Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 524 Big star? Great director? divorce?

"But, I refuse!"

This voice spread throughout the criminal department office.

No one expected that Zhang Wei directly rejected the woman.

Even the woman herself was completely dumbfounded.

How dare you reject me!

Do you know who I am!

I am a good friend of the wife of the boss of your law firm.

Believe it or not, I made a phone call and asked the big boss of your law firm to fire you, Zhang Wei?

Regarding this point, Zhang Wei naturally did not believe it.

So he responded directly on the phone.

"Ma'am, if you have nothing else to do, goodbye with that one. Oh, by the way, remember to return the phone to the old man, bye!"

"Hey you……"

"Beep beep..."

Just as the woman was about to speak, she heard a blind tone from the phone.

Obviously, Zhang Wei hung up the phone.

On the woman's face, there was a trace of anger, doubt, and chilling resentment.

"Okay, okay, you Jincheng law firm is really courageous, even dare to refuse my case, I..."

"Ma'am, since Zhang Wei doesn't accept your case, there is nothing our criminal department can do to help you!"

Tie Ruyun came to the woman, stretched out his hand, and his eyes hinted wildly.

You're so clean, return the phone to me, and then leave the criminal department for me in a hurry.

Otherwise... hum!

Although Tie Ruyun didn't say any threats, the expression on his face was already very telling.

"go to hell!"

The woman threw the phone out of her hand.

If it weren't for Tie Ruyun's quick eyes and quick hands, flying to save him, the phone would probably be torn to pieces.

The woman gave everyone in the criminal department a fierce look, then snorted coldly, turned around and left with the attitude of doing something wrong.

It wasn't until the figure of the woman disappeared in the elevator that everyone in the criminal department finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, such a god of plague was sent away.

"Xiaomeng, are your mother's friends like this?"

Tie Ruyun looked at his beloved mobile phone with a look of fear.

"Hey, my mother doesn't have any friends, they are all a group of poker friends who play mahjong!"

Lin Yumeng stuck out her tongue embarrassingly, as if she wanted to complain.

Her mother went out to play mahjong every day. Although all she knew were people from the ladies' circle, the qualities of these people were really uneven.

Some people are very self-cultivated, but there are also some people who are like this woman, arrogant and domineering, acting like the whole world should revolve around me.

"Okay, okay, everyone continue to work. Although it is Friday, please show some fighting spirit, don't keep thinking about where to play tomorrow, and don't keep thinking about the last day, just go to work and touch You've got the fish, everyone, don't have such thoughts!"

Tie Ruyun shouted to his friends, then walked into his office quickly.

"Boss seems to be talking about me..."

Lin Yumeng thought about what Tie Ruyun said last before leaving, and always felt that she was alluding to herself.

Could it be that the boss found out that I fished at work every day!

No, keep a low profile!

Lin Yumeng sat down quietly, then looked around with small eyes, she wanted to see who was "watching" her.

But at this moment, the friends in the criminal department are still discussing the matter of the woman just now.

"By the way, who is this woman?"

"It looks familiar?"

"When you say that, I also feel as if I have seen her somewhere?"

Many friends seem to think that women look familiar, and they should know this one.

"Oh, I remembered, she is Gu Shiman!"

Suddenly, a girl shouted.

Then everyone turned on their computers and searched for the name "Gu Shiman".

"My God, it's her!"

"I used to be a big star, but I didn't expect to become like this now!"

"To be honest, it's hard for me to associate that domineering woman with the former national goddess."

"Come on, Gu Shiman's peak beauty was 10 years ago. Doesn't the title of National Goddess change every year?"

"When you put it that way, it seems to be really..."

Then, the atmosphere in the criminal department changed.

The girls were all discussing Gu Shiman's previous works, while the boys were discussing which female star's gossip and which female star's scandal in the entertainment circle.

In fact, after learning that the woman was the former big star Gu Shiman, all the friends in the criminal department were disappointed.

How could a good star turn into such an unreasonable shrew?

Moreover, why did she come to Zhang Wei?

Searching the news on the web, it seems that there is no news about the criminal case.

On the contrary, there are a lot of news on the Internet about Gu Shiman and her famous director husband going to divorce.

But everyone regarded it as gossip and a joke, and no one cared.

Compared to this star who may have passed away, the friends may be more concerned about where Zhang Wei is.

It's a pity that Zhang Wei has always been a free man in the criminal department, and even the old iron can't interfere with Zhang Wei.

Wherever he is is his freedom.


This moment.

What is Zhang Wei doing?

He's at the Union Financial Building, receiving one-on-one tutoring from Jessica.

To be precise, it is not just as simple as "coaching".

"Oh, yes~yes~yes~"

Under the high-pitched screams, the two embraced tightly...


The two began to get dressed.

"Zhang, I didn't expect you to come to me."

"Miss you, baby!"

As Zhang Wei said, he kissed the swan-like neck of the man in front of him.

"You are too nasty."

Zhang Wei's sudden sneak attack made Jessica feel a little ashamed.

"By the way, you didn't go to celebrate with your classmate Mo and sister Xiaoxia. Didn't you help them win the case?"

"Student Mo is going to spend the weekend with Forensic Doctor Yang and Councilor Mo... Oh, no, the former councilor is preparing to spend the weekend together. As for Hanhan, he was called over by the Serious Crime Squad again, saying that he is going on a mission."

Zhang Wei waved his hand and explained.

It is because they are all busy that I came to you.

The main reason is that I have been separated from you Jessica for so long, and I miss you a little.

As for where I miss you, of course I think about everything...

Zhang Wei reminisces about the experience just now, it really makes people linger and forget to return, so enjoyable.

In other words, this is the first time the two have had sex in Jessica's office, and it feels different.

"I didn't expect that there was still such a situation inside the city council. It would be a good thing for Councilor Mo to leave."

Jessica smiled, then picked up the corset from the floor and began to put it on.

"That's right. Councilor Mo has left the city council and has decided not to be a councilor. It can be said that he is planning to devote himself to his family. Even Forensic Doctor Yang has made changes and plans to hand over the work of the person in charge. Be at ease as a laboratory researcher."

"I believe that after they all make such a choice, they will have more time to take care of their families. Mo's most hopeful family harmony and happiness, and her parents' wish to spend more time with her, seem to be fulfilled through this matter. .”

Zhang Wei also felt that although this case almost sent Yang Chunyuan to jail, it also made her and her husband Mo Juren realize the reality.

Rather than spending his whole life on work and ignoring his family, not only did he get nothing in the end, but he was framed by the enemy because of a small matter at work, and his reputation was almost ruined.

It is better to transfer the limited time from work to family and life, and it is more practical to spend more time with family members.

So this weekend, Zhang Wei believes that Mo Yuzhu's family of three should be able to have a good time.

"Zhang, help me fasten the buttons."

But suddenly, Jessica's words brought Zhang Wei back to reality.

Afterwards, he saw the smooth and fair back, the seductive S-shaped exquisite curve, and the silky skin like milk.

Zhang Wei said that he wanted Yujian again.

"By the way, Zhang, why did you hang up on the call just now? Aren't you afraid that the customer will be dissatisfied?"


Zhang Wei shook his head hastily, turning his attention away from the dangling white area in front of him.

"That kind of woman is obviously not my client."

As he spoke, he helped the person in front of him fasten his buttons, and by the way, wiped his oil.

"That's right, you are now a barrister, and you don't need to beg your clients anymore. Now it's the clients who come to beg you."

"It's not that exaggerated, but for that kind of woman who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, I won't lower my figure to flatter her."

Although Zhang Wei is still a lawyer, he is "somewhat famous" in the East.

With a big reputation, there are naturally more businesses to choose from.

Why is it necessary to "condescend" to cater to those unreasonable customers?

I have this time, can I find a case that interests me?

Do I have to treat you like a cow or a horse, to suffer from that bird's anger?

If you are an ordinary lawyer, then of course the client comes first, as long as you pay enough legal fees, I will be your son.

But Zhang Wei has jumped out of this stage. He doesn't need to let himself suffer all kinds of anger for such a little lawyer's fee.

Life is beautiful, why make yourself unhappy?

If you have this time, spend more time with your girlfriend, and come to Jessica's side for "communication and counseling", wouldn't it be nice?

Zhang Wei said, it's so fragrant!

It was late afternoon when he came out of Jessica's office.

There is no way, when receiving "counseling", time flies quickly.

"By the way, this month is coming to an end. In October, I don't know if Hanhan is free. I really hope to take her out to have fun. Taking advantage of the end of the summer vacation in October and the high autumn air, it's just right...hehehe..."

Zhang Wei muttered, preparing to return to the Lin Mansion and prepare for the weekend.


at the same time.

Investigation Section, Office of the Major Crimes Squad.

"I want to report, I want to report!"

A man's panicked voice sounded at the door. He looked panic-stricken, even if he rushed into the investigation department, he still felt uneasy.

"Sir, what's the matter with you?"

At the gate of the investigation department, Xia Qianyue looked at the man in front of her curiously.

This man is in his fifties, with a little white hair on his temples, his feet are sloppy, and his face looks like his body has been drained by wine.

"My name is Gao Tianri, I want to report the crime, someone wants to kill me!"

For some reason, seeing the girl in front of him, Gao Tianri felt a sense of security in his heart.

It's as if, the little girl in front of her is like a fortress with a copper wall and an iron wall, the kind that bullets can't penetrate, which makes people feel at ease.

If Xia Qianyue knew that the man in front of her compared herself to a fortress and a blockhouse, she probably couldn't help but roll her eyes.

However, as a member of the Investigation Section and an operator of the Serious Crime Squad, she still invited the man into the office of Group 7.

Compared with the busy serious crime team, the atmosphere of Group 7 is slightly better.

Although everyone has tasks, but there are not many tasks to go out to the field, and everyone is sitting together and chatting.

"Hey, I didn't win again yesterday. How come I bought a lottery ticket every day for so many years and never won a prize?"

Lao Xing looked at the lottery ticket whose numbers did not match the announced winning numbers, with a look of disappointment on his face.

Logically speaking, I buy it every day, so I should win.

But he has such an idea, and the other ten million people who buy lottery tickets actually have the same idea.

"Hey, apartments in Dongfangdu are so expensive. How long do I have to save before I can pay my down payment."

Ani on the side also looked sad, but what she was feeling was the house price.

My monthly salary is not even one-tenth of the house price, and my annual salary can't buy a toilet. It's still a struggle.

"Hey, I hope there will be no tasks on the weekend. I promised my daughter that I will take her to the playground."

Even Wu Yong had a worried face and was praying for something.

busy, too busy...

"Ahem, Captain, someone has come to report the crime."

Seeing this, Xia Qianyue hurriedly coughed to remind her teammates to pay attention.

Everyone is watching, but our Serious Case Group 7 is the most outrageous.


Ani, Lao Xing and Wu Yong all looked surprised.

If you report the case, shouldn't you go to the report center? Why did you come directly to their serious crime team?

Is this going a little too fast?

"Sir, we are here in the serious crime team, only in charge of criminal cases, you..."

"Someone wants to kill me, really, I won't lie to you!"

Gao Tianri quickly grabbed Wu Yong's arm, and said in a panic, "You are the captain, I hope you can protect me, someone wants my life!"

Wu Yong looked at the man in front of him with a strange expression, and subconsciously asked, "Who is it?"

"It's my wife!"

Wu Yong: "???"

Xia Qianyue: "???"

Team 7 members: "???"

"Your wife, why did she kill you?"

"Because she wants to take away all my property, and I heard that she is already looking for a lawyer to prepare for divorce. I'm afraid she will kill me!"

The more the man spoke, the more excited he became, with a look of fear and uneasiness on his face.

"Sir, please don't get excited. Are you sure your wife will kill you? Do you have evidence?"

Wu Yong was still patient and asked a question quickly.

To be honest, this kind of thing is very common.

It's not that the man's wife is going to hire a murderer to kill, but the way the man reports the crime.

Some people with delusions of persecution, or neurotic people, will always appear in the offices of the Wushu Association or the Investigation Section, and then say that someone is going to kill themselves.

But in fact, after investigation, it was discovered that these were all nonsense and false reports.

Anyway, including Wu Yong, everyone was a little speechless about the man's behavior.

They think it's because the man is too cowardly, or has delusions of persecution, that's why he's so neurotic.

"By the way, sir, you are so rich that your wife is ready to hire a murderer." Lao Xing joked with a smile, looking at the man with suspicious eyes.

Ani, Wu Yong and others also shook their heads.

This man is so neurotic, he must have accidentally gone crazy and reported the crime, maybe he just made a big deal out of a molehill.

"I have several companies and studios under my name. I have 50 million in cash at home, 100 million in wealth management in the bank, and 200 million in deposits in foreign accounts. I also have various collections, jewelry, jewelry, oil paintings..."

However, under the questioning of Wu Yong and others, the man nodded his fingers, as if he was calculating his family property.

Hearing the man talking to himself, both Wu Yong and Lao Xing fell silent.

"I have a 400-square-meter penthouse duplex apartment in the center of the eastern city, a single-family villa in the suburbs, a seaside holiday villa in South Island, two investment school district houses in Jinnan City next door, and another in Jinying City. ..."

Afterwards, the man revealed the real estate information under his name like a few treasures.

This time, even Annie was silent.

Show off your wealth!

You are here to show off your wealth, right?

"By the way, I still have an investment ranch in the northwest, a grassland of several thousand acres of land, and thousands of cattle, sheep and horses. These are also my assets. Every cow and every horse in this ranch belongs to me. Carefully selected and bought!"

Well, even Tamu didn't say a word, and looked at the man with resentment.

"Sir, why are you so rich?"

Wu Yong asked the question that everyone in the serious case group 7 wanted to ask.

"Am I rich?" The man looked confused.

His expression seemed to be saying, my friends and I all have about the same number of families, so this is considered rich?

Are you rich?

Everyone in the serious crime team was even more speechless. We have never had your wealth in our whole life.

"I am a film director. I have been making films for decades and produced many works. These are all earned by box office and investment. I..."

The man explained that he was unexpectedly a filmmaker.

"Oh, I remembered, you are Director Gao Tianri Gao, a famous director, isn't your wife the national goddess Gu Shiman!"

Finally, Lao Xing came to his senses, clapping his hands and shouting at the man.

"Yes, I am Gao Tianri, but I am just a filmmaker."

Gao Tianri nodded, and then immediately said: "The person who wants to kill me is Gu Shiman. She wants to divorce me, and wants to take all my property to herself. I feel very dangerous now!"

"By the way, comrades, do you know any powerful lawyers? I want to divorce my wife, and I want to get rid of this woman!"

Hearing Gao Tianri's request, Wu Yong and the others looked at each other, and then at Xia Qianyue.

Great lawyer, we seem to know someone by chance.

Xia Qianyue also blinked, what are you looking at me for, I'm not a lawyer.

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