Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 506 It's not Li, but someone else?

the next day.

Thursday morning.

A dock in the Eastern Capital.

Zhang Wei and Mo Yuzhu stood in front of the pier, waiting here.

"Speaking of which, after I left yesterday, your mother..."

"After she had dinner, she went to bed very early, but when I got up at night, I heard some movement, and she seemed unable to fall asleep."

Mo Yuzhu said, and then muttered: "I guess she used to hang out in the forensic office every day, and she can't go to work suddenly, isn't she used to it?"

"What about you?" Zhang Wei looked at Mo Yuzhu.

"I'm also not used to it. Before this point, I had already started to prepare scalpels, saws and cutting instruments, but now I can't do anything."

Weak, pitiful and helpless, this is Mo Yuzhu at the moment.

Now she urgently wants to go back to the office and resume her usual work, such as dissecting several corpses, cutting up the chest cavity of the deceased, or stabbing their waists!

"By the way, you are a forensic doctor, can you get used to it at first?"

"I'm fine. When my mother was in junior high school, she took me into the medical examiner's office for the first time. I still remember that time..."

"junior high school?"

Zhang Wei was stunned.

Mom took you to the morgue in junior high school?

This is really a good~Mom~Mom, is this planning to train you to be a successor from an early age?

"The boat is coming!"

At this moment, Mo Yuzhu looked towards the sea and found a wave.

The boat to the Iron Island Prison is coming, a speedboat to be precise.

When the speedboat landed, the two of them boarded the boat, and they could go to Iron Island Prison.

Iron Island Prison still looks like that, standing in the sea, a lonely island in the sea.

But this dark isolated island in front of him is not a safe place, and all the people locked inside are vicious and vicious.

Since Zhang Wei is not here for the first time, he is very familiar with the procedures here.

After rounds and rounds of review, they finally came to an open reception room.

The living room is not small, and the guards of the prison stand around the room to guard, providing a little area for whispering in the living room.

Zhang Wei originally thought Li was alone, but he didn't expect to meet an "acquaintance" here.

The brown-haired lawyer who went to Zheng Fenyong's office earlier than him yesterday.

"It's lawyer Zhang Wei. I'm William International's lawyer Braque. Nice to meet you!"

The brown-haired man greeted Zhang Wei in a not-so-fluent Dragon Mandarin.

"Hello, Black Lawyer!" Zhang Wei naturally responded with a smile.

"Black lawyer?" The brown-haired man was stunned, he was obviously fair-skinned, why did he turn dark?

"Blake, Black, black, isn't it translated as black?" Zhang Wei joked.

Blake's face changed slightly, but he quickly opened his mouth and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, you are indeed lawyer Zhang Wei, you are really humorous, no wonder Miss Campbell said you are a powerful person!"

"Miss Laura, if Lawyer Blake sees her, please convey my greetings to her."


After exchanging a few polite words, the two sat down.

Li was sitting next to Blake, and Mo Yuzhu was sitting next to Zhang Wei.

After turning his eyes away from Braque, Zhang Wei's eyes locked on Li.

Lee may have been a handsome young man once, but after 20 years in prison, he has become a sullen middle-aged man.

Time has left traces on his face, and also turned the once handsome boy into a slightly bald middle-aged man.

"Hello, Mr. Li."

Zhang Wei took the lead in sending greetings.

But Li was not very interested in Zhang Wei. He had been staring at Mo Yuzhu since he entered the living room.

"Little sister, where do you work?"

"Mr. Li, you should know how many murders you have, right?"

Zhang Wei raised his hand, blocked Li's sight with his arm, and then reminded him coldly.

This move made Li reluctantly look away from Mo Yuzhu and turn to look at Zhang Wei.

However, he had no interest in Zhang Wei. After seeing Zhang Wei's face, he turned his eyes away and looked at Braque next to him.

"Lawyer Zhang, the murders of my client were all framed. The investigation department did not catch the real murderer. My client was framed and imprisoned by the forged evidence of your client, Yang Forensic Doctor, so there are actually problems with your accusation." !"

"Then how do you explain that a serial murderer who committed crimes once every three months on average lasted for two full years, but disappeared completely after your client was arrested, as if your client was really a murderer?"

"This can only be called a coincidence!" Braque shook his head in denial, and then laughed: "You can't deny that there is no such possibility!"

"Besides, it may be the real murderer. He realized that the investigation department had found a scapegoat for him, so he stopped completely."

This possibility is actually very small.

It is indeed difficult for a serial murderer to endure not committing a crime for more than 20 years and restrain his most primitive impulse to kill.

But like Braque said, the possibility is very small, but it does not mean that it is absolutely impossible.

Fortunately, Zhang Wei didn't come here to argue with Braque.

"Mr. Li, I would like to ask, what do you think of Forensic Doctor Yang?"

"Doctor Yang?"

Li looked at the people around him.

Braque immediately moved to Li's ear and whispered a few words.

"Oh, the woman who framed me?" After Li found out Yang Chunyuan's identity, he said belatedly: "Of course I hate her, and without him, I might still be able to go out and see my parents for the last time! "

"that's all?"

This time, it was Zhang Wei's turn to be stunned.

Your feelings are too weak, right?

Yang Chunyuan made you sit in prison for 20 years, but you can't even remember her name. It doesn't seem like an enemy you hate deeply.

And when you talked about your parents, you didn't feel any sadness at all. You still think that you are a filial son?

Based on these three words alone, Zhang Wei can conclude that this Li is the serial murderer himself.

His behavior also told Zhang Wei that he didn't really care about being caught, and he didn't hate Yang Chunyuan either.

As for the so-called parents and freedom, since he started killing people, he no longer cares about it.

Li, this is a typical anti-social personality!

"Lawyer Zhang, do you have any questions? If not, I will take my client away."

Seeing that Zhang Wei was stunned, Braque hurriedly spoke.

Now Li is the person involved in the case, the plaintiff, and may testify in court later.

While the case was going on, it was obviously inappropriate to keep him in the iron island prison with layers of security.

"Oh, I have no problem with Mr. Li."

Zhang Wei waved his hand, indicating that Li and Braque could leave at any time.

The two really informed the guards, and soon Li was escorted away.

"Zhang Wei, why don't we ask more questions?"

Mo Yuzhu on the side was a little strange, and pointed to the direction where Li left.

"He's not behind the scenes!"

Zhang Wei shook his head, with a little disappointment on his face.

Sure enough, there are some secrets hidden in this case, but Li is definitely not the most critical link.

"The mastermind behind the scenes?"

"Yes, the mastermind behind the scenes!"

Zhang Wei wanted to explain to Mo Yuzhu: "I thought it was Li who bribed the lawyer, submitted an appeal request, and questioned your mother's perjury 20 years ago to launch such an investigation!"

"In this case, as long as you are convicted of perjury by Forensic Doctor Yang, he will be free again."

"But what I didn't expect was that this Li didn't care about whether he could regain his freedom at all. He even forgot who your mother is."

How could such a person be the mastermind behind the scenes?

He was just a pawn, a pawn used against Forensic Doctor Yang.

"But to prove it, I need to see something!"

As Zhang Wei said, he found a person in charge of Iron Island Prison.

"Li is leaving the prison today, so I want to go and see his room!"

The person in charge has no objection to Zhang Wei's request. Anyway, the room will be vacated soon, and the guards will also count all the items.

Soon, Li's room arrived.

Guards with assistance dogs were searching the room, where they found many, many letters.

"These are all sent to him by fans. After he was imprisoned, he became a celebrity all of a sudden. I don't know how many TV stations wanted to interview him."

"Once this person is on TV, even if he is a murderer, he can still develop fans, and many of them are even young girls."

This is also understandable, some young girls think Li is very handsome and become his fans.

Even if he did something outrageous, the little girl only saw him on TV, talking and laughing happily under the reporter's interview, and even showing morbid and evil psychological activities.

For some little girls, such a person is very cool, so they began to write letters to Li to express their admiration.

And Li even wrote back letters to many girls.

Of course, these letters will be read by special guards, and only after confirming that there is no problem with the contents of the letters will they send them out for him.

Zhang Wei also saw these letters, and he even took photos of the few letters sent out, and was looking through them one by one on his mobile phone.

Li's personal belongings were checked quickly, and the assistance dog did not find any contraband.

Li and Blake also left the prison with some changes of clothes and some daily necessities.

Zhang Wei and Mo Yuzhu followed closely behind. After leaving Iron Island Prison, they went straight to the Lin Mansion, Zhang Wei's residence.

Mo Yuzhu followed Zhang Wei because it was convenient to follow up the case, and because he didn't like being in that dreary home.

"Second girl, it's time to eat!"

"There are guests at home today, you should pay attention!"

At the door of the room on the second floor, Zhang Wei exhorted Zhao Xiaoxiao, indicating that there were guests coming downstairs.


Zhao Xiaoxiao replied perfunctorily, yawned and went downstairs, the corners of her eyes were still dirty.

Naturally, Zhang Wei cooks for lunch, making a simple four dishes and one soup.

But no matter whether it was Zhao Xiaoxiao or Mo Yuzhu, they all ate happily and comfortably.

After lunch, the bowls and chopsticks were cleaned up, and the three of them sat in the living room and started replaying.

"Speaking of Zhang Wei, why do you want to read those letters?"

"I have to confirm whether Li is the real mastermind behind the scenes. His attitude when he met us before may have been pretending, but after I read these letters, I knew he wasn't pretending!"

Zhang Wei said in a positive tone: "He really doesn't care about being released from prison at all, and he never even thought about being released from prison at all!"

"Why?" Zhao Xiaoxiao and Mo Yuzhu looked at each other, somewhat puzzled.

If you can be free, why don't you want to go out, but still want to continue to go to jail?

"It's very simple, because he has a channel to contact the outside world, that is, writing letters. If there is a problem with the letter, then I can see it."

Zhang Wei said that he is an old Jianghu, and he is familiar with this set.

He has seen too many criminals in prison, how they communicate with outside contacts.

The liaison makes up a fictitious address, sends a letter to the criminal, and the criminal writes back.

It is possible that the contact person in the letter is a fan of the criminal, a collateral relative of the criminal, or even a classmate in elementary school, etc., and the content of the letter may also be to chat with some parents and talk about some irrelevant topics.

But these are actually cover-ups. There may be secrets hidden in the letter, such as the hidden initials starting from the first few lines, such as a special decryption method, which can find some hidden information in the letter.

But Zhang Wei read the letter, but did not find the secret hidden in the letter.

This shows that Li really replied to his fans, and these fans just admired Li on a whim, and never thought of helping him escape from prison.

Moreover, the letter did not mention Yang Chunyuan's information, let alone the public prosecution case.

In this case, Lee's suspicion was ruled out.

"Now I can be sure that it is not Li who is targeting your mother, but someone else!"

Zhang Wei analyzed with a very positive tone, and looked at Zhao Xiaoxiao.

"Xiaoxiao, you might as well go and find out, how many people has offended Yang Forensic Doctor in the past 20 years?"

"Oh, I see!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao quickly ran upstairs and started to work.

Not long after, an envelope was sent to Zhang Wei's e-mail.

"Inside the email are the records of Forensic Doctor Yang's 20 years of participation in the case, you can read it yourself."

Upstairs, the perfunctory voice of the second daughter came.

Zhang Wei opened the email, and was dazzled by the dense case information.

It can only be said that forensic doctor Yang deserves to be the number one forensic doctor in Dongfangdu. In the past 20 years, he has assisted the investigation department in completing the evidence collection of thousands of criminal cases.

Thousands of cases, then there may be thousands of enemies.

This workload is really too big.

And finding the mastermind behind these thousands of cases is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

"I'll look at the information about the case later. Let's find out recently. Has your mother offended anyone?"

Zhang Wei looked at Mo Yuzhu again, and said that the person who knew Forensic Doctor Yang best was her daughter.

"It shouldn't be. Before my mother was investigated, she always had a two-point line between the office and home. She even spent much more time in the office than at home. Even on Saturdays and Sundays, I basically couldn't see to her people."

"So exaggerated?"

"I feel fine..."

Hearing Mo Yuzhu's reply, Zhang Wei felt that he had to go to the office of Forensic Doctor Yang.


The office of Forensic Doctor Yang is called the First Forensic Doctor Office.

It is in an office building in the city center, and the supporting laboratory is also here.

The second basement of the office building is the parking lot, and the first basement is the cold storage, which is where the morgue is located.

Zhang Xinyan was in charge of driving and brought the two of them here.

It should have been September weather, but when they walked in the parking lot, the three of them felt chilly all over.

Under the gusts of wind, it seemed that some people could hear the screams in their ears.

"Zhang Wei, I'm a little scared..."

Zhang Xinyan grabbed Zhang Wei's clothes corner like a little girl.

"Smelly brother, fortunately you are still a martial arts practitioner, can you learn from others?"

Zhang Wei is speechless, I am not afraid, what are you afraid of?

Can't you just look at Mo Yuzhu, how steady is his step?

"That's different. He's a professional coroner who deals with corpses every day. I'm different. I've been afraid of ghosts since I was a child!"

Zhang Xinyan hurriedly complained for himself, but unfortunately Zhang Wei and the two ignored him.

The three of them took the elevator to the forensic laboratory.

As soon as I entered the door, it was chilly again.

Mo Yuzhu took out an access control card and swiped the card to enter the office area.

"My mother brought me here several times, and this is the access card she gave me."

After Mo Yuzhu shook the access control in his hand, he pointed to the laboratory in front.

"However, my authority cannot enter the laboratory, and I can only move around in the office area."

"That's enough. We're mainly here to interrogate the living. A dead body in a laboratory won't help us."

Zhang Wei made a joke like a joke, but unfortunately neither Mo Yuzhu nor Zhang Xinyan laughed.

This made Zhang Wei very embarrassed. He thought that his level of cold jokes was already very high.

Soon, under the appearance of Mo Yuzhu, the people from the First Forensic Office were all assembled.

Except for Yang Chunyuan, who was unable to be present in the office, everyone else arrived, and there were about 10 staff members.

"Hello everyone, I am Zhang Wei, and I am also Yang Chunyuan's attorney. I believe you all know that Yang Forensic Doctor is currently undergoing a temporary investigation by the investigation department. She may face judicial proceedings in the future, so I would like to ask you some questions about Yang Chunyuan's Forensic questions, I hope you can answer me."

The staff all looked at each other in blank dismay, but no one objected.

"Soon, let's come one by one, please line up in an orderly manner, sister, start with you!"

As Zhang Wei said, he took out a pen and paper, led a woman into the office and began to investigate.

The inquiry continued until the evening, and Zhang Wei left the office after sorting out his handwriting.

"The situation is still not good. I asked colleagues in Forensic Yang's office, but they provided limited clues, and they didn't know who Yang Forensic had offended."

It can only be said that Yang Chunyuan devotes all her attention to her work, and does not participate in interpersonal communication at all.

Zhang Wei asked a lot of questions, but many people were stunned by his questions, because they didn't know what kind of person Yang Chunyuan was.

The subordinates don't know the leader well, Yang Chunyuan is enough.

Zhang Wei flipped through a record in his notebook, "The only one is that Forensic Yang once had a quarrel with a colleague, but that colleague has already retired, this is really..."

The case was once again stuck in a bottleneck, and Zhang Wei was still not sure who was going to secretly target Yang Chunyuan.

Who did Yang Chunyuan offend, if not Li, who would it be?

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