Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 510 The form is not good! Counting against one's own people?

Monday, court day.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the Oriental Metropolitan Court.

Criminal court, defense preparation room.

Zhang Wei, Mo Yuzhu and Yang Chunyuan are adjusting their status here.

"Now there are 30 minutes left before the trial, let's go over what happened yesterday!"

Zhang Wei glanced at the time, and spread out the documents in the briefcase.

As he spoke, he looked at the person involved, Yang Chunyuan.

"Forensic Doctor Yang, although it is inappropriate for me to ask this question, I still want to ask you to confess that 20 years ago, you submitted two DNA comparison records for the Li case, and the first record that was originally overwritten by you What's the content?"

Originally, Zhang Wei asked Mo Yuzhu to ask this question yesterday, but classmate Mo was too tired yesterday, so he fell asleep after returning home.

I don't know if she asked any questions.

Yang Chunyuan glanced at Mo Yuzhu, and sighed helplessly: "I don't really remember, because 20 years have passed since this case, I just remember that I found a *hair in the dead woman's throat, and then submitted a new case." Report!"

This answer is not surprising to Zhang Wei.

He took a few glances at Yang Chunyuan, the first forensic doctor in Dongfang Metropolis looked like he wasn't really lying.

It seemed that she really didn't remember the details at that time.

Zhang Wei took a deep breath, looked at Mo Yuzhu, and said frankly:

"Forensic Doctor Yang, I want to tell you that according to the latest DNA comparison results, the DNA on that *hair does not match Li's DNA!"

"how come?"

Yang Chunyuan couldn't believe it, because although she didn't remember the details of 20 years ago, there was one thing she definitely remembered.

That was the DNA test report that was enough to convict Li!

She stayed up all night to complete that report by herself, and she tested it many times, and the DNA on that *hair was exactly the same as that of Li.

The investigation department also arrested Li and brought him to justice based on this report.

Zhang Wei saw the disbelief on Yang Chunyuan's face, and immediately took out the DNA comparison report from the file and handed it to Yang Chunyuan.

After the latter took it, he immediately started looking through it.

After watching for a few minutes, Yang Chunyuan's face became a little ugly.

Mo Yuzhu on the side also came up to take a look, her face also became a little ugly.

It seemed that the mother and daughter, who were forensic doctors, both saw the information written in the report.

"how come?"

Yang Chunyuan put down the report with a look of disbelief.

She opened the report again and took another look.

On some key information such as comparative values ​​and DNA sequences, I looked at it several times.

But no matter how she looked at it, from left to right, horizontally and vertically, the information recorded in the DNA comparison report did not match Li's DNA.

"Is this done in our office?"

"Yes, it was done by your assistant yourself, with people from the District Prosecutor's Office supervising it, and the evidence is also the original hair!"

Yang Chunyuan's complexion changed, and then she was a little worried: "Have you done all the inspection reports, graphic reports, and cross-comparison reports on hair?"

"Forensic Doctor Yang, I'm not a professional pathological forensic expert, but I think that even if these reports are made, the DNA comparison results should still not match!"

Zhang Wei could tell that this was Yang Chunyuan's last stubbornness.

She still can't accept this fact.

In fact, Zhang Wei couldn't accept it, but his mentality was much better than the former.

Even if the DNA comparison results do not match, it will not affect his work.

"I'm just guessing now. Is there a possibility that someone replaced or modified the evidence after you submitted the report?"

Zhang Wei expressed a possible conjecture.

"This should not be possible. After I collected the evidence, I sealed the evidence. No one except our office can access the evidence."

"Besides, Li was already convicted at that time. Could he honestly wait for 20 years before modifying the evidence at that time?"

Yang Chunyuan couldn't believe that a person could go to prison for 20 years and only do it now, isn't it impossible?

"Lawyer Zhang, is the current situation very bad?"

Yang Chunyuan's complexion became a little unhappy.

She could see that the situation was not in her favor.

"Forensic Doctor Yang, the current situation is indeed not optimistic, because you once submitted two test reports in less than 4 hours, the prosecution will definitely make a big fuss about this matter, saying that you have the risk of tampering with evidence .”

"And the new DNA comparison report also has problems, which is the basis for the prosecution to convict you."

When Zhang Wei said this, he frowned, "As long as these two pieces of evidence are fully presented, then the charges against you will be extremely unfavorable in court, and the jury will definitely find you guilty of your actions!"

Hearing this, Yang Chunyuan frowned, and Mo Yuzhu was also full of worry.

"Defense, please prepare to go to court!"

Just when the atmosphere in the preparation room was not good, there was a reminder from the court guard outside the door.

Court time is approaching.

"Forensic Doctor Yang, let's go, even if the situation is unfavorable, this court will still have to pass!"

Zhang Wei said, and began to pack up the files.

"I still can't believe it. I couldn't have made a mistake. Someone must have tampered with the evidence!"

"Forensic Doctor Yang, I know how you feel. In fact, I have guessed more than once, but it is really difficult for the evidence to be tampered with."

Zhang Wei advised, and walked into the courtroom together with Mo Yuzhu and guarding Yang Chunyuan whose expression had not yet recovered.

In criminal court.

The prosecution is in place.

The representative of the plaintiff, Li and the entrusted lawyer Braque, have arrived at the scene and sat on the prosecution table.

Zheng Fenyong had already taken his seat and was still flipping through the documents, as if he wanted to seize every minute before the trial.

In the front row of the hearing booth, a group of people from the local prosecutor's headquarters were sitting. Naturally, they came to wave the flag and cheer for Zheng Fenyong.

Lao Zhao and Lao Guo sat at the front of the team, but they all had sullen faces and crossed hands, as if I was just here to listen.

When the three of Zhang Wei walked into the scene, they saw an extra figure in the middle of the hearing booth.

"Dad is here."

Mo Yuzhu pointed at the figure, and whispered in Yang Chunyuan's ear.

"Hmph, what's the use of him coming!"

Yang Chunyuan snorted coldly, without even looking at the other party.

This made Mo Juren helpless. He was about to say hello to his wife and daughter, but he was treated coldly in the end.

If I had known earlier, I might as well not have come.

Zhang Wei and the other three from the defense took their seats.

The atmosphere in the courtroom also became tense.

"All rise!"

Just as the court guard announced, Judge Liu walked in wearing a brand new robe that looked as though it had been ironed and cleaned over the weekend and was spotlessly polished.

Even, in order to deal with today's major case, Judge Liu deliberately combed his hair back.

It seems that he is very serious about this case, otherwise he would not do the styling specifically for it.

Seeing this scene, a smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Wei's mouth.

For the sake of the case, the judge actually cares about the appearance. This is the first time he has seen it.

"Ahem, this court announces that the General Prosecutor's Office has prosecuted the defendant Yang Chunyuan for tampering with evidence and submitting false testimony, and now the first court hearing is officially held!"

"Prosecution, please prepare your opening statement!"

As Judge Liu hammered the hammer, Zheng Fenyong was naturally ready.

"22 years ago, a series of appalling murders occurred in the East. The murderer only selected young women to start the crime at night, and after kidnapping the victim..."

Zheng Fenyong's opening statement described the serial murder case that occurred in Dongfangdu that year. This case is familiar to many people.

But considering that the jury was from the city next door, Zheng Fenyong decided that it was necessary to popularize the case that year.

"With this case, people in the East were panicked at the time, and the investigation department also felt tremendous pressure. Even many working women dared not go out at night when they came home from get off work!"

"It was under such high pressure that a DNA test report helped the investigation department to locate the suspect Li, who is also the plaintiff in this case."

Zheng Fenyong pointed to Li who was sitting next to Blake on the prosecution table.

The latter's expression was calm, and he didn't even respond to this story at all.

Zheng Fenyong was not surprised by Li's performance.

He continued: "Of course, I am not a direct participant in this case, and I am not very clear about the progress of the investigation of the case, but I can be sure that it is that investigation report, that crucial DNA comparison result, that started the investigation." reached a decisive role.”

"Everyone can predict the story after that."

Zheng Fenyong said, pointing to the defense chair, "Relying on this DNA report, the investigation department locked down the suspect Li and arrested him."

"Also relying on this DNA report, the defendant Yang Chunyuan gained a lot of attention. In just 10 years, she was promoted to the number one forensic doctor in Dongfangdu, and even had her own forensic office. It can be said that she has gained both fame and fortune!"


He raised a finger and emphasized: "Is this story really what you think it is?"

"As the heroine of the story, can you really rely on one case to soar into the sky and have a smooth career?"

As soon as this statement came out, many people in the jury all showed suspicion.

This is also the disadvantage of Zhang Wei's selection of the jury.

Many of the jurors he selected were conspiracy theorists, and they were all people who knew some conspiracy theory conjectures.

They will doubt the purpose of the prosecution after the prosecution's behavior is caught.

But in the same way, in this story, they will also doubt the defense and Yang Chunyuan.

Under such a huge "temptation", under the lure of gaining fame and fortune, will she take the risk and betray her last bottom line?

If it is an ordinary person, it may just be this question.

But if you are a conspiracy theorist, you will choose to believe that there is such a possibility, and the probability is very high.

If they put in their own words, they will find out.

Perhaps for the sake of fame and fortune, it is possible to do such a thing.

Therefore, upon hearing what Zheng Fenyong meant, more than half of the 12-member jury had suspicions of the defense to varying degrees.

"Worthy of being a high-ranking prosecutor from the General Prosecutor's Office, this is the anti-use of the jury I selected!"

Zhang Wei saw Zheng Fenyong's intentions at a glance, and he had to say that the other party really had tricks.

After talking so much, Zheng Fenyong finally started calling witnesses.

"Our side summoned the first witness, Captain Liu of the Serious Crime Squad to testify in court!"

Zhang Wei is no stranger to this witness. He has dealt with Lao Liu from the Serious Case Team 3 many times.

As the serious case team, Lao Liu has the most experience in handling cases, and is also the oldest operator and team leader. He can be said to be the person with the highest qualifications in the serious crime team.

And he was also one of the participants in the serial murder case 22 years ago.

Team Leader Liu, 22 years ago, you also participated in the investigation of the serial kidnapping and murder cases with the Serious Crime Squad, right? "

"Yes, our general leader at that time was the Miao team. He led the three teams of the serious crime team to investigate together. I followed the team leader to cooperate with him!"

As Team Leader Liu said, he said with emotion: "Unfortunately, the Miao team unfortunately died in an anti-drug operation eight years ago. This is a great loss for our investigation department!"

"Well, I also deeply regret the sacrifice of Team Miao."

Zheng Fenyong said, bowed his head and was silent for a moment.

"However, Team Leader Liu, there are still some questions about the details of the case. I still have to ask what I should ask!"

"go ahead."

As a direct participant in the case, Team Leader Liu said, I will definitely answer.

"At that time, there were as many as 8 people missing. It was definitely the most sensational case in the Oriental Metropolis that year. How long did the investigation department investigate this case?"

"For about half a year, we started with one team in charge, and then we added more manpower. Almost all the three teams were deployed for operations. It can be said that we have mobilized all the forces of our investigation department!"

"May I ask how you dealt with the corpse after you found it?"

"We will keep the scene as much as possible and let the forensic personnel collect evidence on the spot, so that we can keep as much trace of the crime as possible."

Team Leader Liu said, looking at the jury and the hearing booth, Ke Pu said: "After the corpse is discovered, non-professionals try not to touch the corpse as much as possible. This is the best protection measure for the scene."

"You mean, the on-site investigators will conduct an autopsy on the corpse as soon as it is discovered?"

"Of course, it is the basic process of the investigation to conduct an autopsy on the corpse as soon as possible. This is done in order to collect some evidence in the first place. Because who can guarantee that some evidence will not be removed from the body during the process of moving the corpse?" disappeared from the body."

"So at that time, when the forensic personnel at the scene conducted the autopsy on the female deceased for the first time, did they find any valid evidence?"

"No." Team Leader Liu shook his head with certainty.

If evidence had been found, they would have caught the murderer long ago.

It was precisely because the murderer did not leave any evidence at the scene after killing the deceased, which made their investigation department helpless.

"Not even a clue, no trace?"


Team Leader Liu was helpless, but they really didn't find any evidence at the time.

"When did you transfer the deceased to the medical examiner's office?"

"About the end of on-site evidence collection, about 4 hours after the discovery of the body."

"So, during these 4 hours, the investigation department approached the elite operators of the three groups, but none of them found any clues?"


When Zheng Fenyong said this, he showed a trace of curiosity, "The elites of the three groups, let alone dozens of people, didn't find any clues, but the defendant Yang Chunyuan did?"

Surprised, puzzled, doubted!

Guided by these words, the jury became more suspicious of Yang Chunyuan.

"Lawyer Zhang, they don't seem to be looking at me right?"

Yang Chunyuan also discovered this problem and immediately asked Zhang Wei for advice.

"Calm down, Forensic Doctor Yang, this kind of thing often happens."

But Zhang Wei comforted him calmly: "The jury is nothing but grass, they will fall wherever the wind blows!"

"I hope so..."

Yang Chunyuan looked at the jury with slightly hostile eyes, and fell into suspicion for the first time.

In her more than 20 years of work, she has never had to face so many people, and they are all people who can breathe.

"Group Leader Liu, you found 8 dead people in total, right?"

"Yes, the crime has been committed for two years in a row, and the interval between each incident is more than 3 months, so we didn't connect this case with the serial murderer at the beginning."

Team leader Liu was a little helpless, which was also their work mistake at that time.

If several disappearance cases and kidnapping cases could have been combined and more manpower and material resources had been used to investigate the problem, perhaps there would have been fewer dead than eight.

"Which of the deceased did the defendant Yang Chunyuan find key clues?"

"It was found on the body of the eighth deceased, Dong Juan!"

Team Leader Liu has a deep memory of this case, and even directly named the eighth female victim.

"Oh, the eighth victim is Miss Dong Juan, right?"

Zheng Fenyong nodded, and then looked surprised: "None of the seven deceased left any clues. Why did the eighth murderer suddenly make a low-level mistake?"

As soon as this statement came out, many people were deeply skeptical.


The murderer committed a crime once every three months, and each time the investigation department failed to catch the loopholes. The previous seven investigations were unsuccessful.

Isn't it too coincidental that such a murderer with rich experience and sophisticated methods would make a fatal mistake on the eighth occasion, allowing the investigation department to find enough evidence to convict him?

"I guess, the murderer should have accumulated enough experience in the previous seven crimes. It is absolutely impossible to leave such deadly evidence in the eighth crime, right?"

"This, I don't know how to answer you, but I want to say that even experienced criminal masters cannot do 100% perfect crimes."

Group leader Liu glanced at Yang Chunyan and said so.

"So, does Group Leader Liu support the discovery of evidence by Forensic Doctor Yang?"

"Yes, after all, didn't we catch the suspect?"

Team Leader Liu said, looking at Li who was on the prosecution table.

He is an experienced old investigator, and he can tell at a glance that Li is the murderer.

"Group Leader Liu, let me ask, how long have you been working with Forensic Doctor Yang?"

"We have cooperated in many cases. I can't remember the exact number, but I want to say that Forensic Doctor Yang is an excellent forensic expert. I have cooperated with her for more than 20 years!"

"A 20-year old man, it seems that it is normal for you to speak for her?"

When the jury heard Zheng Fenyong's words, they fell into speculation again.

Could it be that the witnesses of this investigation department are also perjury?

This accusation is serious.

Even if it's just suspicion, it makes Team Leader Liu's situation a little awkward.

"This trick again?"

Zhang Wei looked at Zheng Fenyong and secretly said, "Good guy."

Unexpectedly, this prosecutor, as the prosecutor, would even plot against "his own people" like Team Leader Liu!

This is really, shameless!

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