Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 497 There is righteousness in the world, are you farting?

The serious court has become a little riot because of money.

The jury looked at each other with strange eyes and strong suspicion.

In the hearing stand, many people pointed at Jupiter in the witness stand, with contempt in their eyes.

Although you, Jupiter, were eloquent and eloquent just now, saying that you are a good boss, taking pictures of employees everywhere and working hard for them.

But what about the result?

How much money do you share with the employees, and the money is not counted, and you still deduct wages against your conscience.

You tell juries and courts that Ni is a good boss.

But sorry, as long as money is involved and you are known to have withheld wages, then you are a bad boss.

Compared with the so-called set of helping you grow, what everyone cares and cares more about is always the money you get.

So the jury and the hearing stand, at this moment, classify Jupiter as a bad boss.

Many people even felt the same, filled with righteous indignation, and looked at Jupiter's eyes full of dissatisfaction.

Obviously, these people should have encountered workplace PUA from their bosses, and even experienced salary deduction by their bosses.


At the plaintiff's table, Sun Kongwen saw that Zhang Wei exhausted all his efforts with just one question, and he couldn't help but swear.

This group of juries is really enough.

When it comes to money, do you really care that much?

Ignored all the foreshadowing I made before?

Sure enough, the jury is like a wall, and you can fall wherever the wind blows.

"However, even so, besides the split, do you have any other evidence?"

Sun Kongwen was not too pessimistic, because he knew that Zhang Wei had no other evidence.

Even if the matter of money touches everyone, as long as other things do not cause reputation damage to the network, then there is still a chance to recover.

judgment seat.

Judge Xiao Jiang finally couldn't bear it after feeling the din of the courtroom.

"Everyone be quiet!"

He struck the gavel and silenced the court.

"An important place in the courtroom, whispering is prohibited!"

After Judge Jiang said something, he continued to look at Zhang Wei.

"Lawyer Zhang, continue to ask questions!"

"Thank you, Judge Jiang."

Zhang Wei thanked him and walked in front of Jupiter again.

"Mr. Zhu, you've portrayed yourself as a good boss from just now, but I'm surprised. How can a good boss deduct employees' wages and use them to pay usury?"

Jupiter looked gloomy, but did not reply.

"If you don't answer, I'll take it as your acquiescence."

Zhang Wei had expected Jupiter's reaction.

Anyway, if you can’t answer without answering, I will assume that you agree. This is also a common tactic used by defense lawyers in the face of some uncooperative witnesses.

This trick is used to see when you can't help it, you have to speak.

Once you open your mouth, I can catch the opening.

At the moment, Jupiter is very upset.

I couldn't answer it myself, but Zhang Wei said that I was afraid and acquiesced in this matter.

He really can't help it!

Even if Sun Kongwen was on the plaintiff's table, he gave him crazy winks to calm him down.

But who is Jupiter? He is the boss of the anchor company. He is the largest in the entire company, and he is the talker.

When did he need to be so angry?

"Mr. Zhu, since you don't answer the question about the division, let me change the question, which is still about you."

Zhang Wei adjusted his position, put one hand on the witness stand, and asked with a smile: "You have been packaging yourself as a good boss just now, so let's not mention the money for now, just say that you taught me the client." What you paid for my client and other female anchors signed by your company, may I ask what you paid for them?"

As soon as this statement came out, all eyes were on the witness stand.

"My contribution, that's too much!" Jupiter sneered.

He is not good at answering other questions, but this one is not included.

"Let's put it simply, I brought them into the live broadcast circle, I taught them the principles of this industry, I..."

Jupiter started a long speech, telling all the things that I took you to fly the Internet to teach the female anchors.

After finishing speaking, he asked back: "My company has taught her so many things, I think it's not too much to share 70% of the income, right?"

"No, I think it's too much."

Zhang Wei shook his head, "Now there are a lot of live courses taught on the Internet, and there are also video sites where knowledge bloggers share them for free. In fact, many of the things you mentioned can be learned for free."

"I think Mr. Zhu and your company just bully newcomers who are ignorant, force them to sign unequal live broadcast employment contracts, and then squeeze them as much as possible during the newcomers' period, extracting all their value. Your means of exploitation are really powerful. !"


Jupiter was irritated by Zhang Wei's ridicule, but he was not easy to attack, so he could only reply with anger in his eyes: "What about the resources I spent on them, and those promotional resources, they are all real money! "

"The money should not be as much as you said!"

Zhang Wei also replied in the same way, and walked back to the dock, taking another document from Luo Xiaobu.

"Just talk about the promotion fee of the Tigerfish platform, how much is a recommended position on the homepage, Mr. Zhu, can you disclose it?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the front row of the hearing booth couldn't sit still.

The promotion slots on the homepage are logically arranged according to popularity, but they actually know inside the platform that this recommendation slot can be bought with money.

Just like the first place on the hot search list, it is displayed according to the number of days, hours or even minutes. The higher the search, the higher the fee.

In the same way, in order to compete for the anchor's exposure, the major guilds and brokerage companies also spared no effort to drop the recommended positions on the homepage.

The tiger fish are also happy to see this, they wish the internal competition could be as fierce as possible, so that they can reap the benefits of the fisherman and make the most money.

But this kind of thing belongs to the unspoken rules in the industry, and it cannot be said on the surface.

After all, big companies pay attention to face.

They also said that the rankings are arranged according to real-time popularity, and the data is open and transparent.

So now it's not Sun Kongwen who winks at Jupiter, but Tiger Fish's vice president Wang gave Jupiter a warning with crazy eyes.

You kid, don't say it, if you dare to say it, be careful!

Jupiter naturally saw his brother-in-law's wink, and understood that there are some things that cannot be said in the open.

But here comes the problem.

Zhang Wei has already asked questions, and this is a court again, what if he doesn't say anything?

"Mr. Zhu, what are you doing in the hearing booth? Do you guys on the Huyu platform have any troubles?"

Zhang Wei had already caught the uneasiness on the Tiger Fish side. In fact, if this question was asked, it would be a ghost if they didn't panic.

Now, the conundrum came to Jupiter.

"Mr. Zhu, please answer me, how much of these so-called promotional resources, especially the promotional resources of the Huyu platform, have you spent on my client?"


This time, Jupiter was really hard to answer.

In fact, he knew that he had spent a lot of money for Bobo to rank Tiger Fish internally.

Although many of them were due to his brother-in-law's relationship and got a discounted price, the total cost was about one million.

However, with a recommendation fee of one million yuan, in exchange for more than 20 million gifts and rewards, this account is not a loss.

But he can't talk!

These things cannot be said in court, in front of everyone.


He may be straightforward, but Huyu platform is about to suffer from the impact of public opinion.

"Zhu Dong, you should say something, this question is very important!"

"Witness, please answer the question!"

Zhang Wei and Judge Jiang forced the palace at the same time, asking Jupiter to answer quickly.


Jupiter was so angry in his heart, but it was not easy to explode. In the end, he could only hold hatred in the corner of his mouth and gritted his teeth: "Our company has spent a lot of manpower and material resources on the promotion of Bobo on the tiger fish platform. She conceives events, helps her..."

"What else did you help?"

Zhang Wei pretended to be listening carefully and continued to ask questions.

"And help her..." Jupiter couldn't continue.

"Mr. Zhu, can I think so, when you helped my client to promote, you didn't spend much money, right?"

Jupiter wanted to say no, but couldn't.

Those promotion fees are unacceptable.

"That's right..." He gritted his teeth again and agreed.

"Oh, yes!"

Zhang Wei "suddenly realized", and said with emotion: "Doesn't that mean that my client has no financial connection with the so-called internal promotion of the live broadcast platform and the Internet with you?"

"That's strange. Since there is no relationship between a dime, why do you still want to pursue compensation from my client?"

"Mr. Zhu, you keep saying that you have paid a lot, but the internal promotion of the live broadcast platform, which should occupy the largest amount, costs 0?"

Zhang Wei gestured indifferently towards Jupiter, causing the latter to almost grit his teeth and clenched his fists.

"Mr. Zhu, why are you still unconvinced? From what you look like, you want to say that in the Huyu platform, you can actually buy these recommended positions on the homepage through bidding. Are these recommended positions marked with a clear price? ?”

Zhang noticed the dissatisfaction in Jupiter's eyes, and immediately asked the other party with a sneer.

As soon as this remark came out, all the employees of Tiger Fish in the front row of the hearing booth became nervous.

Similarly, Vice President Wang's eyes were even colder, and he was no longer a hint to Jupiter, but a crazy warning.


Sensing the warning from Vice President Wang's eyes, Jupiter could only lower his head again and answer in a hoarse voice.

"Oh, that's it, I see."

Zhang Wei nodded, and immediately concluded: "Your expenses are actually close to zero, but you are trying to coerce you with words like 'I am your guide', 'Lead you into the industry', and 'Teach you a lot'. Female anchors, including my client, let them use their hard-earned tipping money, half of the tipping money will be divided by the platform, and 70% of the remaining half will be deducted by you, and then you Zhu Pete used various reasons to withhold most of the money, and in the end they actually received less than 1% of the total amount of rewards, is that true?"


Faced with Zhang Wei's conclusion, Jupiter was already unable to answer.

"Witness, please answer this question, it is very important!"

Judge Jiang's eyes turned cold, and he stared fixedly at Jupiter.

He could also tell that this was really inhumane.

It's hard to imagine that in a place like Longguo, there are still such unscrupulous capitalists.

No, it's even darker than the capitalists in 996, at least the money they give is enough, and overtime pay is also paid.

Not only do you not give money, but you also try to use moral kidnapping to eat the hard-earned reward money from others. How can there be such a black-hearted person like you?

When Zhang Wei asked a question, Jupiter hesitated and couldn't answer it.

The jury and the hearing seats almost all saw this scene.

It can be said that the image of Jupiter and Take You to the Internet has plummeted.

Before, they tried to boast about what kind of good company and boss they were.

Now no one associates these two words with Take You to the Internet and Jupiter.

And this situation is caused only because of money!

Greed is the original sin!

Money touched everyone's nerves.

"Mr. Zhu, since you are not easy to answer, then I won't ask any more questions. After all, this may touch your sensitive nerves, right?"

Zhang Wei chuckled and nodded to the trial seat, "Judge Jiang, we have ended the cross-examination of Mr. Zhu!"

He walked out of the courtroom with a sneer and sat back on the dock.

"Zhang Wei, I really belong to you!"

Luo Xiaobu gave a thumbs up again, looking excited.

Bobo also expressed gratitude, thanking Zhang Wei for helping him maintain his face, and hitting Jupiter hard.

"Don't worry, although we have the upper hand, who can guarantee the jury's affairs!"

As Zhang Wei said, he glanced at the jury.

According to his visual estimation, if the verdict is announced now, maybe 4-5 of the 6 people will be on their side.

But there will still be 1-2 people who feel that Bobo may have breached the contract and will choose to support taking you to the Internet, which is very bad.

There are uncertainties in the courtroom, and what Zhang Wei needs to do is to eliminate all these uncertainties.

For this, he needs stronger evidence.

He turned his head and looked at Vice President Wang and the others in the front row of the hearing booth. The strong evidence was here.

On the other side, in the plaintiff's seat.

Jupiter also returned to his seat, but compared with the excited defendant's seat, the atmosphere in the plaintiff's seat was a bit wrong.

"Lawyer Sun, have we lost the advantage?"

Although it was a question, Jupiter seemed to already know the answer.

Sun Kongwen did not answer, but looked at the jury with a constipated face.

To put it in a slightly higher EQ way: the current situation is very unclear!

If you have a low EQ: basically the game is over!

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhu, we still have people from Tiger Fish, and Vice President Wang is from your side!"

Sun Kongwen pointed to the front row of the hearing seat, expressing a vague meaning on his face.

"Hmph, if you don't know that my brother-in-law will support me, do you think I can still sit down?"

Jupiter snorted coldly, venting his dissatisfaction.

Fortunately, there are Tiger Fish and the others who can help him save face, otherwise he would have been unable to bear it.

"Ahem, the plaintiff, do you want to continue the statement?"

Judge Jiang didn't know what the plaintiffs were thinking, but continued to preside over the order of the court.

"Judge Jiang, we have decided to end the statement and will not present new evidence at the same time!"

Sun Kongwen got up directly and expressed the meaning of the plaintiff.

"Oh, no proof?"

Judge Jiang was a little surprised. Can't you see the situation in the courtroom?

The situation should be very unfavorable to your plaintiff, right?

Why do you not continue to present evidence, but give the right to speak to the defendant?

If you want the defendant to show its flaws, it will be quite difficult.

Or, do you already know what witnesses the defendant will call, and have key rebuttal evidence?

Judge Jiang didn't understand these things, but he still nodded to Zhang Wei, indicating that the defendant could start.

"Judge Jiang, we summon the client, Ms. Lin, to testify in court!"

No one was surprised by this witness.

Now that it is the defendant's turn to speak, the defendant must be allowed to explain the situation by herself, after all, she is a person who has experienced it herself.

Under the attention of the audience, Bobo stepped onto the witness stand.

The gazes of many men in the court were all fixed on the huge peaks, and it must be said that some women were just astonishingly talented.

But at the same time, many women in the court also showed some hostility towards this one on the witness stand.

"Good guy, isn't this size too big?"

"Little girl now, her development is really exaggerated..."

At the seniors' table, Ni Qiuping and Xu Suyun had been just observing before, but after seeing Bobo appearing in court, they finally couldn't help complaining.

This size doesn't look like the size of a woman in the Dragon Country at all. How much growth hormone must this be?

If you drink papaya milk every day, you probably won’t have this effect when you drink it from childhood to adulthood, right?

"Hello, Miss Lin."

"Lawyer Zhang, you can just call me Bobo. This is my signed stage name. I have been used to being called by people in the past two years."

"Okay, Miss Lin, I see, Miss Lin."

The muscles on Bobo's face twitched, and she didn't know whether to cry or laugh at this answer.

"Miss Lin, as one of the parties to this case and also the defendant, do you have anything to say to the court?"

When Bobo heard this question, tears welled up in his eyes: "Do you know how I have spent these two years?"

Zhang Wei shook his head, he really didn't know.

"When taking you to fly the Internet, you need to get up at 5 o'clock in the morning every morning, and then start class. After class, you don't have time to eat breakfast, you have to take photos for the company, make a promotional video, and then start live broadcasting in the afternoon. Can't rest."

"Three meals a day are basically spent in front of the computer. Although I have met many fans during this period, I don't like the feeling that someone is watching me every moment of the day. I just want to Some freedoms, but the company refused on the grounds of the contract, and even threatened me..."

When Bobo said this, his tone became extremely sad, "Why is it so difficult to want freedom?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people felt sympathy.

If it is true as she said, she has to wake up at 5 o'clock every day, live broadcast until late, shoot video commercials during the period, and can't rest for a moment, then it is really hard.

"Joke, then what do you mean by going out for sugar daddy!"

But at this moment, Jupiter, who was in the plaintiff's seat, suddenly sneered coldly.

This sentence immediately attracted the attention of the court.

But he continued to get up without any scruples, pointing at the witness stand and scolding: "You're an idiot, you think you've got a lot of money, so you want to leave the company, don't you?"

"You still want to slander me, I believe there is righteousness in the world, you are just farting!"

This time, Jupiter seemed to want to vent the anger he received from Zhang Wei just now, and he was really unscrupulous and yelled without any scruples.

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