Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 502 Tiger Fish's Compromise, Broken Boy's Heart?

The next day, Tuesday.

Take you inside the offices of the live webcast agency, Jupiter.

As a director, Jupiter was sitting at his desk with a gloomy face.

Sun Kongwen has already left, because he lost to Zhang Wei, and his cooperative relationship with Flying Network has also been terminated.

Sun Kongwen is from the Tiger Hall, so Jupiter naturally didn't dare to ask more questions and let the other party go.

But losing the case really upset Jupiter.

"Zhu Dong, someone sent us a lawyer's letter!"

At the door, there was a woman's panicked voice.

"Letter from lawyer!"

Hearing these three words, Jupiter frowned, but still let the woman come in with a lawyer's letter.

He picked up the lawyer's letter, and after opening it, he saw attention.

Zhang Wei, the ace of the Criminal Department of Jincheng Law Firm.

This line of words also reveals who sent the lawyer's letter.

"Fuck, Zhang Wei!"

Seeing Zhang Wei's name, Jupiter was about to explode.

Because of this kid, his 5 million liquidated damages are gone, and he still can't hold his head up in the industry.

Now everyone knows that Bobo, the female anchor under his command, left after becoming popular, and the other party walked away easily, without paying a penny.

Once this kind of thing starts, it's not the right sign.

The ghost knows if other female anchors under their company have such thoughts.

Moreover, in this case, too many things broke out, and almost all of them became industry scandals.

Now is the Internet era again, and the live broadcast industry is an emerging industry, and the news is overwhelming.

Maybe three days later, the entire Dongfang Capital's live broadcast circle, or entertainment gossip news, will be full of black material that they took you to the Internet.

How does this make them continue to fool newcomers into signing contracts, and how can they continue to exploit newcomers to make money?

Blame that Zhang Wei, this is going to cut off his own money!

But he didn't think about it, whether his money was right or not.

Holding the lawyer's letter in his hand, Jupiter suppressed the anger in his heart and began to read it.

After seeing half of it, Jupiter couldn't help it.

In the lawyer's letter, Zhang Wei not only asked Jupiter to fully compensate Bobo's legal income, but also needed to pay an additional 5 million yuan for mental damage and additional expenses.

5 million in compensation!

This number is simply slapping him in the face of Jupiter.

"Go ahead and dream, if I pay you a penny, I will..."

Jupiter was about to speak harshly, but his eyes glanced at the back part of the lawyer's letter unnaturally.

"Mr. Zhu, I know you must still be angry, but I advise you to calm down, and please think about the terms of this settlement."

"I, Zhang Wei, once gave some people opportunities, but they didn't cherish them. What did they gain in the end, and what did they lose?"

"Cheng Lisha, Xu Zhifeng, Qian Moli, Yuan Dong, Yuan..." each name appeared in the second half of the lawyer's letter.

When Jupiter saw these names, his eyelids twitched unconsciously.


He was still angry just now and forgot one thing.

Zhang Wei is the famous "Murder Lawyer" in the Eastern Capital, and more than five fingers have died in his hands.

God knows if I don't lose money, my name will also appear in this "list".

At that time, after Cheng Lisha and Qian Moli, there will be another name named Jupiter.

Kneading the lawyer's letter in his hand into a ball of paper, Jupiter hesitated, without the anger just now, and a look of panic appeared on his face.

If I don't agree to this condition, will my life be in danger?

"Zhang Wei of Dog Day, I belong to CNMB, if you dare to threaten me, I... I will tolerate you once today, but that doesn't mean I'm afraid of you!"

It seems that he is ready to compromise.

Although Zhang Wei didn't come to take you to the Internet in person, a lawyer's letter has already solved all the problems.

Where is Zhang Wei at the moment?

He is now at the parent company of Tigerfish Platform.

In a magnificent conference room, Zhang Wei met a senior executive of the parent company of Tiger Fish Platform.

"Where's Vice President Wang?"

Zhang Wei pointed to an empty seat on the conference table and asked curiously.

This position should belong to Vice President Wang.

"Xiao Wang knows that he has made major mistakes in his work, and he clearly knows that he cannot continue to be competent, so he submitted his resignation last night!"

The one who spoke was the old director of Tiger Fish's parent company, a middle-aged man sitting at the front.

This person's surname is Chen, just sitting there gives people a sense of calmness.

This Mr. Chen is in charge of many live broadcast industries such as Tiger Fish Proof, and he can be regarded as a bigwig in the live broadcast industry.

To be honest, if it wasn't Zhang Wei who came today, but any other small lawyer, he, Mr. Chen, would not have met him.

But Zhang Wei is different. The reputation of this person has been getting a lot of attention recently.

He wants to see what this lawyer who has won and taken you to the Internet and ruined the reputation of the tiger fish platform is going to do.

"Chen Dong, since Vice President Wang is not here, I'll come to you directly."

As Zhang Wei said, he took several documents from the briefcase and sent them directly to the senior management of the group, including Mr. Chen, each with a copy.

"Presumptuous, you actually want us to apologize publicly, and you want us to make a promise that similar behavior will not happen again in the future, you simply don't take us seriously!"

When a high-level executive saw the document request in his hand, he immediately slapped the table and became angry!

Others also showed aggrieved expressions, even Mr. Chen frowned.

"Chen Dong, you don't think that you tiger fish can get out of this lawsuit, do you?"

"You don't think that if you fire a Vice President Wang, you can wipe your ass and leave, and you can calm down the storm without paying anything?"

"I know that Vice President Wang is just a scapegoat. The real crime is the unspoken rules of your live broadcast circle. Even if Vice President Wang steps down, there may be a Vice President Li and Vice President Chen in the future. Evil deeds similar to those of Vice President Wang!"

"Because of this, I need you to restrain your subordinates, make a guarantee, and beware of repeating the same mistakes in the future!"

Zhang Wei's persuasion naturally made it impossible for the group's senior management to compromise.

In fact, they are all sitting in this position, how can they listen to the slightly threatening persuasion of others, especially if the persuasion is still a young man.

The hallmark of big companies and those in high positions is arrogance!

It might not have been their character to begin with.

But after being in a high position, surrounded by people who lick them, they will naturally develop this kind of character.

Now being threatened by a young man pointing his nose, it's no wonder they can compromise.

"Why, Mr. Chen, you are not convinced?"

"Lawyer Zhang, I don't think we did anything wrong, do we?"

Chen Dong laughed, and said in a perfunctory tone: "I have handed over the operation of the Tiger Fish platform to Xiao Wang before. I admit that he has done a lot of things wrong in his work, but so what?"

"He has resigned now, and we will hold a press conference later to admit Xiao Wang's mistakes at work, and we will also let the newly appointed person in charge restrain himself, so as not to make the same mistakes as Xiao Wang!"

"Admit mistakes so you don't make mistakes?"

Hearing this perfunctory excuse, Zhang Wei couldn't help laughing.

This guarantee is not strong at all. This is to tell you that although I know that there are internal problems, I have already made a promise and made a promise. What else do you want?

But if there are similar mistakes next time, at worst, the person who made the guarantee will continue to resign.

Anyway, we dare to do it next time!

Zhang Wei looked at Chairman Chen, and then at the rest of the board of directors, and sneered inwardly.

When dealing with capitalists, if you can't strike at their vitals, they won't compromise.

"Chen Dong, are you really planning to do this?"

"Lawyer Zhang, I've already given you face by being able to come out to see you, but you make such an unreasonable request and want our company to compromise, it's just a dream!"

Chen Dong got up and waved to the female secretary beside him, "Send Lawyer Zhang away, we will be busy with the press conference later!"

After all, he was about to leave.

"Lawyer Zhang, please!"

Although the female secretary said politely, there was no trace of respect on her face, only cold and arrogant, just like her boss.

Zhang Wei sneered and looked at the person who left.

"Chen Dong, are you sure your company didn't make any bigger mistakes?"

As soon as this remark came out, the latter's footsteps paused slightly.

"Lawyer Zhang, do you want to use Xiao Wang's mistakes to blackmail our group?"

"Vice President Wang's fault alone can't hurt you all, but what if it's a bigger problem?"

Chen Dong frowned slightly, "What's the bigger problem?"

But Zhang Wei moved closer to him, and said in a low tone, "For example, tax evasion!"

As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere in the entire conference room changed.

"What did you say, it is impossible for our company to have such a problem!"


Zhang Wei ignored the high-level veto, but sneered, and took out another document from the briefcase.

"To be honest, there are many problems with the Tigerfish platform, the biggest of which are naturally ranking and inductive consumption, and a big problem has arisen from it!"

"That is, when bidding for rankings, in order to stimulate user consumption and compete for the rankings, your group will fabricate a competing user and ask him to spend a large amount of rankings to stimulate opponents' consumption, which is commonly known as competing for the top spot."

"For example, the No. 1 game anchor on the Tiger Fish platform, in a carnival event held by Tiger Fish, he earned a total of 200 million yuan, and the No. 1 contributor in the list is a local tyrant. A gift quota of more than 100 million has been raised."

"But judging from the dynamics he posted afterwards, he only planned to spend 10 million or 20 million, and it would be enough to make the fan contribution the first, because according to his experience, 10-20 million is enough to get fans. No. 1 on the list."

"But at that night, a new user suddenly appeared, and he made a big deal as soon as he made a move. He swiped 30 million credits directly, and he seemed to compete with this local tycoon for the rankings. In the end, the amount of swiping by the two was rising steadily , This is the new record of 200 million gift quota."

"Chen Dong, let me ask you, who is the second eldest brother on the list, do you know?"

Chen Dong's eyes became a little flickering, and several senior executives seemed to know the inside story, and lowered their heads unconsciously.

"Why, can't answer, Mr. Chen?"

Zhang Wei sneered and asked, "We won't mention the identity of this second local tyrant for now, but your company has made a work mistake."

"Although the anchor received a gift reward of 200 million, according to the tax rate, he needs to pay personal income tax according to the amount of 200 million, but what amount do you pay, it should not be 200 million?"

As soon as this remark came out, the color of a high level changed drastically.

Because he is the high-level person responsible for paying taxes, and he is responsible for the tax part.

"The actual tax paid by your company is based on the amount of 111.3 million. In other words, you stole 90 million in personal taxes. Calculated at 11.2%, you stole a full 10.08 million in taxes!"

Now, even Chen Dong understood the seriousness of the problem.

"how come……"

"Why not?"

Zhang Wei sneered, "Who asked you to generate fake data, but you will not admit that the data is fake, otherwise all users of the platform will recognize you, and the market supervision will send people to investigate the suspicion of your data fraud."

"But you pay taxes and fees based on the real data displayed in the background, but you forget one thing, the background data you can see is different from the front data I see."

"Chen Dong, one anchor let you evade taxes by more than 10 million in one event. There must be 10 head anchors in the carnival event. That is to multiply by 10, which means that you evaded taxes in one event. More than 100 million. This is not counting those middle-level, even some well-known anchors, after all, your tiger fish platform is the number one in the industry, and you have the largest number of anchors."

"But those are fake data, why should we pay taxes for fake data!"

"That's fine, you can issue a statement to tell the facts of this fake data, do you dare?"

Zhang Wei crossed his hands across his chest, posing in a posture of "I don't think you dare".

The higher-ups didn't dare to speak anymore, because they really didn't dare to admit it.

Admitting this matter would be a devastating blow to their company.

"Chen Dong, let's go back to the original question. I will give you a choice, and that is to apologize to my client, to all the anchors on the entire platform who have been exploited by you, and to apologize sincerely. I want to see your sincerity. .”

"If we don't apologize, you..."

"If you don't apologize, then this record of tax evasion and tax evasion will appear in the offices of the Financial Investigation Bureau and the Taxation Department later. Your company and the Tigerfish platform will be subject to a comprehensive tax investigation for 3-6 months."

"Not only that, but the fact that your business has been suspended for 6 months and you have been investigated by the tax authorities will also be on the headlines of the entertainment section of the Oriental Metropolis, and even the hot searches will continue to enter the top ten until the investigation about you is over."

"Please estimate the gains and losses of this matter yourself. When your investigation is over, even if the tax gives you the opportunity to make you pay all the taxes, can your company continue to be the leader in the live broadcasting circle?"

What Zhang Wei said was that Xiaozhi uttered two words out of emotion and reason.


Someone from Zhang came to you, so he came prepared.

You are not afraid of me, Zhang Wei, are you not afraid of taxation, are you not afraid of the Financial Investigation Section?

If you say you are not afraid, fine, I will invite them over here and let them have a "friendly" talk with you face to face.

"Chen Dong, my time is limited, I will give you 5 minutes to think about it, how about it?"

Zhang Wei looked at the time on his phone and smiled.

"Lawyer Zhang, you..."

"Chen Dong, the choice is in your hands, either apologize and admit your mistake, or the company is ruined, you choose!"

Can Mr. Chen choose at this moment? Does he dare to choose or not to apologize?

He said, what a little bastard you are!

"Okay, Lawyer Zhang, isn't it just an apology, I agree!"

"Very good, Chairman Chen, I can ask your secretary to prepare an apology later, but I have a small request!"

Zhang Wei looked at the cold-faced female secretary and said with a sneer, "The apology draft must be prepared with 10,000 words, and it must be eloquent and expressive, and it must show sincerity. It is best to resonate with the audience and make people in the same industry think deeply. , Let everyone take warning, these are my requirements for the speech!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the female secretary's face finally changed, and she became a little stunned.

This shit, isn't it just an apology? How come there are so many requests, and more than 10,000 words.

Are you embarrassing me?

"Lawyer Zhang, are you going too far?"

"Chen Dong, is it not too much for you to deceive users, deceive consumers, evade taxes, and create false data?"

Zhang Wei's ridicule and rhetorical question made Director Chen speechless.

"Chen Dong, take care of yourself, I'm leaving first!"

Zhang Wei didn't intend to stay longer, and walked away directly, extremely arrogant.

And the entire board of directors bowed their heads after Zhang Wei left.

Especially the female secretary, with a bitter look on her face, as if thinking about the busy work on her shoulders next.

She didn't know at all that if she hadn't treated Zhang Wei with that pretentious attitude just now, she might not have to suffer like this.

The 10,000-word self-criticism was Zhang Wei's choice to punish her after a sudden thought.


That afternoon.

Oriental Capital, a pedestrian street.

"Lawyer Zhang, thank you so much!"

Bobo looked excited, and looked at Zhang Wei with admiration, "You not only helped me win the lawsuit, but also helped me get 5 million yuan in compensation. I really don't know how to thank you."

"You don't have to thank me, just thank you radish!"

Zhang Wei raised his hand to pat Luo Xiaobu beside him, and pushed him out.

"Thank you, brother Romeo, you are a good man!"


Luo Xiaobu wanted to be happy, but something seemed wrong in Bobo's words.

How can I be a good person?

"Bobo, actually, I'm helping you because..."

"Brother Luo, you don't need to say anything, I will definitely remember you in my heart, and I will regard you and Lawyer Zhang as my lifesavers!"

As Bobo said, he waved his hands not far away, "By the way, I may not live broadcast in the future, but if you need to trouble me for anything, I will never hesitate!"


Not far away, a luxury car worth tens of millions parked behind Bobo.

The door of the luxury car opened, revealing a man with a big belly wearing a famous brand in the driver's seat.

"Then, Lawyer Zhang, Brother Luo, I'll go first."

Under Luo Xiaobu's affectionate gaze, Bobo got into the passenger seat of this luxury car.

The moment the car door was finally closed, both Zhang Wei and Luo Xiaobu saw such a scene. The man smiled, and one hand had already touched Bobo's thigh.

The door was closed, and then the luxury car started and disappeared around the corner of the pedestrian street.


In Zhang Wei's ears, he vaguely heard the sound of something breaking.

Luo Xiaobu stared at the direction of Bobo's departure, and his figure did not move for a long time.

"My incomparably pure boyish is broken today, broken..."

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