Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 526 The two sides are preparing, Laura will personally act!

Divorce, of course, requires the participation of both spouses.

As her husband, Gao Tianri is on Zhang Wei's side.

As his wife, Gu Shiman originally planned to find someone who was also Zhang Wei.

It has to be said that this is a coincidence.

But now, since Gu Shiman was rejected by Zhang Wei, she naturally needs to find a new candidate.

Originally, according to the plan of taking care of Shiman, she should continue to find other lawyers in Jincheng, such as lawyer Wang Pai Bai from the litigation department.

But unfortunately, lawyer Bai rejected her on the grounds that he had a case.

Being rejected again and again, Gu Shiman was also annoyed.

She swore that she would never choose Jin Cheng's lawyer again.

Since Jin Cheng, who was number one in the top ten industries, had no choice, she naturally chose the second.

William International Law Firm.

Inside Laura Campbell's office.

"Miss, the client is here."

Following the secretary's report, two bodyguards in black escorted Gu Shiman to the office.

"Ms. Gu Shiman, please sit down!"

Laura was writing documents at her desk without even raising her head.

Seeing this, Gu Shiman's eyes turned slightly cold, and he was a little annoyed, but he still endured it.

If it was normal, she might lose her temper on the spot.

But just now she talked with "that person" on the phone, and the other party warned her to be more disciplined and not to cause trouble again.

So even if the person in front of her might be her future lawyer, she, Gu Shiman, could bear it.

5 minutes passed.

Laura finally read the document and signed it.

The secretary immediately stepped forward, took the documents, then quickly exited the office, and closed the door for the people inside.

"Ms. Gu Shiman, I have admired your name for a long time!"

Only then did Laura look straight at the person in front of her.

"I watch all the idol dramas, workplace dramas, romance dramas and costume dramas you star in, as well as those movies on the list."


Seeing that Laura "complimented" herself so much, Gu Shiman immediately raised her head and hummed twice.

But this time it was not a cold snort expressing dissatisfaction, but an arrogant arrogance.

Gu Shiman looked at Laura, as if you have a good eye for a foreign girl.

"Miss Gu starred in movies and participated in variety shows, which have always been the most discussed entertainment shows."

Although Laura was flattering, she actually had something to say.

Gu Shiman is in the show business circle, and the popularity in the show business circle is indeed high, but a lot of voices on the Internet are criticizing her.

It's either that she doesn't have acting skills, and she relies on cutouts to act embarrassingly, or that she finds a big director as her husband to take a shortcut. The most powerful thing about her is her professional attitude.

It is said that when Gu Shiman was filming, she never memorized her lines. When she went to the scene, she directly counted the numbers "one, two, three, four, finish Tusi Rui", all relying on the post-dubbing, so there were many criticisms of her on the Internet.

But in fact, Gu Shiman's acting skills are not bad. She used to be a popular actress, and she got up by relying on her acting skills and strength.

As for the embarrassing performance of cutting pictures now, it's just because people have changed.

And there is a topic of discussion, which is what the entertainment industry likes to see the most. As long as someone scolds, someone will argue. Isn't this discussion coming?

As long as there is discussion, there will be traffic, and if there is traffic, there will be audiences.

The harder you scold, the more popularity you will bring to Gu Shiman.

After all, black fans are also fans!

"That is, that is, who made me famous!"

No, Gu Shiman didn't realize that Laura's compliment meant something, but instead became complacent.

This foreign girl is still very discerning.

In Gu Shiman's heart, her favorability towards Laura has increased a little.

"Stupid woman!"

But Laura, she sneered in her heart, obviously testing Gu Shiman's level.

"Miss Gu Shiman, you came to our William International, and you came here specifically to find me. Could it be that you have a difficult case?"

Seeing that he was finally about to talk about business, Gu Shiman gave two bodyguards a look or two.

The two left respectfully and walked out of the office.

There were only two people left in the office.

"Actually, I want to divorce that old thing in my family!"

Gu Shiman snorted coldly, with disgust on his face, "I was blind at the beginning and fell in love with this old guy, but now I feel disgusted every day when I see him!"

"Divorce proceedings?"

Laura was not surprised.

There are too many couples like Gu Shiman who made vows before marriage and never hated each other after marriage.

"Yes, I want to divorce him, and I also want to take all his money. This is my mother's youth loss fee, and I deserve it!"

As Gu Shiman said, hatred and resentment flashed in her eyes, as if marrying Gao Tianri was the worst decision she had ever made in her life.

"Isn't the famous director Gao Tianri, his net worth is not low."

Laura said, with a slight hint in her eyes.

"Hmph, so what if he's not cheap, he's so old, he might die at any time!"

As Gu Shiman said, he said in a sinister tone: "But before he dies, I hope he can do something good and leave all the money to me."

"Lawyer Laura, I hope you can help me get all his money. I don't want to wait for the old man to return to the west and compete with his ex-wives for the property!"

Laura's eyes were slightly displeased, because Gu Shiman didn't seem to understand her hint.

If you want to fight for these hundreds of millions of property, then you have to pay me a lot of legal fees, do you understand my hint?

"Of course, Lawyer Laura, I know you're capable. I actually admire you, because I see myself in you."

Laura rolled her eyes inwardly, you are enough.

Give back your shadow, if I had your brain and conceited character, I might not be sent out by the family to take charge of my own affairs.

If I were like a stupid woman like you, maybe I would be sent out to marry by the family when I was 18 years old.

Laura thought for a while, let's have a showdown with the person in front of her, lest this woman mess around in the later stage, and it is better to speak clearly about the money issue.

"Miss Gu Shiman, I am indeed a little interested in your case, but I can tell you that my fee is also very expensive!"

"I know that being expensive has its advantages, but the disadvantage of being expensive is only being expensive!"

Gu Shiman laughed again and said: "How many people questioned my acting skills back then, but I can tell them that my salary is worth 50 million, or 100 million!"

"By the way, the old man's worth is about 1 billion, and I can guarantee half of it. I asked about the lawyer's fee, and it is usually calculated at 10%. 50 million can help me win the lawsuit. Lawyer Laura, you can do it Bar?"

50 million sets, 500 million, I have to say that Gu Shiman, a woman, is still very good at doing business.

"Of course, if I make a move, there will only be one result, and that is to win!"

Laura nodded, the 50 million legal fee is indeed worth paying by herself.

"By the way, who is the opponent's lawyer?"

"Who knows, the old man seems to have gone to the martial arts association early in the morning. I don't know who he went to."

Laura sighed, luckily she was with someone.

She immediately picked up the landline on the table, dialed an internal number and went out.

The phone was connected quickly.

"Go and find out, who did Gao Tianri meet today, what law firm did he go to, and whether he had interviewed a lawyer who was in charge of divorce matters?"

She hung up the phone quickly again, obviously her subordinates had already gone to work.

Laura and Gu Shiman communicated again about the details of the divorce proceedings.

Soon, the phone rang again.

"Well, tell me..."

Laura frowned gradually as she listened to the reports of her subordinates on the phone.

After 5 minutes, the report is over.

Laura put down the phone and looked at Gu Shiman in front of her.

"I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

"good news!"

"The good news is that your husband has not contacted a divorce lawyer today or recently. The only thing he has contacted is a criminal lawyer."

"Criminal lawyer?"

Gu Shiman was surprised, what is the situation of the criminal lawyer, do they need a criminal lawyer for the matter between their husband and wife?

"What about the bad news?"

Laura took a deep breath, frowned and said, "This criminal lawyer is called Zhang Wei!"

"Zhang Wei, that bastard actually!"

When Gu Shiman heard this name, his eyes immediately burst into flames.

She still remembered that she went to Zhang Wei before, but was rejected by the other party.

Slap in the face!

This was a naked slap in the face!

No one has ever rejected me, Gu Shiman, like this!

Especially that Zhang Wei, who has never even met face to face, just rejected him like that, it is really hateful!

"Attorney Laura, you should be fine with a criminal lawyer, right?"

"If it was someone else, I wouldn't care about it, but Zhang Wei, I have to say that he does have some skills."

A look of apprehension flashed in Laura's eyes, but it disappeared quickly, "But Miss Gu, don't worry, this is a celebrity divorce case, and Zhang Wei is focusing on criminal litigation, and I have the confidence to win!"

"Okay, then I will leave everything to Lawyer Laura!"

Gu Shiman thanked her, but the gloom in her eyes did not dissipate.

For Gao Tianri and Zhang Wei, she had an extremely strong resentment in her heart.


the other side.

Zhang's martial arts gym, in the dormitory.

Zhang Wei is exhorting Gao Tianri.

"In the past two days, Director Gao, you should live here first, at least here is guaranteed to be safe!"

"Thank you, Lawyer Zhang, I'm really touched. Not only did you help me with the lawsuit, but you also promised to protect me comprehensively."

Gao Tianri was very moved. He looked at the dormitory of the martial arts school. Although the conditions were a bit crude, it at least gave him a sense of security.

In fact, he was so terrified outside that he didn't even feel safe in his own villa.

But for some reason, in this martial arts hall, he felt a lot more at ease.

"That's fine, let's do this for today. Tomorrow we should go to your wife to discuss the divorce. Of course, we believe that insisting on reconciliation is the right way. If you have to go to court, it will be for you, her, and everyone. Shouldn't be appropriate."

As Zhang Wei said, he and Xia Qianyue made eye contact, and the two walked out of the dormitory.

Outside the dormitory, Zhang Xinwu and Zhang Xinyan were already waiting here.

"How about it, is the big director still used to living in the dormitory?"

"Of course, people say this place is safe!"

As Zhang Wei said, he directly threw a bundle of money to Zhang Xinwu.

"This is the accommodation and travel expenses given by the director. He also said that he was in a hurry to go out and didn't have much money with him. It seems that this great director is used to spending money lavishly on weekdays."

Zhang Xinwu quickly looked at her hand, the stack before, at least tens of thousands of dollars.

Is this how much money you didn't bring?

"According to my calculations, director Gao Tianri's assets are at least 1 billion yuan, and this does not include the future income of those investments. If those properties, including the pastures in the northwest, are included, all property must be notarized , his net worth may be more!"


Zhang Xinwu and Xia Qianyue looked at each other, and Zhang Xinyan's eyes almost popped out.

That's really, really big money.

"Okay, okay, don't act like you haven't seen the world, is 1 billion a lot?"

Zhang Wei spread his hands, as if 1 billion is just a series of numbers.


You are a real boss!

The three of Zhang Xinwu didn't know what to say.

"The question now is how much that woman wants and how greedy she is!"

As Zhang Wei said, the appearance of Gu Shiman, a woman, appeared in his mind again.

The other party's acrimonious appearance, which no one pays attention to, may make the lion open his mouth.

Zhang Wei looked back at Gao Tianri again.

Being able to push this great director to such an extent, this Gu Shiman and the man behind him obviously have a lot of energy.

Otherwise, with the status of this big director, he can be said to be a big shot in the entertainment circle, and the average young people probably won't be able to move him.

But that man can not only sleep with his wife, but also manage his family property, and even take his life at will.

The person behind this may have even greater energy.

"Who is the person behind Gu Shiman?"

This is a problem Zhang Wei is currently facing, to find the person standing behind Gu Shiman.

Only by recognizing the real opponent can we prescribe the right medicine and take precautions.

"Everything can be tomorrow. Let's see who that woman hired as a lawyer, and see if the people behind him will show their flaws!"

As Zhang Wei said, everyone dispersed.

Zhang Xinwu and Zhang Xinyan naturally lived in the martial arts hall and were responsible for protecting Gao Tianri's safety.

Xia Qianyue went home, but she also said that her next task was to protect Gao Tianri, and she might be ready to move to the martial arts hall for a while.

Zhang Wei thought for a while, and almost couldn't hold back, and proposed to let Xia Qianyue come to Lin's residence for a while.

But he knew better that Xia Qianyue had always been a simple girl, and Zhang Wei couldn't bear it.

Everything, it is better to let nature take its course.


The next day, the weekend.

Zhang Wei got up early and made breakfast for the second girl upstairs.

"I heard that you are helping a big director in a lawsuit?"

"Yes, are you interested?"

"Hey, can I participate, I want to see big directors and big stars fighting!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao showed an expression of interest, and her eyes started to sparkle.

She also expected that this matter would probably become the gossip headlines in the entertainment circle of the Oriental Metropolis recently, so how could she not participate?

"Okay, second girl, if you are interested, that's naturally the best!"

Zhang Wei agreed without thinking too much.

With the help of his second daughter, he can save a lot of trouble.

After Zhang Wei and Zhao Xiaoxiao had breakfast, they came to the Zhang's martial arts gym next door.

In the courtyard of the martial arts hall, Zhang Xinwu and Xia Qianyue were exercising in the morning. As for the stinky brother Zhang Xinyan and the client Gao Tianri, they were probably still sleeping in.

"Zhang Wei, you are here!"

After Xia Qianyue saw Zhang Wei, she immediately greeted him cheerfully.

"Xiaoxiao is here too?"

"Yeah, this case must be very interesting, I want to be a melon eater!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao: Wow cool wow cool! (☆_☆)

Ignoring the excitement of the second girl, Zhang Wei asked Zhang Xinwu with his eyes.

Zhang Xinwu walked up to Zhang Wei and whispered a few words in his ear.

"Okay, let him sleep for a while, I guess he hasn't had a solid sleep these days."

It was not until 10 o'clock in the morning that the door of the dormitory was opened.

Gao Tianri came out full of energy, with a rare smile on his face.

This time, he slept very soundly, it was the most sound sleep in recent months.

Although the bed boards in the dormitory are very hard, not comparable to Simmons at his home, but the room is so solid and gives him a sense of security.

"Lawyer Zhang, you are here."

"Director Gao, call your wife now and ask her to meet!"

As Zhang Wei said, he threw out his cell phone.


"Why, are you afraid?"

Gao Tianri shook his head, scratched his head and said in embarrassment: "It's not that I'm afraid, it's just that it's too early. Shiman has to take a beauty sleep every day. She wakes up around 6 in the morning, and then applies cucumber and facial mask. Anyway, it's not until noon You won't get up at 11 o'clock."

Zhang Wei: "emmm..."

after an hour.

Gao Tianri still called, and it was Gu Shiman's private number.

"Hello, this is the studio of celebrity Gu Shiman, who are you?"

It was not Gu Shiman who answered the phone, but a young woman.

"Xiaoxue, I'm Gao Dao, Shiman is up yet!"

"Director Gao, why do you use this strange number?"

"This is Lawyer Zhang's number. I'm with Lawyer Zhang now. Is Shiman awake? I want to discuss divorce with her!"

"Sister Shiman woke up, but she told me, if you call, let me tell you, go to William International Law Firm to discuss this afternoon, the time and place are..."

Hearing the notification from the female assistant on the other end of the phone, Gao Tianri nodded and wrote it down.

Soon, the call ended.

Gao Tianri breathed a sigh of relief instead.

"Lawyer Zhang, we're going to William International Law Firm this afternoon. Shiman has already asked Lawyer Laura to be her client."

"Oh, Laura, right? This one actually did it herself!"

Although Zhang Wei was surprised that his opponent was William International, he didn't care too much about Laura being his opponent.

After all, what really needs to be clarified in this case is the one behind Gu Shiman, and Laura is obviously not.

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei came to Zhao Xiaoxiao's side and whispered a few words in his ear.

The latter nodded, made an "OK" gesture, and then took the laptop and started to operate.

Finally, Zhang Wei looked at Zhang Xinwu, Zhang Xinyan and Xia Qianyue again.

"This time the opponent is William International, we can't be stage-frightened, everyone seems to be going!"

"Oh, by the way, this time it's a divorce lawsuit. We must not be cowardly. It seems that we have to prepare for this great director, and let the other party see our toughness!"

As Zhang Wei said, he looked at Gao Tianri again.

"Director Gao, how's your acting skills?"

"Me, acting?"

Gao Tianri was taken aback for a moment, then a smile appeared on his face.

Just a joke, I'm a well-known big director, how many years I have been in the film and television industry, and how many stars I have under my command are all cultivated by me one play after another.

Let's talk about who in the entire crew is the best at acting, and who is the best at acting.

That person is definitely not the hero and heroine, but the director himself!

No one knows acting better than me!

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