Tang, the reaction is very fast!"

Zhang Wei chuckled, and then said to Ni Qiuping, "Judge Ni, you don't need to tell me, I apologize!"

Ni Qiuping rolled her eyes, you bastard, you already know how to answer quickly, right?

"Ahem, everyone, the matter of congratulating the secretary just now is just a small episode, let's turn our attention back to the account."

"As I said just now, the value of assets in the investment market is fixed. Some people make money and some lose money. There is only so much money in one basket. If you want to withdraw 20 billion, then in one or more offshore accounts , there will be an inflow of 20 billion funds, right?"

"So it's not difficult to track down 20 billion, as long as you know that 20 billion was injected into those accounts at the same time."

As soon as this remark came out, many people including Qian Moli rolled their eyes.

How many trading accounts there are in the world, and the total daily capital flow has already exceeded trillions.

To find 20 billion from it is not like looking for a needle in a haystack.

And how do you know that this 20 billion is the 20 billion that flowed out of the pockets of investors in Dongxing Securities?

"I know that everyone may think in their hearts, it is really very difficult to track down 20 billion from all the accounts in the world!"

"But if, I mean if..."

"If we know whose pocket the money will eventually flow into, and then focus on the account in this name, will it be easy to find the money?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Qian Moli, Master Tang and Sun Kongwen all changed in shock.

According to what Zhang Wei meant, could it be that the account he wanted to track down belonged to that lord?

"Qian Moli, do you know what happened on the Internet this weekend?"

" do I know..."

Although she heard about it, she didn't want to answer.

"Oh, it's not a big deal, but many people are saying that Zhang Dihu is the legendary Master Hu, he is the helm of the Tiger Hall, the leader of the gang!"

"be opposed to!"

As soon as Zhang Wei finished speaking, Master Tang and Sun Kongwen both stood up and spoke in unison.

"Judge Ni, am I right? Many people are saying that Zhang Dihu is Lord Tiger, and this matter is even trending?"

Zhang Wei spread his hands, expressing his innocence.


Now, Ni Qiuping is in trouble, and Zhang Wei will really make trouble for himself.

The prosecution told the truth because she also saw the change in hot searches over the weekend.

But whether this is hearsay evidence is very difficult to determine.


I, Ni Qiuping, are so difficult!

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