Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 521 Use your routine, the secretary goes to court

What is Zhang Wei's routine?

He asked Yang Chunyuan to come up to tell stories, sell miserably, win sympathy, and play emotional cards to the jury.

The effect is very good.

At least many people were moved to tears

But this trick has a fatal flaw.

That is, you can sell miserably, but if you let others know that you are living well and get a lot of money, then selling miserable is meaningless.

Children from poor families cry miserably, which will make people feel sympathetic.

But when a child from a rich family cries miserably, that is grandstanding and deceiving others as if they were fools.


Although Yang Chunyuan, in Zhang Wei's opinion, is a relatively miserable person.

But her family conditions, workplace treatment, etc., in the eyes of ordinary people, are all top-notch.

The prosecution, Zheng Fenyong, just pointed out these realistic things directly.

Aren't you crying miserably?

I'll let others see how miserable you are!

Others have worked so hard and exhausted themselves, and their salary is only a few thousand yuan a month.

And you?

Working overtime every day is hard and tiring, and even has to live in the unit.

As a result, your monthly salary plus subsidy is several times that of the average person. You still say you are miserable?

You are talking nonsense with your eyes open, pretending to cry miserably there!

Now, these questions have been raised by Zheng Fenyong.

Now, the atmosphere in the courtroom is a little delicate.

On the one hand, the jury, who was touched just now, now finds that the person they sympathize with has a much better life than themselves, and they are immediately angry.

On the other hand, those who were not moved at the beginning were also envious when they heard that Yang Chunyuan was treated so well.

The wind direction of the court can be said to change instantly.

Just because of such a realistic problem, just because of such a straightforward problem, just because of the salary and income, and a few simple figures, the jury can easily change its opinion.

So it's no wonder that many lawyers say that the jury is nothing.

But now, this pile of grass felt the wind blowing head-on, and immediately fell to the prosecution's side.

But Zheng Fenyong didn't intend to let Yang Chunyuan go.

"Forensic Doctor Yang, let me ask, where do you live?"


"You don't need to tell me, I also know the answer, you live in the villa area in the city center, right?"


These two simple words touched the hearts of many people in the audience.

Everyone hopes that they can live in a villa, but they finally find that even if they don't eat or drink in this life, they still can't afford a villa in Dongfangdu.

Even, it is difficult for many of them to buy a house.

The housing prices in the Eastern Capital are really too expensive.

Because of this, when they learned that Yang Chunyuan could afford a villa, even a villa in the city center, the nature changed.

You can live in a villa, just now you sneakily tricked us into wiping your tears, it's really disgusting.

"Forensic Doctor Yang, a 300-square-meter townhouse in the city center, with a lawn garden and a basement, isn't it?"

Seeing this, Zheng Fenyong made another blow.

300-square-meter townhouse, located in the city center, with a garden and a basement!

The house price is around 50 million, right?

Many members of the jury were completely overwhelmed.

50 million, they emptied 6 wallets at home, even if their sons and grandchildren repay the loan together, it is estimated that they will not be able to earn so much money.

Since I can't earn it myself, then I sympathize with those of you who can earn it, and even enjoy it in advance.

The clown was myself!


The anger of being deceived directly reached the highest critical point!

The jury was really mad.

"Yang Fayi, you keep crying miserably with us, but your status and your treatment are beyond the envy of many of us. What's the point of your crying miserably?"

Zheng Fenyong sneered, and said to the trial seat, "We have nothing to ask about Forensic Doctor Yang!"

Cross-examination is over.

But Zheng Fenyong's goal has also been achieved.

In response to Zhang Wei's misfortune strategy, Zheng Fenyong caught the flaw very well and magnified it infinitely.

Now the entire court, everyone knows that Yang Chunyuan is pretending to be miserable.

She may think that she is miserable, but her condition is definitely not miserable for ordinary people.

What's more, if you use selling miserables as an excuse again, it will backfire!

When Yang Chunyuan stepped off the witness stand, she also saw the hateful eyes of the jury and even the hearing stand.

She was a little disappointed and a little helpless.

I thought that revealing my true feelings would gain everyone's understanding.

In the end, I didn't expect that the jury would be such superficial people, just because I have a villa in my family and I can get so many subsidies and salaries every month, so they are so hostile to me.

I also worked very hard, okay, why don't you understand?

Yang Chunyuan was helpless and could only sit back on the defense bench.

"Forensic Doctor Yang, student Mo, don't worry about it, the real fun will be next!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly offered a word of comfort.

It's a pity that Yang Chunyuan's expression didn't improve much, Mo Yuzhu could only hold her mother's hand and say comforting words.

"Lawyer Zhang, I leave everything to you."

Yang Chunyuan forced a smile and thanked Zhang Wei.

"Don't worry, everything is with me!"

Zhang Wei nodded, then stood up.

"Judge Liu, we want to summon an emergency temporary witness. Of course, this witness, in the tripartite motion I filed yesterday, has clarified the identity of the other party and the purpose of the summons, and the court has accepted our request!"

"Yes, this court approved it!"

Judge Liu nodded, and then explained to the jury: "For this witness, this court has reached a consensus with the prosecution and defense in advance, allowing the other party to be summoned to testify in court!"

Zhang Wei immediately announced: "We have summoned Secretary Zou from the City Council Speaker's Office to testify in court!"

Following Zhang Wei's announcement, the door of the court was pushed open heavily.

After the door opened, two figures walked in.

The one in front, wearing a professional suit, but with a haggard face, is the female secretary who tried to leave the Oriental Capital yesterday.

And the person behind her was none other than Xia Qianyue, the investigator of the investigation department who was in charge of escorting her to the court.

In fact, after the secretary was sent to the investigation department yesterday, it was Xia Qianyue who was in charge of receiving her.

The secretary was detained by the airline on the charge of carrying dangerous goods, but she herself strongly denied that the dangerous goods belonged to her.

Finally, after testing by the forensics department, this so-called "dangerous item" was actually a bottle of fluorescent paint.

Unexpectedly, it was a misunderstanding.

In the end, the matter was of course nothing.

But in the same way, the investigation department still detained the secretary and directly slammed the court summons in her face.

The secretary surnamed Zou also knew that he couldn't escape, so he could only obediently accept his fate.

No, she's here today.

After Xia Qianyue sent the secretary to the witness stand, she nodded with Zhang Wei, and then sat on the defense witness stand.

On the witness stand, Secretary Zou was already in place.

"Hello, Secretary Zou."

The secretary didn't speak, so naturally he didn't respond to Zhang Wei's greeting.

"Secretary Zou, could you please inform the court of your identity?"

"I am the assistant secretary of the chairman's office of the city council. I am in charge of coordinating the daily affairs of the chairman's office. I can be regarded as the direct subordinate of Chairman Zhang!"

When the secretary answered this question, he raised his neck unconsciously, with a haughty expression on his face, like a proud peacock.

After all, she is Zhang Tianlong's secretary, a direct subordinate of the mayor, and she is considered the mayor's person.

And in Dongfangdu, the mayor is heaven!

"Secretary Zou, you can just tell me your identity, and you don't need to tell us about your daily work."

How can Zhang Wei fail to see how arrogant this woman is, and really think that being Zhang Tianlong's secretary will be awesome?

You asked me if someone Zhang agrees?

The secretary snorted coldly, his attitude was completely disrespectful to someone.

Zhang Wei didn't care, but took a meaningful look at the prosecutor.

At this moment, because of the appearance of Secretary Zou, Braque's face was a little flustered.

"I'm guilty of being a thief!"

Seeing this expression, Zhang Wei knew that he really found the right person this time.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his eyes away from Braque and locked on Zheng Fenyong.

Zhang Wei smiled at Zheng Gaojian, which made the latter's complexion change.

Zheng Fenyong always felt that the kid in court seemed to be thinking about some disgusting plan.

"Ahem, Secretary Zou, since I have summoned you to appear in court, I just have a few questions that I would like you to answer."

Without waiting for the secretary to reply, Zhang Wei directly raised a finger, "Excuse me, Secretary Zou, you belong to Zhang Tianlong, right?"

"Bold, you dare to call the speaker's name directly!"

Secretary Zou was very upset at Zhang Wei's unreasonableness, and directly reprimanded him.

"Why, this is a court. Even if the Speaker comes to the court, it will be the witness Zhang Tianlong, the defendant Zhang Tianlong, or the plaintiff Zhang Tianlong. Can't I call his name?"

"Witness, please correct your attitude. Everyone is equal in court, and there is no such thing as superiority or inferiority!"

Judge Liu also warned, with a very serious attitude.

Seeing this, the secretary frowned slightly and looked annoyed, but after thinking about it, he still didn't dare to attack.

After all, this is not the city council, and it's not her home stadium. Her status can't be as if she's inside the city council.

"Secretary Zou, I'll take it as your answer to the question just now."

Zhang Wei muttered, and then asked a few breaths: "Before I ask the key question, I'm a little curious. As the mayor of the city, what is Zhang Tianlong's monthly salary?"

"No, the question has nothing to do with the case!"

Zhang Wei's question instantly drew Zheng Fenyong's objection.

"Zheng Gaojian is serious. I'm just curious. Besides these things, there are reports on the official website of the city council. I believe that Secretary Zou can't even answer such a simple question?"

Zhang Wei quickly waved his hands and said haha.

"It's okay to tell you, Chairman Zhang's annual income is about 100,000 yuan, and the monthly salary is less than 10,000 yuan!"

"Oh, the monthly salary is less than 10,000 yuan. This is the income of Chairman Zhang!"

Zhang Wei nodded, but immediately asked, "Do you know where the Chairman Zhang lives?"

"Live in a dormitory arranged by the Municipal Administration!"

"Really, but how did I hear that Chairman Zhang never lives in the dormitory, but instead takes a commercial vehicle to go in and out of the high-end villa area every day?"

High-end villa area!

These four words attracted the attention of the jury again.

"Secretary Zou, please tell me, have you been to Villa No. 1 in Bihai High-end International Community along the Dongjiang River?"


When the secretary heard that Zhang Wei revealed an address, his eyes widened instantly.

She is too familiar with this place.

Because this is where Zhang Tianlong really lives.

Of course, this is all a secret. Zhang Tianlong nominally lives in an ordinary dormitory arranged for him by the Municipal Administration.

But Zhang Tianlong never lived in that place.

Even if there are media interviews and photos taken, it's just Zhang Tianlong's past appearance.

"Objection, hearsay evidence!" Zheng Fenyong immediately stood up on the prosecution bench.

"Judge Liu, the question I asked is whether Secretary Zou has been to this place, but he didn't say that this villa is where Zhang Tianlong lives?"

But Zhang Wei smiled slightly, and took out the arguments he had prepared to refute back.

"This... objection is invalid!"

Judge Liu had no choice but to declare that Zhang Wei's question was valid, and looked at the witness stand.

"Witness, please answer the question!"


Secretary Zou, a little speechless.

"Secretary Zou, this question shouldn't be difficult to answer. I have a few photos of you in Bihai high-end international community, and one of them just happened to capture you walking out of Villa No. 1. Do you still want to deny it?" ?”

As Zhang Wei said, he took a few photos from Mo Yuzhu and displayed them directly on the projection screen.

The figure of the secretary appeared in the photo, and the background was a single-family villa. The garden of the villa was very large, and there was a stone fountain in front of the door. The whole villa looked high-end and elegant.

"Bihai high-end international community, and it is Villa No. 1, covering an area of ​​more than 3,000 square meters, and the supporting gardens around it are 2,000 square meters. I heard that the relief fountain at the entrance is worth several million, and it was designed by a famous foreign designer. of it."

Zhang Wei pointed at the fountain in the photo and couldn't help but smack his lips.

It covers an area of ​​over 3,000 square meters, including a garden of 2,000 square meters.

These numbers directly stimulated the jury and everyone in the hearing booth.

The high-end villas in Dongfang Metropolis covering an area of ​​3,000 square meters, the total value of this set must be around 500 million, right?

Good guy!

Really good guy!

All eyes immediately turned to the secretary, with suspicion and distrust in their eyes.

Previously, Yang Chunyuan’s house was valued at only about 50 million yuan, but you paid it back, which directly doubled it by 10 times!

"This villa does not belong to Chairman Zhang!"

The secretary saw that the wind in the courtroom was not in the right direction, so he hurriedly made an excuse.

But as soon as she finished speaking, she seemed to realize the problem.

"Ah, Secretary Zou, I don't seem to have asked you who owns this villa. Why did you suddenly deny it?"

Zhang Wei spoke in a timely manner, with a smile and sarcasm all over his face.

"No, the question has nothing to do with the case!"

At the prosecution's seat, Zheng Fenyong sensed the court's change of direction and hurriedly interrupted.

"Judge Liu, what is the prosecution objecting to? I didn't ask any questions. How come it has nothing to do with the case?"

On Zhang Wei's side, there was a look of incomprehension, and he spread his hands pretendingly.

You can object to me, but I didn't ask any questions. What are you objecting to?

Besides, Secretary Zou blew himself up, but I didn't ask anything.

"invalid objection!"

Judge Liu had no choice but to sigh and shook his head towards Zheng Fenyong.

You can object, but you have to wait for Zhang Wei to ask a question before you talk about it. No one has asked a question yet, so you are a ghost!

"Secretary Zou, although I was surprised that you blew yourself up, you are really good at protecting the lord loyally. If I were Zhang Tianlong, I might have to thank you!"

As Zhang Wei said, he took out another photo and placed it on the projection screen.

In the photo, the villa was still in the background, but a figure appeared at the entrance of the villa.

This is a man in a well-knit suit.

Almost everyone in Dongfangdu has seen his photo on TV, because the other party is the mayor Zhang Tianlong.

"Secretary Zou, do you have anything else to say?"

After showing the photos to the entire court, Zhang Wei looked at the secretary with a teasing face.

"I..." Secretary Zou was at a loss for words.

Although the villa in the photo is really not under the name of Zhang Tianlong, it seems meaningless to deny it now.

In the eyes of the entire court, Zhang Tianlong's possession of a villa worth 500 million yuan seems to be a matter of course.

Even the jurors who were quite hostile to Yang Chunyuan before didn't care so much now.

Yang Chunyuan just has a 50 million villa at home, which is nothing compared to this one.

"Good boy, it's actually this move!"

On the prosecution's seat, Zheng Fenyong's eyes widened, and he almost couldn't sit still.

He never expected that his own routine would be borrowed by Zhang Wei.

Give back to him in the same way!

Zhang Wei really should not be underestimated.


Zheng Fenyong didn't panic!

Because even if it proves that the hands and feet of the mayor of Dongfangdu are not clean, that Zhang Tianlong may have some style problems, or that there are assets of unknown origin hidden in his home, so what?

The key to this case lies in Yang Chunyuan. As long as you cannot prove that Yang Chunyuan is innocent, was framed, or other possible problems led to this investigation, then you will lose.

As for Zhang Tianlong's matter, I have to investigate with the internal affairs side, which has nothing to do with this case!

in court.

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting better, Zhang Wei didn't worry about the villa anymore.

"Secretary Zou, let's talk about the villa, but I'm also curious, who is so kind, who gave Chairman Zhang such a big villa to live in, I don't know if I can know such a kind person?"

After Zhang Wei made a joke, he chuckled and asked, "Secretary Zou, let me ask, is there any conflict between Zhang Tianlong and my client, Yang Chunyuan?"


The secretary's answer was decisive and crisp.

"Well, I guess so. After all, they belong to two systems. One is the speaker of the city council, and the other is the head of the medical examiner's office. There can be no intersection."

Zhang Wei nodded seriously, but immediately asked: "So, does Zhang Tianlong have conflicts with my client's husband?"


As soon as this remark came out, Secretary Zou was immediately speechless again.

Yang Chunyuan is from the medical examiner's office, so it is impossible for her to have any contact with the city council.

But Mo Juren is different, he is also a member of the city council, and one of the members.

It's impossible for you to say that the two didn't meet, right?

As for the so-called contradictions, since everyone sees them without looking up, maybe there is a contradiction?

"Secretary Zou, what's wrong with you, can't answer?"

Zhang Wei looked curious, but quickly smiled, "It's okay, if you can't answer, I can help you."

"Secretary Zou, my client's husband, Councilor Mo, has he orally agreed with several members of the city council to impeach Zhang Tianlong?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

No one expected that there would be such a thing in the city council.

When Secretary Zou heard this question, he was instantly stunned.

She never expected that Zhang Wei even knew this!

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