Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 507 Preliminary confrontation, the right question

Friday morning.

Zhang Wei received the notice from the court and went to attend the preliminary hearing in the afternoon.

Then the court will start next week. As for the time of the hearing, it will be arranged by the presiding judge.

At this point in time, Zhang Wei was not surprised.

In fact, he actually hoped to have a preliminary hearing this morning, and then go to court in the afternoon.

In this case, he might be able to see who is going to attack Yang Chunyuan.

But now, they have gathered at Mo Yuzhu's house.

Yang Chunyuan and Mo Yuzhu sat together, but they should be mother and daughter, but they didn't interact at all.

As for Mo Juren, he hasn't been seen since the quarrel yesterday.

Sitting on the seat, Mo Yuzhu carefully looked up at Yang Chunyuan, but Yang Chunyuan's eyes were fixed on Zhang Wei.

"Lawyer Zhang, the pre-trial will start this afternoon, right?"


Yang Chunyuan smiled, with a bitter smile, "I used to be an expert witness in court, but I didn't expect to be the defendant this time!"

"Forensic Doctor Yang, in fact, everyone is not familiar with it, the most important thing is to participate!"

Both Yang Chunyuan and Mo Yuzhu stared blankly at Zhang Wei.

Participation is the most important thing!

It's best not to try this kind of thing in your life!

"By the way, Forensic Doctor Yang, I didn't ask much before, but now I have a rare opportunity, I want to ask, have you offended anyone?"

As Zhang Wei said, he took out his notes.

He read the information all night yesterday, and he really found a clue.

"For example, Yidaomen, a gang organization that ran rampant in the north of the eastern capital 15 years ago, the Shenying Society, a foreign gang that moved from the north 12 years ago, and Liu Mou, a well-known rich man in the east 8 years ago, killed his ex-wife and his family 7 years ago. The criminal Niu, 5 years ago..."

Zhang Wei started counting, telling out all the people he suspected.

These organizations or people all hated Yang Chunyuan to the bone.

It is precisely because of the key evidence provided by Yang Chunyuan that the investigation department and the court made a guilty verdict against them.

Most of them are still serving their sentences in prison.

If Yang Chunyuan is also found guilty this time, all the evidence she provided before will be sent back for retrial, and these people can regain their freedom.

"I am not sure."

Yang Chunyuan said, looking at Mo Yuzhu, "Go to the desk in my room, the second drawer on the left."

Mo Yuzhu ran upstairs quickly, and then came down with a pile of letters.

"These are the threatening letters I have received since I started working, but they are only some of them, and some of them have been sent to my office."

"I saw that part. In fact, I went to your office with classmate Mo yesterday, but apart from the threatening letter, I didn't find any clues."

As Zhang Wei said, he opened the threatening letter and began to check it.

Many of these letters were sent by family members of the suspects.

Some pleaded, some threatened, and even the wife of the suspect wanted Yang Chunyuan to exonerate her husband.

Threats, pleadings, and even sharp insults, anyway, the content is very weird.

Even a person who is polite and polite on weekdays will tear off the mask of hypocrisy and expose his ugly face when faced with the possibility of going to jail.

So in these letters, there are all kinds of threats.

"Among these letters, there are many people threatening you, but I think there are still a few people who actually take action."

Zhang Wei put all these letters aside. In fact, none of these letters were of value.

Because the people who sent the letter only kept the threat at the stage of "If you dare to harm my family, I will touch your family too".

Those who could write such a threatening letter would never have imagined that the case 20 years ago would be used to counter-kill Yang Chunyuan.

There is obviously someone else behind the scenes!


At this moment, a discordant voice interrupted Zhang Wei's thoughts.

Zhang Wei looked at Yang Chunyuan in astonishment, a trace of embarrassment appeared on the latter's serious face.

"Mom, haven't you had breakfast?"

"The family is under investigation, and the aunt who cooks didn't come..."

Forensic doctor Yang, who is busy with work, obviously doesn't know how to cook by herself, and if the cooking aunt doesn't show up, she will naturally have to go hungry.

All right.

Zhang Wei also didn't expect that Yang Chunyuan looked like a career-oriented strong woman, but in fact she couldn't even cook by herself.

But with the identities of Mo Juren and Yang Chunyuan, it is estimated that they will not cook by themselves.

"Forensic Doctor Yang, since that's the case, let me show it off!"

Zhang Wei knew that it was time to show his real skills.

But when he opened the refrigerator in the kitchen and found it was empty, he had a different expression.

"Well, I just came home in the last month, and I haven't prepared anything."

Yang Chunyuan lowered her head in embarrassment, her face apologetic.

There are guests at home, but there is nothing to entertain.

"It's okay, there is someone outside to help run errands!"

Zhang Wei chuckled, came to the door of the villa, and waved not far away.

Soon, a male field worker ran over.

"Brother, do me a favor, take the money and go to the supermarket to buy some food."

"I'm a field worker. I'm on duty, not grocery shopping!"

"Brother, this is your fault, you have to think like this!"

Seeing this man's non-cooperation, Zhang Wei immediately sullenly said, "Although Forensic Doctor Yang is protected by you, maybe someone will secretly poison you. If you go shopping, you will help us eliminate the threat of poisoning." ?”

"That's okay too?"

"Yeah, the person who poisoned you doesn't know where you will go to buy vegetables. Doesn't this help us eliminate the threat?"

"Brother, hurry up, if my client is hungry, it will affect her going to court in the afternoon!" Zhang Wei said, half pushing and half sending him away.

Although the male field worker was depressed, he suddenly felt that there was some truth to Zhang Wei's foolishness.

Soon, he carried the big and small bags of ingredients and handed them to Zhang Wei.

Next, it's Zhang Wei's business.

30 minutes later.

Under Zhang Wei's operation, the ingredients turned into a few home-cooked stir-fries that were delicious in color, fragrance and crisp.

"This, this is too delicious, isn't it?"

It is rare for Yang Chunyuan to eat at home, and after eating Zhang Wei's craftsmanship, she is full of praise.

Then, the way she looked at Mo Yuzhu and Zhang Wei changed slightly.

Did she still nod her head, as if she was very satisfied with someone.

This kind of look seems to be a very good decision to hand over his own daughter to Zhang Wei.

Hey Hey hey!

Forensic doctor Yang, what kind of eyes do you have? I'm really just here to help you with the case.

After eating lunch and resting for a while, the three of them set off for the city court.

Of course, their actions were also under the heavy "protection" of the field staff.


1 pm.

Eastern Metropolitan Court, Criminal Division.

At the prosecution's seat, Zheng Fenyong had already arrived, sitting on his seat with his head down, flipping through the documents.

Beside him, sitting the plaintiff Li and his attorney Braque, this is the plaintiff in this case.

In the first row of the hearing booth, there was a group of people from the local prosecutor's headquarters. Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying were also there. Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng also came. These are old acquaintances.

Naturally, they came to support Zheng Fenyong.

After all, this time was a major case of the Southern District Attorney General's Office. Although many of them knew Yang Chunyuan, their identities forced them to stand against Yang Chunyuan.

Zhang Wei took Yang Chunyuan and Mo Yuzhu to his seat, they were also three people.

After Yang Chunyuan took her seat, she glanced at the hearing booth, and then smiled self-deprecatingly.

"Forensic Doctor Yang, are you looking for Representative Mo?"

"Hmph, I've been involved in this kind of case, he probably won't be able to become a member of parliament in the future!"

Yang Chunyuan didn't deny it, but mocked her nominal husband again.

This couple seems to like to watch each other joke, and even ridicule each other.

Zhang Wei didn't bother to complain, he could only say that Mo Yuzhu was embarrassing, living in this kind of family since he was a child.

"All rise!"

Just when the time was almost up, Ting Wei finally announced.

Wearing a pitch-black robe, the young Judge Liu walked into the courtroom step by step.

He glanced at Yang Chunyuan on the defense table, with a complicated expression on his face.

Of course, he had heard of Yang Chunyuan's name, but there were very few cases where the two directly cooperated.

On the contrary, the seniors of the criminal court, Lao Chen, Lao Wang and Lao Li, have cooperated with Yang Chunyuan in many cases.

Therefore, in order to eliminate possible influences, the city court asked him, Xiao Liu, to preside over the case.

But Xiao Liu also felt bitter.

When he was in the district court before, he couldn't try a major case in a month, most of which were small cases such as neighbors stealing dogs and chickens.

How long has it been since he was transferred to Dongfang, and how many cases have been involved, each of which is very difficult.

Moreover, neither the prosecution nor the defense has a good problem, and the people who come are more difficult every time.

The defense will stop talking, it's Zhang Wei again!

As long as this person participates in the trial, even if it is a civil court case, he can bring you a criminal case.

Now as long as Zhang Wei is mentioned, the judges of the city court are all one head and two big.

As for Zheng Fenyong, this one is even more remarkable.

The senior prosecutor of the Southern District Attorney General's Office, the Deputy Attorney General, also has an astonishing background.

Moreover, Zheng Fenyong also has an elder brother who happened to be sent in by Zhang Wei. If the two of them said that there was no holiday, who would believe it.

But even if there is a festival, it is useless, because Zheng Fenyong took over the case first, and Zhang Wei was the defense lawyer who took over later, this grievance cannot be used as a reason to withdraw the case.

The case still has to be fought, and it has to be fought hard.

Judge Liu felt the pressure, he had to be careful all the time, whether this prosecution would settle accounts with Zhang Wei, and it would be a settlement of new and old grudges together.

"Ahem, this court announces that the Southern District Prosecutor's Office v. Ms. Yang Chunyuan, head of the First Forensic Office of Dongfang Metropolis, in the perjury public prosecution case of providing false evidence, will now start the preliminary trial!"

Judge Liu looked at the prosecution seat after he hammered the hammer to announce.

Zheng Fenyong got up calmly and went to court.

After he glanced at the defense bench, he said quietly:

"Twenty years ago, the defendant Yang Chunyuan was not the most famous forensic doctor in the East. She was just a newcomer in the forensic office. She could only help other forensic doctors on weekdays, and she couldn't even complete the autopsy independently."

"At this time, due to a coincidence, she participated in a serial murder case and met Li, who was the first suspect in the case at that time."

"Yang Chunyuan knows that her chance has come, and her chance to become famous in the forensic field is right in front of her. If she can personally find the evidence proving the crime of the defendant Li and solve this serial murder case, then she will soar into the sky!"

"As for how to break, how to break, and how to find evidence, Yang Chunyuan should have thought about it, and finally a bold idea came to her mind!"

Zheng Fenyong said this, with a sneer on his face: "That's framing!"

"Even if you put false evidence in the corpse, you still have to plant it on Li. As long as you can prove his crime, then her name, Yang Chunyuan, will be known in the entire Oriental City as the case is solved!"

"So, since the case 20 years ago, Yang Chunyuan has committed the crime of falsification and providing false evidence, and since she has been in practice, she has been responsible for the investigation of 1,324 criminal cases, how many crimes have been committed? The fact is true, how much is false, no one knows!"

"Yang Chunyuan needs to be responsible for her own crimes, and for those victims who have been imprisoned for several years or decades because of unjust injustice!"

These words are full of emotion, especially the last accusation, which is full of strong and full emotions, impassioned, as if he has also suffered injustice.


Even Zhang Wei felt the difficulty.

This Zheng Fenyong is worthy of being the senior prosecutor of the Southern District Attorney General's Office. This is the court's argument. It is really amazing to be able to make such a statement that attracts the attention of the audience!

"My court defense claims are over!"

"Well, then I invite the defense!"

Although Zhang Wei felt the pressure, he stood up calmly and walked to the court.

"I don't know if you have heard of false allegations. Hearsay evidence is the reason why our defense lawyers often stand up and interrupt each other's speeches in court."

"Zheng Gaojian said a lot just now, but I want to say that he used unproven content, even if he will try to prove it in court, but when he quoted it, it was unproven. .”

"So I hope everyone will not be misled by Zheng Gaojian. My client is an excellent and dedicated forensic medical staff and pathological forensics expert."

"She has to endure physical discomfort and nausea every day. She is responsible for every victim and finds the last evidence from them to help them locate the suspects and help them get justice!"

"You can imagine that in order to complete the task of collecting evidence as soon as possible, forensic doctors have to get up at 4 am every day, and come to the morgue early in the morning to dissect and collect evidence."

"Because during the dissection, you may see very bloody and terrifying pictures, so many forensic doctors are forced to endure hunger and start working without breakfast. After the dissection and evidence collection are completed, they still have to write reports and submit samples. Checking the data, etc., they may not touch a drop of water all morning, such a work intensity, my client has persisted for more than 20 years!"

"If it is true that my client is trying to take a shortcut, as the prosecution said, then what is she doing for it? The reason for taking the shortcut is to become famous and to make money. Everyone understands these. But the shortcut is to suffer, to endure the past twenty years. What's the point of her taking shortcuts every day to investigate and collect evidence, dissect the corpse, and go to the crime scene to collect DNA samples?"

Zhang Wei spread his hands and looked puzzled.

These words also made everyone in the court think deeply.

There seems to be a lot of truth in what the defense said.

"Oh, to be able to completely refute my claim!"

Zheng Fenyong didn't pay much attention to Zhang Wei at first, but after the first round of confrontation in this court, he knew that this opponent was not at the same level as what he had faced in the past.

At least in the eyes of this senior prosecutor of the Southern District Attorney General's Office, Zhang Wei has reached a level that is almost equal to him.

Zheng Fenyong was a little surprised. Zhang Weicai was so old, and it was said that he was still a student of his brother. How could he have such a wealth of trial experience and such a strong ability to perform on the spot.

"So we advocate the defense of innocence!"

Finally, Zhang Wei added a sentence, which was an explanation of the court defense strategy.

"Okay, this court already knows the respective claims of both parties, so let the candidate jury enter now!"

Under the guidance of the court guard, the candidate jury entered.

However, these juries are all from neighboring cities, and none of them are locals in Dongfang Metropolis.

After the jury was seated, Zheng Fenyong decided to take the lead.

He stood up first and came before the jury.

"Everyone, let me ask you a question. If you have worked in the company for 5 years, and suddenly there is an opportunity for promotion in front of you, would you really want to seize this opportunity?"

Although curious about the question, the jury nodded.

"Then if you want to compete for this opportunity, but in the end you find out that the person promoted is not yourself, but a newcomer who has just joined the office for less than a year, will you be convinced?"

Among the jury, many people showed puzzled faces, but a few people showed clear faces.

"Finally, the identity of this new employee also came out. He turned out to be the nephew of the general manager!"

All of a sudden, the jury was stunned.

The general manager's nephew, that's all right.

"Everyone, if you encounter this situation, please raise your hand if you have any opinions on the company!"

Most of the jury raised their hands.

But there were also a few people who did not raise their hands.

"Judge Liu, we have eliminated No. 1, No. 5, No. 9 and No. 10!"

Zheng Fenyong quickly eliminated the 4 people who did not raise their hands.

When faced with unfair treatment, these people choose to accept it calmly, and they don't even have the idea of ​​expressing resistance to the company.

Such a person is obviously not the jury he wants.

"Lawyer Zhang, it's your turn!"

After the question was finished, Zheng Fenyong gave up the stage.

At this moment, the audience fell silent, wanting to see what "critical" questions Zhang Wei would ask.

However, there were a few people in the court with strange expressions on their faces.

Xiao Baihe, Zhao Chunming and Judge Liu all looked at Zhang Wei with strange eyes.

Because they know that Zhang Wei's questions are usually very weird.


Zhang Wei cleared his throat and came before the jury.

"Guys, do you all like to drink?"

The jury looked at each other, completely at a loss as to what the question meant.

"Then if after you drink your drink, you find that "one more bottle" appears on the bottle cap, are you surprised or not? "

As soon as this statement came out, the entire court was stunned.

Only Xiao Baihe, Zhao Chunming and Judge Liu all nodded subconsciously.

Well, right.

This kid's question is just like this!

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