Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 523 Chapter Family Affairs? unpleasant guest

Friday, mid-morning.

City Council, Speaker's Office.

Zhang Tianlong is meeting a guest who is not a guest.

"Old Mo, why are you doing this?"

"Zhang Tianlong, stop being hypocritical!"

Mo Juren looked at the person in front of him who he had always admired, but this time there was no respect in his eyes.

"I used to respectfully call you the Speaker, but from now on, you and I have different ways and do not conspire with each other. I am Mo Juren, and you are Zhang Tianlong!"

"Since you have made a choice, then I won't stop you!"

Seeing this, Zhang Tianlong didn't continue to be hypocritical, but directly wiped off the trace of reluctance on his face, and replaced it with a sneer.

"Hmph, here is my resignation letter!"

Mo Juren threw the resignation in his hand in front of Zhang Tianlong, and then emphasized in a cold voice: "But I left the city council, not because of my wife, her case has been cleared!"

"I left the city council because I disdain to be with a hypocritical person like you. What you Zhang Tianlong has done makes me feel ashamed!"

As soon as this remark came out, the smile on Zhang Tianlong's face subsided, his eyes narrowed, and then a gloomy look emerged.

"From now on, I, Mo Juren, will leave the city council and have nothing to do with you, Zhang Tianlong!"

After Mo Juren said that, he snorted coldly and left with his sleeves.


The door of the office was slammed shut, and even the entire office could feel the tremor.

It can be seen that Yang Chunyuan's case made him suffer a lot.

"Hmph, stupid!"

Zhang Tianlong watched Mo Juren leave, and the gloomy look on his face was replaced by a sneer.

In fact, his plan was accomplished.

He has done so much, what is the purpose, isn't it to let Mo Juren leave the city council?

And now, the purpose has indeed been accomplished.

Mo Juren left the city council, and his people will successfully take the other party's place.

Although the process was a bit tortuous, he also lost a capable subordinate.

But he had as many people as Secretary Zou he wanted.

His Zhang family is the oldest family in Dongfang Capital, and the most indispensable thing under his hands is a loyal lackey.

Secretary Zou is gone, and there are other candidates to replace him.

But when he thought of Secretary Zou, the smile on Zhang Tianlong's face disappeared.

He looked at a newspaper in his hand.

"Shocked, the secretary of the speaker's office did such a thing! "

"The secretary blew himself up! She did everything just because of conflicts with the MP? "

"A Woman's Revenge? Secretary Zou even publicly stated that the conflict with the MP was due to a small matter! "

The headlines of the newspaper and many other pages reported the details of Yang Chunyuan's case.

However, it can be seen from the title of the article that Secretary Zou has taken all the charges.

She bribed Forensic Doctor Cao, wooed Braque, and framed Yang Chunyuan, all by herself.

Of course, Zhang Tianlong secretly signaled the other party to do this through his own means.

"In two days, after Secretary Zou goes to prison, arrange an accident for her!"

"And that old Cao, we have to make the preparations over there, it's best to keep it a little more secretive!"

On Zhang Tianlong's side, the fate of the two has been decided.

These are small problems, and he has plenty of means to solve them.

Once it's done, wipe your ass clean, that's what he should do.

Anyway, Secretary Zou has already taken care of all the problems, and it is impossible for the internal affairs to really investigate him.

Abandoning a useful subordinate, but the plan can be successfully completed, Zhang Tianlong is not in a bad mood.

"Unfortunately, what happened this time still had a certain impact on me!"

Although Zhang Tianlong also used his connections to erase the influence of this case.

But I have to say that this matter still left some talk for others among the high-level officials of Dongfang Capital.

Just like other people who belong to the five major families, and even some people who can get in touch with their circle.

Now they all know that in order to deal with Mo Juren who disagrees with him, he can find trouble with other people's wives.

Then if I disagree with Zhang Tianlong in the future, will I also end up in the same fate as Mo Juren?

This matter, after all, still has its aftermath.

And the person who caused such an impact was Zhang Wei!

Thinking of this name, Zhang Tianlong's original good mood disappeared instantly.

"Zhang Wei!"

Gritting his teeth, he said the name.

Thinking of Zhang Wei, Zhang Tianlong's head hurts.

His younger brother, and not even a younger brother.

His two younger brothers have suffered from each other.

Zhang Dihu is fine, it's normal to push out a Qian Moli.

The big deal is to be a low-key person in the future, be honest for a while, and wait for the limelight to pass.

But as for Zhang Lang, he probably will be squatting in prison until he dies, so don't think about it in this life.

The two younger brothers were both punished by Zhang Wei, the key is not revenge.

Is there anything that makes Zhang Tianlong more angry than this?

The key is that the kid has no flaws, which makes Zhang Tianlong very helpless.

"Zhang Wei!"

Repeating the name again, Zhang Tianlong's eyes flashed hatred.

"Speaker, someone is calling for you!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded outside the office.

Because Secretary Zou has already gone to accept the investigation, the person outside the door is a temporary secretary arranged by the office.


"Over there, over there say..."

The temporary secretary was a little embarrassed to speak.

Zhang Tianlong frowned. This is the problem of the temporary secretary. If it was Secretary Zou, this problem would not have occurred.

"What the hell are you talking about over there!"

Zhang Tianlong couldn't help but increase his tone.

"That said, he is your old man!"

The secretary seemed to muster up his courage, and finally spoke out.

"My father?"

Zhang Tianlong was stunned, who is so bold, dare to say it is my father?

Don't you know, my old man has retired long ago, if there is nothing serious...

"Wait, it will be October in a few days!"

Zhang Tianlong suddenly realized that something really big will happen in a few days!

And this matter is still my own family business!

"Quick, turn the phone over!"


The secretary outside the door froze for a moment, he thought he heard it wrong.

When the other party reported his identity, he said that he was Chairman Zhang's father. Could it be true?

"What are you doing in a daze, turn the phone over to me!"

Hearing another urging from the speaker, the secretary hurriedly transferred the call.

Zhang Tianlong took a deep breath, adjusted his breathing, and then solemnly picked up the phone.

"Why did it take so long for the phone call? Didn't the girl doll get through in a while?"

There was an old voice on the other end of the phone.

It could be heard that the person who spoke was getting old. Although he was asking, his tone was extraordinarily cold.

"Father, Xiao Zou took the blame for me and went in!"

Zhang Tianlong hurriedly explained.

At the same time, he wrote down one thing in his mind, the temporary secretary outside the door was no longer available, and he was asked to resign and leave tomorrow.

"Oh, the pawn is about to be sacrificed, so the follow-up should be done more cleanly."

The old man who spoke spoke slowly, his tone was flat, but it gave off a sense of tranquility.

"Don't worry, Dad, I've already made arrangements. They'll be on their way in two days. It won't affect me at all!"

"That's good."

The old man's tone was as cold as ever.

"Hahaha... I almost forgot the business."

But just a few seconds later, there was a burst of laughter from the other end.

"Is it October in two days?"

"Yeah, Dad, it's October!"

Zhang Tianlong also put on a smiling face, catering to the old man with a wide smile.

"Calculating the time, Lin'er will be back soon, right?"

"Yes, Youlin will be back soon."

Speaking of this "Lin'er", whether it was the old man on the phone or Zhang Tianlong, there was a smile on his face.

Because this junior is the best junior of their Zhang family.

Moreover, the other party is Zhang Tianlong's direct son, the old man's grandson.

"That's fine, let's do it like this. When Lin'er comes back in two days, let him come to see me as soon as possible. After being separated from my grandson for so long, it's strange for me to miss him, but I want to hug my grandson again." Woolen cloth……"

"Okay, Dad, once You Lin returns to Dongfang Capital, I will let him come to see you right away!"

Hearing Zhang Tianlong's assurance, the old man on the other end hung up the phone contentedly.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Tianlong's forehead was already faintly stained with sweat.

"It's dangerous. Fortunately, Dad didn't lose his temper. It seems that it's because Youlin is back. He's in a good mood!"

Zhang Tianlong breathed a sigh of relief, but he still had some palpitations.

Although my own father has retired for many years, the entire Zhang family still respects each other.

He, Zhang Tianlong, is nominally the head of the five great families, but the older generation respects his father more.

Regarding this point, Zhang Tianlong was also a little helpless.

"In the end, it's still the fact that the five great families are not in harmony with each other!"

Zhang Tianlong thought so, and planned to use the oldest method to increase the cohesion of the five families.

That is... Marriage!

Among the five great families, apart from Zhang's family, the most powerful is the Lin family.

The Lin family not only owns the old master Lin Jincheng, but also has almost all the legal resources of the Oriental Capital, and its strength is undoubtedly the first grade in the Eastern Capital.

As for the Wu family, the Zhao family and the Hua family, that's not enough.

"My family's Lin'er is a dragon and phoenix among people. If you marry a girl from the Lin family, then my Zhang family and the Lin family will be invincible in the world?"

Zhang Tianlong felt that he had thought of a wonderful plan.

If I can promote the union of the Zhang family and the Lin family, then my position will become more stable.

To say that the only drawback of this plan is that I have to marry that fat man from the Lin family.

Thinking of that fat man's face, Zhang Tianlong was speechless for a while!


Jincheng Law Firm, Office of the Criminal Department.

Ah Choo~

Lin Yumeng sneezed a little, and then gently covered her legs with the small blanket hanging on the chair.

The air conditioner turned cold, and she seemed to have a stuffy nose.

Looking at the time, it was 30 minutes before lunch break.

Lin Yumeng looked around for a while, and carefully aimed her eyes at the next door. After realizing that Li Yueqin was concentrating on her work, she quickly opened a website for watching dramas.

Putting on the earphones, turning on the episode, and then she started to catch up on the episode.


And it's fishing at work!

This is the daily life of Miss Lin's family.

There is no way, the work is very hard, okay, take advantage of the time when you can relax, this is the attitude that a professional should have.

The current relaxation is to better concentrate when there are tasks, so relaxation is the best way to improve efficiency.

Every time Lin Yumeng relaxes, she hypnotizes herself like this.

Of course, occasionally she was found by Li Yueqin secretly following dramas, which would cause the latter to be unhappy for a while, and even preached.

Compared with Lin Yumeng, who likes to touch fish, Li Yueqin is a real workaholic, and she is conscientious and meticulous in her work.

On average, Lin Yumeng completed one case and Li Yueqin completed three.

"What are you doing so seriously? It's so comfortable to follow dramas. It's the happiest thing to sneak in from a busy schedule!"

Lin Yumeng has a little resistance to Li Yueqin's dedication, and she thinks that chasing dramas is the real happiness.

"Lawyer, lawyer, I want a lawyer, find a lawyer for my mother!"

But at this moment, a woman's sharp voice came from the door of the criminal department's office.

The sound made Lin Yumeng tremble with fright, and the earphones fell off.

Everyone in the criminal department looked at the door.

I saw a proud lady walking into the criminal department's office surrounded by two bodyguards in black.

"Come here, let Zhang Wei from your department come to see me, I want him to serve me!"

The woman looked at the newcomers in the criminal department, and ordered directly.

"Well, lawyer Zhang isn't here, he's busy with other cases recently."

Seeing a woman like this, a newcomer said cautiously.

"What, no one is here?"

The woman couldn't believe it, she worked so hard to find Zhang Wei, but the other party was not there!

This is simply, don't take yourself seriously!

The woman pointed at a newcomer, and directly ordered: "Who is that, hurry up and call and ask Zhang Wei to come and see me!"

"This..." The person who was named had a confused look on his face.

Who am I? I'm a newcomer. You asked me to call Lawyer Zhang. How rude.

The newcomer had no choice but to look at the leader behind him as if asking for help.

"Ma'am, Attorney Zhang is a criminal defense lawyer. May I ask what problems you have encountered?"

In the end, it was Li Yueqin who took the lead and asked the woman first.

"What are you, dare to ask about my mother's case?"

But the woman snorted coldly, shook her head, and didn't even look at Li Yueqin.

This attitude annoyed the newcomers in the criminal department.

I've seen unreasonable ones, but I've never seen anything as unreasonable as this woman.

Bad guy!

Simply a villain!

Li Yueqin was annoyed, but when she thought that a woman might be a client, she could only take a deep breath and suppress her anger.

"Don't worry, ma'am, I'll help you contact the leader of our department to see if he knows the situation of lawyer Zhang Wei."

She said, and went straight into the back office.

Not long after, Li Yueqin and Tie Ruyun came out together.

"Ma'am, you are looking for Zhang Wei, what is the case?"

"How old are you?"

"Oh, I'm the person in charge of the Criminal Department. Strictly speaking, I'm Zhang Wei's half-leader. After all, although he's an ace lawyer, he's also in our Criminal Department."

Tie Ruyun introduced himself while looking at the woman in front of him.

In his thirties, he is quite handsome and has an extravagant face. Whether it is the clothes or the jewelry on his body, they can properly prove the identity of the other party.

This is a rich woman.

But it's such a woman, but people can't like it at all. It's really... The beauty is so beautiful!

"Oh, more or less a department leader!"

The woman glanced at Tie Ruyun for a while, but unfortunately, she couldn't find any bright spots in this man.

"Then you go and inform Zhang Wei, and say that I want him to file a lawsuit for me, and come to see me quickly!"

"Ma'am, although you are a client, Zhang Wei takes cases more casually. With your attitude, he may...not like to take your cases."

Tie Ruyun actually wanted to say, with your attitude, be careful that Zhang Wei scolds you.

But considering that the woman might have a commission, he endured it.

"What the hell, what are you talking about, don't take my case?"

The woman looked arrogant, raised her head and scolded: "What are you, you can even make irresponsible remarks against me!"

"Do you know who I am? I'm a friend of the lady boss of your Jincheng law firm. Believe it or not, I'll just call you and tell you to pack up and leave!"

Hearing the woman's words, even Tie Ruyun was a little angry.

However, he didn't have a seizure, but took out his phone and prepared to call Zhang Wei's number.

"My mother's friend, how can she have any friends, she only has friends who play mahjong?"

At this moment, Lin Yumeng finally stood up and looked at the woman curiously.

"Who are you little girl?"

"My name is Lin Yumeng, do you know my mother?"

"Your mother, your name is Lin Yumeng, your surname is Lin, and your mother is Mrs. Lin?"

The woman finally took a slightly straight look at Lin Yumeng.

"Yes, you are my mother's poker friend, right?"

The woman wanted to say yes, but she always felt that her status was a bit devalued when she answered this way.

"You, you, since you belong to Mr. Lin's family, let that Zhang Wei come to see me, I have a case to entrust him!"

The woman knew that Lin Yumeng's identity was unusual, so her attitude changed slightly.

At this moment, Tie Ruyun finally dialed Zhang Wei's number.

"Zhang Wei, a client is looking for you!"

"Customer, who is it?"

"I don't know, it's a lady who said she wants to ask you to file a lawsuit."

"What case?"

"This, we didn't ask, but she is here, she..."

Just as Tie Ruyun was about to ask a question, he found that the woman had already walked in front of him, grabbed the phone from his hand, and turned on the speaker.

"Ma'am, you..."

Tie Ruyun just wanted Zhang Wei, but the woman glared at him, forcing him to shut up.

"Zhang Wei, right? Come to Jincheng Law Firm soon, I have a case to entrust to you!"

"Let me tell you, I am friends with the proprietress of your law firm, who helped me win the case, and the benefits are absolutely indispensable to you!"

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Wei fell into silence.

"The benefits are great?"

"Of course, the benefits will not be less for you, enough to complete your next month's performance!"

"You called me by name?"

"Of course, I only look for the best lawyers!"

"So that's the case, since you have said so, ma'am..."

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Wei was silent for a while, as if he was planning something.

"But, I refuse!"

woman:? ? ?

Tie Ruyun:? ? ?

Lin Yumeng:? ? ?

Friends:? ? ?

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