Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 489 Squeeze and exploit? Miss Li goes to court

Municipal Court, Civil Division.

"Ting Wei, let the candidate jury enter!"

Under Judge Jiang's signal, Tingwei opened the jury box to allow the jury candidates to enter.

The civil court only needs 6 jurors, and this time there are 20 candidate jurors, which are enough for selection.

"Which of you will come first?"

Judge Jiang pretended to be majestic, and asked with a sullen face.

At the plaintiff's seat, Sun Kongwen stood up first.

"Dear jurors, please imagine that if you are an entrepreneur with a processing factory under your command, and your employees are very hardworking and work hard every day, isn't it wonderful?"

Many members of the jury nodded.

This is really beautiful, but the premise is that we have to have a processing plant, and we have to be an entrepreneur.

"I have to say but."

In the dock, Zhang Wei chuckled.

Sure enough, after he finished muttering, Sun Kongwen immediately raised a finger: "But..."

"In your processing factory, an employee suddenly appeared. He went to the dormitory to sleep after punching the card, and then came back to clock in after get off work. Can you bear such behavior?"

As soon as this statement came out, many people showed indignation.

"Does this kind of behavior completely ignore the company's rules and regulations?"

Many more people nodded.

"Raise your hand if you support fines or even prosecution of this employee!"

More than a third of the jury raised their hands.

"These gentlemen, how do you think we should deal with this employee?"

"Hmph, such a person is simply a thief. Not only should he be fined, but his behavior should also be marked and told to everyone, so that he will never be able to find a job in his life!"

"Well, well said."

Sun Kongwen was very satisfied with this answer, so he looked at the trial seat.

"Judge Jiang, we accept this juror!"

"Judge Jiang, we reject this juror!"

As soon as Sun Kongwen finished speaking, Zhang Wei stood up and interrupted.

Judge Jiang could only shake his head at the man, who got up and left the table.

Sun Kongwen didn't care about the departure of a prospective juror, but continued to ask questions.

"Ma'am, what about you, how do you think you should deal with such an employee?"

"It's best for this kind of person to die!"

The woman looked a little extreme, and said viciously: "My parents gave birth to him, raised him and educated him, they didn't let him be a human being. This is simply rubbish!"

"Judge Jiang, we accept this juror!"

Seeing the woman's performance, Sun Kongwen was very satisfied.

Then he looked at the dock, and Judge Jiang also looked at Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei looked calm and did not raise any objections.


What's the situation, no objection?

Both Judge Jiang and Sun Kongwen were a little surprised. Didn't you sing against your opponent before, why didn't you sing this time?

But seeing that Zhang Wei did not move for a long time, Judge Jiang could only take a pen to record, and left the woman who was questioned in the jury box.

"Zhang Wei, why don't you raise an objection, it seems that there is a problem?"

Beside Zhang Wei, Luo Xiaobu became restless.

"Luobo, although this woman is extreme, she can also be used by me."

Zhang Wei smiled calmly, and explained: "A woman with an extreme personality, as long as you use a suitable method to guide her anger, she will become a weapon hidden in the jury, and it is our weapon!"

"This woman seems to be angry at the employee's behavior of clocking in and fishing, but it is impossible to figure out the detailed character of this woman with just one question."

"From the moment this woman entered the jury box, she looked at the other jurors around in the wrong way. There was a hint of resentment in her contempt. From my first glance, this woman actually has a bad attitude towards anyone. Then wait When she sees injustice, she's also angry with Take You to Fly Network and Jupiter, and that anger is what I need."

"In fact, it would be a huge help to me if she could channel that anger onto the other jurors."

"So, this woman is the juror I focus on, and I would like to call her 'Mother Agni'!"

For this reason, Zhang Wei even gave this female juror a code name.

"It's your turn!"

Sun Kongwen asked a few more questions, and eliminated several jurors who expressed their willingness to communicate with Moyu employees, and then he ended the question and left the stage.

Zhang Wei straightened his collar and prepared to go to court.

At the same time, he was thinking about the details of the case.

The case this time is actually about industry monopoly and unequal treaties.

It is precisely because several companies and stations such as Bring You Fly Network have monopolized the live broadcast resources of the largest online live broadcast platform, that the small anchors have to take refuge in their family, sign a contract to become an artist, and suffer from the exploitation of unequal contracts.

Therefore, Zhang Wei's question is naturally...

"Gentlemen of the jury, who among you likes to play mahjong?"


Following Zhang Wei's question, many people in the court were stunned.

How can a good question turn into a discussion of the quintessence of Chinese culture?

Mahjong, is this something that can be discussed in court?

Judge Jiang stared blankly at Zhang Wei, then at Ni Qiuping and Xu Suyun.

His eyes seemed to be asking, why is Zhang Wei's question so weird?

Ni Qiuping returned him a calm look.

This kid has a lot of weird questions, so don't push me, I've seen more outrageous questions than this!

Although it was inappropriate to discuss mahjong, more than two-thirds of the jury raised their hands.

Apparently, they all like to play mahjong.

"Well, everyone, please imagine that one day all the mahjong parlors in the city are closed. If you want to play mahjong, you have to go to the only mahjong parlor in the city center. And to be clear, private mahjong parlors are also prohibited!"

"The mahjong parlor in the city center is not free. On the contrary, they know that they are the only mahjong parlor in the city, so the lion opened their mouths. Every time they go to play mahjong, they will charge 50 for individuals, and 100 for all nights. Will you go there? ?"

"Those who will go please raise your hand!"

After Zhang Wei finished speaking, he glanced at the jury.

The questions have been asked, and now we need to see how many people will choose to accept the exploitation of mahjong parlors for their hobby.

The jurors looked at each other in blank dismay, and a few older ones raised their hands.

"Sir, do you like playing mahjong very much?"

"Yeah, I have nothing to do on weekdays, I just like to play two laps."

"Oh, that's right. If the mahjong parlor thinks that the fee of 50 is too low and decides to increase the price to 500, will you still go?"


The man stopped talking, but there was a hint of anger on his face.

After a game of mahjong, I win or lose only a dozen yuan, and the bigger ones are only a few dozen yuan.

You charge 500 for a game of mahjong, isn't that a steal?

"Don't go, don't go, say nothing, don't go, this is robbery!"

Zhang Wei was very satisfied with the man's answer and reaction.

"Judge Jiang, we accept this juror."

Judge Jiang took out his pen to record it, but clicked his tongue.

Zhang Wei's questioning continued, and he came to a woman who looked like a rich woman.

"Ma'am, you didn't raise your hand, it looks like you would go even if you charged a fee?"

"Of course, whether it is 50 or 500, I will go, no one can stop me from playing mahjong!"

The woman said, raised her face, and said proudly: "My husband is an executive of a listed company with an annual salary of tens of millions. He gives me hundreds of thousands of pocket money every month. I wish that the mahjong parlor charges high fees." A little bit, less people go this way, and I can be more clean.”

"Oh, that's right. If the mahjong parlor knows that you are rich, it decides not only to charge you 500 yuan as an entry fee, but also to share half of your income after you win. Is there a reason?"

This statement made the woman angry immediately, with a look of indignation: "Why do I share half of the money I won at the mahjong table with my ability?"

"Just because they are the only mahjong parlor in this city, you can only play mahjong here!"

"Fuck off, you dare to steal money from my old lady's pocket, believe it or not, I will bring someone to burn down their mahjong parlor!"

Hearing the woman's excited answer, Zhang Wei nodded in satisfaction.

"Judge Jiang, we accept this lady as a juror in this case."

The muscles on Judge Jiang's face twitched, but he still didn't say anything, just took a pen to record silently.

After Zhang Wei glanced at the jury, he walked up to a young man.

"Little brother, you didn't raise your hand?"

"Because I don't play mahjong!"

"Then if you play mahjong, will you pay the entrance fee in exchange for the qualification to play mahjong?"

"50 a day, 1,500 a month, and 18,000 a year, so I might as well change my hobbies. Mahjong, I think I can quit!"

The young man spread his hands, saying that it doesn't matter if he quits mahjong.

Zhang Wei frowned upon hearing this answer.

This juror is not a strong adherent to the goal, and will not support those who spend money and waste energy for their dreams, so they are not intended jurors.

"Thank you for the juror's answer, we request to remove it!"

The young man shook his head and could only leave the table.

"This gentleman, you..."

Next, Zhang Wei also continued to ask questions and screened several jurors.

"Very well, our jury is already in place. We will start the hearing after lunch. The tentative time is 1 pm. I wish you all a happy lunch!"

As Judge Jiang hammered the announcement, the preliminary trial was officially over, and the courtroom began to dissolve.

At the plaintiff's seat, Sun Kongwen walked over.

"Lawyer Zhang, here is our list of witnesses!"

After handing a list to Zhang Wei, Sun Kongwen looked at Bobo.

"Miss Lin, Mr. Zhu and I discussed it just now. If Miss Lin has some reasons, we can sign a new contract. Your commission will be increased to 25% of the gift amount, and we will prepare for you. A new residence, a new live broadcast team, of course, the salary of the live broadcast team is provided by the company, and does not need to be deducted from your share!"

"This contract should be reserved for some big anchors, right?"

Hearing the increase in the share ratio, Zhang Wei guessed that this was a compromise that made you feel that Bobo has the value of live broadcast.

"Yes, this contract, even in the live broadcast industry of the entire network, is quite good. If Ms. Lin likes it, we can immediately reach a settlement and sign the contract with you face to face!"

Sun Kongwen said, as if to lower Bobo's vigilance, he also pointed to Zhang Wei: "Of course, when signing this contract, lawyer Zhang can also be present!"

"This..." Bobo immediately looked at Zhang Wei.

She thought the contract seemed pretty good.

"How long is the contract period?" Zhang Wei directly asked a key question.

Sun Kongwen raised a slap, straightened his five fingers and replied, "5 years!"

Hearing this number, Bobo's face changed, and then he shook his head.

"No, five years is too long!"

"Miss Lin, you have to know that the company is not a philanthropist. In order to support you, Mr. Zhu has to spend a lot of resources. These resources are all in exchange for real money. You don't think that after signing the contract, you want to live broadcast Just live broadcast, you can go if you want?"

"No, 5 years is too long, I don't want it!"

Bobo still shook his head, which annoyed Sun Kongwen.

"Okay, since Miss Lin, you are obsessed with your obsession, don't blame us for not saving you face in court!"

Sun Kongwen knew that he had nothing to say, so he shook his hands and left.

"Miss Lin, will you continue to broadcast live in the future?"

"Maybe, maybe not, but even if I want to broadcast live, I guess it won't be too long..."

Hearing Bobo's answer, Zhang Wei also frowned.

This woman let go of her flourishing career, why?

Did you find a new career, a new next home?

But what business can make more money than webcasting, and she is also one of the top streamers on the largest platform on the entire network, this is a money-making machine.

Or, she has already found...

Zhang Weiwei glanced at Bobo meaningfully, and then glanced at Luo Xiaobu who was watching Bobo the whole time, and couldn't help feeling sympathetic in his heart.

"That's fine, let's go to dinner too. After lunch and lunch, we will prepare for the hearing!"

Zhang Wei also left the court with a group of people, waiting for the hearing to start in the afternoon.


after lunch.

1 pm.

"This court announces that the plaintiff takes you to fly online to sue the defendant Ms. Lin for breach of contract, and the first formal hearing is now going on!"

After Judge Jiang finished his announcement, he looked towards the plaintiff's seat.

It's your turn to make your case.

"Judge Jiang, we summoned the first witness, Miss Li, to testify in court!"

Hearing this witness, Zhang Wei and others were not surprised. After all, this was the person Bobo knew best in the brokerage company.

Sister Li, with gauze wrapped around her face, walked to the court step by step.

"Witness, are your injuries all right?"

"It's okay, it's okay, but I accidentally knocked my face on the ground, and the doctor said it's okay."

"Oh, that's how it is……"

Judge Jiang nodded, but still didn't understand.

If the face hits the ground, why is the bridge of the nose injured instead of the forehead?

After all, the bridge of your nose doesn't look too high.

"Hello, Miss Li."

"Hello, Lawyer Sun."

Sister Li smiled at Sun Kongwen, but the smile combined with the scars on her face looked a bit pervasive.

"Sister Li, you are the manager of the accused Miss Lin, right?"

"Yes, I am responsible for leading Bobo and some female anchors who joined the company at the same time as her. My task is to help them adapt to the live broadcast work and adjust their work and rest time in terms of work and life."

"Then what do you think of the defendant?"

Sister Li couldn't help but glanced at the dock, and then said in a "sincere" tone: "I get along with Bobo day and night, and I always treat her as my younger sister."

In the dock, Bobo was not calm anymore.

"She lied, she never regarded me as a younger sister, she treated us as slaves, and scolded us every now and then!"

"I see……"

Zhang Wei signaled Bobo not to be excited, what kind of girl is this sister Li, it's not like he hasn't seen it before.

If Sister Li is not the worst person who can call someone like Brother Chen to attack the anchors at any time, she is also a traitor who helps the evildoers.

Let them hop around in court for a while now, and I'll do it later.

In court, the statement continues.

"Sister Li, do you think the behavior of the defendant, Ms. Lin, is a bit..."

"Yes, I watched Bobo grow up step by step, but after she had a fan base and a certain influence, she began to drift away. She always thought that she was very powerful and everything was on her own, so she Thinking about getting rid of us, getting rid of the company, of course, that's very common in our industry."

"Then how do you do it?"

"Of course I was trying to enlighten her and persuade her, because in our industry, there are many anchors who broadcast their results, and then lose popularity immediately after flying out solo. The anchor who disappeared after the new platform.”

Sister Li said this with tears in her eyes, pretending to be exhausted: "All in all, the anchor business is not as simple as you imagined. The company and I are all for your own good. Now that you are just starting out, you are thinking about Job hopping, this is inappropriate!"

"Sister Li, let me ask you a question, how long have you been in the live streaming industry?"

"I have worked in this industry for 10 years, and I can be said to be an old-timer, so my suggestion is definitely not wrong."

Sun Kongwen nodded, then looked towards the jury.

Many people were influenced by Sister Li's expressive performance, and couldn't help but nodded.

After all, I have just joined a new industry, so I am so lucky to meet a "warm-hearted" senior like Sister Li who is always thinking of herself.

On the contrary, the defendant named Bobo was ungrateful. Thinking of abandoning the company after thinking that he can fly solo, this behavior is tantamount to a white-eyed wolf!

Therefore, the wind direction of the jury is temporarily blowing to the plaintiff.

"Thank you, Sister Li, for your answer. Our question for you is temporarily over."

After Sun Kongwen returned to the plaintiff's seat, he and Jupiter looked at the dock.

The eyes of the two were full of sarcasm and mockery.

They didn't believe that Zhang Wei could be fully prepared in just one night.

This time, they are obviously stable.

Zhang Wei straightened his neckline and walked to the court calmly.

"Hello, Miss Li, do you still remember me, we met yesterday."

"Of course I remember, Lawyer Zhang..."

Because she set herself up as a warm-hearted big sister, Sister Li showed "kindness" to Zhang Wei.

But she gritted her teeth in her heart, because the one who caused her to get this injury was Zhang Wei in front of her.

Even if there is goodwill on the surface, the hostility in the heart cannot be concealed.

"Good guy, this is killing people!"

Zhang Wei naturally also felt Sister Li's hostility, but he remained calm on the surface.

Because wait a minute, it's good to have this woman.

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