Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 527: The Lion Opens His Mouth! There are children!

Sunday afternoon.

William International Law Firm, a large conference room.

In the main conference room, Laura and Gu Shiman were sitting next to each other.

Beside Gu Shiman, there is a young woman in uniform. She is Gu Shiman's personal assistant Xiaoxue.

, so Gu Shiman stayed by her side as an assistant.

Next to Laura, there were several divorce lawyers in the law firm.

Not only that, in order to increase their aura, behind Laura and Gu Shiman stood several bodyguards in black.

This time, William International can be regarded as the best.

Laura knew that this time the opponent was Zhang Wei, and the discussion in the afternoon was the first confrontation between the two sides.

The purpose of preparing so many people is to give the other party a blow.

"Miss, they are here!"

"Hmph, it's finally here!"

Laura signaled her men to go down and open the door, but just as her men approached the doorknob, the door had already been pushed open.


The person who came was very powerful. After being hit by the door, his subordinates lost their balance and fell to the ground.

Everyone looked at the door, and saw two girls in black uniforms and sunglasses walking ahead.

Then came two boys in black suits and sunglasses on the left and right sides.

At the back of the line, there was another girl in casual clothes holding a notebook. After entering the door, she looked around and looked around the conference room curiously.

Protected by the five of them in the center was a man in a colored robe and sunglasses.

There are many pictures on the man's robe. If you look closely, it turns out that they are some cartoon game animation characters, including but not limited to a well-known blue fat man, a well-known yellow-skinned electrician, etc.

A mouse, a plumber who always wears a red hat, a good friend of a cat and a mouse.


Seeing the sticker on the man in the middle, someone finally couldn't hold back their laughter.

And laughter is contagious...

"Pfft, this is too..."

"Oh my god, come to Dream A more, this is my favorite when I was young!"

"Is that Mario? Why don't you draw his brother Luigi, the one with the green hat?"

"Pikachu, isn't it? I prefer Jenny, the stupid turtle, and the garlic bastard. Of course, it's fine to add the fire dragon."

"Oh, that's Tom, and that mouse is Jerry, no, I just want to laugh when I see them!"

Everyone complained and burst out laughing on the spot.

The meeting room, which was extremely serious just now, became harmonious in an instant.

The pressure dissipated invisible, and a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere spread in the conference room.

After all, how could it be serious in a place full of laughter and laughter?

Laura never expected that just now she said that she wanted to give Zhang Wei a blow, but in the end, the other party gave him a blow.

The aura created by his subordinates was directly destroyed by the opponent's robe with cartoon characters on it.

You are enough, I know you have childhood, but you don’t have to be like this, right?

This is a law firm, a place full of seriousness, you guys laughing like that, do you take me seriously!

Laura's complexion suddenly darkened.

The visitor finally sat down.

A group of six people sat directly opposite Laura and Gu Shiman.

Zhang Wei, Xia Qianyue, Zhao Xiaoxiao, Zhang Xinwu, Zhang Xinyan and Gao Tianri, the six are already in place.

"Miss Laura, hello!"

Zhang Wei greeted Laura first, then looked at Gu Shiman, and complimented him with a mocking expression: "Hey, is this Ms. Gu Shiman, she really is an old lady in the entertainment industry~

Senior, I can feel that the years have left many vicissitudes on your face! "


Gu Shiman couldn't tell, Zhang Wei was exaggerating and sarcasm.

Especially the "old" word, the other party pronounced it very heavily, obviously emphasizing it on purpose.

Isn't this just calling yourself old?

Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, anyway, Gu Shiman couldn't bear it, so he got up and went crazy.

Fortunately, Laura had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and pressed Gu Shiman's shoulder, preventing him from getting up.

"Lawyer Laura, you..."

"Miss Gu Shiman, please restrain yourself and don't leave a bad impression on the guests!"

"But this little bastard called me old, he..."

"Calm down!"

Under the "warning" in Laura's eyes, Gu Shiman finally took a deep breath without having an attack.

However, the way she looked at Zhang Wei was filled with unkindness and a hint of resentment.

"Lawyer Zhang, I have often heard of your name. You are a famous person in the Oriental Capital, and your customer satisfaction is 100%. I heard that even your opponents are full of praise for you...

Of course, the premise is that he has to survive! "

Laura also imitated Zhang Wei's appearance, and sarcastically exaggerated.

Your opponent is full of praise for you, probably they are going to scold you.

As for the last sentence, it made fun of Zhang Wei's nickname of "Murder Lawyer".

"You too, Lawyer Laura, to be the head of a law firm that ranks second in the East, this strength and experience is really incredible, this William International is selected every year, every year

It is rare to be able to take second place every time. Such a stable result. I heard that people outside praised you. You have always been the second most powerful lawyer in the East. It seems that you

It has a good relationship with 'two'. "

Zhang Wei also returned his respect, and repeatedly emphasized the word "second".

You little bastard, you're ruthless!

Laura scolded directly in her heart, what the hell is this pot and which pot is not to be lifted, right?

You boast that I am the second child of ten thousand years, do you really think I can't tell?

Laura never expected that Zhang Wei's experience in harming others should not be underestimated.

These two short sentences made both her and Gu Shiman angry.

"Lawyer Zhang, I invite you to my law firm not to greet each other, but to discuss some matters concerning the divorce case between you and my client."

Finally, Laura decided not to quarrel with Zhang Wei, and went directly to the topic.

She was mainly afraid that if she continued to tear it down, she would get sick from Zhang Wei's bad mouth.

"Okay, that's why we're here!"

Zhang Wei nodded, and then gestured to the client Gao Tianri beside him.

The latter took off his sunglasses, showed a sincere expression, and looked at Gu Shiman.

It's a pity that Gao Tianri's affectionate gaze didn't get Gu Shiman's response.

The latter picked up a small file for manicure and was doing beauty work on his manicure.


Zhang Weineng could tell that Gu Shiman's attitude towards Gao Tianri was extremely perfunctory!

"Lawyer Laura, what are your thoughts?"

Laura didn't answer, but nodded to a gray-haired middle-aged man beside her.

"I am lawyer Gray from William International. This is the list of damages calculated by our divorce litigation department for Ms. Gu Shiman. I hope your client, Mr. Gao, can follow the

A list of lists to compensate our customers! "

The gray-haired man took out a heavy document and pushed it directly in front of Zhang Wei and Gao Tianri.

"Gary, Gray Lawyer, right?"

Zhang Wei muttered the name of the person in front of him, it was the same as Blake in the previous case, but last time it was a black lawyer, this time it was a gray lawyer.

Instead of delving into the opponent's name, he turned to the first page of the document and began to check.

"Hey guys, these are the people who participated in the writing?"

On the first page, Zhang Wei saw a neat row of names.

The lawyers around the gray-haired man naturally didn't miss this opportunity to perform, and immediately signed up.

"I'm Green, from the Divorce Litigation Department!"

"I'm Rhett, also from the Divorce Litigation Department!"

"I'm Brown..."

The gray-haired man looked at Zhang Wei and sneered, "Let me introduce myself again. I'm Gray, the head of the Divorce Litigation Department, a partner of William International, responsible for assisting labor

Miss La handles the case! "

"Good guy, your name is really full of slots!"

Zhang Wei had to complain, what green (green), red (red), brown (brown), plus the person in charge's gray (gray), are all tm colors, right?

Do you William International like to form color teams?

"Then is there a female lawyer named Yellow in your law firm, I want to meet her?"

Everyone in William International was speechless.

Do you really think that our law firm has all colors?

You'd better look at your files!

Sure enough, Zhang Wei didn't bother with the names of these people anymore, but looked through the documents seriously.

Ten minutes later, he read the document word for word.


Zhang Wei took a picture of the thick stack of documents directly on the desktop, and then he couldn't help calling a good guy in his heart.

"You guys are serious?"

"Such a condition, do you find it humorous?"

"Or, do you think that my client will agree to these unreasonable demands?"

Zhang Wei said, looking at the group of people in front of him.

Laura winked again at the gray-haired man.

"Yes, we are serious. This compensation list is the result of communication between our divorce litigation department and the accountant. It can be said that this is our final compensation party.

case! "

Zhang Wei looked at Gu Shiman again.

At this moment, the woman had a proud expression on her face, as if she agreed with this matter.

"Lawyer Zhang, what do the terms of this contract mean?"

On the side, Gao Tianri pointed to the stack of documents, a little puzzled.

He doesn't have Zhang Wei's ability to see ten lines at a glance. If he has to read such a thick stack of documents for at least half an hour, and if he has to study all the items in it, it may be

This time has to be multiplied by 10 times.

"Ahem, let me sum it up."

Zhang Wei also knows the client's difficulties, so he explained directly: "First of all, the first point of Ms. Gu Shiman's divorce request is to require us to fully abide by the "Marriage Law"

If there is a request for property disposal, 50% of all property will be distributed to her! "

Hearing this request, Gao Tianri was not surprised, Zhang Xinwu and Xia Qianyue also nodded.

Because in divorce proceedings, common property is generally handled in this way, and each spouse gets 50%.

The numbers seem to be right.

"However, they made a list, counting all of Gao Dao's properties as common property, including not only the downtown apartments in the Oriental Capital, but also the suburban holiday houses.

Villas, as well as all properties in neighboring cities, as well as bank financing, overseas investment, etc. "

Zhang Wei said, picked up one of the pages of the list, and said with a smile: "By the way, the Northwest Ranch that you miss so much, they also help every cow and every horse there.

After evaluating the price, it was obvious that Miss Gu Shiman didn't even intend to let go of a single animal! "


Gao Tianri was anxious when he heard that Gu Shiman didn't spare even a single animal, "That ranch is my painstaking effort, and every animal there is carefully selected and bought by me."

, how do you have the heart to take them away from me? "

"Hmph, as long as it's common property, I have a share, even if it's an animal, I have to distinguish it with you!"

Gu Shiman crossed her hands, a disdainful sneer hung on the corner of her mouth, and even her tone of voice became sharp.


Gao Tianri was too angry to speak.

"Director Gao, don't get excited, the more outrageous things are yet to come!"

Zhang Wei comforted, then turned to the next page.

"They want to take away 50% of all your property, which is not the worst!"

"Ah, is there anything more excessive?" Gao Tianri was startled.

"Yes, it is clearly written here. Ms. Gu Shiman's 10 years with you has wasted her most precious years and her youth, so she asks you

Make reparations for the loss of her youth! "


Gao Tianri did not expect that Gu Shiman would still have such a request.

"Then, how much should I pay?"

"15% of your total wealth."

"Then add the 50% just now, isn't it 65%?"

Gao Tianri immediately shook his head and quit, "No, no, this request is too unreasonable. I've spent so many years praising her, how can this be counted?"

"What do you mean you spend resources to support me? I was a popular actress at that time. If I hadn't followed you, my career could have improved a few steps. It's because of marrying you

Getting married made my career start a few years late, and the loss here is all money. "

Gu Shiman saw that Gao Tianri did not intend to compensate, and immediately said in a harsh tone: "Gao Tianri, you have to compensate me for this money, and you have to apologize to me, because you

How many careers and how much money have I lost due to the delay! "


Facing his nominal wife in front of him and his unreasonable demands, Gao Tianri was so angry that his hands were shaking.

"Guide Gao, calm down, there are even more outrageous things!"

Zhang Wei comforted, and then turned to the next page.


"Yes, and more!"

Zhang Wei nodded, then pointed to the terms and said: "During the marriage, you not only cheated, but also domestically abused Ms. Gu Shiman, so Ms. Gu Shiman wants

I beg you to make compensation for her mental health and physical damage. This fee is 30% of your total property! "

"I didn't, I didn't hit her, and I didn't cheat. I went to social parties, and I just played with those women. Even after I got married, I

I seldom drink alcohol, I am wronged..."

Gao Tianri hastily called out his grievances, complaining for himself.

Zhang Wei ignored Gao Tianri's grievances and looked directly at Laura and Gu Shiman.

"You two, you said that my client's domestic violence + cheating, you should have the evidence, otherwise you would not add this item to the divorce clause, and you also require 30% of the total property

compensation, right? "

"Yes, we do have evidence in our hands. If you do not agree to the terms, we will disclose the evidence in court, and your client will be really

Lost reputation! "

Facing Zhang Wei, Laura was very confident, as if the evidence she said could prove domestic violence + cheating all day long.

"Could it be ironclad evidence?"

Seeing this scene, especially Laura's confident expression, Zhang Wei came up with such an idea.

Being so confident doesn't seem like he's cheating on us.

"Well, let's not talk about the 30% for now, we want to talk about the rest."

As Zhang Wei said, he turned to the last page, and then pointed to a number on it and asked: "According to your previous compensation terms, our client, Director Gao, has only

5% of the property has been deposited, so why do you want to deprive the last 5%? "

"What, the last 5% is not reserved for me?"

When Gao Tianri heard it, his mouth grew open, with a look of disbelief.

This is too poisonous, don't even leave 5% to me?

Zhang Xinwu and Xia Qianyue also looked at each other in blank dismay, Gu Shiman is really cruel, vicious and greedy!

50% + 15% + 30% = 95%, now the remaining 5% is not reserved for Gao Tianri, this is clearly to let the latter leave the house!

"Also, what is the meaning of 'support' in this clause? After the divorce, we should no longer be responsible for Miss Gu Shiman's daily life and so on, right?

What about child support? "

"Hmph, I don't need his money anymore, but the child in my stomach does!"

As Gu Shiman said, she gently stroked her stomach with her hand, with a proud face.


Zhang Wei froze for a moment, then looked at Gao Tianri.

This child is yours?

"How is it possible? We haven't had sex for more than a year, right?"

Gao Tianri was wronged too, he frantically shook his head in denial.

Haven't lived together for more than a year?

Zhang Wei's eyes moved from Gao Tianri's body to the top of his head, and he always felt that there was a green light shining there.

"Hmph, have you forgotten what you did? You drank that day, and you were in the apartment..."

"Impossible, I know how much I've drank, it's absolutely impossible, and recently, I've been filming in other places!"

"You still want to deny it, but I have seen a doctor, even that day, the time is right!"

"What day was that day, I don't remember?"

() Gu Shiman put her hands on her hips, assuming that Gao Tianri was the father of the child in her stomach.

Gao Tianri naturally denied it, he didn't even remember that he and Gu Shiman had slept in the same bed this year, how could this child be his own.

"So that means, Ms. Gu Shiman is pregnant, and the last 5% of the child support is for the child in your womb?"

"Of course, this is also Ms. Gu Shiman's request!" Laura nodded, confirming the statement.

"Since a child is involved in this case, I have to discuss it with the person concerned. Give us 5 minutes!"

As Zhang Wei said, he led a group of people out of the conference room.

In the corridor outside the door, Zhang Wei looked at Gao Tianri, and Gao Tianri also looked at Zhang Wei.

Finally, Gao Tianri lowered his head with a guilty conscience.

"Well, what's the matter with this child, is it yours?"

"Lawyer Zhang, it's really not mine. I really haven't touched her this year, and I don't even remember the days she said."

"You mean, are you sure you're not so-called drunk, and you didn't have sex with Gu Shiman recently?"

"I'm sure!" Gao Tianri finally raised his head with a serious expression on his face.

"Then according to what you said, you haven't even done anything with her. Could it be that this child is not yours, but an adulterer..."

Zhang Wei glanced at Gao Tianri, and he always felt that the lawyer above the opponent's head seemed to be more colorful than before.

"I see, then let's reject these unreasonable conditions!"

Zhang Wei knew that he had to consider his customers.

The conditions of William International are not to make it clear that Gao Tianri is being taken advantage of!

This is simply, too bullying!

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