Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 518 Where is the problem? The identity of the person behind the scenes!

Tuesday night.

Lin Fu.

Zhang Wei sat quietly in the room alone, with his laptop open in front of him.

Messages flashed across the screen, but he didn't move for a long time.

Obviously, he was thinking, thinking about whether he had missed something.

"First of all, it is certain that the person behind this case is definitely not Laura Campbell."

This time, there was affirmation in Zhang Wei's tone.

There was absolutely no way Laura was behind the scenes.

Because the words spoken by the other party in the court did not appear to be acting on the spot, but sincere words that had been prepared for a long time and just broke out.

It seems that the other party has long planned to give up competing for the position of a member of parliament.

So if it wasn't her, who would it be?

Is this case really as simple as it appears on the surface?


No way!

Zhang Wei quickly shook his head and gave up the idea.

If it is really as simple as it seems on the surface, then how does Lao Cao explain why the other party took the risk of being discovered and went to the archives to tamper with the evidence?

And why did the other party "abscond in fear of crime" at the risk of being exposed?

Could it be that the other party is really just dissatisfied with Yang Chunyuan?

Dissatisfied with the other party for letting him retire early, dissatisfied with the other party's taking away his position as the head of the first forensic laboratory?

"It's mainly at this point in time!"

Zhang Wei took out the photo record of Lao Cao entering the archive room. The time stamp on it showed that it was a few days earlier than the trial time of this case.

"After Lao Cao tampered with the evidence, Braque went to see Li, who decided to appeal, and the prosecution accepted the case, and initiated a public prosecution against Forensic Doctor Yang!"

From the relevance of these things, it can be seen that Lao Cao was the first to do it, and it was also the first part of the plan.

In order to prevent the plan from being exposed, the people behind the scenes made Cao Forensic Doctor "disappear" after he finished his testimony.

Zhang Wei had no doubt that if he or the investigation department dispatched a large team to search for Lao Cao, the other party would really disappear mysteriously.

Then there is no way to track down this point of Lao Cao, and the second link in the plan is Li and Braque.

Li obviously didn't know it, he was just a tool man, a tool used to bring down Yang Chunyuan.

The crux of the problem lies with Braque.


Thinking of this William International lawyer, Zhang Wei frowned again.

He had no doubt that there must be many behind-the-scenes ambush around this person.

If you find the other party by yourself and confront them face to face, obviously you won't get the desired result.

But if it comes to Yin, it does not rule out the possibility that the other party will tear up the ticket just in case.

And in doing so, it is easy to startle the snake.

This is the troublesome point, the enemy is in the dark and I am in the light!

The enemy knows our strength, but we know nothing about the enemy.

So the question goes back to the beginning, who is behind the scenes?

Regarding this point, Zhang Wei thought about it carefully.

"Does that Zheng Gaojian know about this? He doesn't seem to know. If he knew, how could he be willing to become a pawn of the people behind the scenes?"

Zhang Wei thought of Zheng Fenyong again.

It has to be said that there is indeed a personal enmity between the two, but it is Professor Zheng's own fault.

Although he is not familiar with Zheng Fenyong, judging from the several court trials, this high-level prosecutor Zheng still has professional ethics, otherwise the other party would not agree to let Laura testify in court.

Then Zheng Fenyong can also rule it out, the other party, like Li, is a tool in the hands of the people behind the scenes.

The suspect Li, the public prosecutor Zheng Fenyong, the plaintiff's representative lawyer Braque, and the evidence tamperer Lao Cao are just tools.

Judging from the energy displayed by the people behind the scenes today, it is impossible for these people to know the true identity of the people behind the scenes.

So, how do you find the person behind the scenes?

Zhang Wei started to have a headache again, there was really no breakthrough.

No way, he couldn't help complaining: "This Laura is good enough, but she's a city councilor. If she says she doesn't want to be, she doesn't want to be."

Fortunately, he naively thought that he had found the person behind the scenes.

Fortunately, he thought that he could finally hold hands with this Miss William International in court.

Unexpectedly, the other party gave up.

It's really incomprehensible that the other party is so straightforward.

"That's right, Laura is the eldest lady of William International, how could she just give up without thinking at all?"

Zhang Wei pondered carefully whether this Laura gave up too early.

Although she is not an archaeologist, an adventurer, or a lover of polar exploration, she does not have the combat power to destroy an army by herself.

But Miss Laura, she shouldn't simply give up the competition for city councilor. Could it be that there are other competitors?

With curiosity, Zhang Wei opened his notebook and began to search for relevant information about the city council.

Soon, news reports emerged about the city council.

"Shocked, members of the city council actually connive at their wives forging evidence and framing innocent people, everything turned out to be..."

"The first forensic doctor falsifies evidence, why is it confident, the identity of her husband is not simple! "

"Are City Councilors Loved? The fact is obviously not the case, and I will take you into the real heart of the city councilor"

The news headlines were all overwhelmed by recent cases.

In Yang Chunyuan's case, the people who were caught in the fire were all Mo Juren.

Zhang Wei just glanced at it, and found that the hot searches on the Internet seemed to be deliberately targeting Mo Juren, and all of them were targeted at him.

Not only that, but he only opened a few comment areas, and found that this group of netizens were also like this, and they all complained wildly because of Mo Juren's identity.

What is political correctness on the Internet?

To scold the rich and powerful is political correctness!

If you speak for them, that is the navy, and you will be labeled a big hat.

So without looking at the comment section, Zhang Wei knows 99.99% of what people are.

"It's not right, all the hot searches and comment areas on the Internet are intentional, right?"

As a professional lawyer who has yelled at Internet companies several times, Zhang Wei knew that there was something wrong with this trending search just by taking a look.

He even saw that the comment section was full of online trolls, and these people were paid to do things specifically for Mo Juren.

This shows that someone really wants to mess with Mr. Mo!

"According to the current situation, it should be a certainty that Councilor Mo will step down, so who will be the most vocal contender?"

Zhang Wei skipped the previous dozens of slanderous posts, looking for posts about strong contenders for the city council.

He finally found a name on the fourth page of the thousand-degree search bar.


Like Laura, she is a competitor who was born overseas, and the other party joined the Dragon Kingdom nationality very early.

Hawkins also has another identity. He is the city council's external affairs commissioner and works in the city council's foreign affairs office.

But this time, he announced that he was competing for the position of a member of the city council, and he was obviously competing for Mo Juren's position.

"Who is this Hawkins, why haven't I heard of it?"

Zhang Wei searched carefully, but unfortunately, on Qiandu, the clues he could find were limited.

With no choice but to put on a smiling face for himself, he carefully knocked on the door of the room on the second floor.

"What's the matter?"

When the second girl opened the door and saw Zhang Wei's "smile", she immediately put on her cute face.


Zhang Wei simply announced a name.

"It's the guy with the curly yellow hair, the mustache, and the wretched smile?"

Surprisingly, Zhao Xiaoxiao directly described it as if she knew Hawkins.

Zhang Weilian took out his mobile phone, typed Hawkins' name on Qiandu, and opened the photo

Sure enough, he saw a tall, thin man with slightly curly yellow hair and a small beard at the corner of his mouth.

The stork bone is protruding, the eye sockets are a bit heavy, and when he smiles, he squints, which is indeed a bit wretched.

"Second girl, do you know her?"

"I saw it a few times when I was young, but it was the party that guy took me to. It seemed to be something about overseas investment. I can't remember the specifics."

The guy Zhao Xiaoxiao was talking about was naturally Zhao Qingyan who lived next door.

Hawkins is in charge of the foreign affairs of the Oriental Capital. Overseas investment is obviously the job responsibility of the other party, so the other party should be relatively good at attracting overseas investment.

Zhang Wei analyzed some reasons from Zhao Xiaoxiao's words.

"By the way, do you know which faction Hawkins belongs to in the city council?"

Hearing this question, Zhao Xiaoxiao showed disgust: "Who else can it be, people from the Zhang family."

"People from the Zhang family?"

"Yes, the Zhang family seems to like investing overseas and dealing with foreigners. Anyway, the person in charge of foreign affairs must be theirs!"

"Zhang Tianlong's people..."

Zhang Wei frowned slightly, as if he had caught something.

"Second girl, in any case, check this Hawkins, and I'll go and confirm something!"

After Zhang Wei gave Zhao Xiaoxiao a word, he ran downstairs immediately and dialed a phone number.

"Hello, is this classmate Mo?"

"Yes, yes, I have a question for you now."

"No, no, it has nothing to do with Forensic Doctor Yang. If she's sleeping, don't bother her."

"I want to ask, is your father at home?"

On the phone desk, Mo Yuzhu was a little startled.

Not looking for herself, nor looking for her mother, why did Zhang Wei look for her father?

However, Mo Yuzhu still came to the study on the first floor, and saw Mo Juren lying down on the sofa.

"My father is here, he seems to have fallen asleep too..." Mo Yuzhu replied in a low voice.

"Oh, shake him up!"

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Wei was straightforward, without any trace of politeness in his tone.

Mo Yuzhu only hesitated for 0.1 second, and then decisively pushed his hand, shaking his own father from his deep sleep.

"Who... Oh, girl, what do you want me for?"

Mo Juren blinked, and when he saw clearly that it was Mo Yuzhu, he looked strange.

My girl, why wake me up?

"Zhang Wei is looking for you!"

Mo Yuzhu handed over the phone.

"Zhang Wei?"

Mo Juren was stunned, this girl in his family is really a girl who doesn't want to stay.

But he adjusted his status quickly, sighed and took the phone.

"Lawyer Zhang, what's the matter, you're looking for me this late at night..."

"Mr. Mo, let me ask you, how is your relationship with Zhang Tianlong?"

"Chairman Zhang?"

When Mo Juren heard the three words "Zhang Tianlong", all sleepiness disappeared from his face.

"The relationship between Chairman Zhang and I is naturally excellent. He and I have been friends for decades, and we have always known everything!"


"That's natural!"

Hearing the distrustful tone on the phone desk, Mo Juren quit immediately. "Zhang Wei, I know you have a little misunderstanding with Chairman Zhang, but Chairman Zhang is a magnanimous and reasonable person."

"For example, some time ago his younger brother Zhang Dihu was framed by you as the Lord Tiger of the Tiger Hall. I didn't think much of him. He also worked hard. Whether it was a meeting or a press conference, he was meticulous."

"By the way, a few of our congressmen were afraid that the matter would have too much impact. In order to eliminate the influence of the Tiger Hall incident, we tentatively impeached Chairman Zhang. Didn't he have any opinions?"

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Wei was obviously silent for a moment.


"Yeah, impeachment!"

Mo Juren didn't notice Zhang Wei's strangeness yet, but continued to explain: "If our members find the speaker's behavior is inappropriate, we can jointly initiate the impeachment of the speaker!"

"Oh I see!"

"What do you understand?" Mo Juren froze for a moment, then quickly shook his head: "We didn't really initiate impeachment, we just asked him to express his opinion!"

"Besides, even if impeachment is initiated, members of the parliament must vote together, and impeachment can only be successful if more than half of it is passed!"

"Thank you Mr. Mo, I'm hanging up here, you should go to bed early too!"

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Wei seemed to know the truth of the matter, and immediately hung up the phone.


Mo Juren looked at the phone that was already busy, and fell into confusion.

This kid called himself up in the middle of the night, and ended up asking so many nonsensical questions, and now he just hung up the phone?

What does this mean?

"Girl, why does Zhang Wei like to lose his nerve?"

"I don't know." Mo Yuzhu answered the phone, shaking her head nonchalantly.

"It's okay. If you are together in the future, just take care of him. Don't be like your mother, who is busy with work every day and makes trouble with me like this."

"Ah, this..."

When Mo Yuzhu heard her father's words, she suddenly lost her composure.

What do you mean after being with Zhang Wei in the future, I have nothing to do with him.

"Okay, I'm going to bed. I don't want to worry about your young people's affairs. After this case is over, if your mother is fine, you young people can figure it out for themselves!"

Mo Juren didn't care about the strange look in his daughter's eyes, but urged her to leave the study.

Mo Yuzhu never expected that in the eyes of her parents, she and Zhang Wei had reached that point.

If both Mo Juren and Yang Chunyuan were awake, Mo Yuzhu might explain it clearly to them.

The relationship between myself and Zhang Wei is actually just "ordinary friends", which is really not what you imagined.


the other side.

Lin Mansion, inside the room.

"Sure enough, sure enough!"

Zhang Wei hung up the phone with Mo Juren, and finally found a clue.

The black hand behind the scenes is none other than Zhang Tianlong!

He finally figured out who was targeting Yang Chunyuan and who was targeting Mo Juren, it was Zhang Tianlong.

Why him?

very simple.

The person Zhang Tianlong really wants to deal with is Mo Juren.

This person who dared to threaten his position as speaker with "impeachment".

For things like impeachment, if there is the first time, there will be a second time.

Once there are signs, if I make mistakes in the future, wouldn't the city council be able to initiate impeachment again.

Once or twice can probably handle it, but what about the third and fourth times.

Who can guarantee that there will not be a member of Congress who suddenly has a brain twitch, casts a crucial vote, and then passes the impeachment?

No one will pin their future on others.

Especially for a hypocritical person like Zhang Tianlong, it is even more impossible for him to entrust his position and destiny on a few congressmen whose minds may have a seizure at any time.

So, what will he do?

The first is to suppress those who propose impeachment, and Mo Juren is the first to bear the brunt.

But Mo Juren has a good reputation, and it is difficult to find his black material.

So if you can't deal with Mo Juren in a short time, what should you do?

Very simple, then deal with his family.

Mo Juren was forced to submit his resignation by discrediting his family and creating pressure from public opinion.

At that time, with Zhang Tianlong's hypocrisy, he may still act a little bit.

"Old Mo, the world is unpredictable, and I can't bear to let you go."

"Who would have thought that Forensic Doctor Yang would do such a thing? For the sake of public opinion, I have to accept your resignation!"

"Old Mo, we will not change the green mountains, and the green water will flow forever. If you need me in the future, I will definitely do my best to help you. It can be regarded as a reward for your contribution to us in the East. From now on, please Take care all the way!"

Thinking of Zhang Tianlong messing with Mo Juren and Yang Chunyuan, and at the same time pretending to say these things against Mo Juren, Zhang Wei's face suddenly became weird.

What a hypocrisy!

But when he thought that this was Zhang Tianlong, he was not surprised.

With the resignation of Mo Juren, one of the positions of the city councilors became vacant, which happened to be able to support the "insider" to the top.

In this way, it can be ensured that one of the members of the city council will always be on his side.

Even if someone initiates impeachment again in the future, Zhang Tianlong can ensure that someone will definitely stand on his side and vote in his favor.

Holding the general direction of the city council in his own hands, this is Zhang Tianlong's purpose in dealing with Mo Juren and supporting his own people in positions of authority.

And Zhang Tianlong obviously has enough energy to do these things.

What old Cao, what Blake, these people are just pawns in Zhang Tianlong's hands.

Similarly, his client, Yang Chunyuan, was also Zhang Tianlong's tool to deal with Mo Juren.

"No wonder Laura gave up. It turns out that she knows that Hawkins belongs to Zhang Tianlong, so she must not be elected as a council member!"

"No wonder the high-level prosecutors of the Southern General Administration were dispatched for this case. It turned out that Zhang Tianlong was behind the scenes!"

"No wonder the public opinion on the Internet is so turbulent, it's all Zhang Tianlong's tricks!"

Now that the real behind-the-scenes man has been identified, Zhang Wei has decided on the course of action for tomorrow.

The most critical step is to trouble Judge Liu.

If possible, he would like to summon Zhang Tianlong himself to court!

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