Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 490 Love Like Sisters? When we were blind?

in court.

Zhang Wei is ready to start cross-examination.

"Sister Li, you just told us that you are as close as a sister to my client, Miss Lin, and you have always treated her as a younger sister, isn't that true?"


Sister Li readily admitted.

"Oh, the friendship between you is like sisters, this is really good~"

Zhang Wei said something weird, and then asked: "You also said that you brought a group of female anchors with you at the same time, how many are there?"

"I'm responsible for about 20 female anchors, and they're not in the same episode, but in three or four batches in the same year. There are many of them."

Sister Li said, making a very hard-working look.

With more than a dozen or twenty female anchors, it is really tiring to take care of their diet and daily life, just like a babysitter.

In the court, many people nodded, full of appreciation for Sister Li's answer.

In the plaintiff's seat, Jupiter and Sun Kongwen also sensed the atmosphere in the courtroom.

"Sister Li is good at acting, isn't she?"

"That's right, she was also our company's anchor back then, and she even studied acting!"

The two looked happy, obviously they had a greater grasp of the case.

The plaintiff's seat is full of confidence, so it's the turn of the defendant's seat to become passive.

"Lawyer Zhang, is there something wrong with him?"

Bobo looked worried, and pointed at Sister Li who was on the witness stand.

"This woman has been lying, and nothing she said is true!"

"Bobo, don't worry, Zhang Wei is my brother, he will definitely be able to do it!"

Seeing this, Luo Xiaobu on the side quickly reassured him!

If it was someone else, he might not have confidence.

But Zhang Wei is different, he is a professional.

I, Luo Xiaobu, can't trust anyone, and I can't trust Zhang Wei either!

This is a good brother!

The eyes of the audience, following Sister Li's statement, turned to Zhang Wei.

Everyone wanted to see how Zhang Wei would fight back.

"Sister Li, it's really hard for you to get along with so many girls day and night."

"Yeah, it's been a lot of hard work!"

Sister Li nodded quickly, and at the same time secretly thought that Zhang Wei was nothing more than that, so she began to agree with her.

Is there no way to find my own flaws, so I chose to compromise.

"By the way, Miss Li, you've been with these girls for so long, you should know them all, right?"

"It's not Sister Li, I'm boasting. I've been with them day and night for more than a year, and I probably know them better than their own mother!"

"Oh, so, let me ask, do you remember the names of all the female anchors under your command?"


"Then why not, please report to us how many female anchors you have under your name. Of course, I don't ask you to call them by their names, you can just call them by their stage names."

"no problem!"

Sister Li chuckled, showing disdain.

She knew these people too well, and she met them every day, and calling them by their stage names was easy.

"Under me, there are Rongrong, Bobo, Susu..."

In one breath, Sister Li said more than twenty names in a row, including all the female anchors under her hand.

"Hey, why did you miss a few?" Zhang Wei was suddenly surprised, with a strange expression on his face.

"Impossible, I didn't miss it. I am responsible for taking care of so many girls under my name." Sister Li couldn't believe it, and quickly denied it.


But Zhang Wei suddenly walked back to his place, then picked up a notebook, opened the first page and asked: "According to your company's internal contract approval records, the artist who signed the contract with you as the manager was actually two years ago. There are 31, but why did you only report 26, and where are the remaining 5?"

When Sister Li heard what Zhang Wei said, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

She thought it was something, but she didn't expect it to be this.

"Oh, you said this, they were all eliminated!"


"Yes, the company feels that these girls are not suitable to be anchors, so they let them find another way out."

"Then let me ask, are they all looking for another way out just because they are not suitable for the development of the anchor industry?"

"Otherwise?" Sister Li asked back, her tone becoming a little impatient.

"You took you to the Internet company, didn't you commit violence against them?"

"Objection, false accusation, the lawyer is speculating on his own!"

Zhang Wei's last sentence made Sun Kongwen stand up and raise objections.

"The objection is valid, Lawyer Zhang, I warn you once!"

"Judge Jiang, can't you let the bullet fly for a while?"


The young Judge Jiang obviously did not expect that Zhang Wei dared to contradict himself in his own court.

He was stunned, and looked at the "Senior Seat" at the same time.

In the first row of the hearing booth, Ni Qiuping showed an unexpected expression, and Xu Suyun next door was also calm.

Obviously, they are used to what Zhang Wei can do in court.

Well, Judge Jiang said he was still too young.

However, the majesty of the court still needs to be maintained by himself.

"Lawyer Zhang, what do you mean by letting the bullets fly for a while?"

"Judge Jiang, please be careful!"

As Zhang Wei said, he took another stack of photos from Luo Xiaobu, and then turned on the projector to start playing.

On the projection screen, the first photo appeared. It was a woman hospitalized with injuries, with bandages on her head and face.

"Excuse me, Miss Li, do you know this person?"


Seeing the woman in the photo, Sister Li's eyes flickered.

"Ah, Sister Li, what's the matter with you, do you know her?"


"You must know her. After all, she has signed a live broadcast contract with your company, and you are written in the manager's column~"

As Zhang Wei said, he took out a contract from his hand and showed it in front of Sister Li.

Small sample, the evidence is here, you can't deny it now if you want to.

Seeing this, Sister Li immediately pretended to be familiar, and quickly pointed to the projection screen and said, "Oh, isn't this Xiaolu? What's wrong with her?"

"Now you know each other?"

Zhang Wei chuckled, pointed to the projection screen, and said, "Miss Lu was beaten, and she was beaten by the person who brought you to the Internet company!"

As soon as this remark came out, the entire court was in an uproar.

Even Judge Jiang on the trial bench was a little at a loss.

I objected to it just now, but I didn't expect it to be true?

He looked at the senior seat and at Ni Qiuping as if asking for help.

Senior, is Zhang Wei's case so difficult in the first round of cross-examination?

Ni Qiuping gave him a calm expression back.

This is not to reassure you, but to tell you that this is the first witness, and the excitement is yet to come.


Judge Jiang couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

"No, hearsay evidence!"

In the plaintiff's seat, Sun Kongwen immediately got up to interrupt, feeling the change of the wind direction in the courtroom.

"Judge Jiang, what is the situation with Lawyer Zhang? With a photo of a patient's injury, can he falsely accuse my client?"

After warning Judge Jiang, Sun Kongwen turned to Zhang Weiyi again and said, "Lawyer Zhang, I solemnly warn you that if you continue to slander my client and the company, we reserve the right to pursue your slander in court!"

"Whether it's slander or slander, don't you know if you read on?"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, and took a mobile phone from Luo Xiaobu's hand.

"Since the plaintiff raises a question, let us question the witness in court."

"Sister Li, do you know about Miss Lu's injury process in the photo?"

Sister Li looked at the plaintiff's seat and at Jupiter.

The latter shook his head slightly.

Sister Li knew it well, and immediately shook her head and vetoed it: "No, I don't know!"

"You really don't know?"

"have no idea!"

Hearing this answer, Zhang Wei was very satisfied.

"Scribe, please record truthfully, the witness denied our question!"

The clerk naturally recorded it word by word, while Zhang Wei looked at the trial seat with his mobile phone.

"Judge Jiang, in view of the witness's statement, we submit a self-certification of Ms. Lu to refute Sister Li's testimony!"

"This court approves!"

Since it was rebuttal evidence, Judge Jiang nodded naturally.

Zhang Wei immediately pressed the play button of the recording on the phone.

"Hello viewers, I'm Lu xx, the female anchor of Flying Network Company, my stage name is Xiaolu, but I know you don't know me, because since I became an anchor, the number of fans has never exceeded 500, which belongs to the platform Small and transparent."

"But what I want to tell you today is that it is a group of scumbags and robbers who brought you to the Internet company. They know that I have no talent, can't be an anchor, and can't help them earn rewards and money, so let me give those who cooperate My boss offered me sex for sex. If I didn’t do what they ordered, they would send people to threaten me and beat me!”

"I remember that day, they sent five or six men to break into my residence, covered my head, beat and kicked me, scolded me while beating, saying that I couldn't do such a small thing. Well, the guests are angry."

"In the end, I couldn't stand being beaten by them, so I started to struggle. They saw me resist, threw the quilt, kicked me on the head, and then I passed out, and when I woke up, I was lying in the hospital Yes, I..."

In the accusation in the recording, the girl's voice was terrified, frightened, and tinged with sadness.

Why she was treated like this, why she was treated like this, it really made her desperate.

In the court, many people cast suspicious and angry eyes on the plaintiff's seat.

They really couldn't imagine what a girl did wrong to suffer such a crime!

"Slander, it's all slander!" Jupiter couldn't bear it anymore, he stood up and pointed at Zhang Wei angrily.

"Is it slander, Mr. Zhu, you should know it well?"

Zhang Wei sneered, not paying any attention to Jupiter's reaction.

Because this is the truth, this Jupiter is really thick-skinned.


Judge Jiang finally couldn't sit still, and immediately beat the hammer to preside over the order.

Later, as the judge of this court, he asked the witness stand in a cold voice: "Witness, may I ask if the information in the recording is true?"

"No, it's not true!" Sister Li quickly denied.

Judge Jiang did not respond, but looked at Zhang Wei, motioning for the latter to continue.

"Sister Li, you deny it!"

Zhang Wei made a joke, and asked back: "You mean, Miss Lu's injury has nothing to do with taking you to the Internet, but she was injured by herself like you?"

"It's possible!" Sister Li hurriedly agreed.

Although she also knows that this reason is the same as nonsense.

"Okay, number two!"

Zhang Wei removed the first photo on the projector and showed the second one.

This time, it was a woman with a red and swollen face and obvious bruises.

"As for this one, the doctor confirmed that it was a wound caused by beating. Don't tell me you said it was done by yourself?"

Zhang Wei pointed to the projection screen, and the woman's face had clearly visible beating marks, and asked coldly.


"Sister Li, who is this, you should have an impression, right?"

" Xiao Xun?"

"Hehe, do you still remember?"

Zhang Wei chuckled, and then said directly, "This is Ms. Xun. She is also the contracted female anchor who brought you to the Internet. The agent is also you, and you are also forced to prostitute by means of coercion. She You beat her before you started, isn't that right!"

" wronged, we have never done this before!"

Sister Li quickly denied it and explained to Judge Jiang.

"And this one?"

"And this..."

Zhang Wei once again showed two photos.

The girls in these two photos were also injured. They looked miserable, looked haggard, and looked hopeless.

"Sister Li, one may be an accident, but two, three, four, so many people testify against your company's actions, could it be said that these girls were injured themselves, and then plan to blackmail your company?"

Hearing Zhang Wei's rhetorical question, Sister Li was already speechless.

Likewise, the atmosphere of the entire courtroom changed.

The jury looked at the plaintiff's seat, full of hostility, especially the "fire mother", whose eyes seemed to be on fire.

The same is true for the auditorium. Ni Qiuping and Xu Suyun also showed expressions of displeasure.

Sun Kongwen and Jupiter suddenly felt that the situation was not good.

Judge Jiang on the trial bench also felt the pressure.

Is this the murder lawyer Zhang Wei? This is the first witness. Why do you put me under so much pressure?

He secretly thought that he was still too young, and naively thought that this was a small case.

If this case is not handled well, no matter what his majesty is, he will lose face a lot.

"Silence, all silence!"

After the gavel was struck, the court finally began to quiet down.

But because of the photos shown just now, many people in the hearing and jury seats are still full of hostility towards the plaintiff.

"Sister Li, until now, do you still deny it?"


Sister Li glanced at the plaintiff's seat, and after seeing Jupiter's gloomy face, she still shook her head in denial, "I don't know."

"Hehe, I guessed you would say that!"

Zhang Wei showed such an expression, then walked to the dock and took a USB flash drive from Luo Xiaobu.

"Sister Li, did you keep emphasizing in court that you and the female anchors you manage are like sisters, and you treat them as sisters?"


Although she had no confidence before, she still gave an affirmative answer to Zhang Wei's question.

"Then have you ever hit them, like slapping them, slapping their faces, pulling their hair, or kicking them?"

"This..." Sister Li's eyes flickered.

Because when she was an agent, sometimes her approach was indeed a bit extreme.

She thought for a while, and quickly explained: "Sometimes, I might be a little stricter..."

"Be stricter?"

As Zhang Wei said, he inserted the USB flash drive into the notebook and started playing the video on the projection screen.

In the video, a girl is resting on a sofa in an apartment room.

"Stinky bitch, hurry up and start the live broadcast!"

Suddenly, a sharp voice appeared.

Afterwards, a woman appeared in the camera, but she was Miss Li.

Sister Li came to the woman on the sofa and slapped her down.

"Ouch, it hurts!"

"You little bitch still knows it hurts, why don't you get up quickly! I warn you, today's live broadcast task is 7 hours, it is 4:30 now, you start live broadcast from now, and broadcast it to me until 12 o'clock in the evening , don't stop for a moment, hear me!"

The girl was still covering her face and didn't respond.

"Stinky Sanba, did you hear that!"

Understanding that raising his leg was another kick, which directly kicked the girl in the chest.

"Sister Li, I understand, don't hit me..."

The girl finally showed a painful expression, pleading.

"It's good if you know it. Hurry up and prepare for the start of the broadcast. Make-up will also be changed during the live broadcast. If the live broadcast is not long enough, you won't be able to have supper at night!"

Sister Li left after threatening. At the last moment of the screen, Sister Li's ferocious face was frozen.

"Sister Li, is this what you mean by loving like sisters and treating them as younger sisters?"

Throughout the courtroom, all eyes were on the witness stand.

Good guy!

Really good guy!

You, a manager, can beat girls like this for no reason. Is this what you mean by treating them like family?

Are you blind or are we blind?

Are you talking nonsense with your eyes open, or are we blind and unable to see anything?


Extremely angry!

Everyone felt that they were played by the plaintiff.

It is simply unreasonable!

No matter in the jury box or the public gallery, everyone hated Jupiter and Sister Li extremely.

This group of people is simply too jerk.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei decided to make up for it again.

"Sister Li, you haven't answered my question yet. Is this your usual attitude towards girls?"


Sister Li didn't know how to answer anymore, because she really didn't expect that there was video evidence for this.

Although she also studied acting back then, at this moment, this question is really beyond the outline.

"Since the witness is speechless, we will temporarily end the questioning!"

Zhang Wei glanced at the attitude of the jury and knew that the goal had been achieved, so he immediately ended the questioning.

When he walked back to the dock, Luo Xiaobu was already excited, and Bobo also smiled.

"Zhang Wei, it's really you, your performance is really great?"

"Lawyer Zhang, thank you."

"Why, I'm just telling the truth."

Zhang Wei waved his hand, but he didn't care about the compliments from the two of them.

After all, this is only the first witness, and judging by the appearance of the plaintiff, the other party will definitely think about how to remedy it.


"Lawyer Sun, think of a way!"

Jupiter looked indignantly, and at the same time looked nervously at the next door.

Sun Kongwen's eyes flickered, and he was thinking about remedial strategies in his mind.

Soon, he had a plan!

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