Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 511 Character Witness? Forensic Cao's allegations

Group leader Liu probably didn't think of it himself.

If you come up to testify yourself, you will be calculated by the prosecution.

Just because he said a word for Yang Chunyuan, it was "interpreted" by Zheng Fenyong that he was on the witness stand today to help his old partner who has been working with him for more than 20 years, whether there is an ulterior transaction here, etc.

If Team Leader Liu hadn't lived most of his life and was able to endure it, he would probably have cursed.

Damn you!

Didn't you summon me to court?

You are a prosecutor, a prosecutor, a high prosecutor.

I'm still a senior operator!

Why do you think that everyone is your own, good teammate, but in the end, you plotted against me and stabbed me in the back?

I have cooperated with Yang Chunyuan for more than 20 years, but there is a problem with that sentence in what I said, and it turns out that you interpret it like this, it is really unreasonable!

Team Leader Liu swore that he almost couldn't hold back.

"Judge Liu, we have nothing to ask about Team Leader Liu!"

After scheming Team Leader Liu, Zheng Fenyong ended the question with satisfaction.

Next, it was Zhang Wei's turn to cross-examine.

Zhang Wei got up, and under the gaze of the audience, he came to the witness stand.

Everyone wanted to take a look, and he would cross-examine Team Leader Yoo like this.

"Leader Liu, have you had breakfast?"

Whoever imagined it, Zhang Wei's first question surprised everyone.


Even Team Leader Liu, who was sitting on the witness stand, was dumbfounded.

You're here to cross-examine me, not to chat with me about family matters.

"Group Leader Liu, what's the matter, is this question difficult to answer?"

"I've had it. Thank you, Attorney Zhang, for your concern. Can you ask questions about the case directly?"

Team leader Liu is embarrassed, I don't know you Zhang Wei well.

Although everyone is an old acquaintance in the court, don't you usually hang out with Team Leader Lin of Group 1 and the group of troubled children in Group 7?

"Alright then, since Team Leader Liu insists, I'll get straight to the point."

Zhang Wei looked solemn, and asked: "I don't know Team Leader Liu, have you ever heard of the "Roca's Law of Exchange"? "

"Roca's Law of Exchange?"

Team leader Liu recalled it for a while, and seemed to have a little impression.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei directly popularized science in court: "Roca's law of exchange, this is a subject of forensic science!"

"The so-called Roca's law of exchange, its theory lies in the idea that 'when two objects come into contact, there will be a transfer phenomenon'. It is used in crime scene investigation, the perpetrator (criminal suspect) will inevitably take something away, and will also Something is left, there must be traces left at the scene."

"During their work, the forensic doctors are to find the traces left by the suspects at the crime scene, and use these clues to find and lock the suspects!"

"Oh, yes, yes, I have an impression!"

Team Leader Liu nodded. I also remembered your explanation.

Indeed, experts in forensic science had told him about it.

"Then Team Leader Liu, let me ask you, what did the suspect do to the eight victims after they kidnapped them?"

Team Leader Liu glanced at the jury and sighed, "The suspect committed various levels of obscenity and sexual intercourse against the eight victims!"

As soon as this remark came out, a trace of anger flashed in the eyes of many people.

Kidnapping, molesting and even QJ, this is really insane.

Those are all young women. If they are still alive, they may be the mothers of many children.

"Leader Liu, let me ask, if the suspect committed obscenity and sexual intercourse with the last deceased Dong Juan, wouldn't it be uncommon to find a *hair in the deceased's throat?"


Team Leader Liu nodded affirmatively.

"As for what the prosecution said, no evidence was found on the body of the previous seven deceased, so can we also think of it this way? Among the crimes committed by the criminal suspect against the first seven deceased, there was no * Mao's behavior?"

"should be."

"Did he prepare tools, such as using small balloons?"

"It's possible, otherwise we might find traces of jelly in the deceased's vagina. In order to prevent the jelly from remaining, the suspect probably prepared the contraceptive tool you mentioned!"

"Well, thank you, Team Leader Liu, for your answer."

As Zhang Wei said, he was about to end the question.

But when he thought of it, Team Leader Liu and Yang Chunyuan had worked together for more than 20 years, so they should be able to ask some questions about character.

Since Team Leader Liu is on the witness stand today, it is a rare opportunity!

"By the way, Team Leader Liu, you have worked with my client for more than 20 years, right?"

"Well, we have cooperated in many cases, and she has also helped our investigation department catch many murderers!"

"Then I would like to ask Team Leader Liu, how is my client's reputation in the criminal investigation department and the forensic field of Dongfang Metropolis, and what is his character like?"

As soon as this question was uttered, Zheng Fenyong on the prosecution bench couldn't sit still.

"Objection, lead witnesses to speculate, ask questions that have nothing to do with the case, and blur the question!"

"Zheng Gaojian, you didn't ask the first question just now. You asked the witness how long he had known my client. He replied that it was more than 20 years. Then I think that since they have known each other for more than 20 years, Team Leader Liu should be fully qualified to act as my client's representative. A character witness?"

As Zhang Wei said, his eyes turned cold: "Could it be that, Zheng Gaojian, you are suspicious of team leader Liu, who took advantage of my client and would say something unconscionable? Are you questioning the most qualified officer in the investigation department?" character?"

This sounded like a question, but it was actually a threat, which also made Zheng Fenyong's eyes turn cold.

Good guy!

You boy is really a good guy!

How dare you fight against me in court!

If I answered yes, wouldn't I put myself on the opposite side of the investigation department, and even the Eastern Metropolitan Prosecutor's Headquarters would be hostile to me.

If I answer no, isn't that fulfilling you kid?

Now, Zheng Fenyong was forced into a dilemma.

But who made this a hole he dug himself?

He misled the jury before and made them doubt the purpose of Team Leader Liu's testimony in court, which was tantamount to putting Team Leader Liu on the opposite side.

Zheng Fenyong thought that Zhang Wei would only ask some questions related to the case, but he did not expect that the other party wanted Team Leader Liu to be the defendant's character witness.

Now, the other party asked if he was questioning Team Leader Liu's character.


After Zheng Fenyong made a choice, he still made a choice: "Of course I have no objection to Team Leader Liu's character!"

"That's fine. Naturally, you believe in Team Leader Liu's character. Then I believe that there should be no problem with letting him be my client's character witness. After all, he is the prosecution witness you summoned!"

As Zhang Wei said, he looked at Team Leader Liu again.

Seeing Zheng Fenyong deflated, the latter also felt secretly refreshed.

"Forensic doctor Yang, I still admire her very much. She is an excellent forensic expert. She has worked hard for more than 20 years without making a single mistake. She is always able to give the identification report when we need it!"

"Then do you think that such an excellent forensic doctor as Forensic Doctor Yang would tamper with evidence and frame innocent people?"

"Obviously impossible!" Team Leader Liu replied in a very positive tone.

The witness was so sure that many members of the jury couldn't help nodding their heads, and even the previous doubts about Yang Chunyuan disappeared a lot.

This effect made Zhang Wei very satisfied.

"Thank you, Team Leader Liu for your answer, we have ended the cross-examination!"

Naturally, he immediately ended the cross-examination, nodded to Team Leader Liu, and then walked back to the defense bench.

The wind direction of the court also quietly changed with Team Leader Liu's testimony, gradually moving closer to the defense.

After realizing the change in this scene, Yang Chunyuan and Mo Yuzhu were very happy.

"Lawyer Zhang, you are really amazing."

"Thank you, Zhang Wei!"

Hearing the thanks from the mother and daughter, Zhang Wei just shook his head.

This is just the beginning, and there is no heavyweight evidence. Zheng Fenyong is a tricky prosecution. He doesn't think it's a good thing to celebrate now.

"The prosecution?"

Judge Liu continued to preside over the court order, and he also knew that the prosecution could not have only one witness.

"We request that the witness, Mr. Cao, be summoned to testify in court!"

Under Zheng Fenyong's summons, a man with a very strong body appeared in court.

He looked only forty or fifty years old, with thick and black hair, and he walked vigorously and quickly.

But Zhang Wei, who has read the list of witnesses, knows that this Mr. Cao has retired a few years ago. In other words, he is an old man in his sixties and seventies, but his physique is definitely no better than some young people who only know how to lie flat all day long. Difference.

"Mom, is he the Forensic Doctor Cao you mentioned earlier?"

Mo Yuzhu pointed to the witnesses sitting on the witness stand, and asked in a low voice.

"Yes, he is my senior. He was the director of our office back then. However, after retiring a few years ago, his health has become so good. I didn't expect that!"

It can be seen that Yang Chunyuan is a little surprised that this retired old man can have such a strong body.

After all, people who have been in the forensic office for a long time, facing the corpse every day, look lifeless.

"Mr. Cao, hello."

"Don't call me Mr. Cao!" The witness smiled and looked at the jury. "Although I have retired, I prefer you to call me Cao Fayi."

The witness is Forensic Doctor Cao, and he seems quite proud of his status as a forensic doctor.

"Okay, Doctor Cao, can you tell us about your relationship with the defendant?"

"Xiao Yang and I come from the same office. When she joined the forensic identification department, I was the director responsible for her. Later, we joined the first forensic office together, and I was also a member of the office."

Zheng Fenyong was very satisfied when he heard this answer.

He glanced at the defense chair and asked with a sneer: "So, your understanding of the defendant is better than that of Team Leader Liu?"

"Old Liu, right? Although he has cooperated with us on many cases, apart from the intersection with us at work, everyone works in different departments on weekdays, and the contact is not frequent."

"Then how often have you been in contact with the accused?"

"Of course, we are all in the same office, so we can say that we meet every day. I worked with Xiao Yang until I retired, and I know Xiao Yang better than Team Leader Liu."

"So forensic doctor Cao, may I ask how much do you know about the character of the defendant Yang Chunyuan, and what kind of person is she at work?"

Cao Fayi also took a look at Yang Chunyuan, and then his eyes changed.

Seeing this slight change, Zhang Wei secretly said badly.

This forensic doctor Cao seems to be about to publish some unfavorable testimony.

"How about Xiao Yang, her attitude towards work is naturally not to be picky, but sometimes she behaves inhumanely, her attitude is extremely paranoid, and even makes people a little scared!"

"Oh, it's scary, how do you say that?"

"For example, if the investigation department is eager to obtain evidence, she will arrange for her subordinates to conduct tests overnight. She even asked us to be on call 24 hours a day for a case, and we must stay in the laboratory 7 days a week!"

Hearing this answer, many members of the jury were stunned.

Damn, is this the work pressure a person can bear?

"Is this work intensity too extreme?" Even Zheng Fenyong had doubts.

"Yes, I reported this issue to Xiao Yang, but she reprimanded her in turn. She also emphasized many times at work that she must fully cooperate with the investigation department to investigate, even if she sacrifices her rest time. No hesitation!"

Now, even many people in the hearing booth couldn't hold back.

Having such a leader at the booth really hurt the people in the laboratory!

If my leader gives me a task like this, then I'll just resign and leave!




Many people in the jury and hearing booth showed different degrees of disgust towards Yang Chunyuan.

"Forensic Doctor Yang, are you really that scary?" Even Zhang Wei looked at Yang Chunyuan in disbelief.

"The investigation and evidence collection of criminal cases cannot be delayed!"

Unexpectedly, Yang Chunyuan answered such a sentence without thinking, which was simply telling Zhang Wei that sometimes I do go a little too far.

It's just that the measurement of "one point" depends on how you define it.

Anyway, in Zhang Wei's eyes, Yang Chunyuan has already hooked up with the words "heinous".

The jury may or may not hear testimony, and it is difficult for them to understand some expert speeches.

But if you say something that makes them feel the same way, they will be influenced by you immediately.

For example, Zheng Fenyong's question and Cao's forensic doctor's answer all showed that Yang Chunyuan's work requirements for her subordinates were outrageous.

And such leadership can definitely arouse 99% of the hostility in the court.

Unless you're a workaholic, unless you love working, who would like to be led like that?

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Zheng Fenyong decided to add fuel to the flames.

After all, the person in front of him was Yang's former colleague who knew a lot of things.

"Cao Forensic Doctor, I know that more than 20 years ago, the operating regulations of the forensic medical office were not as high-tech as they are now. There are many reports that need to be typed out by yourself, right?"

"Yes, many reports require us to type word by word on the keyboard."

"Then I happen to have a report submission record here, which is about the serial murder case more than 20 years ago. Please take a look."

As Zheng Fenyong said, he walked to the projection device and put a code file on it.

"In this record, at about 10 o'clock in the evening, someone submitted a DNA comparison report in the system, but look here, the same user name submitted a second report at around 1 o'clock in the morning ,is that so?"

Forensic Cao took out his glasses from his pocket, then turned to look at the projection screen.

He looked carefully at it several times, and finally nodded.

"Yes, you are right, someone submitted two comparison reports twice, and overwrote the records of the first with the second!"

"In less than 4 hours, two reports were submitted repeatedly. Is this behavior common?"


Forensic Cao shook his head, and then explained: "Because if the file format is wrong or there are typos, we will immediately submit a new one to cover the previous report. If the interval is 4 hours, it is not as simple as the previous report. gone."

"What's the problem then?"


"Against, lead witnesses to speculate!"

Just when Forensic Cao was about to say something, Zhang Wei stood up and interrupted.

"The objection is valid!"

Judge Liu also announced at the right time, making Cao Fayi unable to continue speaking.

Seeing that Zhang Wei interrupted him, Zheng Fenyong wasn't annoyed at all.

"Cao Fayi, since it's hard for you to guess, let's take a look at the log record of this revision, and look at the time. Do you still have any memory of that day?"

Forensic Cao looked at it carefully for several times, and finally nodded, "I was really impressed that day!"

As he spoke, he fell into recollection: "That day, we were busy until about 9 o'clock, and the newcomers all went back to rest. Only Xiao Yang and I were busy in the office."

"When it was around 10 o'clock, I saw Xiao Yang submitted a report, and then I was ready to leave work. I asked Xiao Yang at the time, and she said that she wanted to continue to look at the deceased to see if she could find anything. "

"Because this is a serial murder case, and the dead are all women, I think Xiao Yang may feel sympathy for these dead, so he acquiesced in this matter, and then I left first."

Hearing this, Zheng Fenyong's face changed slightly, "You mean, you left the defendant and the corpse alone in the forensic laboratory, and after you left, there was no one else in the office except the defendant?"


"Is there surveillance in the medical examiner's office?"

"During that time, everyone was busy with the case, many people came in and out, and the surveillance seemed to be broken."

"The monitoring is broken, does Forensic Doctor Yang know?"

"Of course, everyone in our office knows!"

"Then that is to say, at that point in time, forensic doctor Yang could do anything to the body of the deceased Dong Juan without monitoring, including stuffing a hair in her throat?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

This possibility suddenly made the entire court not calm.


Cao Fayi pretended to be very embarrassed, but subconsciously nodded.

"No, lawyers are speculating on their own and leading witnesses to testify!"

Seeing that this was not good, Zhang Wei immediately stood up and interrupted.

"The objection is valid. Please ignore the jury's final statement, and this issue cannot be taken into consideration in subsequent rulings!" Judge Liu also nodded and issued a warning to the jury.

But everyone knows that the effect of this warning is actually zero!

Will the jury listen, of course not.

They are still thinking that Yang Chunyuan definitely has the possibility of committing crimes in less than 4 hours.

At that time, there was no monitoring, and she was the only one in the whole laboratory. She wanted to do something on the corpse, but she couldn't see it!

Now, the direction of the court is completely biased towards the prosecution.

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