Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 520 Yang Chunyuan's self-certification, the prosecution's rhetorical question

Thursday, court day.

The weather was fine and sunny.

Today is a good day.

Municipal courthouse, the defense prepares the room.

"That's it for now and we're ready to go to court."

Zhang Wei was in the preparation room, and after exhorting the party Yang Chunyuan a few words, he signaled that everyone could go to court.

Yang Chunyuan naturally had no objection.

Mo Yuzhu in the preparation room also nodded, followed by Zhang Wei, and walked out of the preparation room with a look of excitement.

In criminal court.

Mo Juren had already arrived, and he was sitting in the first row of the hearing stand, the position closest to the defense.

Apparently, he would also come to the court today to take a look at the trial, preparing to witness the end of the case.

Similarly, he was actually worried about his family, including Yang Chunyuan.

As Zhang Wei walked into the court with Yang Chunyuan and Mo Yuzhu, Mo Juren stood up, nodded to Zhang Wei, and then looked at Yang Chunyuan meaningfully.

The couple rarely looked at each other, but then they looked away.

The three of Zhang Wei sat down at the defense bench, while Zheng Fenyong had already taken his seat at the prosecution bench next door.

A few minutes later, Braque came along with the plaintiff, Mr. Li.

"Zheng Gaojian, are we going to defeat Zhang Wei today?"

As soon as he sat down, Blake was very excited.

Because logically speaking, today is the last hearing.

Both the prosecution and the defense have summoned all the witnesses who can appear in court.

Now only the defendants in the defense are left.

If Yang Chunyuan goes to court, she will speak first, followed by Zheng Gaojian's cross-examination.

In Braque's understanding, Zheng Gaojian only needs to play freely and catch Yang Chunyuan's flaws, then victory is in sight.

And Zheng Gaojian, as the high-level prosecutor of the Southern District Attorney General's Office, definitely has this strength.

Braque can already imagine that after Zhang Wei asked Yang Chunyuan to testify in court, the defendant was speechless and even wept in court under cross-examination by Zheng Gaojian.

As long as you follow this process, isn't this one safe and secure?

But Zheng Fenyong, who was on the side, seemed to be aware of Braque's thoughts, and seeing the confident eyes of the other party, he shook his head inwardly.

He always felt that Zhang Wei's act of summoning Secretary Zhang Tianlong yesterday would bring unexpected changes to today's trial.

Of course, this is also his guess, his intuition.

He also couldn't imagine what kind of influence a secretary of the city council could have on this case.

Could it be that Zhang Wei had nothing to do, so he wanted to pull Zhang Tianlong into the water and force the city court to withdraw the case?

Although Zheng Fenyong had rich experience, he couldn't guess what kind of medicine was sold in Zhang Wei's gourd.

The only thing he could guess was the result of withdrawing the case.

Want to withdraw the case, dreaming!

But in Zheng Fenyong's heart, he was not panicking at all.

He has experienced many battles and has been a prosecutor for nearly 30 years. He has gone through countless cases, how could he be succeeded by such a young man like Zhang Wei?

"I want to see what you can do today!"

Thinking of this, Zheng Fenyong's face immediately became serious, and he didn't even think about saying hello to Braque beside him.

As the time drew near, the time for the court session finally arrived.

"All rise!"

Just as the court guard announced, Judge Liu quickly walked into the courtroom.

As soon as he sat down on the trial seat, his eyes immediately scanned the audience.

Zhang Wei, Zheng Fenyong and others were all present.

After Judge Liu confirmed that no one was absent from the jury, he hammered the hammer and announced:

"This court announces that the public prosecution of Ms. Yang Chunyuan by the Southern District Attorney General's Office is now starting the third formal hearing..."

After the announcement, Judge Liu looked at Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei straightened his collar, got up and announced: "Judge Liu, and everyone in the court, we have summoned the defendant, Ms. Yang Chunyuan, to testify in court!"

After hearing this witness, everyone in the audience was not surprised at all, and showed a hint of understanding

The defendant is going to testify in court. What does this mean? It means that the case is finally coming to an end.

Everyone looked at the witness stand, Yang Chunyuan had already sat down.

Zhang Wei also got up and came to the witness stand.

"Hello, Forensic Doctor Yang."

"Hello, Lawyer Zhang."

The two greeted each other.

"Yang Fayi, I know that you have been under a lot of pressure these days, but don't worry, if you have any grievances, you can tell them all, Judge Liu and I will make the decision for you!"

On the trial bench, Judge Liu's eyes suddenly widened.

You, Zhang Wei, can just make the decision, what do I do if it involves me, I, Xiao Liu, can't do anything.

"Well, I've been doing pretty well recently, so I'll take it as a vacation."

"Well, I can tell!"

Zhang Wei looked at Yang Chunyuan's forced smile, and smiled perfunctorily.

"Then, let's get back to the point, Ms. Yang, let the sad things pass."

Zhang Wei regained the topic and asked: "The most critical point in this case is actually that 20 years ago, you, as a technician in the forensic identification department, performed autopsies on 8 victims including Dong Juan at that time!"

"You didn't find any clues on the corpses of the first 7 people, but suddenly on Dong Juan's corpse, to be precise, a hair from the suspect Li was found in the throat, isn't that right? "

"Yes!" Yang Chunyuan nodded.

"It was this hair that allowed you to extract the DNA of the suspect Li, and the place where this object appeared also represented the eighth deceased, Dong Juan, who was most likely violated by the suspect Li during her lifetime. , it can be said that it is such a hair that men have on their bodies that has made you the number one forensic doctor in the Eastern Capital, isn't that true?"

"I guess..."

Although Yang Chunyuan nodded, she always felt that Zhang Wei's words were a bit strange.

What do you mean my achievements all come from a single hair?

While that's true, it just doesn't sound right.

"In fact, it was this hair that led to the current case!"

When Zhang Wei said this, he looked at the jury and emphasized: "But I have already proved one point, that is, someone tampered with the evidence, and that person is Lao Cao, who is the same time as Forensic Doctor Yang!"

"Before the case was tried by the prosecution, he relied on unconventional means to enter the archives room, and tampered with the evidence on the hair, sprinkled some pollen on the evidence, interfered with the DNA sequence of the evidence, and thus affected The accuracy of the evidence as evidence!"

"It was also because of his obstruction that my client, Yang Forensic, suffered such an unfair injustice. Without Lao Cao's help, my client would not even appear in court!"

Zhang Wei's emphasis made many members of the jury nod.

It seems that this is indeed the case.

Anyway, that hair was contaminated with pollen, which affected the results of the DNA comparison. This is an indisputable fact.

This point was proved by the forensic doctor Ding as an expert witness in the trial on Tuesday.

But, is the person who tampered with the evidence really Lao Cao?

Is this matter still undecided?

"No, hearsay evidence!"

"The defense is using assumptions to mislead the jury!"

Sure enough, Zheng Fenyong couldn't sit still, so he got up and interrupted.

"The objection is valid!" Judge Liu naturally had to make a decision.

At least Zhang Wei cannot be allowed to unilaterally talk about cross talk in court.

He glared at Zhang Wei viciously, but Zhang Wei's smile remained unchanged, and he regarded this warning as if he hadn't seen it.

Xiao Liu is young and vigorous, understandable.

He, Zhang Wei, is not the kind of person who cares about young people!

If Judge Liu knew what Zhang Wei thought, and knew that he was classified as a "young man" in Zhang Wei's eyes, he would probably vomit blood.

"Yang Fayi, you must have suffered a lot recently, right? Could you share with us your mental journey?"

"If I deny it, wouldn't it mean that I'm too hypocritical?"

Yang Chunyuan smiled wryly, and said frankly: "Recently, it can be said that I have underestimated my life."

"I used to dedicate my life to work, but in the end I found that I gained a lot in work, but lost more in life."

"My daughter, my husband, my relationship with them has become very bad. I don't see my husband a few times a year because of work, and the number of times I sit down with him to eat is even less No."

"In fact, if my daughter hadn't chosen to be a forensic doctor, I would probably have seen my daughter less often than my husband."

"I've discovered that even if you put all your heart and soul into your work, what you get in the end are all superficial things. What's the use of the number one forensic doctor in the East?"

"I admit that when I first got this title, I was really complacent. When I was selected as the head of the First Medical Examiner's Office, I was really high-spirited and ready to do a lot, but I found that no matter how hard I tried, crimes are crimes after all. , and what we forensic experts can do is not to prevent crimes from happening, but to assist in the detection of crimes after they happen.”

"I am very happy to help the families of the victims and help them find the murderer, but I actually hope that everyone can think about the consequences when they are impulsive, so as to avoid some tragedies."

"Really, compared to being busy with work, I hope that I can have a holiday every day and go home early every day, because this means that our forensic office did not send the body that day, and there is no place for us to examine."

"Unfortunately, I have worked in the first medical examiner's office for more than 20 years, and I found out that this is an extravagant hope. The investigation department sends in new corpses every day, and they urge you to send a report every day, but the death of the corpses is strange. , each of which makes us feel tricky."

When Yang Chunyuan said this, she sighed: "Because of this, I almost get off work after 12 o'clock every day, and sometimes I even have to live in the laboratory and sleep with the corpse every day in order to catch up with the work schedule."

"Because of that, I neglected my family, I neglected my daughter, I neglected my husband."

"I think this case has actually made me realize a lot. I think the most important thing is that I can't take work as everything, and then I will lose what is really important in my life!"

Having said that, Yang Chunyuan looked at Mo Juren in the hearing seat, and Mo Yuzhu in the defense seat.

They are the whole of my life!

Clap clap!

There was sudden applause in the courtroom.

Zhang Wei couldn't help nodding his head in approval, and even applauded.


Judge Liu hurriedly reminded him that the applause subsided.

"Yang Forensic Doctor, your speech is really great. I think everyone on the jury and I have heard your difficulties!"

Many members of the jury also nodded in cooperation.

Yes, this woman is really not easy, we all sympathize with you.

"Yang Forensic Doctor, I would like to ask, if you had a chance to do it all over again, would you give up becoming the number one forensic doctor?"

Hearing Zhang Wei's question, the audience was silent, and everyone looked at Yang Chunyuan.

The latter took a deep breath, then shook his head and smiled bitterly: "No, I won't give up!"

"Oh, why, you clearly said that the title of the first forensic doctor is a shackle to your life, why don't you choose to give up?"

"Because this is more of a duty!"

Yang Chunyuan's tone was firm, with a serious face: "It is precisely because we are always on the front line that we can help the victims, help the families of the victims, and bring the perpetrators to justice!"

"Without the decisive evidence we provided, how could the investigation department catch the murderer, how could the local prosecutor's office prosecute the murderer and send him to prison."

"It is precisely because of our job responsibilities that we go all out to give an explanation to the families of the victims!"

"We are on standby 24 hours a day, and we are with corpses all day long. For what purpose, to give justice to the families of the victims, to let the victims rest in peace, and to try the real murderer!"

"Because of this, I will not give up this burden, I will not give up this responsibility."

Yang Chunyuan said, and said to Mo Juren who was in the front row of the hearing seat: "Old Mo, I'm sorry, I neglected my family because of work, but I also hope you understand, I must bear this burden!"

Mo Juren nodded, with only understanding and emotion in his eyes, and tears welled up in the corners of his eyes.

I didn't expect that.

The couple hadn't sat down to talk for more than ten years. As a result, in today's court trial, the two of them were able to confess their hearts face to face.

This is really, really not easy.

The affectionate gaze of the husband and wife also moved the jury and hearing seats a lot.

Between family and responsibilities, Yang Chunyuan chose responsibilities and chose to bear the burden on her shoulders.

It can be said that she sacrificed a lot.

But her sacrifice is an explanation to the families of the victims and an explanation to the punishment system of Dongfang Capital.

This sacrifice was finally seen by the jury.

They confide in their hearts, and if they put themselves into it, they will find that this sacrifice is really not something ordinary people can bear.

If it were us, would we hope that we would stay up late and work overtime every day, be with corpses every day, and not see our family members a few times a year?

Obviously not!

If we get such a job, we might as well pat our ass and leave early.

More than 90% of the audience seemed to understand Yang Chunyuan's hard work.

The wind direction of the court began to favor the defense.

"Oh, it's actually a sympathy card."

At the prosecution's seat, Zheng Fenyong was a little surprised to see this scene.

But he also had to admit that instead of throwing out some evidence, playing the sympathy card would be a good move.

Didn't you see that most of the jury are quite moved now?

However, emotional cards have advantages, but they also have disadvantages.

And once the shortcomings are exposed, you may suffer a fatal rollover!

"Judge Liu, I have nothing more to ask about my client!"

In court, Zhang Wei ended his questioning.

He walked off the court and gave way to the "stage".

"Well, then the prosecution is ready to cross-examine!"

Following Judge Liu's reminder, Zheng Fenyong got up and walked towards the witness stand step by step.

The entire court was tense again.

Mo Juren in the hearing seat and Mo Yuzhu in the defense seat clasped their hands nervously and began to pray in their hearts.

"Forensic Doctor Yang, you just said sacrifice, right?"

Zheng Fenyong walked up to the witness stand and asked, "You said that you sacrificed your family for your work and lost time to spend with your family?"

"Yes." Yang Chunyuan nodded.

"Then can I ask more, does your unit force you to work overtime?"

"This... working overtime is not mandatory..."

"Doesn't that mean that if you really want not to work overtime, you don't have to work overtime at all."

"But work still needs to be done, and the investigation department is in a hurry."

"Then recruit more people. The First Forensic Laboratory shouldn't be so short of money, right?"

Zheng Fenyong spread his hands, with a strange expression on his face: "Forensic Doctor Yang, you have always said that your responsibilities are important, so can I ask about the treatment of the First Forensic Doctor's Office?"

"I object, it has nothing to do with this case!"

At this moment, Zhang Wei suddenly stood up and objected.

"Judge Liu, it was Lawyer Zhang who took the lead in making a fuss about responsibilities and obligations, so it should be understandable for me to ask about work and remuneration, right?"

Zheng Fenyong seemed to have expected it long ago, and carried out the prepared speech.

"Well, the objection is invalid!"

Judge Liu made a decision after weighing the pros and cons.

Zhang Wei had no choice but to sit down.

"Forensic Doctor Yang, please tell me about the treatment of your first medical doctor's office?"

"In our First Forensic Medical Office, the salary of the forensics personnel is about ten thousand yuan. There are also some bonuses and subsidies every month. If the number of cases assisted in a single month is large, there will be additional overtime subsidies..."

Hearing what Yang Chunyuan said, Zheng Fenyong sneered, "Yang Forensic Doctor, the ten thousand yuan you mentioned is a sneaky change, and there are bonuses and subsidies. Why do you think it's a small head in your mouth?"

As Zheng Fenyong said, he walked back to his seat and took out a document from his briefcase.

"This document is the salary list of the First Forensic Medical Office for the most recent quarter. In fact, the pre-tax salary of the forensic personnel in your office is more than 10,000 yuan per month. If you add subsidies and bonuses, it will even exceed 20,000 yuan. Including a big part of the salary table, that is, overtime subsidies, the salary can even approach 30,000!"

"Forensic Doctor Yang, I just asked you why you are so busy at work and don't recruit any new people. But after I saw this form, I suddenly understood."

Zheng Fenyong shook the form in his hand, then sneered: "If your office is free, will you not have so many overtime subsidies, so many bonuses and subsidies?"

"In the final analysis, your so-called hard work is actually for getting subsidies. With a monthly income of tens of thousands, sitting in the office every day, I want to apply for your office."

Although this sentence was a joke, it made everyone in the audience unhappy.

They never expected that the treatment at the First Forensic Office would be so good!

"Oh ho, it's over!"

Similarly, after realizing the prosecution's methods, Zhang Wei also felt bad.

He never expected that Zheng Fenyong had prepared such a move in order to deal with his tricks!


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