Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 519 Summon Zhang Tianlong? compromise

Wednesday morning.

Municipal Court, Office of the Criminal Division.

Judge Liu never expected that Zhang Wei called a motion again.

What did you say about your boy?

I adjourned the court on Tuesday and chose to open the court on Thursday to let you go back and rest for a day to prepare for the hearing on Thursday.

In the end, you kid is fine, not only did you not prepare to take a break, but you also dragged me to work with you, right?

Can it be better?

I really thought I didn't have to be busy on Wednesday. Wednesday is not a weekend. I have other jobs, okay?

Although Judge Liu really wanted to complain about this, but at the moment, not only Zhang Wei was standing in front of him, but he was also calling for Zheng Fenyong from the prosecution.

Not only that, but Zhang Wei is also "carrying his family with him".

Behind Zhang Wei stood Yang Chunyuan, Mo Yuzhu, and Mo Juren.

Although Mo Juren is now under the pressure of public opinion, almost all the people on the Internet are scolding him.

But he's a member of the city council after all, and that hasn't come down yet.

"Mr. Mo, why are you here?"

The young Judge Liu naturally had to show face to the members of the city council, and greeted Mo Juren politely.

"I was called by Zhang Wei, so I'll come over to have a look and show my face."

Mo Juren told the truth, he didn't know why he appeared here today.

Zhang Wei did tell him that you just need to come and brush your face.

Judge Liu nodded and smiled, then immediately looked at Zhang Wei with questioning eyes.

What kind of medicine are you selling in the gourd, you kid, hurry up and clarify clearly.

Similarly, Zheng Fenyong, the representative of the prosecution, also looked over.

"Ahem, since Judge Liu asked me, then I'll say it!"

Zhang Wei cleared his throat, and then said loudly: "We request that Judge Liu issue another subpoena!"

"Another subpoena?"

Judge Liu was startled, come again?

You are really looking for trouble, who is it this time?

"Zhang Wei, can you tell me, who are you going to summon?"

"Judge Liu, don't worry, the other party is not a difficult person."

Zhang Wei waved his hands and said with a smile, "He's just Zhang Tianlong."


Judge Liu didn't realize it for a while. The three words you said sound familiar to me.

"Zhang Tianlong, the speaker of the Eastern Metropolis Council!"

But Zheng Fenyong, who was at the side, reacted immediately, and exclaimed, wow!

"Is it Chairman Zhang?!!!"

The next moment, Mo Juren, Yang Chunyuan and Mo Yuzhu's family of three also reacted.

"Fuck, Chairman Zhang!!!"

at last. Judge Liu finally couldn't hold back any longer, and uttered a foul language.



It's a big trough!

Judge Liu complained frantically in his heart.

Your damn Zhang Wei wants me to die, right? It’s not good for you to summon anyone, just summon the chairman of the Eastern Metropolis Council.

"Zhang, Lawyer Zhang, do you think I, Mr. Liu, have a good job?"

"Judge Liu, I feel that you love the job of being a judge very much."

"Since you've seen it all, you should also understand that I love this job very much, so I don't want to lose it!"

Judge Liu almost couldn't sit still, he waved his arms on the seat and roared: "You fucking asked me to sign a subpoena and summon Chairman Zhang directly, right? Are you going to kill me?"

"Judge Liu, you have misunderstood. I believe Chairman Zhang is not the kind of villain who must report his flaws. He is a magnanimous person!"

Zhang Wei said, and winked at Mo Juren.


Judge Liu felt that no matter how magnanimous the other party was, he would not forgive himself for signing the subpoena for nothing, right?

Besides, who can guarantee whether Zhang Tianlong is a magnanimous person?

Judge Xiao Liu felt that if he did not want to lose his job, he would not be able to take over the case involving Zhang Wei next time.

"Lawyer Zhang, I feel..."

"Judge Liu, are you afraid?"

Just when Judge Liu was hesitant to speak, Zhang Wei suddenly spoke with a teasing expression on his face.


Of course I'm afraid!

You asked me to summon the Speaker, I am so scared to death now!

If I could tell the truth, Judge Liu would tell Zhang Wei directly, and I was very panicked!

But he is a judge, and he can't show a timid look when facing both the prosecution and the defense, otherwise, wouldn't it be embarrassing to the city court.

"I'm guessing, isn't it a bit too abrupt to summon the speaker of the city council like this?"

"Judge Liu, once you're not intrusive, I have a reason to summon Chairman Zhang!"

Zhang Wei looked at Judge Liu and said with a serious face: "As far as I know, Chairman Zhang and my client's husband, Councilor Mo, have some well-known conflicts, so it is not ruled out that Chairman Zhang used his position to suppress and retaliate against my client. Possibility, I subpoenaed him to testify in court, and I also hope to return the speaker Zhang to his innocence!"

Good guy!

Judge Liu secretly called a good guy.

The reason is rather plausible.

But according to what you Zhang Wei said, Zhang Tianlong is still a villain who must report his flaws.

Why do you have conflicts with Mo Juren, so you retaliate against the other party, and use the work of the other party's wife to make trouble?

If Zhang Tianlong is really as you said, a person who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, then wouldn't I, Xiao Liu, be doomed even more?

"Lawyer Zhang, I am not the only one who has the final say on how to summon Chairman Zhang. I have to ask the leader for instructions!"

Judge Liu had no choice but to move out the leader.

But he knew that even if he asked for instructions, it was useless, and the leader would probably have to scold him.

"Oh, Judge Liu, do you want to call the first judge? I'll dial the number for you!"

As if Zhang Wei didn't give Judge Liu a chance to veto, he immediately walked to his office and dialed an internal number directly on the landline.

"Damn it, how do you know!"

Judge Liu was shocked, you are obviously not from the Municipal Court, how do you know our internal dialing number.

But the call had already been made, and just as Judge Liu was about to speak, the call was connected.

"Hey, it's Xiao Liu, what's the matter!"

On the other end of the phone, the voice of the first judge came.

Seeing this, Judge Liu could only pick up the microphone, "It's me, Xiao Liu!"

Afterwards, he glared at Zhang Wei viciously, and hurriedly opened his mouth to explain.

Not surprisingly, the first judge directly scolded Xiao Liu on the phone, and said that you are full and have nothing to do, right, and you still want me to go into the water?

Xiao Liu was reprimanded, so he apologized again and again, nodding and bowing.

But he did have such a plan in his heart, why should I take the blame, I will score this blame, and you, the first judge, have to help me resist.

"This case is up to you, I don't care!"

It's a pity that the first judge was scheming, as if he had seen Xiao Liu's intentions, and directly dropped such a sentence.

Now, there is no way to separate the pot.

Judge Liu's face completely collapsed.

Not only did he not find a helper, but he was also reprimanded, so it's no wonder he was in a good mood.

"Lawyer Zhang, why don't you think about summoning Chairman Zhang?"

Although it was an inquiry, Xiao Liu almost "expressed" it with his eyes. I can't be the master of summoning Zhang Tianlong.

"Judge Liu, you are making it difficult for me!"

Zhang Wei looked at Judge Liu with an expression of "Why are you so weak?"

But Judge Liu is suffering, why don't you, Zhang Wei, pick a way out for me and let me go?

"Judge Liu, since you say it's difficult, why don't you do it?"

When Judge Liu heard this, he felt better again.

"You said earlier, then don't do it..."

"Judge Liu, do you think I will compromise?"

Just when Xiao Liu naively thought that Zhang Wei would really back down a step, the latter's ridicule directly left him speechless.

Sure enough, Zhang Wei found the target, how could he give up?

"Zhang Wei, I really can't do anything about summoning Chairman Zhang, I..."

"Judge Liu, I, Zhang, don't make things difficult for you..."

No embarrassment?

Since you entered my office, haven't you been making things difficult for me, Liu?

Why do you speak with the attitude of thinking about me?

Zhang Wei didn't care about Judge Liu's inner coercion, he seemed to have made a choice.

"... If Zhang Tianlong can't be summoned, then you and I each take a step back and summon his secretary to testify in court!"


Judge Liu's eyes lit up, but he also looked strange.

What is the purpose of summoning the secretary?

"Judge Liu, Chairman Zhang is busy with business. If you can't be there, then summon his secretary. I believe Judge Liu won't even be able to handle a secretary, right?"

Just a secretary, I can't handle it?

Judge Liu suddenly felt that he was doing it again.

"Zhang Wei, don't underestimate the power of our city court. If it's just the secretary of Chairman Zhang's office, then it's okay!"

Judge Liu waved his hand and directly agreed.

Isn't it just a secretary? How could I, Liu, say no!

Anyway, as long as you don't summon Zhang Tianlong, you can ask me to summon anyone.

"Then thank you Judge Liu, I have no request here!"

Zhang Wei thanked him with an expression of "successful plot" on his face.

After the motion negotiation was over, Zheng Fenyong from the prosecution didn't even say a word.

He watched Zhang Wei and Judge Liu sing the oboe the whole time, but he felt a little strange in his heart.

He was thinking about it, and it seemed that Zhang Wei's purpose from the beginning was not to summon Zhang Tianlong, but to summon the secretary.

Even after Judge Liu agreed, he sensed something was wrong.

He also always felt that why did he seem to have fallen into Zhang Wei's "trap"?

"Then, Judge Liu, let's withdraw first. See you at the hearing tomorrow!"

Zhang Wei left with Mo Juren, Mo Yuzhu, and Yang Chunyuan. After all, the goal has been achieved, and there is no point in staying.

When he walked out the door, he showed a sly smile.

Sure enough, a certain sage surnamed Lu once said that the temperament of Longguo people always likes to reconcile and compromise.

For example, if you say: This room is too dark, you need to open a window here, everyone will definitely not allow it. But if you say you're going to take the roof off, they're willing to open the windows.

The same reason.

You said you want to summon Zhang Tianlong, who is the speaker of the city council, the number one person in the Oriental capital!

The city court is definitely not willing to offend the Speaker, so it is naturally impossible to summon him.

But if you advocate subpoenaing the speaker, then back off and say that his secretary should be subpoenaed.

When the city court hears that you don't want to summon the speaker, it will naturally agree easily.

As long as the speaker is not summoned, then it is not a problem to summon anyone, right?

In fact, his purpose from the beginning was not to summon the speaker, the secretary was the real target.


That afternoon.

Office of the Mayor.

"Speaker, this is an important letter for today."

The secretary put some letters sent from important units on Zhang Tianlong's desk for him to read.

At the same time, she also threw more non-important letters directly into a trash can in the corner of the aisle outside the office.

As the chairman of the city council, Zhang Tianlong received hundreds of letters in his office every day.

As the secretary of the speaker's office, her job is to sift through these letters, take out important letters and give them to the speaker to read, while unimportant letters are garbage, just throw them away.

"Well, a letter from the municipal court?"

Zhang Tianlong opened a letter, only to find that it was a court summons.

Who has the courage to issue a subpoena to himself!

Zhang Tianlong secretly called out how courageous he is, someone from Zhang even dares to summon him!

Which judge is it that has eaten the heart of a bear?

Isn't the surname Liu, you are screwed!

After Zhang Tianlong finished speaking, he was about to crush the subpoena, and then planned to teach that judge surnamed Liu a lesson.

"Hey, I wasn't summoned!"

But out of the corner of his eye as he browsed through the letters, he soon spotted the last subpoenaed signature.

"Is it my secretary?"

Zhang Tianlong was a little surprised. This is a subpoena for my secretary, and it was also sent to our office.

Oh, summon the secretary?

That's fine.

Zhang Tianlong called his secretary over and threw the summons to the other party.

"Speaker, this case seems to be Zhang Wei's case?"

After looking through the information of the subpoena, the female secretary hurriedly spoke out.

"The case of Zhang Wei, the case of Mo Juren's wife?" Zhang Tianlong also sensed something was wrong.

It was obviously Yang Chunyuan's case, so logically speaking, he should not be involved.

Why should my secretary be summoned.

"Did Zhang Wei summon you?"

"It should be, but what I did was very clean, it is impossible to be found out..."

The secretary lowered her head, and her tone of voice was a little unconfident when she spoke.

If there is no telling, what's the matter with this subpoena?

Zhang Tianlong also thought of this, and narrowed his eyes slightly, "In this case, I will arrange for you to leave the city overnight, and the summons will be ignored!"

"This case must drag Mo Juren into the water, and no one can interfere with my plan!"

Zhang Tianlong winked at the secretary, who immediately nodded.

Isn't it just to go out to avoid the limelight, no problem!

"You just find a reason, and then I will inform the city court in my name, saying that you have left before receiving the summons!"

"Okay, Speaker!"

As the secretary said, he hurriedly made up a reason, and then prepared to leave the Oriental Capital secretly.

But what they didn't know was that there was a car parked at the gate of the city council.

In the car, there were four people waiting, watching the direction of the city council office.

"Zhuzhu, why did you tell me about such a big case in your family now?"

"Hanhan, I just don't want you to worry."

"And you, Zhang Wei, why did you only think of me when you needed help? You didn't tell me about Zhuzhu before. We are such good girlfriends?"

"I'm not afraid that you will be too impulsive. If you are not happy and go directly to the city council and kidnap Zhang Tianlong, isn't that the end?"

"Why, am I such an impulsive person?"

In the car, a certain girl sitting in the passenger seat quickly waved her hand.

But someone sitting in the back seat complained inwardly.

Your fighting power is so fierce, if you really get excited and do something wrong, it will be too late to save you.

The four of them were Zhang Wei, Mo Yuzhu, Xia Qianyue, and Zhang Wei's full-time driver Zhang Xinyan.

"Hey, hey, here we come!"

At this moment, Zhang Xinyan, who was sitting in the driver's seat, seemed to have seen something and hurriedly reminded him.

The three of Zhang Wei also looked over quickly.

At the door of the City Council's office, a woman in a professional suit walked out quickly with sunglasses on.

After she walked out of the city council, she quickly raised her hand to hail a taxi.

"Master, go to the airport!"

The taxi started and went straight to the airport in Dongfangdu.

Seeing this scene, the four of Zhang Wei immediately understood.

"Go, follow!"

In fact, without Zhang Wei's orders, Zhang Xinyan had already started the car.


1 hour later.

Dongfangdu Airport, in the waiting hall.

The secretary looked at his watch, and then at the waiting area ahead.

Her plane ticket has been prepared, it is a ticket to the northwest area of ​​Longguo, and the plane is about to take off.

As long as he gets on the plane, the secretary can leave the Oriental Capital temporarily.

As for the subpoena from the court... Sorry, your subpoena was late, and I was already on the plane when I received the subpoena.

What, you ask me why I fly?

Go out on business, visit family, and travel to the Northwest during vacation.

As for the reason, all you need to do is to make up a random one. Don’t you people from the city court dare to question me?

I am the secretary of the chairman's office, and standing behind me is the chairman of the city, Zhang Tianlong. It is expected that your city court is so courageous, it is impossible to have a bad relationship with the chairman of the city, right?

So the secretary was confident, and even sneered at the court's subpoena.

Even if you find the problem, so what can you do to me as long as I use "regular reasons" to shirk and don't come back before the trial is over?

The next time I come back, Yang Chunyuan will be convicted, and the case has been finalized.

It is impossible for me to come back before Yang Chunyuan is convicted.

It just so happened that I took a period of vacation for myself, and I could go to the big cities in the northwest to relax.

"Ding dong, passengers on the xx route, please start boarding..."

Hearing the notification tone on the radio, the secretary knew that his flight was coming.


She got up immediately and was about to walk to the boarding aisle.

But just a few steps away, a young man suddenly flashed in front of him.

Without any surprise, the secretary was hit by a man, and he staggered back a few steps.

"Do you have eyes, don't you look at the road?" The secretary cursed bitterly, his face full of displeasure.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry ma'am, I'm in a hurry, sorry!"

The young man quickly apologized, lowered his head, and his tone was full of humility.

"Hmph, if I wasn't in a hurry, this matter would never end!"

The secretary was domineering, and cursed arrogantly, and then put on the bag again and prepared to board the plane.


But at this moment, there was a loud shout from behind, and the security personnel at the airport suddenly rushed out and surrounded the secretary at the boarding gate.

"We have received a report that you are carrying dangerous goods on your body and there is a risk of contamination!"

The security personnel looked at the secretary warily, panicked.

"Are you crazy? I'm about to board the plane, and how can I have dangerous items on me!"

The secretary couldn't believe it, but after looking at the time, he thought about breaking through the checkpoint.

"Stop her!" The security guards were not vegetarians, they rushed forward and pushed the secretary to the ground.

"Do you know who I am, do you know who I am, I am..."

The secretary still struggled, but a security guard directly opened the secretary's carry-on bag, and then found a glass bottle containing a green liquid.

The surface of the glass bottle is marked with "skull" and "!" marks.

These two things, no matter how you look at them, belong to the dangerous goods label!

"This... what is this, why did it appear in my bag?"

The secretary was shocked when he saw the bottle.

It's not her thing, really not hers.

"Ma'am, you are suspected of violating aviation safety regulations, please go to the investigation department with us now!"

The security personnel took him away regardless of what the secretary said.

Not far from the airport, the young man who bumped into the secretary just now had a scheming smile on his lips.


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