Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 501 The spirit of the contract, who violated the contract?

Mr. Wang is gone.

He was sent away on a stretcher by Ting Wei.

After venting, he was so weak that he almost fainted due to excessive vomiting of blood, and he was naturally sent to the hospital for treatment.

However, although Mr. Wang left, the information he left to the court was still very exciting.

Especially at the end, he pointed at his brother-in-law Jupiter, and made a sad and indignant accusation, which really refreshed many people's three views.

Fortunately, Vice President Wang is gone now.

Everyone in the court was worried that if he didn't leave, he might really vomit blood and die.

Don't tell me, Zhang Wei's ability to break people's defenses is really not covered.

If this is not done well, it may be another life.

At the trial seat, Judge Jiang could not calm down for a long time.

He watched Zhang Wei break through the witness step by step, and finally forced the other party to vomit blood.

Is this the power of a murder lawyer?

Almost killed someone in his court!


This kid is so scary~

He had no choice but to look at the senior seat, and saw that the expressions of Ni Qiuping and Xu Suyun were relatively calm.

The latter two have seen Zhang Wei's ability with their own eyes, so they are not surprised.

Judge Jiang understood.

No wonder these two looked at themselves with that kind of eyes before, and when they knew that they had taken Zhang Wei's case, they had jokes + ridicules on their faces.

He originally thought that this was just an ordinary small case.

Facts have proved that he is still too young.

Judge Jiang asked in a relatively polite and slightly asking tone: "Lawyer Zhang, do you still need to call witnesses?"

Zhang Wei's eyes subconsciously glanced at the other employees of the Huyu platform in the first row of the hearing booth.

These people were shocked, and none of them dared to look up.

There is no way, what happened to Vice President Wang is a lesson from the past.

They are scared!

He was terrified to death, afraid that Zhang Wei would be unhappy and let himself break the defense on the witness stand.

Being ruined and vomiting three liters of blood is not something ordinary people can bear.

They can vividly remember the tragic situation of their own leaders.

Fortunately, Zhang Wei just glanced at them and did not continue to roll their names.

"Judge Jiang, we have decided to end the testimony and not call new witnesses."

"Oh, end the proof?"

Hearing Zhang Wei's words, the tiger fish employees in the front row of the hearing booth were all relieved and a little scared.

Judge Jiang on the trial bench nodded.

It seems that Zhang Wei is quite confident and feels that he has a great chance of winning.

"Alright, now that the defendant has finished presenting evidence, both parties should prepare for 5 minutes and start their closing arguments!"

Following Judge Jiang's hammer, Sun Kongwen opened his notebook and began to write with his head down.

Closing statement, he was going to find a winning chance in the closing statement.

"waste time!"

Zhang Wei looked at the former with a sarcastic sneer.

This time, it is true that the outcome has been decided, and no matter how much you do, it will be a futile struggle.

5 minutes passed quickly.

The parties began their closing arguments.

In order to gain an advantage, Sun Kongwen got up first and came to the center of the court.

"Although the defense has said a lot and produced a lot of evidence, I want to ask, is this evidence related to this case?"

Sun Kongwen made a puzzled look, raised his finger to the dock, "Look, everyone!"

"Look at the woman in the dock. She is a female anchor who signed the contract. Isn't her behavior a breach of contract?"

"Everyone, don't be misled by the testimony of the defendant's lawyer. Please read it carefully. Even though Vice President Wang of the Huyu platform has done a lot of bad things, this is an unspoken rule in the industry and has nothing to do with this case, right?"

"Besides, it's human nature to take care of your brother-in-law, right? I believe you have achieved high-level positions on the Huyu platform. If your relatives at home ask you for help, then you will definitely support them a little bit and make a harmonious relationship." Vice President Wang is similar."

"Vice President Wang and our client did something wrong, but their mistake was nothing more than a so-called so-called sophistication, which has nothing to do with this case."

"The defendant, Ms. Lin, what about her behavior? Not only did she unilaterally terminate the contract with Zhu Dong, but she also unilaterally left the company, brought her into the industry, and taught her a lot of ways to take you to the Internet. Her Behavior is truly immoral!"

"So, I implore everyone not to be misled by the defendant's lawyer and focus too much attention on my client and Vice President Wang, but on the person who really needs you to judge, that is the defendant, Ms. Lin, And her breach of contract!"

Speaking of this, Sun Kongwen sighed, "If everyone, like Ms. Lin, signed a contract for three years, but terminated the contract after two or one and a half years, then does the spirit of contract still exist in this world?"

After Sun Kongwen's closing statement, I have to say that he still said a lot, and he also tried to guide the jury back to the "correct" direction.

And what he said did make the jury fall into short-term thinking.

Next, it's the defendant's turn.

Zhang Wei stood up and entered the arena calmly.

"Actually, I'm very glad that Lawyer Sun mentioned the spirit of the contract, so let's focus on explaining the so-called spirit of the contract."

Zhang Wei smiled slightly at Sun Kongwen, giving the latter a sense of terror that his closing statements were all expected by the other party.

"Please pay attention to one thing, that is the so-called spirit of contract. It is not a unilateral contribution, but a joint responsibility of both parties."

"Lawyer Sun said it very well. He believes that my client, as an employee of the contracting party, should abide by the contract, complete the three-year live broadcast period, and do my best to live broadcast for the Internet with you."

"However, everyone, please think about it, has the spirit of the contract been fulfilled by taking you to fly the Internet? Do all the actions they do meet the requirements of the spirit of the contract?"

Zhang Wei raised two fingers and emphasized: "I believe not!"

"First, their so-called contract is just a unilateral squeeze on the female anchors under their command. This kind of squeeze is most directly reflected in money. I really can't imagine that the income of 1 million will be the biggest payer in the end. The income received is only 7.5%, which is really..."

Zhang Wei shook his head, he couldn't believe it, this was even more cruel than the old landlords.

"Second, it is the oppression of power all the time. I believe everyone has seen the video, the photos and videos I showed, and the female anchors who accompanied Vice President Wang and the bosses of some live broadcast companies. What do you see in their faces?"

The jury looked at each other, and the hearing booth began to whisper.

"Anyway, I only saw perfunctory smiles, the sacrifices I had to make in order not to lose the so-called resources, and the bitterness of forcing a smile to accompany the so-called big boss. This is what the female anchors encountered in the company."

"Of course, this is only one aspect. Their experience during the live broadcast is even more sympathetic. As my client said, in addition to the necessary live broadcast time, they also need to shoot short videos for the Internet and learn to dance. , and even participated in social activities organized by Zhu Dong."

"They were drunk at the party and suffered all kinds of indecent behavior. Even Jupiter, the plaintiff, would beat and scold them if he felt a little unsatisfactory. That's it. The next morning, the manager, Miss Li, still Violence will be used against them, and they will be broadcast live according to the stipulated time, and it will start again and again.”

"That's why you can see that Sister Li beat and scolded the female anchors in the video, called them bitches, and ruined their bodies and minds, because they were so tired, they just wanted to take a rest, but this is true for them. It’s just wishful thinking for them.”

"I believe that you have also been oppressed in the company?"

Zhang Wei looked at the jury with the same expression as everyone else.

"Before get off work on Friday, the boss suddenly rushed into the office and told you to work overtime on Saturday, and anyone who doesn't come will get out. I believe that at this time, all of you will keep your heads down and dare not speak, or you will occasionally complain in your heart, but tomorrow Will you come to work as well?"

"You are a newcomer. Do you want to ask about overtime pay for overtime work, but an old employee told you that overtime work is voluntary. We have not completed our work and are obliged to work overtime."

"You ask, we can't finish our work in one day. Doesn't it become something we can't resist? The department leader instead warns you that this is the workplace, and you can definitely get better exercise in a high-pressure environment. Today Your hard work will lead to tomorrow's success, believe me, you will be grateful to yourself in 10 years and so on..."

"I know these words are useless. They are just a little chicken soup. You worked overtime today, and you will work overtime tomorrow. In the end, you end up with injuries, and then at the age of 35, you were structurally optimized and fired. You didn't make much money. , In the end, I lost my job, no one wanted it, and lost my source of income, this is the true portrayal of everyone.”

"And at this time, have you ever thought about whether your boss abides by the spirit of the contract?"

As soon as this statement came out, it aroused the resonance of many people in the audience.


In the company, it's all their unilateral contribution, but what about their boss, do they abide by the spirit of the contract?

Blindly emphasizing dedication and overtime, what is the final result.

A whole body of occupational diseases, lumbar muscle strain, cervical spine disease, muscle abrasions and sprains, kidney disease and liver disease after sitting for a long time, anyway, I have a whole body of diseases.

Suffer yourself and make your boss rich.

The boss's Ferrari is changed every year, but what did he get?

Just like the defendant in this case, of the 1 million yuan, Tiger Fish distributed 500,000, Jupiter distributed 350,000, and the remaining 150,000 was divided in half with the agent.

But even if it's 75,000, only 10,000 to 20,000 will be obtained in the end, and the remaining money will be used by Jupiter to usury, or used to give gifts to other anchors of his company to gain popularity.

It's like, I used your money as mine, and I don't allow you to be aggressive.

The plaintiff's lawyer said the spirit of the contract.

But what the defendant's lawyer said made more sense.

When employees want to rebel, the boss starts to talk about the spirit of the contract, but do you talk about the spirit of the contract yourself?

Together with the enemy!

Everyone glared, looking at the plaintiff's seat, full of grief and indignation.

"I believe everyone understands what kind of existence this so-called spirit of contract is in the eyes of the plaintiff."

"I believe that you can stand on the body of our workers and cast a crucial vote. Thank you!"

Zhang Wei also finished his closing statement.

Judge Jiang tapped the hammer and announced, "Both parties' closing arguments are over. Please come with me, the jury."

Judge Jiang led the six-member jury into the meeting room for discussion.

Everyone in the court watched them walk in, and many people began to speculate about the final outcome of the case.

meeting room.

Judge Jiang sat in the middle, with three jurors on each side.

"Everyone, do you think the defendant, Ms. Lin, needs to pay 5 million yuan in compensation for taking you to the Internet?"

"Do you think she needs to pay compensation? If she doesn't, it's supporting the defendant. If she needs compensation, it's supporting the plaintiff."

"If you support the plaintiff's actions, then the amount of the 5 million yuan compensation can also be increased or decreased. Please express your opinions now."

As soon as Judge Jiang finished speaking, Mother Agni, the hottest woman on the jury, couldn't sit still.

"My lord, this plaintiff is so inhuman, this nima is simply a scum, she is a scumbag, how can such a person have the face to sit in court and accuse that girl, God is really blind, why? I didn’t take these beasts away!”

"Madam, you don't have to be so excited, I know what you mean, are you going to support the defendant?"

The young judge Jiang said, you scared me to death. Although I didn't participate in many trials, it was the first time I saw a juror as excited as you.

"Nonsense, I believe that as long as you have some humanity, you won't support that thing that takes you to the Internet!"

Li Huo's mother glanced at the other five people, and after seeing everyone nodded, she looked directly at Judge Jiang.

"Your Honor, we have already discussed it, and there is no objection!"


Not long after, Judge Jiang led the jury back to the courtroom, and it took only 5 minutes to leave.

"Chairman, would you please announce?"

Under the gaze of the audience, Agni's mother got up.

"Oh, Mother Fire?"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Wei knew it well.

His selection of the jury really worked.

"Ahem, as the chief juror, I now announce that we support the defendant, Ms. Lin, in the lawsuit against the defendant, Ms. Lin, against the defendant Ms. Lin on the take you fly network!"

As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere in the courtroom was finally no longer depressed.

Many people in the audience showed such expressions, because they were not surprised by the result.

In fact, after going through the trial, if anyone still supports the plaintiff, then this person is a proper lackey of capital.

As for the people present, no one wants to be a running dog of capital. They all have their own thoughts and blood.

"It's great, Zhang Wei, you are really amazing!"

In the dock, Luo Xiaobu was the first to get excited.

He gave Zhang Wei a thumbs up, and then looked at Bobo.

"Bobo, did I tell you that Zhang Wei is my good brother, and he is a very good lawyer."

"Yes, Lawyer Zhang is very powerful!"

Bobo looked at Zhang Wei with eyes full of admiration and a bright smile on his face.

"Miss Lin, you should calm down. Although you don't have to pay 5 million liquidated damages, this matter is not over yet!"

As Zhang Wei said, he looked towards the plaintiff's seat next door.

On the plaintiff's seat, Jupiter looked gloomy. After hearing the verdict, his five fingers clenched into fists, and the muscles at the corners of his mouth twitched wildly.

Sun Kongwen on the side was similar to Jupiter, his five fingers almost turned into chicken feet, and his face was crazily distorted because he couldn't accept failure.

He really did not expect that at the last moment, Vice President Wang, who used the tiger fish platform, would turn his back on Zhang Wei.

Another Jedi comeback!

Zhang Wei beat himself again.

Zhang Wei won himself, prevented his plan to succeed in the position, and made all his hard work during this period of time go to waste.

Damn it!

The two people in the plaintiff's seat left the court one after another. Their faces were ugly, as if they had eaten half a cockroach during breakfast.

In the hearing booth, many people got up one after another and left the court.

Among them, Ni Qiuping and Xu Suyun, who were on the senior seat, were also in the team.

However, the faces of the two are complicated.

In the end, it was Ni Qiuping who extended her hand to Xu Suyun.

"Okay, 200 yuan!"

"Hmph, just yell!"

Xu Suyun reluctantly took out 200 yuan from her wallet, and slapped Ni Qiuping's hand.

She was willing to bet and admit defeat, she admitted.

"Don't even look, who is that kid, he is Zhang Wei!"

Ni Qiuping raised her head, she really looked embarrassed.

Xu Suyun was speechless, he is Zhang Wei, what are you talking about?

However, they are old rivals, and they are not convinced by each other, and their participation in the trial today is just a small episode.

in the dock.

"Lawyer Zhang, what should I do next? What do you mean when you say this matter is not over yet?"

Bobo came to Zhang Wei's side and asked cautiously.

"It's very simple, I have to help you get your salary back."

Zhang Wei pointed to the plaintiff's seat where Jupiter was sitting, and smiled coldly.

"Also, after exploiting you for so long, I think the Tigerfish platform also needs to pay the price!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's words, Bobo was stunned.

She never expected that Zhang Wei not only helped her, but also planned to vent her anger on her behalf.

And the object of this venting is actually the Tiger Fish platform and Take You to Fly Network.

"Lawyer Zhang, there's no need to do that..."

"Miss Lin, do you still want to join the live broadcast circle in the future?"


Zhang Wei's question made Bobo not know how to answer it.

"Since you have made a decision, there is nothing wrong with me helping you avenge you, right?"

"And, speaking of it, I also need your help with one thing."

Zhang Wei hooked his fingers towards Bobo, making the latter come forward.

After the two whispered, Bobo froze for a moment, then looked at Luo Xiaobu, and nodded solemnly.

"Zhang Wei, Bobo, what are you talking about?"

Luo Xiaobu also approached with a smile, looking at Bobo and Zhang Wei with a strange look.

But he trusts Zhang Wei, knowing that his good brother is not interested in Bobo, after all, he already has Xia Qianyue.

"Carrot, we are discussing compensation."

"Zhang Wei, you are too much of a brother. Not only did you help Bobo win the lawsuit, but you also plan to help her get compensation?"

"Yeah, I need compensation for helping others, so I can earn another lawyer's fee!"

Zhang Wei chuckled, and pulled Luo Xiaobu out of the courtroom.

However, when Zhang Wei left the court, his eyes were always looking at Luo Xiaobu, instead of looking at the party Bobo.

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