Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 522 The secretary breaks the defense! the truth of the case

in court.

"Secretary Zou, please answer this question!"

"My client's husband, Councilor Mo, has he ever joined forces with several members of the city council to verbally impeach Zhang Tianlong?"

Zhang Wei spoke out loudly about this issue in court.

Countless people pricked up their ears, and the word "gossip" was written all over their faces.

It turns out that there are still so many ways in the city council.

"Why, Secretary Zou, is this question difficult to answer?"

Zhang Wei looked at the secretary on the witness stand with curiosity.

"Witness, please answer this question!" Judge Liu also urged.

Damn, when it comes to questions that are beneficial to you, you answer them so quickly.

Why do you falter when you ask questions that are not good for you or Zhang Tianlong?

You are too double standard!

This is not good!

So where is the majesty of my court?

Although I can't do anything to Zhang Tianlong, if I still can't handle you as a secretary, wouldn't I be a joke?

"Witness, this is a court. If you don't cooperate with the defense's questioning, be careful that I will turn you into a hostile witness!"

"If you still don't cooperate, don't blame me for being ruthless. For those who refuse to cooperate with the court's questioning, I will sentence you to contempt of court!"

Judge Liu tensed up and made an expression of "I'm very angry, you can figure it out".

"Oh, yes, let me add one more thing!"

Zhang Wei also cooperated at the right time, raising his hand in agreement: "If we find you lying in court, it will be a crime of perjury, and you will go to jail!"

"Contempt of Court, Perjury, Jail..."

The secretary's facial muscles began to twitch, and his hands began to tremble.

"Secretary Zou, will you answer the question properly next?"

The secretary turned his head and looked towards the trial seat, just in time to see Judge Liu's warning eyes.

"I...I will take answer the question!"

Hearing the secretary's trembling assurance, Zhang Wei was very satisfied.

"Okay, let me ask again."

Zhang Wei pointed to Yang Chunyuan who was sitting on the defense table, and asked, "Has my client's husband, Councilor Mo, ever joined forces with several members of the city council to issue a verbal impeachment warning against Zhang Tianlong?"

"Yes, it is."

The secretary finally couldn't bear the pressure, and under the double pressure of Zhang Wei and Judge Liu, he chose to confess.

"Has Zhang Tianlong signaled to you that he wants to take revenge on my client's husband, that is, Councilor Mo?"

"Yes... no, no... no no!"

The secretary nodded at first, but quickly shook her head in denial.

"Oh, why did you answer yes at the beginning?" Zhang Wei immediately caught the opponent's flaw.


"Secretary Zou, lying is committing perjury!"


"Did Zhang Tianlong express that he wanted to target Councilor Mo?"

"Yes... yes, I don't really remember..."

In the end, Secretary Zou could only give such an ambiguous answer in fear and panic.

"Yes, that's fine."

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, and raised his finger again to point to the prosecutor's seat.

"Secretary Zou, have you contacted Li's attorney, Braque?"


The secretary obviously didn't expect that Zhang Wei asked another question that made her tremble.

Similarly, Braque could hardly sit still, panic appeared on his face.

"Secretary Zou, yes or no?"


"Let me ask you, did you tell Braque to find Li and let him appeal to overturn the case?"

Zhang Wei took a step forward, approaching the witness stand, and said in a more serious tone: "Similarly, did you secretly bribe Forensic Doctor Cao to let him enter the evidence room and tamper with the evidence from 20 years ago?"

"Did you do this because you secretly received instructions from Zhang Tianlong to target Councilor Mo, so you chose to target Forensic Doctor Yang?"

Under the three consecutive questions, the entire court was not calm.

Good guy!

Really good guy!

No one thought that there was such a secret hidden in this case.

On the prosecution table, Zheng Fenyong looked shocked, and then looked at Li and Blake beside him.

There was a hint of surprise on Li's expression, but more of it was indifferent.

Because he knew that he was not innocent, and this time his participation in this matter was just for fun.

Anyway, he is already in prison for life, so what if he participates in this kind of thing?

On the contrary, it was Braque, with a panicked expression on his face. Although the air-conditioning was on in the courtroom, sweat was already dripping from his forehead.

And seeing the performance of the plaintiff, how could Zheng Fenyong fail to see what was going on in this case.

"Damn it, it turned out to be like this. In this case, I was also used as a gun!"

Zheng Fenyong couldn't help but patted the table with a complicated expression on his face.

He gritted his teeth, trying to control his expression.

Although he made a mistake, the Southern District Attorney's Office cannot lose face!

Similarly, Mo Juren in the hearing booth was also shocked.

what happened?

Is it Zhang Tianlong's revenge?

In order to deal with me, Zhang Tianlong chose to deal with my wife?


Mo Juren couldn't believe it at first, but after seeing the secretary's expression, he had to believe it if he didn't believe it.

Behind the whole incident, it is likely that Zhang Tianlong is operating.

In other words, even if Zhang Tianlong didn't act personally, he secretly signaled his subordinates to handle the whole thing.

Zhang Tianlong dealt with himself behind his back!

Mo Juren couldn't help but beat his chest, how could the chairman of this chapter do such a thing.

The defense table.

"Is that so?"

Yang Chunyuan never expected that she suffered so many crimes because of this incident.

Mo Juren wanted to impeach Zhang Tianlong. Although this matter failed in the end, Zhang Tianlong held a grudge against Mo Juren.

In the end, Zhang Tianlong guessed that he hadn't found a way to take revenge on Mo Juren, so he turned the finger on himself.

Facts have proved that the other party has achieved its goal in doing so.

Because I was attacked, questioned, and sued.

Even her husband, Mo Juren, was criticized. During this period, she was not even allowed to go to the city council, and her status as a member of the council probably existed in name only.

It has to be said that Zhang Tianlong's method is still acceptable.

Not only Yang Chunyuan was targeted, but Mo Juren was also implicated, so that the latter once considered whether he needed to submit his resignation letter.

Yang Chunyuan really didn't expect that Zhang Tianlong would be so vicious, and just because her husband had a hint of impeachment, he would be able to carry out such a vicious plan.

At the trial seat, Judge Liu was also silently speechless.

He has calculated thousands of times, and he has been implicated in so many things without counting his own case.

There is actually the participation of the chairman of the city council here.

However, judging from his many years of trial experience in criminal cases, the current secretary's testimony is not enough to impeach Zhang Tianlong, and it is even impossible to implicate the other party.

Although he will submit the secretary's testimony to the internal affairs, it is obviously impossible to shake Zhang Tianlong's position by relying on such a small accusation.

Therefore, the case should continue at its current pace.

Judge Liu decided to take one step at a time.

As for Zhang Tianlong, he is just a small judge, what can he do?

Anyway, Zhang Wei is responsible for the blame.

I, Liu, don't know anything, I'm just responsible for maintaining order in the courtroom.

The hearing seats and the jury were also whispering and whispering.

This time, a plan was outlined in everyone's mind.

Zhang Tianlong secretly hinted that he would deal with Mo Juren, but Mo Juren had a very good reputation, and there was no flaw to follow in a short time.

Zhang Tianlong promotes Plan B, since he can't handle you, then he can handle your family members.

He asked the secretary to contact Braque and Forensic Cao. Forensic Cao found the evidence of the year, forged records to enter the archives, and tampered with the evidence. Blake found Li again and asked him to appeal!

The prosecution accepted the case, and the subsequent investigation found that there was a problem with the DNA comparison results of the original evidence, and the DNA comparison test results of the evidence did not match Li. So, is there a problem with the case 20 years ago?

The Southern Local Prosecutor's Office accepted the case and decided to investigate and prosecute Yang Chunyuan.

In the end, it was exposed that Yang Chunyuan may have tampered with the report 20 years ago, and Mo Juren was also affected.

Yang Chunyuan might face jail time, and Mo Juren had to leave the city council because of his wife's public prosecutor, and his reputation was also affected.

That's it, plan complete!


Those on the jury who like conspiracy theories have already filled in the details.

Anyway, the truth of this case is nothing more than this!

In the courtroom, everyone looked at the witness stand.

However, they no longer expected the secretary's answer, because they all believed that they had already captured the truth.

"Secretary Zou, are you panicking?"

At this moment, Zhang Wei keenly noticed that Secretary Zou's hands began to tremble.

"Yes, after all, if you admit it, then you are likely to drag Zhang Tianlong into the water, and with his character of retribution for flaws, he will definitely not tolerate you."

"But if you don't answer now, you will go to jail for perjury, and you will go to jail. Similarly, you must not be able to return to the previous position of "one person is under one person and above ten thousand people", right?"

Zhang Wei walked up to the secretary and said with a sneer, "Secretary Zou, if you answer now, you will die, and if you don't answer, you will die. You are already dead without a place to die!"


Secretary Zou's eyes were wide open, and he looked at Zhang Wei in horror.

She knew that the other party was right, and she was finished.

Today's case will definitely involve Zhang Tianlong.

Although this case is not enough to make Mr. Speaker hurt his bones, it will definitely have a certain impact on his reputation.

As a direct witness, and even more in court, as a springboard for attacking Zhang Tianlong, he, Secretary Zou, would also lose Zhang Tianlong's trust.

For a person who is worthless, Zhang Tianlong will definitely give up without hesitation.

Secretary Zou knew that he was finished.

And all of this is because of the person in front of me.

The terrified expression on her face instantly turned into hatred.

She hates it!

Why did Zhang Wei summon himself, why did he expose the facts, why did he put himself in a situation where he must die!

"Secretary Zou, you contacted Braque and bribed Forensic Doctor Cao. You attempted to interfere with judicial justice and blame my client, Ms. Yang Chunyuan. Have you thought about the consequences of doing so?"

"Also, because of your relationship, and because of the signal from your master behind you, today's public trial and this case came about. Everyone was used by you and the master behind you. What a good plan!"

Zhang Wei looked at the secretary with a face full of sarcasm, "Now, it's your turn and the master behind you to reap the consequences!"

After Zhang Wei said that, the secretary finally couldn't hold back anymore and stood up directly.

"Zhang Wei, I hate you, I hate you so much, why did you summon me, why did you want to kill me!"

Resentful and daring shouts and curses resounded throughout the court.

The secretary pointed at Zhang Wei, his five fingers twisted into chicken feet, and the expression on his face was terrifying and ferocious.

"Hmph, I hit the spot!" Seeing this scene, Zhang Wei's expression remained calm, and he wasn't surprised at all.

Under extreme pressure, he has seen how irrational things people who have been broken will do.

Secretary Zou's reaction can only be said that the other party's psychological quality is too poor, and only a few words broke her defense.

too weak!

"Why, why did you do this, obviously these tasks, obviously these tasks are carried out secretly, how would you know, how would you know..."

On the witness stand, the secretary was still roaring bitterly.

"Ting Wei, take her down!"

Judge Liu also hurriedly motioned left and right to move.

The secretary was directly escorted away under the guard of two court guards.

I believe that what awaits her will be an interrogation by the Investigation Section.

With the secretary sent away, the courtroom was finally clean again.

"Judge Liu, since the witness, Secretary Zou, has been sent away, we will end our questioning."

As Zhang Wei said, he looked at the prosecution seat.

"Oh duo, I forgot, there is another heavyweight here!"

The eyes of the audience immediately focused on Braque.

The latter was stared at by so many people, and was connected with Secretary Zou's tragic situation. His legs gave way in fright, and he fell from the chair with a plop to the ground, so embarrassed.

"Come on, invite him up!"

Seeing this, Judge Liu motioned to the left and right, and asked the court guard to escort Blake to the witness stand.

"No, I recruit, I recruit, I confess, I confess, it was Secretary Zou who asked me to do this, it was Secretary Zou..."

Braque was held up by the court guards, and immediately got up crying for his father and mother, his whole face was almost crying.

"Oh, you confessed, that's fine!"

Zhang Wei chuckled, and motioned to Ting Wei, "Both brothers, take him down too."

Ting Wei glanced at Judge Liu, saw the latter nodding, and sent Braque away as well.

So far, only Zheng Fenyong and Li are left on the prosecution bench.

"Zheng Gaojian, I'm sorry, the two witnesses have been sent away, and you can't cross-examine them."

"Hmph, Lawyer Zhang, don't make fun of me. Even if I cross-examine, is there any point?"

Zheng Fenyong sneered, and made a self-deprecating joke.

"That's true, it really doesn't make much sense!"

Zhang Wei also smiled.

The outcome of the case, including the moment Secretary Zou was found, had already been finalized.

Next, just go through the process.

"Judge Liu, we have finished presenting evidence, and according to court procedures, we will submit relevant evidence that Secretary Zou secretly contacted Lawyer Braque and bribed Forensic Doctor Cao!"

As Zhang Wei said, he took out a USB flash drive from his pocket and handed it directly to Judge Liu.

After submitting the evidence, he smiled at Zheng Fenyong, making the latter look depressed.

"Okay, I see."

Judge Liu took the evidence and asked Ting Wei to find a notebook and open it to read, but he just nodded after reading it once.

Because he knew that Zhang Wei would not lie about this kind of matter.

This evidence will be submitted to the investigation department later for them to convict Secretary Zou.

5 minutes later.

"Jury, have you negotiated a result yet?"

"Yes, we have made a ruling!"

"Well, chief juror, you announce it!"

"I declare that the defendant, Ms. Yang Chunyuan, is not guilty of the prosecution case against Ms. Yang Chunyuan by the Southern District Prosecutor's Office!"

With the announcement of the result by the first juror, in the courtroom, there are still some joys and some sorrows.

On the prosecution bench, Zheng Fenyong showed bitterness because he lost.

In fact, there were problems in the case itself, and it was unexpected that the final problems would burst out in a concentrated manner.

This was originally a case of dereliction of duty by the forensic personnel, but unexpectedly, it would involve internal conflicts in the city council, let alone that the person behind the case was the mayor of Dongfangdu, Zhang Tianlong.

Moreover, Zhang Wei provided relevant evidence, which made him helpless.

At the defense table, there was joy.

Yang Chunyuan stood up excitedly and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Great, we won!"

Mo Yuzhu cheered even more, and hugged Zhang Wei tightly.

"Ahem, classmate Mo, don't hug him so close, your chest feels a bit stuffy..."

I don't know if it was because she was too excited, but the bereaved girl was very excited today, and she had a lot of strength, which made Zhang Wei uncomfortable.

"Sorry, sorry..."

Mo Yuzhu realized later that something was wrong, and quickly let go of Zhang Wei, then bowed her head and apologized with a blushing face.

"It's okay... I feel pretty good!"

Zhang Wei hastily made a pun.

I just don't know whether it's because of the feeling just now, or the feeling of winning the case, which is more enjoyable.

"Lawyer Zhang, thank you so much!"

Mo Juren, who was on the hearing seat, also rushed down excitedly, holding Zhang Wei's hand tightly.

"Mr. Mo, it's nothing. It's what I should do. Who made me and classmate Mo be friends!"

"Haha, you boy, you still don't plan to change your mouth!"

Mo Juren patted Zhang Wei's shoulder with a smile on his face.

"Ha, what are you changing?"

Zhang Wei was confused, did he tell me not to call Mo Yuzhu a classmate, but to call her by her name?

Someone blinked in confusion.

"Lawyer Zhang, congratulations!"

Zheng Fenyong also came over, and he nodded towards Zhang Wei.

"Unexpectedly, I, Zheng Fenyong, haven't lost a battle for almost 10 years, and I actually met you in the East!"

"Zheng Gaojian, I just happen to be on the side of justice."

"Are you trying to say, am I on the wrong team this time?"

"Is not it?"

"Yes, I really didn't investigate clearly this time, it was my dereliction of duty!"

As Zheng Fenyong said, he bowed to Yang Chunyuan and apologized: "I'm sorry Yang Forensic Doctor, because our mistakes in work have caused inconvenience to your life and work, it is our dereliction of duty!"

"This time, our local prosecutor's office will seriously reflect on the mistakes in our work, and we will take this case as a warning!"

After saying that, Zheng Fenyong, Zhang Wei and others apologized and left.

Looking at his leaving back, Zhang Wei couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

It is also the Zheng family, why is there such a big gap between Zheng Fenyong and his brother Zheng Qian?

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