Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 488 Xiao Jiang is in a panic, but it's just a small case?

Thursday afternoon.

Oriental Metropolitan Court, the Civil Division Office.

The important place of the court is also the place where qualifications are emphasized.

Qualified judges can get personal offices.

However, some newly promoted judges, newcomers transferred from the local courts to the Dongfang Metropolitan Court, all work in the outside office area, each with a small workstation.

At this moment, there was a quarrel in the office of a young judge.

However, it is said to be a quarrel, but it is actually a unilateral cross talk by a certain prosecutor.

"Judge Jiang, although the case this time is harassment and obscenity, and did not cause any substantial harm to the parties involved, I still hope that you will grant a restraining order. Because I am afraid that if the perpetrator is not punished this time, the next time It is not guaranteed that he will go further and perform more cruel actions on the victim, and even hurt her!"

"Master Xu... Prosecutor Xu, I can't approve this case because the molester you mentioned is the victim's boss, and he also entrusted a lawyer to tell me that it was just ordinary physical contact, and it was the girl who is the plaintiff in this case." People make a fuss on their own.”

"Judge Jiang, what do you mean, let's forget it, let that wretched boss continue to harass the plaintiff, isn't your behavior conniving? It is precisely because of people like you and your acquiescence that it encourages workplace harassment!"

"I didn't acquiesce, besides..."

In the office seat, there is a young judge confronting a seasoned prosecutor, but the young judge is quickly beaten to the point of being speechless.

"Hey, Mrs. Xu, why are you free to come to the civil court today?"

There was a joke at the door of the office.

"Little loach?" Xu Suyun turned his head, and when he saw the person coming, he had a strange expression on his face.

"Xu Suyun, I've said it before, don't call it that nickname. We were classmates back then, so it's fine to call it out. It's been more than ten years now, and you still can't change your name?"

Ni Qiuping stared wide-eyed, with an angry expression on her face!

Yes, she, Ni Qiuping and Xu Suyun, were college classmates and alumni of the same period, and they also entered the legal circle of the Oriental Capital together after graduation.

It's just that one of them entered the inspection system, and the other entered the court, and they went the same way.

But today, Ni Qiuping happened to be busy with work, so she decided to stop by the city court on a whim, and happened to transfer to the big office of the civil court, and happened to see the scene just now.

Judge Jiang, a junior in the same civil court, has to face the old and spicy Mrs. Xu, this is really...

"By the way, Xu Suyun, didn't you prosecute, why did you come to the civil court?"


Facing her old classmate, Mrs. Xu rolled her eyes, but she still explained: "The case of workplace molestation has no real harm and cannot constitute a criminal offense. The plaintiff can only go through civil procedures!"

"Oh, a case of obscenity!"

Ni Qiuping couldn't help but rolled her eyes, her face full of disdain.

This is the workplace. Women are always the weak side. They have to endure the oppression of the workplace and the harassment from their bosses. This is really chilling. When will we women be able to stand up!

"Little Jiang, since this case is only for a restraining order, why don't you give Mrs. Xu some face."

As a veteran of the civil court, Ni Qiuping also spoke at the right time.

"Senior, no, you don't understand this case, if you just suggest me like this..."


Ni Qiuping frowned, a little upset.

My own words are useless, right? I can't even deter a junior?

"Xiao Jiang, please think about it. The molester is the plaintiff's immediate boss. How much pressure she has to bear every day. The workplace obscenity is accompanied by workplace oppression. The plaintiff is a little girl. She..."

"Senior, what are you talking about, the plaintiff is obviously a man?"

Seeing that Ni Qiuping was about to start a long speech, Judge Jiang immediately explained.


Ni Qiuping was stunned, what did she hear, the victim of molestation was a man?

She then looked at Xu Suyun, who nodded unconsciously, indicating that it was true.

Ni Qiuping opened her eyes wide, "The molester is a woman, and the victim is a man?"

"Yes, senior. The victim is Mr. Huang. He is 25 years old and single. He has a girlfriend from another place. He is a salesperson in the sales department of their company. He is said to have been harassed by his boss, Ms. Liu. By the way, this Ms. Liu divorced at the age of 40, and the custody of the child is with her ex-husband, so this is a typical case of a female boss harassing a young male subordinate, but it is really difficult to judge the scale of this female molesting a man."

When Judge Jiang said this, he couldn't help but sighed.

If this is a male boss using his power to harass a female subordinate, then he will definitely be filled with righteous indignation and consider signing a restraining order.

However, female bosses harass male subordinates. The behavior and scale of this harassment are not easy to define. It is too difficult to sign a restraining order rashly.

"Hehe, little loach, don't even think about it. If this case is not difficult, my mother will run back and forth?"

Mrs. Xu complained again, feeling a little speechless in her heart.

"Gah, wasting my mother's feelings!"

Ni Qiuping couldn't help but swear.

After she finished scolding, she turned around and prepared to slip away. After all, it was meaningless to be here, and she still had to endure Mr. Xu's verbal attacks.

"Judge Jiang, a new case has been submitted to you!"

At this moment, the court assistant pushed the document cart and stuffed a document onto Judge Jiang's desk.

"A new case coming?"

Judge Jiang hurriedly opened it.

Today, he was harassed by Mrs. Xu, but he was a little scared, so he quickly came to a new case, so that he would have an excuse.

He opened the case indictment and read it carefully.

After a while, the disappointment could not be concealed on his face.

"I thought it was a big case. It was an ordinary brokerage company suing a contract anchor for liquidated damages."

The young Judge Jiang sighed and spread the indictment in front of him with a dull expression of interest.

"Huh, Zhang Wei?"

Xu Suyun couldn't help but glance at the indictment, but with this glance, she happened to scan a name that made her remember deeply.

"What, Zhang Wei?"

Ni Qiuping, who was just about to leave, was also attracted by this name, couldn't help but walked quickly to the younger generation, picked up the indictment and started to read it.

"Zhang Wei, it's that Zhang Wei, he's not a criminal lawyer, how can he represent such an ordinary civil prosecution case?"

"Yes, is that Zhang Wei?"

Both Ni Qiuping and Xu Suyun couldn't believe it.

After all, there are many people with the name Zhang Wei. I heard that Lao Zhang, the guard at the gate of the city court, also has the same name. Could it be the same name?

Or did Zhang Wei change his sexuality and wanted to take on such a small case?

"Little Jiang, are you accepting this case?" Ni Qiuping suddenly looked pleasant and winked at the younger generation.

"Yes, Xiao Jiang, after you accept this case, contact the defendant quickly to see if it's that Zhang Wei?"

Xu Suyun at the side also became interested and smiled at Judge Jiang.

Judge Jiang panicked.

I was in a panic.

Because he was afraid of these two temperamental seniors, Judge Ni's reputation in the city court was not good, and the other one could be called Mrs. Xu, which was obviously not the same.

It is said that in private, many colleagues call them "menopausal crouching dragons and phoenixes" in the judicial system of the Oriental Capital.

Judge Jiang cried out inwardly, why are these two "big guys who can't afford to offend" suddenly interested in their new case?

"Well, let me ask for you."

Judge Jiang thought for a while, then hurriedly dialed the landline, and typed to the defendant's contact bar.

"Hi, is this Jincheng Law Firm? I'm Judge Jiang from the Municipal Court. I just want to ask, did lawyer Zhang Wei from your criminal department represent you in the case of liquidated damages for bringing you to the Internet company to sue the anchor?"

"Oh, that's right, thank you, I understand."

After hearing the affirmative answer over there, Judge Jiang hung up the call, then nodded towards Ni Qiuping and Xu Suyun.

"Xiao Jiang, when will your case be in court, remember to let me know when the time comes, and I will go to the scene to listen!"

After Ni Qiuping gave Xiao Jiang a word of advice, she left with a smile.

"Coincidentally, I also want to sit in on it. When you send the email after the court date is finalized, remember to copy me a copy."

Xu Suyun also warned her that she didn't even want to investigate the case at hand, and planned to leave.

"Ah, this..."

Seeing those two finally left, Judge Jiang felt relieved, but when he thought of the request of these two, he felt difficult again.

Isn't this just an ordinary small case?

Why are you all interested?

But Judge Jiang is too young after all, if Ni Qiuping heard what he said, she would definitely tell him so.


Do you think it's a small case?

But as long as the person involved is Zhang Wei, then this case will be serious!

Didn't you see the last case he represented? I thought it was a class action lawsuit, but it turned out to be such a big deal in the end.

Your case looks small, maybe that kid will break the sky again.

That little bastard is famous for making a fuss.


the other side.

Zhang's martial arts gym, in the lobby.

Zhang Wei received a call from the city court.

"Oh, I see, thanks for letting me know."

After hanging up the phone, he said to the crowd:

"Carrot, Ms. Lin, and everyone, the court has accepted the prosecution case of taking you to fly. The presiding judge is surnamed Jiang and is a judge in the civil court. The preliminary trial will be held tomorrow Friday morning, and the first official hearing will be held in the afternoon!"

"Tomorrow, isn't the time too urgent?"

Luo Xiaobu was the first to feel something was wrong, the time was too rushed.

They are still the party being prosecuted and need time to collect evidence.

"I don't think it's a problem, after all, I'm fully prepared."

Zhang Wei waved his hand calmly, and had no objection to the timing.

He guessed that maybe he wanted to take you flying to fight a blitzkrieg, but none of these troubled Zhang Wei.

Since he first appeared in court, most of the cases he has encountered have similar conditions, and it is not the first time that Blitz has faced it.

"Then let's prepare separately, for tomorrow's pre-trial and hearing, show a good state!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand, motioning for others to rest and adjust.

"Carrot, come here."

Finally, he stopped Luo Xiaobu and told him to follow him to the door.

The two walked out of the martial arts hall one after the other.

"Zhang Wei, what are you calling me for? I still want to cheer for Bobo!"

"Carrot, let me ask you, are you really planning to develop a relationship with this Miss Lin?"

Hearing Zhang Wei's question, Luo Xiaobu nodded solemnly: "Of course, I'm serious!"

"Then I suggest you, you can make this request now, otherwise, when the court starts, she probably won't care about you."

"How can this be done? Isn't it just taking advantage of someone's danger if I make a request now?"

Luo Xiaobu shook his head, showing resistance to Zhang Wei's suggestion.

"But if you don't make a request now, I think it will make people think that you are giving her by helping her, right?"

Zhang Wei glanced at Luo Xiaobu, with a feeling of hating iron but not steel.

You and Bobo's feelings are all based on money.

Now that you are helping her like this, to put it bluntly, you are greedy for her body, but you don't ask for anything.

What people will think, they will think that you are a good person, and you help me with sincerity without asking for dedication.

If you don't deny this matter, then people will acquiesce in this matter.

According to what you mean, after the case is over, you will make a request?

What will people think of you at that time, will they say that you have finally torn off the mask and revealed your true colors?

With Zhang Wei's previous personality, he always put forward conditions for this kind of woman as soon as they met.

Usually it’s money, or the development of a physical relationship, etc. Anyway, the conditions are handed over to the other party early. If the other party agrees, then it’s agreed, and if they don’t agree, then goodbye. It’s that simple and direct, and no time is wasted.

As for Luo Xiaobu's actions, it seemed that he wanted to be a bitch but set up a memorial for himself.

Zhang Wei can already see that if the case ends next, Luo Xiaobu is destined to be disappointed.

"Alright, Carrot, since you made your own choice, I don't want to interfere!"

Zhang Wei patted the latter on the shoulder with a look of "I respect your idea".

The two returned to the martial arts hall again and began to prepare for tomorrow's pre-trial and trial.


the next day.

Friday, pre-trial and court day.

City Court, Civil Court.

Zhang Wei brought Bobo, Luo Xiaobu and others into the arena and walked into the courtroom.

At the plaintiff's table, Jupiter and others are already in place.

Sun Kongwen and Jupiter had already been waiting here.

On the witness stand at the back, there are several employees of the Internet company who took you to fly, including... Sister Li.

"Hey, what's wrong with Miss Li? Why is her face covered in gauze and she went for plastic surgery?"

Zhang Wei looked at Sister Li with a wounded face, and his eyes became a little weird.

But next to Sister Li, there are a few employees who took you to the flight, and they should all be plaintiff witnesses.

On the other hand, on Zhang Wei's side, apart from the party involved, Bobo, there was not a single witness.

Yes, just in the hearing booth, to see the lively friends such as Zhang Xinwu, Zhang Xinyan and Zhao Xiaoxiao.

Even Xia Qianyue was not present because of the serious crime team.

"All rise!"

While the plaintiff and the defendant were waiting, the court guard announced that the judge had entered the venue.

But to Zhang Wei's surprise, it was not the presiding judge Judge Jiang who entered the venue first, but...

"Old Ni?"

At the gate of the court, the first person to walk in was Ni Qiuping in formal attire.

"Nani, Mrs. Xu?"

Immediately behind Ni Qiuping was Mrs. Xu from the District Prosecutor's Office in Zhongcheng District. This is really...

The young judge Jiang followed behind the two, like a younger brother next to a big brother, and walked carefully onto the trial seat.

Ni Qiuping and Xu Suyun sat in the first row of the hearing booth.

what's the situation?

Zhang Wei was a little unresponsive.

But Ni Qiuping and Xu Suyun just happened to look at him, their eyes teasing, with a hint of ridicule.

"Oh, I see, you are here to see me having fun, right?"

Zhang Wei saw the clues from the eyes of these two people, this is for watching the show.

Both Ni Qiuping and Xu Suyun came to watch the play?

Fortunately, this was a small case, and there were enough seats in the auditorium, so there was no crowding.

After Ni Qiuping and Xu Suyun were seated and Judge Qi was ready, the preliminary hearing finally began.

"This court announces that the Brokerage Company, hereinafter referred to as 'Flying Network', is suing its contract anchor Ms. Lin, whose stage name is 'Bobo', for liquidated damages. The preliminary trial is now starting!"

"First of all, the plaintiff and the defendant should explain their arguments in court!"

Following Judge Jiang's hammer, Sun Kongwen in the plaintiff's seat got up first.

"Judge Jiang, jurors, and friends at the hearing, hello, I'm Sun Kongwen, and I'm the plaintiff's lawyer."

After some self-introduction with a smile, Sun Kongwen went straight to the topic: "Today, on behalf of Take You to Fly Network, I will sue the network anchor Ms. Lin for violating the live broadcast contract. The daily operation of the company caused a very bad impact, so our company sued her for liquidated damages of 5 million, and asked you to continue to perform the remaining unfulfilled part of the contract!"

"Above!" Sun Kongwen said, looking at Zhang Wei with a trace of sarcasm.


Zhang Wei got up and said directly: "My name is Zhang Wei. I believe that many people know me. It doesn't matter if they don't know me. You can know my name after a thousand degrees."

"I am the attorney representing the defendant Ms. Lin in this case. What I want to explain is that my client, Ms. Lin, has been exploited by Daoyoufei Network during the two years of live broadcast. The plaintiff oppressed her with various unreasonable terms. , squeezing the fruits of her labor, which is also the root cause of my client’s inability to conduct live broadcasts normally.”

"In fact, it's not that my client doesn't want to live broadcast, but that she felt the mental pressure and coercion imposed on her by Take You Fei Network Company, which made her unable to complete the signing of the contract, so our client was unable to perform the live broadcast responsibility. Fang Quan is taking you to the Internet, and we refuse to pay 5 million liquidated damages!"

"And we don't rule out that we will countersuit and take you to the Internet in the future, so that they can compensate my client's mental loss!"

After Zhang Wei finished speaking, Jupiter in the plaintiff's seat couldn't help it anymore, his face turned grim and unhappy.

"Zhu Dong, hold back, the jury is watching us!"

Sun Kongwen hurriedly gave a reminder, and at the same time swept towards the candidate jury.

Sure enough, many people looked at Jupiter. If he showed abnormal behavior at this time, it would probably have a negative impact on the jury.

Jupiter frowned, but quickly relaxed it.

He looked at Bobo and the others in the dock, although he hated secretly, he could only smile.

But this smile is not sincere at all.

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