Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 493 Temporarily gaining the upper hand? Jupiter's revenge!

The evidence shown by Zhang Wei can be said to make ordinary people's blood pressure soar after seeing it.

In these photos, there should be girls who are learning to dance, but they are mobbed by a group of hooligans, and they even move their hands, feet and mouth, and are manipulated by others.


This is blatant obscenity!

But what about Teacher Gu?

She is also in the photo, obviously the person in charge of the entire dance classroom, but she turns a blind eye to these behaviors!

Acquiescence, connivance, accomplice?

A series of gazes were projected onto the witness stand.

Many people who originally had some good feelings for this witness have changed their attitudes to blatant disgust at this moment.

You said that you are a dance teacher who teaches female students to dance.

But what happened in the photo, your dance classroom has become an obscene scene, right?

"Mr. Gu, why didn't you answer?"

Zhang Wei also made up his knife at this moment, walked to the witness stand, and met Teacher Gu's eyes.

"The situation in the photo is just a very small part of what I have shown."

Zhang Wei pointed to the scene in the photo, and asked in a cold voice, "I'm just wondering, why are there so many hooligans when I take you to the Internet company?"

"Mr. Zhu, do you know these things? How can there be so many hooligans when I take you to the inside of the network? They also specially molested female students... Oh, no, this can no longer be called molesting, but forced obscenity! "

Jupiter's face turned green when Zhang Wei asked such a weird question.

These hooligans are not the people he raised, they are his subordinates.

He gritted his teeth, his face full of anger, but this is the scene of the court, and he couldn't get angry again. It can only be said that he was so angry that he wanted to kill someone.

Sun Kongwen's expression was also not very good-looking.

Because he never expected that the witness he called up would be attacked by Zhang Wei in this way.

In the final analysis, where did these photos come from, and where did Zhang Wei get so much black material that took you to the Internet?

"Teacher Gu, please answer the defendant's question directly!"

At the trial seat, Judge Jiang also looked cold, staring straight at the witness stand.


"Teacher Gu, I know you can't answer some questions, so let me ask a few questions!"

Zhang Wei pointed to a man in the photo and asked, "Is he an employee of the Internet company who took you to fly? Is he called Brother Chen?"

"Yes..." Teacher Gu turned his head, glanced at the man on the screen, and nodded.

"Are these men Brother Chen's subordinates?"


"Is this place your dance studio?"


"In your dance classroom, do you often see Brother Chen and others?"


"Isn't it the first time they molested and molested a female student?"


"Witness, please answer this question head-on!" At the trial seat, Judge Jiang emphasized again, his tone already vaguely unkind.

Teacher Gu raised his head, and then felt countless sharp and sharp gazes projected on him from all directions.

The jury, the hearing box, and the trial box are all under pressure from multiple parties.

"Yes, it is……"

Under multiple pressures, Mr. Gu could only confess the facts.

"Thank you Teacher Gu for your answer!"

Seeing Mr. Gu's answer, Zhang Wei clapped his hands, "Okay, now the problem is clear. Not only is there contract fraud and contract exploitation in Take You Fly Internet Company, but it also condones male employees to commit obscene acts on the company's female anchors!"

"Brother Chen and the others molested the female students. It is indisputable. The act of taking you to the Internet company also constitutes assisting a crime. The company's power oppression facilitates the crime. They have committed a heinous crime!"

"be opposed to!"

Faced with Zhang Wei's powerful accusation, Sun Kongwen immediately stood up and interrupted.

"The objection is invalid, Lawyer Sun, please sit down!"

Judge Jiang's voice turned cold at this moment, and he issued a warning with a cold face.

Sun Kongwen was helpless, but judging from Judge Jiang's expression at the moment, he could only sit down with a gloomy expression.

"Mr. Gu, thank you for your testimony. We have nothing more to ask!"

Zhang Wei smiled at Teacher Gu, thanking her for her "help".

What is this trick called?

To kill is to punish the heart!

Teacher Gu's face at the moment is really ugly.

She didn't dare to look up to see Jupiter in the plaintiff's seat.

In the end, the complexity and distress in my heart turned into a long sigh.

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, Judge Jiang on the trial bench struck the gavel.

"Ahem, since it's getting late today, this court has announced the end of the trial. We will continue the second hearing next Monday. Now everyone, go back. I wish you a happy weekend!"

After looking at the time, Judge Jiang announced the dissolution of the court.

After he got up, he also let out a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and left the courtroom quickly.

The courtroom began to dissolve, and everyone left one after another.

Zhang Wei walked out of the court with Luo Xiaobu, Bobo and others.

And behind him are Jupiter and Sun Kongwen with gloomy faces, and the employees who take you to the Internet.


Seeing Zhang Wei and his party walking in front, Jupiter couldn't bear it anymore, and even wanted to catch up and let out a stern breath.

"Mr. Zhu, hold back, otherwise the situation will be extremely unfavorable to you!"

Sun Kongwen naturally sensed the strangeness of the people around him, so he hurriedly reminded him.

"ctmd, is the current situation still beneficial to me?"

Jupiter was depressed and looked at Sun Kongwen at the same time.

Your Lawyer Sun was in court the whole time, and you also saw what happened during the trial just now. Are you blind?

In the entire court, apart from our own people, who is not hostile to us?

In this case, can it be more disadvantageous?

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhu, although the situation is unfavorable, we are not without countermeasures!"

Sun Kongwen waved his hand, motioning for Jupiter to calm down.

Although the trial just now was unfavorable to the plaintiff, they still have two weekends to deal with it.

There are two days, and naturally it can be operated.

"Mr. Zhu, for the next two days, we can do this..."

Sun Kongwen and Jupiter began to communicate in low voices.


The accused party.

"Zhang Wei, you are really amazing!"

"Lawyer Zhang, thank you."

Luo Xiaobu was very excited, and Bobo was also very happy.

Because they saw all the scenes in the courtroom just now.

It can only be said that Zhang Wei's preparations are too sufficient.

Almost all the witnesses summoned by the plaintiff can be found by him, and he can find evidence that is not good for the network with you.

Predict things like a god, predict the enemy first!

This is how the two view Zhang Wei.

"Calm down, this is the first hearing, and the situation of the subsequent fight is still unpredictable!"

But Zhang Wei waved his hand. At this time, he must not milk himself, whoever milks will suffer.

Although self-confidence is a good thing, the situation in the court has changed suddenly, and it is hard for anyone to say what will happen in the future.

It is right to choose to be low-key at this time.

The group quickly got into the car and returned to Zhang's Martial Arts Hall.


Friday evening.

After dinner, Zhang Wei and others gathered together again.

"Carrot, are you sure you don't want to go home?"

After looking at the sky, Zhang Wei patted Luo Xiaobu on the shoulder.

You can do it, boy, it's so late, are your family members urging you?

"Zhang Wei, it's okay, my family knows about my situation!"

Luo Xiaobu took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, then waved his hand.

Although there were several calls from family members in the call log, Luo Xiaobu could only ignore them.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei also expressed helplessness.

You treat people with sincerity, but does the other party know?

And if you don't say it, will the other party accept your love?

Anyway, Zhang Wei had already mentioned Luo Xiaobu, so he didn't bother to care about what happened next.

"In that case, let's talk about the case!"

Zhang Wei tapped on the blackboard and wrote some information on it.

"At present, the advantages are with us, but these advantages are only temporary."

"Although I have proved the problem of taking you to fly the Internet many times in court, these problems are due to the misbehavior of the employees and the unreasonable assumptions in the contract. to the bone!"

"The most important thing is that Director Zhu, he has not been affected in any way."

Zhang Wei pointed to the three words "Jupiter" written on the blackboard, emphasizing it repeatedly.

This time the enemy is Flying You Network, which is Jupiter himself.

Only one hard blow to the guy would win the case.

"Then what should we do, Bobo can't be troubled, this case must be won!"

Luo Xiaobu glanced at Bobo and hurriedly asked questions.

I have to admit that this guy is still very talented in being a dog lick.

"In the final analysis, our evidence is not sufficient, and our witnesses are not enough!"

Zhang Wei glanced at Bobo, then at his little friend.

"Because of the rush of time, all I can find so far are some anchors who have been terminated by Take Youfei. They dare not testify in court because they are afraid of being retaliated against. Letting them send videos is already the biggest compromise."

Those female anchors naturally hate taking you to the Internet in their hearts. Some of them have already recorded videos to accuse you of taking you to the Internet, and some are temporarily recorded. Anyway, Zhang Wei showed it in the court trial.

But what happened?

Naturally, Jupiter was not affected, but simply cleaned up a sister Li.

It is far from reaching the level that will take you flying online.

"Lack of witnesses?" Bobo murmured, his expression a little ugly.

Zhang Wei's eyes also fell on her.

"By the way, Miss Lin, let me ask, do you still have an account in Huyu's live broadcast room?"

"The account belongs to the company, I don't have the right to log in, and I heard that the IP is fixed by Bing. I can only log in within the company, and I seem to be powerless!"


Zhang Wei rolled his eyes, and then looked at Zhao Xiaoxiao among his friends.

"Xiaoxiao, can you handle it?"

"Are you underestimating me?"

The second girl raised her eyebrows, and immediately opened the laptop in her hand, and started to operate.

Within five minutes, the second daughter made an "OK" gesture.

"It's done, I have deciphered the account password, and the login IP has also been fixed for you!"

"Miss Lin, if you log into Tigerfish's anchor room and post a message like this, I believe it should be able to put some pressure on you and Jupiter!"

Zhang Wei said, and handed out a piece of manuscript to Bobo.


at the same time.

Take you to fly inside the network company.

Jupiter was having a fit of rage at the moment.

"ctmd, ctmd, a bunch of trash!"

"If you can't do such a small thing well, why should I feed you?"

"In court, let that Zhang Wei ask such a question, can't you deny it and answer it?"

"I don't have any vision at all, and I'm not a tm waste!"

"I'm so mad!"

Although this director Zhu is young, he has a very violent temper, pointing at his subordinates and cursing.

Sun Kongwen on the side didn't say anything, but curled his lips in disdain.

In court, it's really not that you don't answer if you don't want to, otherwise what is the majesty of the court.

Moreover, if you deny the facts after knowing the facts, then you are committing perjury, and you will be jailed.

Jupiter's understatement of a few words is actually inciting his subordinates to commit perjury, which is also against the law.

But Sun Kongwen didn't intend to remind, after all, these have nothing to do with him, and his purpose is to take revenge on Zhang Wei.

"Zhu Dong, it's not good, that Bobo has landed in the tiger fish!"

Just when Jupiter was about to train someone, a girl outside the door shouted.

"what's the situation?"

Jupiter's face was startled, and then he immediately looked at Manager Feng in the operation department.

"Isn't it the company account that was given to them? Didn't you also bind the login IP? How can she log in to the account outside the company?"

"Mr. Zhu, I don't know. It is reasonable to say that the IP address is tied, and the login account and password are only known within our company. They should not be able to log in..."

"There is no way to log in, so what is the situation!"

Zhu Dong turned on the computer, and after logging in to the Huyu platform, he saw Bobo's anchor room appearing on the homepage.

In the live broadcast room, Bobo was speaking with great emotion.

"Everyone on the Tigerfish platform, hello, I'm Bobo, today I'm here to tell you that my brokerage company and I are in the process of a lawsuit, and I want to sue the company, Using the contract to exploit our anchors, squeeze our anchors, and even connive at the employees under him to molest our female students..."

The popularity of the live broadcast room began to rise gradually because of the explosive content of the speech.

If it is normal, Jupiter will be very happy to see the heat of those millions or even hitting 10 million.

But today, when he saw the popularity of the live broadcast room, he felt extremely irritable.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was refreshed crazily, and many viewers began to speak enthusiastically after hearing Bobo's revelation.

If Bobo hadn't turned off the tipping function in the live broadcast room, maybe the amount of tipping today would hit a new high.

"If there are sisters on the same platform, or newcomer anchors who have similar troubles, you are welcome to talk to me."

"This time, I found a very good lawyer, and there are many good friends around me to help me. I believe that with the help of Lawyer Zhang and good friends, we will be able to uphold justice and sanction unscrupulous people like taking you to the Internet. brokerage company!"

Bobo's anchor lasted a full 15 minutes.

The popularity of the live broadcast room has reached unprecedented heights.

Unfortunately, after the live broadcast ended, Jupiter was very unhappy.

In front of him, the many department managers who took you to the Internet all lowered their heads.

"Mr. Zhu, this matter must be handled properly!"

Sun Kongwen is not the person who takes you to fly to the company, nor does he mix in the live broadcast circle, so he doesn't have to worry about Jupiter, but immediately reminds him.

"This time the live broadcast, the speech script was prepared by Zhang Wei. He wants to drag you into the water!"

"Then what to do, Lawyer Sun, what do you say?"

"It's very simple. If Zhang Wei wants to discredit Take You Fei and your reputation, we can also discredit them!"

As Sun Kongwen said, a stern look flashed in his eyes.

Then he whispered something into Jupiter's ear, and Jupiter nodded gloomily immediately.

"Mr. Zhu, although I'm not in the live broadcasting circle, I also heard that you have a relationship on the Huyu platform. Is this true?"

"Lawyer Sun, I won't hide it from you, in fact, I do have a relationship with the top management of Tiger Fish!"

"Well, this time is the time for you to use this line!"

After Sun Kongwen explained some things, seeing that it was getting late, he took his leave and left.

Jupiter, on the other hand, drank everyone away, then took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Brother-in-law, I need your help this time!"

"What's up?"

On the other end of the phone, a man's voice sounded a little impatient.

"It's like this. I have a female anchor who is not sensible. She wants to terminate the contract with me. She even hired a lawyer to sue us. She was talking bad about our company in the live broadcast room just now."

"Oh, that's it, then you sue her, isn't it over? I remember your live broadcast contract, didn't all these terms and conditions be clearly stated, don't you have a professional lawyer to cooperate with, how could those newcomers who don't know the law Beat you?"

"This time, the opponent's lawyer in the lawsuit is a little tricky, but my lawyer is not a vegetarian, and he just encountered a little bit of trouble so far."

The man on the other end of the phone sighed, and then asked, "Tell me, what is it that you want me to help you settle?"

"Brother-in-law, it's like this, I want to ask you..."

Jupiter said several things to the man on the phone.


The man hung up the phone quickly, apparently going to the contact person to deal with it.

And Jupiter also knew that the man would definitely deal with it, because who made him the other party's brother-in-law.

"Hmph, Bobo, since you insist on courting death, don't blame me!"

"Although you are a potential stock, the most important thing I have under my command is a female anchor. If I can make you famous, I can also ruin you!"

"I, Jupiter, hold the resources in my hand, and I can easily find someone to replace you, but you are nothing without me!"

After muttering a few words, Jupiter's eyes flashed a touch of ruthlessness.

"Come here, contact the media in Dongfang Capital, I want to report a story!"

"Okay, Mr. Zhu, I'll contact you right away!"

The woman guarding the door heard Jupiter's yelling, and immediately contacted the media.

Soon, some entertainment media in Dongfang Capital reported a piece of news.

"Shocked, Tiger Fish's well-known Internet celebrity has misbehavior and is suspected of having an affair with the big brother! "

The headline of the news is very explosive.

The heroine in this report is Bobo!

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