Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 512 Lao Cao panicked? Mo Juren goes to court

The harmony between Zheng Fenyong and Cao Forensic Doctor made the whole court's attention fall on the defendant again.

Did you tamper with the dead body more than 20 years ago?

There was no surveillance during that time period, and no one else, just you and the corpse in the entire office.

You said that you didn't do anything wrong, and we don't think it's reliable.

So, this question doesn't really need an answer.

In the eyes of a group of people who believe in conspiracy theories, the answer has already been finalized.

They all believed that Yang Chunyuan had tampered with the corpse.

Be sure and sure!

The wind direction of the court has begun to change, and it has become more intense.

If it was a breeze blowing before, it is now a torrential rain and strong wind.

The torrential rain and wind blew towards the defense seats and Yang Chunyuan, making the latter look helpless.

"Lawyer Zhang, I really didn't tamper with the corpse, please believe me!"

Faced with doubts, Yang Chunyuan can only guarantee Zhang Wei so much.

"I understand, Doctor Yang, I understand you!"

Her words and expressions made it impossible to see the slightest falsehood, at least Zhang Wei believed it.

But it's useless for one person to believe it. You have to convince the jury and the hearing room to believe it, otherwise it doesn't make much sense.

in court.

Zheng Fenyong nodded to Forensic Cao as a way of expressing his gratitude.

"Judge Liu, we are done questioning this witness!"

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Zheng Fenyong naturally gave up as soon as he saw it, and returned to the prosecution seat.

Now, the pressure came to Zhang Wei's side.

"Lawyer Zhang, what are you going to do?" Yang Chunyuan looked over.

Mo Yuzhu on the side also looked nervous.

Zhang Wei smiled slightly and pointed to the witness stand.

"It's simple, I may not be able to fix the problem, but I can fix the person who made it!"

Whoever caused the problem was naturally Cao Forensic Doctor!

Therefore, under the skeptical eyes of the audience, Zhang Wei calmly walked to the court.

"Hello, old Cao!"


Forensic Cao was stunned for a moment, but he didn't react.

The old Cao you are talking about is calling me?

"Well, little lawyer, although I have retired, I prefer you to call me Doctor Cao."

"Okay, Lao Cao, I got it, Lao Cao!"


Forensic Cao complained frantically in his heart, you little brat, do you not understand human speech?

Forget it, it's just a title, don't worry about it.

After thinking about it, he should prepare to answer Zhang Wei's question. There is no need to entangle with a title.

"Lawyer Zhang, if you have any questions, just ask, I will know everything!"

"Okay, old Cao."

The corner of Cao Fayi's mouth twitched, he was obviously not used to being called "Old Cao".

"Excuse me, did you testify just now that you and my client have been colleagues for more than 20 years?"


"Then how is your relationship with my client?"

"Of course, Xiao Yang and I didn't see each other when we looked up. We all come from the same office, can it be okay?"

Cao Fayi said, and smiled at Yang Chunyuan who was on the defense bench.

"Also, when Xiao Yang first joined the forensic office, I brought her, so in my eyes, she is both a colleague and an apprentice!"

"Well, your apprentice."

Zhang Wei also nodded, he understood.

"Old Cao, although you have said a lot, I haven't heard a single word from your speech that you and my client have a good relationship!"

"Ah, this..."

Fayi Cao is depressed. I have said so much, but you don't believe a word of it.

Xiao Yang and I have been friends for more than 20 years. We are both colleagues and masters. Can this relationship be called good?

"Old Cao, let me ask you, are you retired now?"

"Yeah, now I plant grass and raise flowers every day, not to mention how carefree I am.'

"It's great to be retired. It's really enviable to live a pastoral life every day and put aside all the pressure of work!"

"That's, that's..." Forensic Cao chuckled, with a somewhat perfunctory expression.

"By the way, Lao Cao, you must be very unwilling?"

"Ah, what are you not willing to do?"

Zhang Wei's question made Forensic Cao slightly taken aback.

"Forensic Cao, as far as I know, you were the director of the Forensic Office of the Criminal Forensic Division at the beginning. When the high-level officials decided to open the First Forensic Office in Dongfang Metropolis, you were the most favorable candidate for the person in charge, right?"


Forensic Cao looked at Yang Chunyuan and didn't know whether to nod or shake his head.

Logically speaking, he was indeed the most favorable candidate to be in charge of the first medical examiner's office.

But who let Xiao Yang solve a major case? The fame that this brought about made her fall into the eyes of high-level officials at a young age.

Everyone knows the following things. Although Forensic Cao and Yang Chunyuan both entered the newly established First Forensic Office, the position of person in charge did not fall to the more experienced Forensic Cao, but to Yang Chunyuan.

"So, forensic doctor Cao, did you feel jealous of my client when you were not elected as the head of the first forensic doctor's office?"

"Well, Xiao Yang's election as the person in charge is also an affirmation of her ability!" Forensic Cao was sweating on his forehead, and hurriedly said a good word for Yang Chunyuan.

"Oh, is that right, but you just said that my client's style is a bit extreme, paranoid, and even scary?"

Zhang Wei scratched his head and made a look of incomprehension, "If my client is elected as the person in charge and you are convinced, why do you still have any objections to her?"

"This..." Forensic Cao suddenly lost his composure.

"Old Cao, there are no outsiders here, just tell me honestly, have you ever felt resentment or even jealousy towards my client..."

Zhang Wei asked, leaned closer to Forensic Cao, and quietly asked, "Even when there is no one around, did you say something bad about my client?"

"Ah, it's... nothing, it's really nothing..." Fayi Cao hurriedly denied it.

How could he admit such a thing?

"Old Cao, this is your fault. Why don't you admit what you have done and what you have said?"

As Zhang Wei said, he hurried back to the defense bench and took a report from Mo Yuzhu.

"The copy in my hand is my inquiry report to the technicians of the First Forensic Office. They are all colleagues of you and my client. Guess what they say about you?"

"What did you say about me?"

Forensic Cao was also a little curious.

"That's what they say..."

Zhang Wei opened the record and said in a tone of yin and yang:

"Cao Forensic Doctor, he is too old-fashioned. He has been in the investigation department for more than 30 years, and he always likes to train us as a senior."

"That's right, that's right. Occasionally, a task came. He said that he had some things on hand, so he liked to give us the task. Later we found out that those things of his were all about investing in stock funds, or he had made an appointment with someone else to go to the bank on the weekend. Walking the birds is a private matter anyway."

"By the way, Forensic Cao also has some opinions on Forensic Yang, especially when he kept saying that he was the candidate to be in charge of the First Forensic Office. He didn't expect that Forensic Yang would take the lead."

"Yeah, I've heard him complain like that more than once, especially when he's sitting alone in the corner of the cafeteria eating, he likes to say this sentence in his mouth, thinking that we can't hear it."

"I see, a few years before his retirement, he was already planning his retirement life in his mind, either planting flowers and raising birds, or speculating in stocks and buying funds. Anyway, he didn't put his mind on work."

Hearing Zhang Wei's statement of the interrogation record sentence by sentence, Cao Fayi's face became more and more ugly.

"Old Cao, I'm not talking about you. If you dare to do something, you must dare to admit it. Look at you and lie in front of the court. Isn't that inappropriate?"

As Zhang Wei said, he walked up to Forensic Cao and smiled.

"Ahem, it is indeed as Zhang Law Firm said, Cao Forensic Doctor, your behavior is not in line with court norms. But because you have served the investigation department for nearly 40 years, I will warn you, don't make an example!"

Judge Liu also cooperated at the right time and warned Cao Fayi on the witness stand.

"Ah, this..." At this moment, Fayi Cao didn't dare to answer, and even lowered his head, showing shame.

Being exposed in public and being slapped in the face is really embarrassing.

My old Cao's face is lost today.

"Old Cao, I want to ask, you were 63 years old when you retired, right?"

"Yes, it is."

Now Cao Fayi has been completely controlled by Zhang Wei, so naturally he dare not not answer.

"I remember that because of the lack of technical personnel in the Forensic Medical Office, the maximum retirement age stipulated should be 65 years old?"


"Seeing that your body is still in good health, may I ask why you retired 2 years earlier?"


Fayi Cao looked at Yang Chunyuan and lowered his head in embarrassment.

"Old Cao, I'm asking you something, please answer my question."

"It's because Xiao Yang felt that I was a little negligent at work, so he asked me to retire early."

"Oh, my client asked you to retire early, so I want to ask, were the two parties in harmony when you negotiated?"

Fayi Cao's face turned green. At that time, the two of them almost didn't fight.

Anyway, I, Cao, thought that I could continue to be a forensic doctor, but she, Yang Chunyuan, came up with various reasons to fire me.

Under such circumstances, he really couldn't think of a condition for the two of them to sit down and talk peacefully.

"Maybe, at that time, everyone's words were a little more intense..."

"So, in fact, you are still jealous of my client. You hate her for taking your position in charge, stealing your limelight, and even forcing you to retire early. In other words, she fired you and kicked you out of the office. First Medical Examiner's Office?"


"Old Cao, I'm asking you a question, and you have to answer my question. Don't look at me with this expression. How do I know what your expression means?"

Judge Liu also looked over with eyes full of warning, staring at Fayi Cao.

Now, Forensic Cao has no choice.

"I...I admit that I am a little unconvinced. How can she, Xiao Yang, be elected as the person in charge? I have higher qualifications, richer experience, and management experience as a director. I..."

"So, you went to the witness stand today and said so many things. In fact, many of them were said when you had a personal enmity with my client, right?"

Although Zhang Wei asked again, he had clearly told the jury.

The testimony of this old boy is not credible, because he used to hate my client, did you hear the jury clearly?

The jury naturally heard the meaning of this.

Good old guy, luckily we still believed in you, I didn't expect you to actually want to use us!

"Old Cao, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just a very simple truth. My client Yang Fayi used to be your apprentice, but she came from behind and became your leader. You became the head of the office first. And in your heart, you think her position should belong to you."

"Even in the years when you were about to retire, she had some unpleasant conversations with you, but now you are going to testify against her in court, I find it hard to believe your testimony, there is no certain personal grievances ?”

Zhang Wei spread his hands, with a tangled expression of "I plan to believe you, but reality doesn't allow it".

Of course, he was faking it.

But the jury is all true.

We really intend to believe you, but other lawyers have said so much, how can you make us believe it?


Cao Fayi stopped talking because he couldn't speak.

"Old Cao, you should be thankful that we have no intention of pursuing your problem."

Zhang Wei spoke generously to Forensic Cao, and then nodded to Judge Liu.

"We have nothing more to ask about this witness!"

His cross-examination is over.

The effect is generally very good.

Forensic Cao's accusations against Yang Chunyuan were all dismissed after Zhang Wei uncovered the fig leaf of Forensic Cao.

Not only that, he proved that Cao Fayi came to testify in court today with personal grievances.

The testimony given under such circumstances is naturally not credible.

The jury could see this, and so did the hearing.

So the torrential rain and wind that blew violently on the defense bench just now disappeared without a trace, and the wind direction in the courtroom began to soften again.

"The prosecution?" Seeing the silence in the courtroom, Judge Liu hurriedly called the names.

Seeing this, Zheng Fenyong got up slowly and announced:

"Judge Liu, the witness we are going to summon next is in a special situation. Because his whereabouts were unknown before, I didn't record him in the witness list!"

"Judge Liu, we object. Since Zheng Gaojian is a senior prosecutor from the Southern District Attorney's Office, he should understand the significance of the public list!"

Seeing Zheng Fenyong's request, Zhang Wei naturally objected.

You're about to start, right? You want to play tricks?

Zheng Fenyong also looked at Zhang Wei.

Yes, that's how I plan to grow up.

And everyone is a veteran driver of the court, and they all understand one thing.

The public list is just a piece of paper.

"Judge Liu, the prosecution requests pre-trial consultation!"

"This court approves!"

Zheng Fenyong and Zhang Wei came to the trial seat.

"Zheng Gaojian, who is the witness you want to call, why did you say he couldn't call before?"

"The witness we want to subpoena is this, his name is..."

"Ah, this..."

Hearing Zheng Gaojian say a name, Judge Liu was stunned, and at the same time, his eyes unconsciously glanced in a certain direction.

"Judge Liu, we express our strong opposition!"

Naturally, Zhang Wei would not agree. If the prosecution had to summon this person, wouldn't it be worth it? Isn't this going to turn the world upside down?

"Judge Liu, it just so happens that this person is here today, and considering the relationship between the other party and the defendant, I don't think it's wrong to summon him to testify in court, right?"


Judge Liu thought about it carefully, and it seemed to be true.

He winked at Zhang Wei, then nodded at Zheng Fenyong.

Obviously, he agreed.

Zhang Wei had no choice but to shake his head and sigh, and then returned to the defense bench.

Because he also knows that sometimes some things cannot escape.

"Zhang Wei, what are you whispering up there?"

Yang Chunyuan was worried, but Mo Yuzhu was the first to bear it.

"The prosecution is going to call a witness, and the identity of this witness is a bit tricky."

"How tricky is it?" Mo Yuzhu looked curious.

"Your dear father!" The corners of Zhang Wei's mouth were bitter, but he still revealed the identity of the witness.

For a moment, Mo Yuzhu's mouth was slightly opened, but he couldn't close it for a long time.

"The prosecution requests that Mo Juren, a member of the city council, be summoned to testify in court!"

At this moment, Zheng Fenyong finally got up and announced, saying the name of the witness.

The eyes of the audience immediately looked towards the middle of the hearing booth.

Mo Juren himself was stunned.

what's the situation?

I came here today to support my wife, why did I somehow become a witness for the prosecution?

Also, if you want to summon me, why don't you send me a summons in advance?

This way, I'm not prepared at all, it's embarrassing, okay?

"Mr. Mo, stop dawdling, please sit here!"

In court, Zheng Fenyong was already waving at Mo Juren.

The corner of Mo Juren's mouth twitched, and he glanced at Zhang Wei, but the latter could only show an embarrassed smile.

Zhang Wei asked Mo Juren to come to the court to support his wife, but Zheng Fenyong was even more decisive, and directly summoned Mo Juren to the witness stand.

"Member Mo, please sit down!"

Under Zheng Fenyong's greeting, Mo Juren finally sat on the witness stand.

"It is my honor to invite the city councilors from Dongfangdu to testify in court today."

As Zheng Fenyong said, he also expressed emotion.

But the jury and the hearing seats just looked at Mo Juren curiously.

They all wanted to see the demeanor of this city councilor at close range.

As a result, after looking at it, it was found that the other party was ordinary, and he didn't have the demeanor of a superior person at all.

"Mr. Mo, please tell us about your relationship with the defendant Yang Chunyuan?"

"She and I are legally married, we've been married for almost 25 years!"

"Oh, you are actually husband and wife?"

Zheng Fenyong showed a surprised expression, "But what about your wedding ring, why didn't you wear it?"


Both Mo Juren and Yang Chunyuan subconsciously glanced at the ring finger of their left hand, as expected, neither of them was wearing a wedding ring.

"Member Mo, I would like to ask you, is your relationship with the defendant Yang Chunyuan good?"


This is another embarrassing question.

Although they are a husband and wife in name, they each have responsibilities, and the number of times the two meet each other is even very few in a year.

Is this kind of relationship okay?

It is estimated that nine out of ten people will shake their heads.

"She and I, even after we get married, will keep a little distance from each other!"

This is Mo Juren's answer.

I have to say that he is indeed a city councilor.


This answer is really too high!

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