Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 528 Who is the adulterer? are on the phone

meeting room.

The atmosphere was tense again.

"Let me confirm again, these are all your conditions, right?"

Zhang Wei turned up the documents in front of him, looked at Laura and Gu Shiman in front of him, and a group of lawyers representing William International.

"Yes, this is our condition, you either accept it, or we will see you in court!"

"No chance of giving in?"


Seeing that the other party answered so stubbornly and decisively, he even refused to give a chance at all.

Zhang Wei couldn't help but sighed, stood up slowly, and then got old-fashioned:

"I opened these terms and saw that although there was no annotation, and every page was crooked, there were words such as "youth loss", "reasonable compensation" and even "for the child". I couldn't figure it out anyway. I read it several times before I could see the words between your words, this book is full of two words...'eating people'!"

"Lawyer Zhang, what do you mean? Why can't I understand you?"

It's no wonder that Laura couldn't understand, and even Gray, Brown and others around her were confused.

What is this all about?

But it's right to think about it, none of them are from Longguo, so naturally they haven't heard the words of a certain sage with the surname Lu.

"It's very simple. If you want to cheat people, you don't want to cheat like this. We refuse to accept these conditions, and if you don't make concessions, then we can only meet in court!"

On Zhang Wei's side, he also stiffened up.

He threw the so-called "reconciliation terms" in his hand on the table, and then winked at Gao Tianri.

"Shiman, do you really want to be so heartless?"

The senior director originally acted quite tough, but now his tone softened, and there was a hint of pleading when he spoke.

He seemed to hope that Gu Shiman would change his mind.

But Gu Shiman didn't look at him from the beginning to the end, and he was unwavering in his begging attitude.

"Gao Tianri, you have to accept this condition, or we will confront Bo in court. Begging for mercy here will only make me look down on you even more!"

"Shiman, you..."


Laura couldn't help it anymore, stood up and interrupted: "Mr. Gao, please give up, deliberately selling miserably will not only fail to win the consent of my client, we will even issue an order to you on the grounds that you verbally harass my client. Expulsion!"

Her expression seemed to say again, don't be so pushy, we have already made a decision, you can do it yourself.

Seeing this, Gao Tianri could only sigh helplessly, and a strong unwillingness flashed across his face.

"Director Gao, since your wife is like this, there is no point in us staying any longer!"

Zhang Wei gave a word of consolation, and then looked at Gu Shiman and Laura, "You two ladies, since you have made a choice, I, Zhang, also respect your choice. It's just that in court, once you and I both choose Opposition, then how the outcome of this trial, you also have to know!"

"Lawyer Zhang, are you threatening me?"

Laura crossed her arms, looking disdainful.

"I can't talk about threats, but I, Mr. Zhang, hate that you have done something wrong and refused to admit it. In the end, you still want to slaughter my client like a fat cow. You have gone too far!"

"Of course, since you want to go all the way to the end, then I won't stop you. It's just that people like you who are ungrateful can't understand some things. I hope you don't regret it when the time comes!"

Zhang Wei threw harsh words at William International, waved his hand and said, "Let's go!"

He took the lead in getting up, and Gao Tianri, Xia Qianyue, Zhao Xiaoxiao, Zhang Xinwu and Zhang Xinyan all followed suit.

After that, the group of people pushed the door open without looking back, and left William International quickly.

meeting room.

Gu Shiman, Laura and others naturally watched Zhang Wei and his party leave.

"Lawyer Laura, did that Zhang Wei threaten us?"

"Miss Gu, this is the basic operation of our legal profession. It is a routine procedure to speak harshly before the trial."

Laura smiled calmly, not caring about Zhang Wei's threat at all.

Because this is the basic practice of the industry, lawyers in big law firms will speak harshly to their opponents before a court session or before they decide to go to court.

If ordinary junior lawyers hear these threats, they will probably give up the idea of ​​going to court. Even if they don't, they will have doubts or anxiety, which will affect the performance of the court trial.

Therefore, Zhang Wei's behavior is normal, and Laura is naturally used to these behaviors.

"However, that guy is Zhang Wei after all, we still need to make some preparations!"

Laura said, looking at the "color team" beside her.

"Miss Gu, this is lawyer Gray from our company's divorce litigation department, and his team members. I'm not boasting. Gray and the others specialize in divorce litigation. Even in terms of professional ability, I think they are better than Jincheng Law Firm's civil lawyers. The litigation department is more professional!"

"Ms. Gu Shiman, hello, I'm Grey!"

Grey-haired man Gray took advantage of the opportunity and handed over a business card.

Gu Shiman took the business card, but looked at Laura with some doubts in her eyes. .

"Miss Laura, then you..."

Perhaps seeing the client's doubts, Laura smiled slightly: "Miss Gu, don't worry, Gray and the others are experts in divorce proceedings, but I will still attend the trial!"

"After all, this time we are facing that Zhang Wei. The lawyers in Dongfang Capital are all gearing up to defeat him!"

"Although he focuses on criminal litigation, he is also quite strong in civil litigation. Whoever can defeat him will be the number one lawyer in the East!"

When Laura said this, a gleam flashed in her eyes.

She seemed to see herself defeating Zhang Wei and then ascending to the top lawyer in the Oriental Capital.

She must win this case!

No, she will definitely win this case!


William International, downstairs.

Zhang Wei and his party took the elevator, went downstairs directly, and walked out of William International.

After the group stopped, Zhang Wei looked back at the magnificent office building, and then couldn't help but shook his head.

"Director Gao, it's alright."

Following his reminder, Gao Tianri, who was originally sad, suddenly stopped crying.

Not only did he stop crying, but the little grief and sadness on his face disappeared without a trace, and his face became extraordinarily calm.

However, those with strong observation skills may be able to find that under his calmness, there is indeed some sadness, but it is suppressed by his powerful expression control ability.

"Lawyer Zhang, I didn't expect that woman to be so heartless!"

That woman, of course, refers to Gu Shiman.

The other party's performance just now can be described as "unfeeling and unyielding", it is really too much.

"Yeah, it's really too much!"

Zhang Wei also nodded, "She wants to take all the 1 billion property, and not leave you a penny. This is too much."

"And... the woman's expression doesn't seem to be acting."

As Zhang Wei said, he looked at Gao Tianri with a questioning face.

"Yeah, she's not acting. I can tell that it's her real expression, without any acting skills!"

Gao Tianri is a great director, and the people he has the most contact with on weekdays are of course actors.

The number of well-known actors at home and abroad that he has seen can't be counted with two hands, so it is impossible to pretend to be acting in front of him.

On the contrary, it was Gao Tianri who fooled everyone, including Gu Shiman, with his acting skills with a little sincerity in the meeting room.

He made everyone think that he was a coward, so that Laura and the others opened their mouths and said the ultimate goal at once.

"Now we can be sure, Gu Shiman really doesn't want to let you live!"

"As for Laura and the divorce lawyer, they are actually just supporting the role. The key problem is still with Gu Shiman."

Zhang Wei recalled the scenes in the conference room and analyzed the current situation.

"Currently we have one of the hardest problems to solve!"

"What's the problem?" Gao Tianri asked quickly.


Zhang Wei raised a finger and pointed to the direction of the conference room above.

Gu Shiman personally admitted that she was pregnant.

A pregnant woman is a "nuclear weapon" level existence in court.

Weak women who are pregnant, innocent children who have lost their loved ones, disabled people with injuries, and helpless old people who have no one to rely on.

Commonly known as: court nuclear weapons!

But now, the opponent has a court nuclear weapon, which is really very unfavorable to one's own side.

"Lawyer Zhang, that child is really not mine!"

Gao Tianri definitely denied it.

"Gu Shiman, if you have sex with her during the ovulation period, the pregnancy cycle is about 6-7 days, that is, within a week. Looking at the appearance of Gu Shiman's abdomen, the pregnancy should not exceed one month, then it is Say within about a month, have you had sex with her?"

"Of course not. I was out of town at the beginning of this month, and I will return to Dongfangdu in the middle of the month!"

Gao Tianri quickly denied it, and he himself was confused.

I'm not in Dongfangdu, and Gu Shiman and I haven't shared the same bed for several years, so it's really impossible to get pregnant.

And on the day Gu Shiman said, he was 100% sure that he was not in Dongfangdu, and it was even more impossible for him to QJ with Jiu Jin.

This is obviously Gu Shiman's excuse.

"Then this is a problem, because there is no way to do a paternity test for an unborn child!"

Zhang Wei also shook his head, feeling a little helpless.

How to do a paternity test for an embryo that is less than one month old, you have to wait 9 months before Gu Shiman gives birth to the child.

But this case, will it take so long?

"Actually, there is an easy way!"

Zhang Wei raised a finger again, "It is up to us to find the biological father of the child!"

"Yes, find that adulterer!" Gao Tianri also regained his energy, with a look of indignation.

If the child is not yours, then whose is it?

There is only one answer, and that is the adulterer.

To confirm the ownership of the child, if there is no way to do a paternity test, then the adulterer can only admit it.

To do this, you need to confirm who the target is, and then start the follow-up investigation.


"You go back first, Hanhan and I go, let's investigate the identity of that adulterer!"

Zhang Wei began to issue a course of action.

Under the cover of Zhang Xinwu and Zhang Xinyan, Gao Tianri returned to Zhang's Martial Arts Hall.

Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue launched an investigation.

"I'm going too, I'm going too, I want to participate in this kind of mission!"

Originally in Zhang Wei's plan, the second daughter Zhao Xiaoxiao should also go back to stand by.

But for some reason, this girl also became interested in catching an adulterer, so she insisted on following Zhang Wei.

Naturally, Zhang Wei didn't mind, the second girl followed, one more person equals one more pair of eyes, maybe he could find some clues.

"That's fine, let's start to act too, first use the method of elimination to test to see if this adulterer is one of the five families!"

As Zhang Wei spoke, he felt the second girl looking at him.

"Ahem, of course, Uncle Zhao can rule it out. I believe that Uncle Zhao won't have such a bad eye for that Gu Shiman!"

"That's about the same." Zhao Xiaoxiao nodded immediately.

"Who is that?" Xia Qianyue on the side scratched her head curiously.

"The rest are the Lin family, the Zhang family, the Hua family and the Wu family, right?"

Zhang Wei thought about it, and the Hua family should also rule it out.

Because although Hua Chaofan is a member of the five major families, his Hua family has no background at all in the East.

Gu Shiman's ability to abandon a big director's husband who is worth 1 billion means that the man she is looking for must have a better status than the big director, and that's why she has no hesitation.

Hua Chaofan's current status is not worthy of Gu Shiman's choice.

"Then, it's the Lin family, the Zhang family and the Wu family!"

Zhang Wei thought for a while, and ruled out the Zhang family.

Because the only person in the Zhang family who can hook up with Gu Shiman is Zhang Tianlong.

But Zhang Tianlong is the mayor after all, if he really wants to hook up with a female celebrity, why should he be a married woman?

Besides, to hook up with Gu Shiman, one condition must be met, that is, the adulterer must be the employer of the martial arts crew "Wulin of Two".

However, Zhang Tianlong's property is "public", so it is impossible for him to become a capitalist.

"Now, only the Lin family and the Wu family are left, and now the goal is clear."

Thinking so, Zhang Wei decided to ask someone to test out the details of the Lin family.

"Second girl, go check out the crew of "The Martial Arts of Two People" and find out who is the main employer behind it."


Zhao Xiaoxiao picked up the notebook and started working directly.

"I also need to make a phone call to inform my little apprentice and ask her to find out about someone."

As Zhang Wei said, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.


Dongjiang Yipin, the residence of the Lin family.

In the Jiangjing mansion, Lin Yumeng was wearing pajamas, sitting on the window sill of Jiangjing, holding a tablet computer in one hand, happily watching dramas.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

"Hey, hey, who is it, do you want people to rest on the big weekend?"

"Yeah, it's Master!"

"Well, master, what's the matter with you? I'm going to rest on the big weekend. If it's about work, please forgive me for being powerless."

As Lin Yumeng said, she looked around with a guilty conscience.

She was afraid that Zhang Wei would come out from nowhere and drag her to work.

Fortunately, Zhang Wei called her not because of work, but because of...

"What, you said my father..."

"How do I verify this?"

"Oh, you mean, just give my mom a hint, why didn't I think of that?"

"Okay, make me your apprentice, and wait for my news!"

After Lin Yumeng hung up the phone, she looked at the time.

The afternoon is approaching the evening, and it is the time for mother to "call off work".

Sure enough, within 2 minutes, the door opened.

"Ma'am, welcome home!"

The mansion is equipped with a smart butler, which almost automatically reports the identity of the visitor.

Mrs. Lin, Zhang Wei's landlady, was carrying a lady's bag at the moment, with a smile on her lips.

Seeing this smile, Lin Yumeng knew that she must have won money at the mahjong table.

"Mom, welcome back."

She rolled her eyeballs and hurriedly greeted him with a smile.

The landlady was also very happy to see her daughter, and she was very happy when she won money at the mahjong table.

Lin Yumeng also played the role of a good daughter, chatting with her mother.

While chatting, she saw that the time was almost up, so she began to follow the temptation.

"Well, mom, my friends and the others... Let me say it first, it's really my friends. They heard that my father has been a little lately... That's that, maybe he raised a woman outside..."

After Lin Yumeng finished speaking, she looked at her mother intentionally or unintentionally, and the latter fell silent for a while.

"your friend?"

"Yeah, it's really my friends, they also said they saw Dad at the golf club..."

The landlady's face darkened, and then she took out her mobile phone.

However, she hesitated when dialing the number, and instead of dialing Lin Xiangtian's number, she dialed another one.

Soon, the call was connected.

The landlady suddenly pinched her face, and she was crying under the stimulation of pain.

"Elder-in-law, you have to decide for me, Fatty Lin, he actually raised a woman outside!"

Facing the crying of his daughter-in-law, Lin Jincheng on the other end of the phone couldn't help frowning.

"Calm down, you're just a caddy in a golf club, a working girl from out of town has no status and can't threaten you!"


"Can I still lie to you?"

"Is there really only one caddy?"

"Uh... Maybe there is also a female secretary of the group, a female widow who sells jade in other places, and a female home improvement boss in a neighboring city, but don't worry, the little fat man walks less with the last two now, the female secretary I asked Ah Rong to turn around and drive her away, and give her some money to send her back to her hometown!"

"Yeah, thank you, sir."

"It's okay, but this little fat man is too, so he can't imitate his brother. Although Ah Rong has no skills, at least he won't go out and mess around!"

"Yes, yes, brother is a good man, unlike that fat man..."

After exchanging pleasantries with Lin Jincheng for a while, the landlady hung up the phone.

After hearing that her husband only had these few lovers, and that her father-in-law would help her, she breathed a sigh of relief.

It's okay, everything is still within the acceptable range.

But Lin Yumeng heard the whole conversation, immediately took out her mobile phone, edited a V message and sent it to Zhang Wei.

the other side.

Zhang Wei was stunned when he received Lin Yumeng's V letter.

"Okay, Fatty Lin, are you so awesome?"

Seeing Lin Xiangtian's romantic history, Zhang Wei can only say, admire!

As expected of a big boss, he is truly a role model for my generation!

But because of Lin Yumeng's information, the Lin family can now be ruled out.

There are only two people in the Lin family who can hook up with Gu Shiman, Lin Xiangtian and Lin Xiangrong.

Lin Xiangrong doesn't mess around, and among Lin Xiangtian's women, there is no such thing as Gu Shiman, so the Lin family excludes it.

Now, the goal is clear.


Or to be more precise, it was the Second Master Wu of the Wu family.

Wu Yuanzong is the man behind Gu Shiman!

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