Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 529 The ambition of the samurai family? See Wu Yuanzong

On the outskirts of Dongfangdu, the Wu Family Manor.

Wu Yuanzong sat alone in the hall of the manor.

Looking at the empty hall, he let out a long sigh while his eyes sighed.

Once upon a time, their samurai family was the leader of martial arts, and the master of martial arts was Taishan Beidou of orthodox martial arts.

When martial arts was prosperous back then, Wu Yuanzong still remembered that people in the family came and went, and martial arts practitioners from all over the world gathered in the Wu family manor.

At that time, the Martial God Ability only needed to raise his arms, and thousands of martial arts practitioners responded to the call to fight against the enemy with him.

And now?

Ever since the Martial Arts was defeated by a little-known little girl at the Martial Arts Conference, and even the most outstanding warriors of the three generations of the Wu family were killed by the opponent with a single punch, the entire Wu family has been defeated.

The five great families of the Oriental Capital, although all of them have profound backgrounds.

But the foundation is only the foundation after all, the lingering shadow of the ancestors is still there, but there will always be a day when it will be exhausted by the descendants.

They also have to keep pace with the development of the new era.

After all, their martial arts family is a family of martial arts, and they always pay attention to subduing people with martial arts.

But now is a new era, there is such a thing as law, and the method of subduing people with force is likely to be convicted of picking quarrels and provoking trouble.

What are you doing?

Therefore, the decline of the Wu family was unexpected but also reasonable.

A warrior is a warrior after all.

Now is the era of peace and the era of Internet technology.

The Wu family's industry also needs to keep up with the times and the rhythm of today.

"Because of this, our martial arts family also needs the support of new industries!"

Wu Yuanzong looked at the hall he saw, and thought of something in his heart.

In fact, he has already started to plan this matter.

The Martial Dao Conference back then was a big step taken by their martial arts family in order to lay out new industries.

The original plan was good. The new generation of Wu Renjie, the first member of the martial arts family, became a blockbuster at the martial arts conference, earning the attention of the audience. At the same time, he promoted martial arts so that the whole people could understand and get in touch with martial arts.

When the time comes, martial arts will be born again, and martial arts training will be carried out in Dongfangdu or even surrounding cities, or martial arts education will be popularized, then a lot of money will be made.

Of course, martial artists don't really teach ordinary people too many things, they also teach basic martial arts.

Anyway, cutting leeks does not need to be taught too well.

At that time, it is only necessary to popularize martial arts, and their martial arts will use the identity of the master of martial arts to create heat.

At that time, all the people will practice martial arts, using martial arts as a selling point to strengthen their bodies, and trick children and teenagers into practicing martial arts to earn money from their parents.

Wu Yuanzong also planned it long ago. What makes the most money now is the best money for children. In other words, parents who are willing to spend money for children are the best cheaters.

And now there is a word called involution!

At that time, my child has practiced martial arts, but your child has not practiced. Then my child will be better, physically better, and able to stay up late to study. Does it mean that his grades will be better?

Once the comparison and competition come up, don't parents throw money at their children?

If Wu Yuanzong's plan is successful, then martial arts training will be the most profitable industry in the new era in the future.

Wu Yuanzong even dreamed that by relying on the profiteering industry of martial arts training, the Wu family would replace the Lin family and become the wealthiest of the five families.

such a pity……

It's a pity that all of this was ruined by a little girl.

Wu Renjie not only failed to win in the martial arts conference, but was defeated by one move on the contrary.


His father Wu Shentong was also hanged and beaten by that little girl at the martial arts lord challenge meeting!

If it wasn't for the last moment, the little girl was so quick that she didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue her, maybe the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance would also be lost.


all in all.

Because of the meddling of a little girl, the plan for the rise of the Wu family has completely stumbled.

After all, no one likes to come second!

Strictly speaking, the Wu family ranked second in the martial arts conference and in the challenge session of the martial arts leader.

This second child, I can't get it out!

Therefore, Wu Yuanzong had no choice but to revitalize the Wu family through other methods.

And this step requires external assistance.

What kind of external force?

Wu Yuanzong thought of a woman, and thought of that woman's incumbent.

"I heard that the woman is now competing for the family property with the incumbent. If she succeeds, the incumbent will lose everything, and the studio and network company under her name will all be owned by the woman!"

Once the court decides that all property belongs to the woman...

The corner of Wu Yuanzong's mouth slightly raised a strange arc.

Everything belongs to the woman, so it is equivalent to belonging to his name, and it is also equivalent to belonging to the Wu family.

That's right, the first step in the rise of the Wu family is to eat someone's property!

It is thanks to Wu Yuanzong's thick skin that he will rise by relying on women.

Speaking of which industry is the most profitable now, it is naturally the entertainment industry.

I didn't look at the current entertainment industry, can those stars make a lot of money without talking about acting at all?

Just find a few traffic niches, find a few traffic internet celebrities to shoot a movie with no acting skills, and create some heat in the promotion room, and fans will pay for it.

Fan circles and fan circles are the best money to earn, and there is almost no cost, a good deal with huge profits.

Wu Yuanzong felt that since it is so easy to make money, our Wu family must have a hand.

"I hope that woman, don't let me down, I have clearly instructed her to find a good lawyer!"

Wu Yuanzong muttered, thinking of his previous advice.

He didn't really care much about that woman, and he just wanted to have fun at the beginning.

But later, with the limited development of the Wu family, after thinking about it a lot, he suddenly felt that the woman was useful.

Wu Yuanzong thought of a plan.

Can I rely on that woman's identity and swallow everything that woman has now?

And to achieve this step, you really have to rely on "insiders"!

"When the plan is completed, our Wu family will be involved in one of the fastest-growing industries in the new era!"

"Although people may be said to be soft food, but for the sake of my Wu family, I, Wu Yuanzong, decided to sacrifice myself and go all out!"

Wu Yuanzong thought of this, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more uncontrollable.

"Second Master, there are guests outside the door asking to see you!"

But at this moment, at the entrance of the hall, a subordinate came to report.


Wu Yuanzong was surprised, it's the weekend night, and there are still guests coming to visit?

"who is it?"

"He said his name is Zhang Wei!"

"Zhang Wei?!"

Wu Yuanzong was no stranger to Zhang Wei.

This old boy has already offended the five great masters, to be precise, the Zhang family who is the head of the five great masters.

Zhang Lang, the youngest of the Zhang family, was sent to prison by this kid.

The second child, Zhang Dihu, was also ruined by this kid, and the identity of the leader of the Tiger Hall was completely exposed.

Although through Zhang Tianlong's relationship, the final investigation of Zhang Dihu was over, but Zhang Dihu lost a woman and "20 billion" leek money, which can be described as a heavy loss.

This is not counting the damage to the Zhang family's reputation caused by this whole incident, and the additional impact that Zhang Dihu will have to keep a low profile from now on.

Zhang Wei was obviously on the Zhang family's blacklist.

In fact, if you really want to talk about it, the grievances between Zhang Wei and the Wu family are also not small.

Because the little girl who defeated Wu Renjie, a rookie of the Wu family, and Wu Renjie, the face of the Wu family, is Zhang Wei's girlfriend.

Although Wu Yuanzong really couldn't understand, how could a little girl have such terrifying fighting power.

But the fact is, he can't change it...

"Zhang Wei, what did you come to see me for, do I know him well?"

Wu Yuanzong thought for a while, but he didn't intend to see this Zhang Wei.

Because the Zhang family hated Zhang Wei so much!

There is no need for the Wu family to contact the Zhang family's enemies. Although the five families act for their own interests, they still have to show a "communicative spirit".

"Let him go, I won't see him!"

Therefore, Wu Yuanzong thought about it and decided to let Zhang Wei leave.

"Second Master, they said that if you refuse, they will not be polite!"

Seeing Wu Yuanzong's refusal, the subordinates quickly said Zhang Wei's second sentence.

"This kid... Wait, you said they, he didn't come alone?"

"There are three of them, apart from the young man named Zhang Wei, there are also two girls around the same age!"

"Around the same age, girl, could it be..."

Wu Yuanzong immediately thought of something.

"Is there a girl with short hair who looks thin and weak?"

"That's right, Second Master, let alone that girl is thin and thin, her chest is really flat..."

After hearing this, Wu Yuanzong immediately understood.

"Fuck, it's her...cough cough, let them in..."

Just kidding, that Yimapingchuan is not an ordinary person, but even his own father is not an opponent!

Zhang Wei, did he already guess that I would refuse, so he threatened to do it with that great fear!

If we really started to fight, wouldn't our Wu family be singled out by that girl alone?

Therefore, Wu Yuanzong felt that sometimes he should be subdued or he should be subdued.

That is, he, Wu Yuanzong, was able to assess the situation.

If it were his martial idiot brother, or other martial arts family members, they might have to fight that girl now.

In that case, the consequences would be dire.


Under the leadership of the Wu family's subordinates, Zhang Wei brought Xia Qianyue and Zhao Xiaoxiao to the hall where Wu Yuanzong was.

"Oh, that little girl from the Zhao family is here too!"

Seeing Zhao Xiaoxiao following Zhang Wei, Wu Yuanzong was puzzled at first, but soon understood.

Wu Yuanzong is naturally no stranger to Zhao Xiaoxiao.

Zhao Qingyan's daughter.

Zhang Lang once wanted to attack Zhao Xiaoxiao, but the boy Zhang Wei ruined the plan, even including Zhang Lang.

Therefore, Wu Yuanzong was not surprised that Zhao Xiaoxiao followed Zhang Wei.

"Three, please sit down!"

As the host, Wu Yuanzong still showed generosity.

The three of Zhang Wei sat down, and then Zhang Wei spoke.

"Second Master Wu, I'm waiting for the three of you to pay us a surprise visit late at night, so I invite Haihan!"

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Seeing that Zhang Wei gave enough courtesy, Wu Yuanzong was a little surprised.

You kid is still so polite, could it be that you have something to ask for?

"Lawyer Zhang, what do you mean by coming to my Wu Family?"

"Second Master Wu, since you have already asked this question, then I will confess. I would like to ask, do you know this woman Gu Shiman?"

Hearing the name "Gu Shiman", Wu Yuanzong's expression changed slightly.

"Lawyer Zhang, who is this woman?"

"Second Master Wu, are you pretending to be a bit obvious?"

Zhang Wei naturally saw at a glance that Wu Yuanzong was lying.

"Lawyer Zhang, I don't understand what you mean by that?"

"Second Master Wu, this woman is the heroine of the movie "Martial Arts of Two People" invested by your martial arts family. You haven't heard of her?"

Zhang Wei thinks, do you, Wu Yuanzong, dare to be a little more fake?

Even if your warriors are all martial idiots, you don't pay attention to things in the entertainment industry.

But the movie you invested in was paid for, and you don't even know the name of the heroine. Isn't that a bit too much?

"Oh, I see?"

After Wu Yuanzong rolled his eyes, he chuckled and put on a perfunctory face: "Sorry, I don't pay much attention to the entertainment industry. That movie was also brought over by the fat man from the Lin family to invest in it. I don't know much about these things."


Zhang Wei fixed his eyes on Wu Yuanzong, and asked, "Second Master Wu, do you really not know Gu Shiman?"

"Lawyer Zhang, you know that our martial arts family are all rough people, and the world of martial arts and the entertainment industry are two different worlds. Do you think it is necessary for me to know that lady named Gu Shiman?"

Seeing Wu Yuanzong denying it again, Zhang Wei suddenly smiled.

"Oh, so that's the case, then I'm relieved."

"rest assured?"

"Yes, Second Master Wu, since Gu Shiman has nothing to do with your Wu family, then I'm completely relieved."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Zhang Wei's mouth: "By the way, Second Master Wu, have you heard recently that Gu Shiman is going to get a divorce?"

"Lawyer Zhang, as I said, I'm not interested in things in the entertainment industry."

"That's really a pity, because I also joined this case recently, but I'm not helping Gu Shiman, but helping Gu Shiman's husband, Gao Tianri, and I'm Director Gao's attorney!"

As soon as this remark came out, Wu Yuanzong's face showed a trace of astonishment.

Zhang Wei is Gao Tianri's attorney, which Wu Yuanzong really didn't know.

In fact, Wu Yuanzong may order his subordinates to go down to find out the latest situation of Gu Shiman and Gao Tianri tonight, maybe they will know the details of the case tomorrow.

But unexpectedly, Zhang Wei took the lead and killed him by surprise.

"Since Gu Shiman has nothing to do with Wu Erye or even the Wu family, then I think I can do my best!"

Regardless of how shocked and fearful Wu Yuanzong's expression was, Zhang Wei still said to himself: "Actually, I think this woman's behavior is a little too much, so I decided to help Director Gao fight for his rights and protect his rights." His property!"

"My purpose is very simple. It is to abort the plan of this woman, Gu Shiman. It is best to let her go out of the house, so that she will not get a penny!"

Wu Yuanzong's eyelids began to twitch unnaturally.

"Lawyer Zhang, don't you say that too much? It's not easy for women."

"That's right, it's really not easy to live with an adulterer behind my husband's back, and to seize all of my husband's property!"

Zhang Wei chuckled, and directly responded to Wu Yuanzong.

Now, not only Wu Yuanzong's eyelids were twitching, but even his facial muscles were almost uncontrollable.

Zhang Wei didn't seem to notice the change in Wu Yuanzong's expression, and the smile on his face became more sinister.

"Second Master Wu, have you ever heard a sentence, that is, never have a married woman!"

Wu Yuanzong was stunned, what the hell do you mean by saying this to me?

You kid, did you really see something?

"Lawyer Zhang, you..."

But Zhang Wei continued: "This kind of woman, once she can't control her well, she will easily get into trouble~"

Wu Yuanzong's complexion darkened, "Lawyer Zhang, are you so experienced at such a young age? Presumably you've seen women a lot?"

"Yeah, I have met women a lot, but I have met girls from good families~"

As Zhang Wei said, his right hand subconsciously hugged the waist of the girl beside him, and looked at Wu Yuanzong with a proud face.

Look, this girl next to me is a girl from a good family.

Xia Qianyue was "suddenly attacked" by Zhang Wei's hand. She was a little surprised at first, but she still cooperated with Zhang Wei, showing a shy expression.

Wu Yuanzong called secretly, good guy!

What is it about you, this girl with terrifying fighting power?

Don't tell me you're a good kid?

Also, I said you have a lot of women, why don't you deny it?

In case the girl next to you asks, how do you explain it?

I also admire you Zhang Wei, you are so courageous, you dare to be so arrogant in front of a tiger!

"Lawyer Zhang, you didn't come to see me just to show your affection in front of me, did you?"

Wu Yuanzong said, if you have something to say, just say it, don't make insinuations.

"Second Master Wu, I just came to inform you that I am determined to move on Gu Shiman. Since you said that she has nothing to do with the Wu family, it is naturally the best."

Zhang Wei seemed relieved, smiled at Wu Yuanzong, and then got up directly.

"Then, Second Master Wu, farewell!"

"Go slowly, I won't send it off!"

Wu Yuanzong replied perfunctorily, and let Zhang Wei and the others leave.

Until Zhang Wei's figure disappeared at the exit of the hall, Wu Yuanzong's face became completely gloomy.

"Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei, this kid again, is he going to sabotage our plan for the rise of the martial arts?"

"No, it can't be like this, I have to ask Gu Shiman to prepare more, and absolutely can't let this kid ruin the plan this time!"

Wu Yuanzong said, and went back to his room directly, ready to contact Gu Shiman.

This time, he must tell the other party to be fully prepared.

the other side.

The gate of the Wu Family Manor.

"This Wu Yuanzong must know Gu Shiman, and he may even be the adulterer!"

Zhang Wei recalled the "friendly conversation" with Wu Yuanzong just now, recalled the other party's every move, and directly used an affirmative tone.

"Hee hee, sure enough, but I have to say, this uncle of the Wu family has a bad eye!" Zhao Xiaoxiao on the side also nodded, and she also guessed something.

"By the way, how did you find out? Why didn't I find out that Second Master Wu had a connection with Gu Shiman?" On the contrary, Xia Qianyue didn't understand.

"So you're stupid, no wonder you're called Hanhan!" Zhao Xiaoxiao chuckled, and blinked at Xia Qianyue with her bright eyes.

"Zhang Wei, your hand?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, just now, in order to stimulate Wu Yuanzong, I showed off my acting skills on the spot."

Zhang Wei hastily withdrew his hand from Xia Qianyue's waist, but Xia Qianyue did not resist, which made Zhang Wei secretly happy.

It seems that some of her intimate actions will not arouse Xia Qianyue's resentment.

In the future, can I be bolder?

Hehehe, today's harvest is great~

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