Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 525 The great director was cheated on, who did he hook up with?

Saturday, rest day.

Originally in Zhang Wei's plan, he was going to spend the weekend with Hanhan.

But unexpectedly, Xia Qianyue came to him first.

It's a coincidence.

"What, the big director is going to divorce, and the woman is the big star Gu Shiman, the woman who looked for me before?"

In Zhang's Martial Arts Hall, Zhang Wei was a little confused after hearing what Xia Qianyue told him.

He vaguely remembered that on Friday afternoon, a woman called and asked him to help with a case.

But the woman's attitude made people uncomfortable, so he didn't answer.

Later, after asking the friends in the criminal department, I found out that the woman's name was Gu Shiman.

As for the case that the other party did not mention, the answer is now obvious.


Gu Shiman is going to divorce her big director husband!

And looking at this woman's plan to find him, it is obvious that she wants to get as much property as possible in this case.

The former goddess of the country, a popular star, is going to divorce her husband, a big director. This is really the top gossip headline in the entertainment industry.

Not to mention the entertainment circle, there are quite a few melon eaters even in Zhang's Martial Arts Hall.

Just after Xia Qianyue finished the news, Zhang Xinwu and Zhang Xinyan stopped their morning exercises, but joined Xia Qianyue's side instead.

"Sister Xiaoxia, are you serious, that tall director wants a divorce?"

"Gu Shiman, I liked her very much when I was young, and I swore back then that I would marry her as my wife."

"Don't think about it, you were only 10 years old at that time, and Gu Shiman is already a popular actress, and she is 15 years older than you."

"Sister, a man must have a dream, what if it comes true?"

"I just want you to live an honest life now, and just find me a sister-in-law in the future."

"Sister, don't talk about me, you are also single, where is the shadow of your brother-in-law?"

"Zhang Xinyan, are you looking for a fight?"

"Sister, you are like this again, every time you say you can't, I will do it, I..."

"Smelly brother, look at the trick!"

As they said this, the siblings started to fight directly in the martial arts hall.

Well, brothers and sisters, why bother to hurt each other?

"Zhang Wei, will you accept this case?"

Xia Qianyue stopped looking at Zhang's siblings and came to Zhang Wei's side instead.

"Yes, why not?"

Since Xia Qianyue came to entrust it, Zhang Wei had no reason not to accept it.

Moreover, the opponent in this case is still that Gu Shiman, Zhang Weike still remembers the attitude of the other party yesterday.

That being the case, he took it!

"Alright then, I'll call that director over!"

"Ah, he still wants to come. Doesn't he have a house in the east? Why..."

"You'll know it when you see him."

Xia Qianyue said, walked out of Zhang's martial arts hall, and then waved towards the corner of the street.

Afterwards, I saw the great director Gao Tianri walking into Zhang's Martial Arts Hall wearing clothes that tightly wrapped him up.

Masks, sunglasses, hooded sweater, those who don’t know think you are hiding from the paparazzi.

"Hey, it's so strict, it's not October yet, isn't it hot?"

Zhang Wei looked at Gao Tianri with a strange expression on his face.

What happened to you, how do you look like, someone will rush out from the street to kill me at any time, so I have to keep on guard all the time.

"Lawyer Zhang, hello, I am very familiar with your name, thank you for taking my case!"

After seeing Zhang Wei, Gao Tianri grasped Zhang Wei's hand, his tone full of excitement.

"Director Gao, what are you afraid of, or who are you afraid of?"

Zhang Wei looked at the other party with a curious look on his face.

"Who else is it, my wife!"

Gao Tianri sighed, and told what happened recently.

He and Gu Shiman met on the set.

That was ten years ago, when Gu Shiman was a popular actress, and he was even a famous director.

Because of a movie, the two went from acquaintance to acquaintance, and finally entered the palace of marriage with the blessing of friends in the same industry.

"Director Gao, you didn't get married until you were in your forties?"

"That's not true. I just got divorced. In fact, before I met Shiman, I just divorced my third wife."

Hearing what Gao Tianri said, Zhang Wei nodded to express his understanding.

On the contrary, Xia Qianyue and Zhang Xinwu who were on the side all showed a trace of disgust.

Zhang Wei smiled.

It's the same in the entertainment industry.

The client is a great director, so she must be very popular with women.

In fact, when this kind of big director makes a movie, those second-, third-tier or even first-tier female stars are all rushing to get their own recommendation seats.

If Zhang Wei guessed correctly, Gao Tianri and Gu Shiman had already gotten together during filming.

But at that time, he had already divorced his third wife, so he was considered single, so it would be no problem to get together with Gu Shiman.

As for the only problem, it may be that there is a 20-year age difference between the two.

Old husband and young wife, this is also typical in the entertainment industry.

After all, in the entertainment industry, what men see the most are beautiful young women, and these women don't mind exchanging their slow collagen bodies for the best film and television resources.

So this has also caused the entertainment industry to be like this, old couples and young wives are the most typical.

There were even scandals where some female stars slept the entire crew for a single role.

"Director Gao, how are you doing after you and Gu Shiman get married?"

"In the beginning, I was quite happy. I thought I finally found the right person this time, and it was her."

Hearing this answer, Zhang Wei felt hehe.

I guess you thought the same way when you first met the three wives in front of you, right?

She is the only one in this life.

As a result, within a few years, after your wife has grown old, you immediately find a new love and kick her away.

But it's also understandable, the entertainment industry is just a play on the spot, and your previous wives probably came here because of your fame as a great director, and they may really have no relationship with you.

Gao Tianri didn't know what Zhang Wei was thinking, but continued to recall the little things he had with Gu Shiman.

"In the beginning, we lived happily, and even this period of happiness lasted for almost ten years. During this period, my career was improving, and her acting career was also improving."

"I won the Best Director Award, and she also won the Best Actress by relying on her acting skills. It can be said that we are really a match made in heaven. She and I admire each other, and each other..."

Recalling the good times, Gao Tianri couldn't help crying.

"Director Gao, when did you start to realize that your wife is going to kill you?"

"It's not perception, it's fact!"

Gao Tianri shook his head, and then his tone became more serious, "Since the past two years, I have noticed something is wrong!"

"Actually, I don't know since when, people in black always appeared near my villa and apartment. At first I thought their target was not me, but once again I went to a party, and when I went to the bathroom, I heard There were two men in black talking about me, they said that I was the target, and that there were orders from above to keep an eye on me!"

"At first I thought I heard it wrong, but then I found out that even if I was filming in a film crew, when I was on a business trip abroad for vacation, there would always be a few familiar figures appearing, those men in black, they Watching me!"

As Gao Tianri said, he still had lingering fears and a look of panic on his face.

Zhang Wei thought for a while and asked, "Could it be a bodyguard hired by your wife, or hired by your company?"

"Not hired by my company!"

Gao Tianri shook his head, and then showed an embarrassed smile: "Lawyer Zhang, to tell you the truth, although I make a lot of money, I am usually a frugal person. The East is so safe. The security is so good, I believe that no one would dare to do harm, so I never thought of hiring bodyguards."

"And I asked Shiman, but she said she didn't know those people, so I guessed that I must be being targeted."

Gao Tianri said with a wry smile, "After all, I am considered a great director. I have some money and a bit of fame. Maybe these people are planning to kidnap me and blackmail me."

"Oh, look at you, don't you?"

Zhang Wei also noticed the problem, "Also, you said you asked your wife Gu Shiman, and she answered that she didn't know those men in black?"

"Yes, she answered that she didn't know her at first, but I later found out that she was the one who found the men in black."

Gao Tianri recalled the original scene, and could only say that he was really blind.

"That day was Valentine's Day, and I was filming in the crew, but because the shooting equipment was not delivered, the shooting progress was affected, so I simply gave the crew half a day off, and drove to the villa by myself, thinking of giving my wife a surprise. "

Zhang Wei can guess what happened next without Gao Tianri saying it.

He wanted to give his wife a surprise, but in the end, his wife gave him a surprise instead, probably the plot is like this.

"Lawyer Zhang, don't you know that I saw Gu Shiman and a man just after I returned to the villa..."

"on the bed!"

Zhang Wei's eyes widened, and he regained his spirit immediately.

Xia Qianyue at the side also came over, and even Zhang Xinwu and Zhang Xinyan, who had already started their actions, stopped their movements and pricked up their ears.

The soul of gossip is burning in their bodies.

"That's not true, I heard my wife and a man on the phone!"

"Tch, isn't it just a phone call, what's the problem?"

Hearing that this was the result, Zhang Wei immediately lost interest.

Xia Qianyue also shook her head, looking a little disappointed.

Seeing this, Zhang Xinwu who was not far away suddenly grabbed his younger brother Zhang Xinyan's neck by surprise, trying to strangle him to death, causing the latter to clap his hands frantically and beg for mercy.

"Lawyer Zhang, that phone number is different!"

But Gao Tianri frowned, with a painful expression on his face, "I heard with my own ears that Shiman called the husband of the man on the phone, my dear, and said nasty love words!"

"She still acted like a baby to the man on the phone, and said why she didn't come to accompany her on Valentine's Day. Anyway, Shiman hasn't said these words to me for several years."

"that's all?"

Zhang Wei looked indifferent.

Isn't it just a phone call to have an affair with a man?

Is this at most a spiritual cheating?

Need you to be so vigilant, suspicious, and even afraid of being attacked?

"Lawyer Zhang, when I first heard their call, I didn't pay much attention to it. I even thought that Shiman was discussing scripts and lines with others. After all, she is an actress by profession, and she has also acted in many ambiguous scenes. I understand."

As Gao Tianri said, his brows were suddenly frowned, "But later, they mentioned the people who watched me, the men in black!"

"Men in black, what happened to them?"

"I eavesdropped on the phone and found out that those men in black were actually arranged by the man on the phone, in order to monitor me and watch my every move. The man also assured Shiman that if necessary, he could Take my life anytime!"

Zhang Wei's originally calm expression finally became dignified.

"Director Gao, do you think that man is really joking and comforting Gu Shiman, or is he serious?"

"I think it's true, otherwise, those who monitor me, wouldn't be able to appear at my house and near my villa every day, right?"

Zhang Wei nodded, this is true.

But great director, the green color on your head may not be wiped off.

"And then, what else did you hear on the phone?"

"Later, I was afraid that the man in black would find out that I had come back secretly, so I pretended to make noise downstairs, and then called Shiman's name to make her think I had just come back."

Zhang Wei glanced at Gao Tianri in surprise.

You are a big director, you are quite on guard, you have even considered this point.

But such an answer made Zhang Wei frown.

Because this is just a phone call, it can't explain anything.

Even if he confronted Gu Shiman with Gao Tianri's confession, if the other party wanted to deny it, there was nothing he could do.

Even if Zhang Wei really found the record of the phone call and pressed the other party about the content of the phone conversation at that time, the other party would still be able to use a line that I was just reviewing the script to perfunctory.

Gu Shiman was once a big star and actress.

Playing around is her specialty.

"So, Director Gao, you don't know the identity of the other party, right?"

"Yes, I don't know the identity of that man."

Hearing this answer, Zhang Wei knew that the case was a bit tricky.

If Gu Shiman really cheated, he could still sanction the other party.

But in Gao Tianri's hands, there should be no evidence.

If there is no evidence, how to prove that the other party cheated?

In the final analysis, the identity of the man had to be confirmed.

"Director Gao, do you really have no guesses about the identity of the third party?"

"For guessing, I can only say that there is a general direction."

Gao Tianri looked left and right, then leaned in front of Zhang Wei, and whispered, "Shiman has been busy preparing a play for the past few months."

"But actually, I've asked people on the set, and she has very little time to actually go to the set, and almost the entire set is waiting for her. If she suddenly loses interest in filming, the entire set may be waiting for nothing that day. "

"So crazy, bring money into the group?" Zhang Wei was taken aback.

This is too big a deal.

"Director Gao, is it because of you?"

"Lawyer Zhang, don't look at me like this. Although I am a little famous in the entertainment industry, I have never taught Shiman to do this. In fact, what I dislike the most is when actresses use their fame to play big names. My crew is This is strictly prohibited!"

"Then why is Gu Shiman so arrogant?"

"I heard that it's because the boss behind the production team took a fancy to Shiman, so she let her temperament go, and even told the production team that Shiman should not be bullied a little bit, so she did this."

As Gao Tianri said, he felt a little suspicious.

Who is the boss behind this? If he is so willful, he can't waste his money like this.

"So, the employer behind the crew is the man who hooked up with Gu Shiman?"

"It's possible!"

Gao Tianri nodded, but then shook his head again, "But I also inquired, but I couldn't find out the specific origin of the capital behind it. It is said that there are several people from the capital that invested in the filming of this movie. If these people want to It may take a very long time to check one by one."

"What crew, maybe I can check it for you."

Seeing that Zhang Wei was interested in the crew, Gao Tianri recalled and said, "That drama seems to be called "Two People's Martial Arts", right?"

""Martial Arts of Two People"!"

Zhang Wei murmured repeatedly, and then found that the name seemed inexplicably familiar.

"Oh, I remembered. When I won the martial arts competition, the management said they wanted me to make a movie to promote it. The name of the script seems to be this!"

"Hey, when you say that, I'm impressed too!"

Zhang Wei finally remembered.

At the martial arts conference that Xia Qianyue and Zhang Xinwu participated in together, Xia Qianyue defeated Wu Renjie in the final and won the first place in the conference.

The winner of that conference will not only get a bonus, but also participate in the filming of martial arts scripts.

The original drama seemed to be to promote martial arts and traditional culture, and the sponsors were all the sponsors of the martial arts conference.

But it turned out that everyone knew that Xia Qianyue was a member of the serious crime team of the investigation department and could not go out to film.

Later, it was said that the crew also approached Zhang Xinwu and wanted her to play the leading role.

However, because they later challenged the leader of the martial arts alliance, the old leader Wushentong turned back on his promises, which made Xia Qianyue and Zhang Xinwu very displeased with the martial arts conference and even the management.

Zhang Xinwu also rejected the employer's request and did not accept the crew's conditions.

What people didn't expect at the time was that the crew was still filming and invited Gu Shiman to play the heroine.

It's just that the enthusiasm for the Martial Arts Conference has dissipated, and the employer's interest in this drama has also faded.

It is estimated that the request of the management behind it is that it will be good if the filming of this drama can be completed, and we don't care how it will be filmed.

Among the employers, there was a big boss who hooked up with Gu Shiman, and the requirements for the crew also changed. It doesn't matter whether the movie is filmed or not, as long as I let my woman show her face.

"Director Gao, I didn't say that, the capital behind this show seems to have a big background!"

Zhang Wei looked at Gao Tianri, and even felt a little sympathy for this great director.

Because the capital behind this show is the capital of the Martial Arts Conference.

And the capital of the Martial Arts Conference is the five masters of the Eastern Capital!

The Zhang family, the Lin family, the Zhao family, the Hua family and the Wu family all invested in participating in the Martial Arts Conference.

As for the other familiar investors, in Zhang Wei's view, they are just minor players.

The only ones who really have energy and can take actions that threaten Gao Tianri are people from these families.

Of course, the Zhao family can rule it out, because Zhao Qingyan can't do this kind of thing.

Then, that Gu Shiman's lover may be among the other four families.

Zhang Wei said that this case suddenly became interesting.

This time, which one of the five families will I wrestle with?

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