Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 496: Both Voice and Emotion? Turn black and white!

on the witness stand.

Jupiter looked at the change of wind direction in the courtroom, and the corners of his mouth gradually raised.

"Hehehe, I made a few small videos on the weekend and asked those female anchors to do some performances, so I fooled you."

"Sure enough, as Lawyer Sun said, the jury is a bunch of idiots, a bunch of ignorant fools, it really is very easy to deceive."

He was secretly happy in his heart, and at the same time cast a contemptuous look at the dock.

So what if you have worked so hard to find so much black material, it's not easy for me to resolve it.

Next, you only need Sun Kongwen to continue to ask questions, and he will easily resolve the unfavorable factors of taking you to the Internet.

And Jupiter is not panicking at all now, because there are still people who support him among the witnesses of the defense!

Jupiter smiled when he saw the people from the Tigerfish live broadcast platform sitting in the front row of the hearing.

Similarly, Sun Kongwen in front of the witness stand was also smiling.

Naturally, he could also see that the direction of the court was no longer as hostile to the plaintiffs as before.

That being the case, then make persistent efforts to seal the victory.

"Mr. Zhu, what do you think of the defendant, Ms. Lin?"

Sun Kongwen pointed to Bobo on the dock and winked at Jupiter.

This is to show the other party, try to say something that we have practiced on the weekend, and don't do it rashly.

Of course Jupiter understood, and he paused briefly, recalling the weekend drill.

After he took a deep breath, a smile appeared on his face.

"Actually, I have always admired Bobo!"

"He is very smart and hardworking, and among the newcomers of the same period, he is even more outstanding."

"Many of the other newcomers in the same period have only a few thousand fans, at most tens of thousands of fans, which is already very good. But Bobo is different. She only took one month to surpass any previous ones." As a newcomer, she reached 100,000 fans in three months, and even surpassed one million fans in a year, becoming the top of the Huyu platform!"

"It can be said that she was born to eat this bowl of food. I am also very fortunate to have found such a legacy in the sea, and discovered her brilliance, so that she can give full play to her advantages on the Huyu platform , I am also very happy to have developed a sky in the live broadcasting industry, because she..."

Jupiter on the witness stand seemed to be the incarnation of Bole, who knew people with insight, and he did not hesitate to praise Bobo.

It can only be said that it is difficult for him to recite so much content.

in the dock.

Bobo and Luo Xiaobu looked at each other, staring wide-eyed.

They couldn't believe it, especially Bobo, who opened his mouth and couldn't close it for a long time.

Jupiter's speech was beyond her understanding.

Is this still the cruel, selfish, wolf-hearted Jupiter who cares about money, is full of foul language, doesn't treat employees as human beings, and yells at his subordinates even if he makes a mistake?

How did he manage to hide his dark side in court and present such a majestic image?

You also read "Actor's Self-cultivation"?

All in all, the two in the dock were surprised by Jupiter's acting skills.

And Jupiter's acting skills and his "expressive and emotional" speech also made a good impression on the jury.

If it's a bad boss, what's the first thing you do when you go to court?

It is natural to use words to slander or even attack the defendant who is about to quit, and start to say bad things about the defendant and say that the defendant is wrong.

But now, the person on the witness stand is not hesitating to praise the defendant for so long, and we are all a little moved after hearing it.

How could such a good boss squeeze the defendant and do those things?

Therefore, the jury is a group of people who follow the wind, and their first impression of the witness can even change their view of the facts.

Because of Jupiter's extraordinary performance, the jury and even the hearing audience are gradually improving their favor towards the plaintiff.

Sun Kongwen felt it, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It's not easy, and it's not in vain. He has been pulling Jupiter to simulate the drill all weekend, and this has achieved today's effect.

"Ahem, Mr. Zhu, I know you appreciate the defendant very much, but what I want to ask is, is there any conflict between you and the defendant?"

"I believe that if there is really no conflict between you, then the scene where the two sides are confronting each other in court like today will not happen, right?"

Sun Kongwen said, pointing to the dock, and winking at Jupiter again.

"Yes, I admit that I made a mistake at work!"

Jupiter pointed to himself, with "helplessness and sadness" on his face, "My mistake at work is that I didn't consider that Bobo's reputation has risen too fast, so that she developed arrogance!"

As soon as this remark came out, many people looked at the dock and Bobo.

"Am I arrogant?"

Bobo couldn't believe it, when did I become arrogant, why didn't I know?

"Arrogance? Is there any specific performance?"

Sun Kongwen immediately agreed.


Zhu Pitt nodded, and then recalled: "This is also a hurdle for many newcomers after they become famous, especially in the live broadcast circle. There are many such cases."

"It took only one year for Bobo to reach a position that many seniors in the live broadcasting industry could not achieve after several years. Naturally, it will also change her psychology."

"In the past, she only had a few thousand fans, and she would be very happy to receive rewards and gifts every day. But since she gained millions of fans, she received gifts every day and received soft hands, but her attitude has changed, becoming perfunctory, becoming Arrogant, even greedy."

"She asked fans to give rewards more than once to help her reach the rankings and help her win PK activities, and posted a lot of mobilization messages in the fan group asking for rewards, and she even encouraged fans to attack other anchors..."

When Jupiter said this, his words paused slightly, as if he couldn't continue.

In the dock, Bobo was so irritated by Jupiter's shamelessness that he was speechless.

She looked at Luo Xiaobu, and then at Zhang Wei, "Lawyer Zhang, I have never done these things. In fact, my social account was registered by Sister Li for me, and people from the operation department are also logging in. The messages they sent have nothing to do with me!"

"I know, I know, I know that, but the jury doesn't know."

Zhang Wei waved his hand to signal Bobo to be calm.

Every word and deed of the female anchor is related to the interests of the company.

Because they are selling human designs, only when the human design is matched can attract fans' attention and rewards, this is the purpose of the agency.

So Fly with You, like other economic companies, will hand over the anchor's account to the operation department for operation, and then receive advertisements, launch events, etc., all of which are edited by the operation department.

What's more, many of the No. 1 and No. 2 brothers have added the personal social accounts of the anchors, but in fact, the ones chatting with them are not the female anchors themselves, but the big guys from the operation department.

Of course, this also belongs to the unspoken rules of the live broadcast circle and even the broker circle, and the public does not know it.

Otherwise, if the public knows and the fans know that the goddess in the fan group is not the real person, how can they be obedient and give gifts?

But as Zhang Wei said, he knows about this, but other laymen don't.

And it's a bit difficult to prove it.

You said that you have never logged into the account, but the registration information of this account is you, and the login IP address is also from the same place. How can you prove that the person who logged in is a big guy?

There is no way to prove this thing.

On the witness stand, Jupiter is still playing.

"Mr. Zhu, I know that you may feel sad if you say this, but Miss Lin is already sitting in the dock, and you have already confronted Bo in court. Do you want to keep silent?"

Under Sun Kongwen's strong "request", Jupiter seemed to let go of his "psychological burden" and finally made a decision.

"Yes, I really should expose all of these and show Bobo's true face!"

True face, what true face?

Both Bobo and Zhang Wei were too lazy to complain.

Isn't it just you two guys acting in court from the beginning to the end?

"Since Bobo became famous, she has become more and more resistant to live broadcasts. She even often asks for leave without reason and stops broadcasting at will. The monthly live broadcasts are always not enough."

"A few times, I also saw..."

Jupiter took a look at Bobo and sighed: "I also saw that she asked for leave with us, and after the fans asked for leave to rest and stop broadcasting, they went out to meet Brother Pong. They ate together, went to the mall, went to the cinema, and finally went to hotel……"

As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of many people looking at the dock changed.

After becoming famous, arrogant, arrogant and domineering, even cheating fans and going to sugar daddy?


Naked contempt!

The jury's attitude towards Bobo suddenly turned cold, and even many people began to be hostile to her.

"I know, it's all our fault. We didn't publicize Bobo well, so that she can calm down, position herself, and continue to maintain the dedication she had when she first entered the industry."

"Her performance is the same as those young and famous stars. After lack of discipline, she became extremely indulgent. This is our dereliction of duty. I let her go on such a bad path."

When Jupiter said this, he looked at Bobo in the dock and apologized: "Bobo, it's our company's fault. We didn't guide you properly and led you on the wrong path."

This "sincere" apology gave Jupiter a lot of impression points, and it also made the jury and the audience look down on Bobo even more.

This girl, with a little fame, started to be inappropriate.

Start putting on airs, start playing live broadcast perfunctorily, start arriving late and leaving early at will?

You are not a star anymore, so you can do it like this, cheating your fans, and going for a big money?




"Lawyer Zhang, I..."

Feeling the gazes around him, Bobo looked at Zhang Wei as if he was in distress and could only ask for help.

"My good fellow, this method of turning black and white is indeed somewhat advanced!"

Zhang Wei ignored Bobo, but couldn't help but praise Jupiter and Sun Kongwen for their methods.

It can only be said that as expected of a lawyer who specializes in litigation for gangsters, this is what he is best at.

Reversing black and white, saying good is bad, and bad is good.

It has to be you!

"Mr. Zhu, I understand. Although you admit that you are at fault, I want to say that things in your personality cannot be easily changed the day after tomorrow."

Sun Kongwen also looked at Bobo, implying something: "Some people's personalities are born, even parents can only guide them, but cannot completely change their nature, so I think you did nothing wrong, even like There are really not many good bosses like you who can wholeheartedly consider employees!"

"No, I was wrong!" Jupiter admitted his mistake again.

He is full of voice and emotion, obviously he still wants to continue to play, and he still wants to perform.

As soon as this remark came out, even many employees in the plaintiff's seat who took you to the Internet couldn't help complaining in their hearts.

Lawyer Sun, you really like... talking nonsense with your eyes open.

We still don't know what kind of person Jupiter is in our company?

How Sister Li got the injury on her face, we can all see it.

But in court, you can still praise Jupiter as a good boss without conscience. This is really the child of the ex-wife coaxing the stepmother-it's all nonsense.

Forget it, anyway, we have all testified, so we don’t feel compelled anymore, but I feel a little tired...

Sun Kongwen looked at the party who was about to continue speaking, and quickly winked at him.

Enough is enough of you, it makes me feel sick to talk about it.

And this routine, once or twice is enough, if you continue, maybe the jury will also notice your flaws.

"Judge Jiang, I have no further questions for our witness, Dong Zhu!"

Sun Kongwen hurriedly finished asking questions, and then walked back to the plaintiff's seat.

All eyes were on the dock, Zhang Wei got up slowly, and finally it was his turn to cross-examine.

"Hello, Mr. Zhu."


Jupiter sneered at Zhang Wei, his smile full of sarcasm.

He knew that Zhang Wei might ask him questions, but as long as he followed Sun Kongwen's instructions, everything would be fine.

As long as he maintains restraint and stays calm in times of crisis, everything will be fine.

"Mr. Zhu, your speech just now really made me think for a long time, and I don't know what to say."

Zhang Wei first complained, and then asked: "Since you say you are a good boss, then I would like to ask, what did you give to my client, Ms. Lin, during the two years she worked for your company? "

"I gave her a lot, first of all her salary, her salary has long surpassed that of many professionals in the workplace. Then there is the industry experience. I have been in the live broadcast circle for so many years and have rich experience in the industry. I taught her how to be in the live broadcast. Do better."

"I'm glad you mentioned salary, you mentioned industry experience."

Zhang Wei nodded and asked: "Let's talk about the simplest salary. What kind of sharing is the contract that you take you to fly the Internet to sign with the newcomer? Let me give you an example. If my client received 1 million yuan that month How much will she get in the end as a reward?"

"This..." Jupiter frowned, and it was difficult to answer.

It's not that he doesn't know, it's just that the split data is indeed a little low.

But he can't lie, because this thing is an unspoken rule in the industry, everyone agrees to it, and their company's financial records are also recorded, and Zhang Wei may have obtained the data.

There is no point in lying, and it may affect the jury's opinion.

"Probably less than 100,000..." After a moment of silence, Jupiter still explained.

"Less than 100,000?"

Zhang Wei pretended to be surprised.

"My client worked hard for a month and earned a reward of 1 million. She can't even get a tenth of it?"

"The rewards that newcomers get at the beginning will not be too high, mainly because they need to learn in the first three years."

"Oh, I'll talk to you about money, and you talk to me about studies?"

Zhang Wei couldn't help but say something weird, your perfunctory words are just like those annoying HRs who are responsible for online recruitment on the Internet.

One by one regards themselves as the boss, and hates the job seekers.

I asked you about one month's salary, and you told me that you can achieve better growth in the company. I asked about your salary again, but you said how excellent our company is. In short, all kinds of questions were wrong.

"Actually, for the reward income of 1 million, the share my client can get is only 75,000, right?"

Jupiter's eyes changed and became gloomy.

"Mr. Zhu, if you don't answer, it means acquiescing?"

Zhang Wei smiled, walked up to the jury, and said loudly: "For a reward of 1 million, the platform will take half of it, which is 500,000, and then take you to the Internet to take the remaining 70%, which is 350,000. The remaining 150,000 is not distributed directly to the anchor, but to the anchor's team."

"My client, Ms. Lin's team, is actually only her, but there is also a manager, Sister Li. She also wants to take 75,000, and the remaining 75,000 is the money my client finally got."

Hearing these words, many people were stunned.

Why is this live streaming platform and brokerage company so dark?

For 1 million yuan, the anchor only got 75,000 yuan in the end, 7.5% of the share ratio, which is too...

I earned a million through hard work, and the co-authors earned it for the platform and the brokerage company.

Don't the anchors become beggars on their knees?

"Oh, by the way, even if we can get 75,000 yuan, the actual money that actually went to my client is less than 20,000 yuan. Do you know where the remaining 50,000 yuan is?"

Zhang Wei sneered, and pointed at Jupiter, "The more than 50,000 yuan was deducted by Mr. Zhu for the reasons of keeping it for you and the company's financial constraints. In the end, we found out that he used the money to lend usury. Other anchors brush gifts."

"Co-author Zhu Dong, a good boss, withheld my client's money, but treated the money as his own, and spent it carelessly?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people looked at Jupiter, and their expressions changed slightly.


Always a word that touches people's hearts.

Although you, Jupiter, claim to be a good boss, if you don’t pay wages on time, use various reasons to deduct employees’ contributions, and spend employees’ money as your own, then you are a villain.

It can be said that once anyone talks about money, no matter how peaceful the mind is, they can't help but become suspicious.

"Mr. Zhu, since you happen to be in court and on the witness stand, let me ask you by the way, when are you going to pay back my client's due share?"

As Zhang Wei said, he took out a sheet of paper with rows of numbers recorded on it.

"Since my client gave you the live broadcast, in the past two years, her rewards and gifts have totaled 21.54 million. According to the proportion of the contract, she should actually get 1.61 million, but she actually got less than 110,000."

"Mr. Zhu, I want to ask, in the name of the company, you have already divided her commission of 7.53 million, but why do you still want to take the 1.5 million?"

Zhang Wei's question immediately attracted the attention of the audience.

This also made Jupiter somewhat unable to answer.

Because of this money, he is indeed ignorant!

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