Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 505 Zheng Fenyong, clarify the ins and outs?

Dongfangdu, the headquarters of the prefectural prosecutor.

When Zhang Wei came here with Mo Yuzhu, the two of them behaved like a busybody.

Office on the second floor.

"Old Xiao!"

Walking to the door, Zhang Wei waved his hand towards the inside.

For a while, the office, which was still noisy, suddenly became quiet.

All the prosecutors in the Serious Crime Division looked at Xiao Baihe who was sitting at his desk.

With a dark face, the latter got up angrily, and walked out with a displeased face.

"What are you doing, didn't you tell you not to call me Lao Xiao? I have a name, and my name is Xiao Baihe!"

"Okay, Old Xiao, I got it, Old Xiao!"

Well, Xiao Baihe rubbed his forehead, expressing that he was stupid.

Reasoning with Zhang Wei is the most stupid thing.

"By the way, don't you, a bereaved girl, not go to work? Why are you here?"

Xiao Baihe crossed his hands, very close to his chest, and looked at Mo Yuzhu who was following Zhang Wei with a strange expression.

According to common sense, aren't Zhang Wei's servants all that stupid, why is it replaced by you, a bereaved girl today?

"Old Xiao, what are you talking about? This time I took the case of Forensic Doctor Yang. As the daughter of the client, Mo, can you not participate in this case?"

As Zhang Wei said, he hooked up with Xiao Baihe.

"Go away, get your dirty hands off!"

Xiao Baihe looked displeased, and after slapping Zhang Wei's hand away, he said in astonishment, "You took the case of Forensic Doctor Yang?"

"Yeah, if it's not me, who else can pick it up?" Zhang Wei spread his hands.

No way, who made him love and help others so much.

"Hehe, then you have a hard time this time!"

Xiao Baihe put on a posture of watching a play, with a touch of sarcasm hanging from the corner of his mouth.

"I know who you want to see, come with me!"

As she spoke, she led the way for Zhang Wei to the third floor of the local prosecutor's headquarters.

In the corner of the third floor, there is an inconspicuous office.

This is what the local inspection headquarters prepared for Zheng Fenyong.

It is said that this was requested by Zheng Fenyong himself. He didn't like too big an office, so he chose a corner one on purpose.

Tuk tuk tuk!

Xiao Baihe knocked on the door for Zhang Wei.

"Who?" A man's voice came from the office.

"Zheng Gaojian, the defense attorney representative is here!"

"Oh, wait a moment!"

The people inside seemed to be busy, so Xiao Baihe could only lead Zhang Wei and the two to sit beside him.

"What kind of person is this Zheng Fenyong?"

After sitting down, Zhang Wei pointed to the inside of the office.

"Zheng Gaojian, that is a powerful person from the Southern District Attorney's Office. It is said that he has been fighting a case for 2 years, focusing on the same target for 2 years, and finally put him in jail!"

"It's so cruel!"

When Zhang Wei heard the news, he immediately understood.

This is a person with a strong sense of purpose. Once he has set his sights on the prey, he will not let go easily.

Of course, this has to be the local prosecutor's office.

If he was a lawyer and devoted himself to one case for two years, he would have starved to death long ago.

After hearing this, Mo Yuzhu swallowed hard.

This time, it feels tricky.

Soon, the door of the office was pushed open.

A brown-haired foreign man came out with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, lawyer?"

Seeing the brown-haired man, Zhang Wei looked weird.

This is a lawyer, but why did the other party come to Zheng Fenyong?

It stands to reason that Zheng Fenyong came from the city next door, and he only came to Dongfang to handle a case.

Since he is the defense representative of the case, the only lawyer Zheng Fenyong can meet with should be himself.

Zhang Wei shook his head and suppressed these thoughts.

What is going on, let's talk about it after seeing Zheng Fenyong.

Inside the office, the decoration is very simple, apart from a desk, there are only some simple temporary shelves and piles of case files.

Zheng Fenyong's appearance is somewhat similar to Professor Zheng Qian's, but there seems to be a huge gap in spirit between the two, and it seems that the younger brother is more energetic.

Zheng Fenyong looked like a vigorous workaholic, even though Xiao Baihe led Zhang Wei in, he was still writing with his head down.

"It's a coincidence today. I just met the plaintiff's representative, and now the defense representative is also here!"

After Zhang Wei heard it, he was slightly taken aback, but he still took a step forward: "Representative of the plaintiff?"

"This case is obviously a public prosecution case, who is the plaintiff?"

"Your Excellency is Lawyer Zhang?" Zheng Fenyong stopped the pen in his hand and slowly raised his head.

To be honest, he was not surprised by Zhang Wei, even when he came to Dongfang Capital, he considered meeting Zhang Wei.

However, what he didn't expect was that the legendary murder lawyer who forced his opponent to death was actually such a young man.

This kid, it looks like he just graduated not long ago, how did he manage to "force to death" so many people?

"Yes, I'm Zhang Wei, hello Zheng Gaojian!"

Zhang Wei stretched out his hand, but Zheng Fenyong didn't accept it.

"Lawyer Zhang, until the case is over, you and I should keep a proper distance!"

After knowing Zhang Wei's identity, Zheng Fenyong's attitude immediately cooled down.

"Zheng Gaojian, I know what you are thinking about, but I want to say that your brother is also in jail because his hands and feet are not clean."

"My brother ended up like this, it's his own fault. I knew from before that if he doesn't change his habit of being cheap, sooner or later he will suffer!"

Zheng Fenyong didn't seem to care about Zheng Qian's death, and his tone was righteous.

After sighing, Zheng Fenyong went directly to the topic.

"Lawyer Zhang, I know what you are here for. This table is the public evidence I prepared, and I have made the list for you!"

Zhang Wei took the list that Zheng Fenyong handed over, and decisively put it away.

However, he also knows that the public evidence in the list needs to be seen.

But no one can guarantee that Zheng Fenyong did not hide key evidence and was ready to make a surprise attack during the trial.

"Lawyer Zhang, now that you have what you want, I won't keep you any longer!"

As Zheng Fenyong said, he gestured to see off the guests.

Good guy, you really plan to keep your distance from me.

"Then, Zheng Gaojian, take your leave!"

Zhang Wei also didn't want to stay longer, since he got the announcement list, he also resolutely said goodbye and left.

When he walked out of the office, Zhang Wei's eyes became weird.

"Is this Zheng Gaojian? How do you feel?"

"Right, you can feel it, too. It seems that he looks ordinary, but he is really neat and tidy in doing things?"

Xiao Baihe leaned over and smiled.

"It's a little bit." Zhang Wei and Mo Yuzhu nodded at the same time.

"Zheng Gaojian came from the Southern General Administration just to handle the case. Apart from the case, he is not interested in other people, and he has no intention of being polite to others. I feel that this is the real powerful person, who can devote himself to the case. On the case!"


In Zhang Wei's mind, the brown-haired man who walked out when he was about to go in appeared.


This is also a key point.

"By the way, do you know anything about the plaintiff?"

"Not sure, but I heard that Forensic Doctor Yang participated in the case."

Seeing Xiao Baihe shaking his head, Zhang Wei was helpless.

Old Xiao, what do you want?

I thought you were my internal response at the local prosecutor's headquarters, but the help you provided me was really limited.

Can you still be a good teammate?

"Hey, hey, what kind of eyes do you have!"

Xiao Baihe noticed the strangeness of the people around her, and immediately became upset.

I, Xiao Baihe, brought you here with good intentions, so it's fine if you don't say thank you, but still look at me with disgust?

I'm easy.

Especially you Zhang Wei, do you know how much pressure I have to bear every day?

The entire local prosecutor's office is rumored to be having an affair with you!

Really, Xiao Baihe said that if she could swear, the Office of the Serious Crime Division might hear her swearing every day.

"What do you two do next?"

"What else can I do, go back and prepare countermeasures."

Zhang Wei spread his hands and looked towards the court.

"I don't know who is handling the case this time, Lao Chen, Lao Li or Lao Wang?"

"It's Judge Liu!"

Xiao Baihe seemed to know the court's arrangement, and directly interrupted Zhang Wei's guess.

"It is estimated that the Municipal Court also deliberately selected Judge Xiao Liu from the District Court in order to consider the influence of Forensic Doctor Yang."

"Oh, so the influence of Forensic Doctor Yang in Dongfangdu is really not small!"

"Of course, forensic doctor Yang Chunyuan is the number one forensic doctor in Dongfangdu. She takes the lead at the crime scene and sets an example for us working women in Dongfangdu."

"But such a strong woman is facing a lawsuit now, right?"

Zhang Wei chuckled, he didn't care about Xiao Baihe's kind words.

Anyway, this kind of report is what the media says.

Before your accident, the common people in the media flattered you, and when you have an accident, the media would like to come and add insult to injury.

Mo Yuzhu's mother used to be a representative of women in the workplace, a heroine.

But now, not to mention everyone yelling for beatings, but none of the previous positive reports can be found.

At this time, why didn't anyone stand up and say that they supported Forensic Doctor Yang?

"Then, Old Xiao, let's withdraw first!"

After "friendly" farewell to Xiao Baihe, Zhang Wei took Mo Yuzhu and returned to the Mo family's villa again.

After opening the door, Zhang Wei saw traces of a dispute in the living room. It seemed that Forensic Doctor Yang and Councilor Mo had not only quarreled violently, but they might have almost started a fight.

Fortunately, the traces were not obvious, and the two of them should have held back in the end.

Mo Yuzhu went upstairs and quickly greeted Zhang Wei.

Yang Chunyuan was in the upstairs room.

As for Mo Juren, he was obviously not at home.

In the room on the second floor.

"Forensic Doctor Yang, do you still remember this Li?"

Zhang Wei took out a photo from the public list.

Yang Chunyuan didn't even take the photo, and said in a positive tone: "Of course I remember, this is the first major case I have worked on since I joined the work. The Dongfangdu serial murder case 20 years ago, this Li is the murderer!"

"But according to that Zheng Gaojian, they used this case as a basis to sue you for tampering with the evidence!"


Yang Chunyuan quickly shook her head and vetoed: "I, Yang Chunyuan, have worked hard for 20 years, and I have never done any overstepping action!"

"If there is something wrong with me, then it is impossible for me to be a forensic doctor for more than 20 years, and I am still fighting on the front line from time to time!"

"Having said that, but if what you said, Forensic Doctor Yang, is true, is it possible that someone tampered with the evidence?"

"Impossible. Once the evidence chain is determined, it will be sealed in the archives of the Wushu Association. The security there is definitely not something that ordinary people can rashly break into."

Yang Chunyuan shook her head, and once the evidence is sealed, there is no point in revising it.

Because the case has already been convicted, what's the point of revising the evidence that has already been shown?

"Then let's go back to Li. This case happened 20 years ago. At that time, your daughter and I were still in kindergarten, so it is impossible to know the details."

Yang Chunyuan understood, she closed her eyes and began to recall.

"That case happened 20 years ago, 22 years to be precise, because since two years before the incident, we have received reports from this city that some working women disappeared on their way home from work at night. , and then the body was discovered in the wilderness, this incident caused panic in the East at that time, and it can be said that it also brought a lot of pressure to our investigation department."

"At that time, as a newcomer in the medical examiner's office, I was also fortunate to participate in this case, and found a key clue in a female corpse that followed!"

"That clue is..."


Wednesday night.

Lin Mansion, Zhang Wei's own room.

The evidence collection from Yang Chunyuan during the day has ended, and Zhang Wei said that the harvest is not too big, but at least he knows the ins and outs.

22 years ago, serial murders began to occur in the Eastern Capital. Most of the victims were working women. They were attacked and kidnapped while walking alone at night on their way to get off work, and finally died.

At first, the case was classified as a disappearance case. Before the first body was found, the investigation department at that time did not spend too much manpower to deal with it.

But later, as the bodies of the missing women were discovered one by one, the seriousness of the case began to emerge.

Until 20 years ago, this case was classified as a serial murder case, and the investigation department determined that it was a series of premeditated attacks and kidnappings. At that time, the murderer had already attacked more than 8 victims, and it was still the case that the bodies were found.

20 years ago, Dongfangdu was already a big city with a population of more than 10 million. People disappeared almost every month. At that time, Dongfangdu did not have the current high technology, no electronic sentries, no satellite positioning, and the handling of cases was basic. Can only rely on the experience of the investigator.

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, the Investigation Section began to deploy additional manpower to support the case.

Because the number of victims was uncertain, the medical examiner's office had to recruit new people, and it was at that time that Yang Chunyuan joined the case.

Then came the wonderful thing.

When everyone was helpless, Yang Chunyuan found a hair in the throat of a corpse.

After being identified by a professional organization, the hair was slightly curly overall, with a length of only 3 centimeters, and the DNA did not come from the deceased, but from a man!

Zhang Wei looked at a black-and-white picture in his hand, and found a DNA report and a sticker.

If he was not mistaken, the curly hair in this map should come from the man's lower body, it is a hair.

Good guy!

This is really a good guy!

The key is that the hair was found in the dead woman's throat.

Then everything became clear, only the murderer could leave such a hair from the lower body in the throat of the dead woman.

Through DNA comparison, the investigation department finally locked the suspect Li.

Facing the DNA evidence, even if Li denied it, it was useless. He was sentenced to death by the judge amidst the furious scolding of the people in the city.

But it is said that Li's family conditions are very good, his parents hired a lawyer for him, and helped him obtain the opportunity to appeal, and the result of the appeal was death with a reprieve.

In the case of death reprieve, the death penalty will be changed from death sentence to indefinite period if no other crimes are committed during the guard period.

So Li is still serving a life sentence, and he is being held in Iron Island Prison!

Zhang Wei opened the file and saw a photo of Li when he was arrested and interrogated.

"Is it this one? He looks like a handsome guy!"

To be honest, seeing the handsome photo of Li 20 years ago, Zhang Wei really couldn't connect this handsome young man in the photo with a murderer who specialized in kidnapping, attacking and even killing working women.

However, he is also well-informed. He has seen many criminal suspects with ordinary expressions but dark and extreme hearts. He doesn't care whether Li is the real murderer.

All he cared about was the circumstances of the case.

"It seems that this Li has found evidence of his innocence, so he wants to overturn the judgment 20 years ago and let himself regain his freedom?"

"And the Southern District Attorney's Office has also noticed the problem. If Yang Chunyuan really wronged Li and gave false testimony at that time, then this problem will become a big issue."

Zhang Wei can already imagine that if Li successfully overturns the case, it will have a huge impact on the criminal investigation system of Dongfang Capital.

The 20-year criminal investigation record may have to be reopened for review to ensure that there is no misjudgment.

"That's why the General Prosecutor's Office sent this Zheng Fenyong to take charge, and they can't afford this responsibility!"

Reminiscent of Zheng Fenyong's professionalism in a case for two years, Zhang Wei also understood that this case is indeed his.

So here comes the problem.

Once Zheng Fenyong initiates a public prosecution against Yang Chunyuan and decides that Yang Chunyuan fabricated false testimony in the Li case 20 years ago...

Then Li will be acquitted, and the impact of this case will be huge, which will have a huge impact on the current criminal investigation system.

"So it looks like this Li has the biggest motive?"

Zhang Wei thought of the brown-haired lawyer, and then thought of Li.

Could it be he did it?

He is probably the one who asked the General Prosecutor's Office to prosecute Yang Chunyuan, right?

Once Yang Chunyuan is convicted, he will be acquitted and freed because of Yang's forensic doctor's perjury and false testimony to frame him.

Zhang Wei felt that his guess was very reasonable.

Who is most beneficial to drag Yang Chunyuan into the water, then this person is likely to be behind the scenes.

Li's family conditions are very good. Although his parents have passed away, all the assets under his name belong to Li.

He has the money and the funds to support these operations.

In order for a vicious prisoner to regain his freedom, he directly framed the forensic doctor who provided the key evidence, which is quite clever.

Zhang Wei felt that he seemed to have sorted out the ins and outs!

That being the case, what Zhang Weineng can do is to meet this Li.

For this, he took out his mobile phone.

"Hey, is it Director Zhou? I'm Zhang Wei. I have a small request. I wonder if it's convenient for you?"

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