Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 494 Zhang Wei's face? Hot search for me!

Saturday, rest day.

It was supposed to be resting, but Zhang Wei was awakened by a knock on the door early in the morning.

When he opened the door, he saw Luo Xiaobu with a strange expression.

"Zhang Wei, something is wrong!"

Before Zhang Wei could speak, Luo Xiaobu was the first to shout in panic.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?"

"Zhang Wei, look at the number one most searched on V blog!"

"The trending search is actually good?"

Zhang Wei was a little surprised, but when he thought that the case of Zhang Dihu and Qian Moli was over, V Bo Company didn't need to keep pretending to be stupid, and the trending searches would definitely resume.

After all, people rely on this thing to make money. How much money will they lose if the hot search goes bad for a day?

"Let me see..."

As he spoke, he took out his phone and opened the hot search page.

"Shocked, Tiger Fish's well-known Internet celebrity has misbehavior and is suspected of having an affair with the big brother! "

Seeing this news, Zhang Wei looked calm.

Isn't this the routine operation of female anchors?

What is the purpose of setting up the ranking list, and it is not to reflect the status of Big Brother Pong.

If the elder brother has face, he will naturally make more rankings.

And Brother Pong talked so much money, why?

Is it really just for a sentence, thank you big brother for the big rocket, big brother 666?

Why does the big brother on the list give you so many rewards? It's not because you are greedy for your body.

So in Zhang Wei's view, it is commonplace for Internet celebrities to meet their eldest brother offline, and it is commonplace.

"Zhang Wei, it is absolutely impossible for Bobo to do such a thing!"

Luo Xiaobu couldn't accept it for a while, shaking his head with disbelief on his face.

"Carrot, you have to understand, when people see Big Brother Pong, it's for work!"

Zhang Wei patted the latter on the shoulder, and comforted him calmly.

He clicked on Hot Search and started reading.

I have to say that this time the amount of black material prepared by the opponent is quite sufficient.

A lot of the content involves a specific time and place.

For example, Bobo went shopping, drank coffee, and watched movies with a man who was suspected to be the number one brother.

Eat together, play entertainment together, and...

There are many photos, and there are even street shots of "passers-by".

It's just the big brother...

"Bobo is not this kind of person, how could she like such a person!"

Luo Xiaobu still couldn't accept it, especially looking at the photos in the post. In the photos, a man who was "thicker" than himself could actually hold Bobo's hand, talk and laugh together, and Bobo still showed his The other party looked intimate.

"Then let's go to the next door and ask~"

Zhang Wei didn't care, anyway, he wasn't the one who got hurt.

"By the way, do you know this Pong Yi?"

"He's not in the fan group, how could I know him, but I heard that this guy is an engineering boss, he gave Bobo several million rewards, and Bobo has been in the rankings for several times, and he is the main supporter By!"

"Oh, in the final analysis, you still don't charge enough money!"

Zhang Wei chuckled, and led Luo Xiaobu into Zhang's Martial Arts Hall.

Zhang Xinwu was the only one doing morning exercises today, and Bobo was obviously the type to go fishing for three days and hang out on the nets for two days, so he didn't come out today.

"Where's Miss Lin?"

"Let's rest in the room!"

Zhang Xinwu pointed to the empty room of the martial arts hall.

Zhang Wei calmly walked to the door of the dormitory and knocked on the door.

"Miss Lin, are you up yet?"

"Lawyer Zhang, I..."

"I understand, if you have something to say, it's not a big deal, so don't worry about it!"

Following Zhang Wei's persuasion, the door opened, and Bobo walked out with red eyes.

I just don't know if she didn't sleep all night, or if she cried because of the hot search thing in the morning.

Seeing the redness in front of her eyes, Luo Xiaobu next to Zhang Wei had a lot to say, but now he is silent.

A group of people gathered in the lobby again.

Zhang Wei turned on his mobile phone at the moment, and was still watching the number one hot search.

"Zhang Wei, it's not good, the fan base exploded, and many people said they want to get rid of fans!"

"There are still people who call Bobo shameless, it's too hateful, this group of people just..."

Luo Xiaobu wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he didn't know how to say it.

Because he is also the injured party.

"Calm down, basic exercise!" Zhang Wei waved his hand, signaling the latter to relax.

Well, the female anchor, coming out to accompany the big brother on the list, isn't it basic practice.

Having said that, you, the second eldest brother on the list, are not worthy of your name.

Pong No. 1 can flirt, but you are No. 2 so honest?

"Then what shall we do?"

Luo Xiaobu looked at Zhang Wei as if asking for help.

At this time, he had no idea.

Bobo on the side kept his head down the whole time, as if he was ashamed of everyone.

But now in the martial arts gym, Luo Xiaobu may be the only one injured.

Although Zhang Xinyan had a good impression of Bobo at first, he was only greedy for his body.

Maybe, this is just a common hobby of men.

"How about asking Bobo to go to the live broadcast room to explain?"

"It can only be the."

Luo Xiaobu nodded.

Bobo also immediately took out his mobile phone and opened the live broadcast room.

"Lawyer Zhang, the studio is gone!"

But soon, Bobo discovered the problem.

"The studio is gone?"

Zhang Wei also hurriedly opened the Tiger Fish app and searched for Bobo's live broadcast room.

[The anchor is suspected of violating the live broadcast platform agreement, and the live broadcast room is being rectified...]

"Hey, Tiger Fish banned your live broadcast room?"

This time, Zhang Wei was also a little surprised.

Bobo’s live broadcast broke the news yesterday. It is reasonable to say that the manuscript was written with his help. There is absolutely no marginal content in it, and it is even more impossible to violate the law. Why was it banned?

"Do you want to find customer service?"

Luo Xiaobu hurriedly said something.


Bobo started to operate and contacted Tiger Fish's customer service.

But she sent a message and waited five minutes with no reply.

"Customer service ignores me..."


Zhang Wei chuckled, the customer service of this kind of big company, you may not be able to find anyone for a long time if you go to complain.

It's ridiculous to say that similar big companies have user-centered slogans, but user complaints and reports have never been adopted.

When the customer service receives these complaints and reports, it also uses perfunctory words such as "OK, I understand, I will give feedback", "Your complaint has been accepted, and the platform will be improved in the future".

Saying it is tantamount to not saying it, and not telling you how to modify it, and then the news will disappear.

The key is not just an Internet company, which has formed the atmosphere of Internet companies.

The whole industry is like this. They talk about paying attention to users, but they are also the ones who don't treat users as human beings.

They are always busy developing new products to make money from users' pockets, but they almost ignore user complaints, reports, and even suggestions.

Because wasting time to deal with these follow-up problems is really thankless, and it is far less profitable than developing new products.

"I'll try!"

As Zhang Wei said, he directly searched for the switchboard of Tiger Fish, and then dialed out.

"Hi, hello, this is Tigerfish Network, who are you looking for?"

"I'm Zhang Wei from Jincheng Law Firm, and I'm looking for the person in charge of the live content of your company!"

"Jincheng Law Firm, is Lawyer Zhang right? May I ask why you are looking for our vice president?"


Zhang Wei just spit out two words coldly, and the receptionist on the other end of the phone suddenly felt the pressure.

"Okay, Lawyer Zhang, I'll convey it to you!"

The female receptionist didn't dare to be negligent, after all, Zhang Wei used the status of Jincheng Law Firm, and the female receptionist still knew the gold content of Jincheng Law Firm.

She quickly pointed to the vice president's office, and the secretary rushed to report when she heard that someone from Jincheng Law Firm was looking for the vice president.

Early in the morning, Vice President Wang was still drinking coffee in the office. Seeing that the secretary found him in a panic and explained that Zhang Wei from Jincheng Law Firm had found him, he frowned tightly.

He doesn't seem to be involved in any lawsuits right now?

As for the only lawsuit, it might be my brother-in-law's side, which seems to involve a breach of contract by a single female anchor.

But this matter, he thought it had nothing to do with him.

Why did the people from Jincheng come to him, and this Zhang Wei seemed to have heard of it somewhere.

"Take the call!"

After thinking about it for a long time, Vice President Wang felt that he should listen to what the other party had to say.

The phone connects.

"Is it Vice President Wang?"

"Yes, it's me, lawyer Zhang from Jincheng, you are looking for me..."

"Oh, Vice President Wang, I came to you today because the live broadcast room of a female anchor was blocked. Her name is Bobo, and she..."

Zhang Wei spoke briefly and made things clear.

After hearing who Zhang Wei came for, Vice President Wang's expression changed slightly.

The other party came to him because of the case of his brother-in-law.

"Lawyer Zhang, the female anchor's live broadcast content is suspected of violating regulations. We did this to maintain the health of the platform's content. Please understand!"

"Vice President Wang, then tell me, where did the content of yesterday's live broadcast violate the regulations, which sentence was wrong, or the host's misbehavior, what standards are involved, can you explain it?"

Hearing that Zhang Wei planned to get to the bottom of it, Vice President Wang frowned.

"Ahem, this is all about the review side, I don't know!"

"Mr. Wang, it's convenient for you to tell me who was the reviewer who reviewed Ms. Lin's live broadcast room yesterday, and I'll contact him!"

"Well, the audit department is very busy, and I am also very busy. Attorney Zhang hangs up if he is free, goodbye!"

Vice President Wang didn't give Zhang Wei a chance and hung up the phone directly.

Afterwards, he called his secretary and told him, "From now on, there will be no one who claims to be Zhang Wei from Jincheng Law Firm to answer the phone call, and don't turn it around again!"

"Okay, Mr. Wang!"

The secretary took the order and quickly went to block the number.


Zhang's Martial Arts Hall.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again later..."

This time, Zhang Wei called Tigerfish's switchboard several times, but got the same reply.

The number has been blocked.

"Is this Tigerfish company related to Jupiter?"

Zhang Wei complained, but then he seemed to think of something, and muttered: "It doesn't really matter, does it?"

He hurriedly opened the V letter and sent a message to Zhao Xiaoxiao, asking her to check the information about the company Tiger Fish.

A few minutes later, the second girl saw the message and replied with an "OK" expression.

"Zhang Wei, what should we do now? Now I see that the trending searches are always at the top, and many fans are leaving the group!"

Among Luo Xiaobu's fans, many people began to curse.

And one after another @Bobo, let him come forward to explain.

The management who originally supported Bobo pretended not to be online at the moment, and no one came forward to support the scene.

Although Luo Xiaobu spoke in the group, he was alone and weak, so how could he be an opponent of a group of people.

"If you quit the group, let them quit. The harder you shout on the Internet, the more unhappy they are in reality. People who really have a stable job and a stable life, how can they waste all their energy on the Internet."

Zhang Wei waved his hand. He said that when dealing with disputes on the Internet, one must calm down.

In particular, anonymous letters on the Internet provide a vent for many people who are unhappy in their lives. Many people vent their grievances in reality through the Internet.

In reality, I am obsequious, and on the Internet, I strike hard, and I become a keyboard warrior to comment and give pointers.

"Then, I just pretend I didn't see it?"


Zhang Wei tapped on the blackboard, this is what they need to deal with.

As for arguing with a bunch of bored Internet people, it's not only a waste of time, it's pointless.

"Hot search over there, I'll take care of it!"

Zhang Wei thought for a while, and he still had to solve this hotly searched matter by himself.

He dialed a number again, but this time it wasn't Tigerfish, but V Bo's head office.

The person in charge of V Bo is also surnamed Wang, and this time he is the real President Wang, not a deputy.

When he heard that Zhang Wei from Jincheng Law Firm called, Mr. Wang didn't even have the morning meeting, so he answered the phone very solemnly.

"Lawyer Zhang, hello, may I ask what you want from me?"

Zhang Wei was taken aback by Mr. Wang's attitude.

This was polite, and even a little respectful, which surprised me a bit.

But since the other party has such an attitude, Zhang Wei is not polite, and goes straight to the point.

"Mr. Wang, I've been working on a case recently, which is about Huyu platform, and your most searched post happened to be about my client. Therefore, I would like to ask you not to let V Bo become an official during the case. It is a tool for the game between the two sides of the court, and it should not lead the public's opinion, which may cause incitement to the jury and affect the fairness of the ruling..."

Zhang Wei said a lot, but in the final analysis it can be summed up in one sentence: Get me the hot search!

"Lawyer Zhang, it's not that we don't want to post it, it's just that this hot search list is based on the popularity of user discussions and integrated with big data. It has a unique calculation method but is open and transparent. We can't just post it! "

Zhang Wei on the other end of the phone rolled his eyes.

Is the hot search list open and transparent?

What a big joke.

"Mr. Wang, isn't your company's hot search list just for money?"


Mr. Wang was speechless for a moment.

Although this is true, you can't say that, and they won't admit it to the outside world.

"Then Mr. Wang, I'm not the kind of person who likes to be coerced. How about this, you can either remove the hot search for me today, or I'll settle the score with you?"

Mr. Wang felt the pressure, and Zhang Wei seemed to be threatening him.

But he still forced a smile, and asked politely: "Lawyer Zhang, we have never met, what are you going to settle with me?"

"It's nothing, just a few times ago, your company posted a post that spread rumors and slandered me, and I want to sue you."

Hearing Zhang Wei's words, Mr. Wang's heart "thumped".

Zhang Wei wants to sue V Bo!

This is really, the king of hell came to knock on the door, death is imminent!

"Oh, by the way, I heard that Wang is always the CEO of V Bo, then I will add Jin's name to the complaint, and you will be the defendant's representative in the slander case!"

Add your own name to the complaint!

Isn't that the king of hell who used his own name to practice brush calligraphy on the life and death book, so that there will be no life after ten deaths?

"Lawyer Zhang, you can't, what are the trending searches?"

"Mr. Wang, those hot searches actually slander me as a murderer and violate the criminal law. I have screenshots of the website's hot searches, and I also save those netizens' comments!"

"But the person who posted the post is not our V blog..."

"But you have played a role in fueling the flames, and who said that no one in your company has posted, and I know exactly how many trolls your company has. When it comes to court, I don't know if all these small tricks of your company will be exposed , what do users think of you?"


Mr. Wang was so frightened that he swallowed urgently.

He panicked.

Zhang Wei's prosecution was already very terrifying and angry.

If the other party explodes the information about V blog during the trial, and even reveals things such as trolls, popular searches that can be bought with money, etc., wouldn't the company face a big crisis?

Not to mention the sharp drop in the stock price, my position as president is probably coming to an end.

When this incident happened, the board of directors must find someone to take the blame for the stability of the stock price.

As the executive president and the person in charge, wouldn't he be the object of sacrifice?

"Lawyer Zhang, I understand. I feel that there is a problem with this top searched content. I will immediately ask the project team to adjust the weight!"

Mr. Wang's attitude took a 180° turn, and he immediately gave Zhang Wei a guarantee.

"Mr. Wang, I will trouble you then."

"Don't bother. Although our V blog is a social platform, we must also be responsible for our users. For some unproven reports that may even lead to misdirected public opinion, we must step up our review and take them off the shelves!"

Hearing Mr. Wang's assurance, Zhang Wei felt hehe.

Don't care about the authenticity of the content, only care about the traffic, isn't it the atmosphere brought up by your V blog?

"Then thank you, Mr. Wang."

Zhang Wei quickly hung up the phone and looked at the hot search list.

In just two minutes, that top trending search disappeared from the list.

Also said that the data is open and transparent?

I made a phone call, threatened two or three sentences, and the number one hot search was gone.

Is this an open and transparent fart?

"I got it done here."

Watching the trending searches disappear, Zhang Wei tapped the blackboard again.

The hot search has come to an end, and the next focus is still on Jupiter.


At this moment, Zhang Wei's cell phone rang, and his daughter sent a V letter message.

"Hey, there are so many black materials in the tiger fish?"

"Wait, Vice President Wang has a wife, and he has such a relationship with Jupiter, good guy!"

"No wonder, I said that there are still people in the Eastern Capital who dare not sell my face to Zhang, so it's because of this!"

Zhang Wei touched his face, his face should be considered pretty good even in the East.

But in fact, he misunderstood. Vice President Wang of Tiger Fish is in the live broadcast circle, not the judicial circle. It's normal not to know him.

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