Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 536 Ah Jun's Heartfelt Words? The human setting collapsed!

"It's expensive for your size!"

With Zhang Wei's sudden move, the whole court was blown up.

Everyone looked at each other and looked at the court in disbelief.

What did the defendant's lawyer say just now?

He seems to have turned his face straight away, doesn't he?

The witness replied, and then was scolded by the lawyer?

It seems that this is really the case, the defendant's lawyer fired directly in court.

This is really... audacious!

"No, the defendant's lawyer is harassing the witness!"

As the questioner, Gray was the first to stand up.

"No, the defendant's lawyer is intimidating the witness!"

Laura on the side also stood up and echoed.

This time, the two of them stared at Zhang Wei with vicious and suspicious eyes.

They obviously couldn't figure it out, why did you, Zhang Wei, come so suddenly after such a good cross-examination.

"Zhang Wei!"

Even Ni Qiuping, who was on the trial bench, couldn't help it anymore, with a look of anger on her face.

If you don't explain clearly to my old lady today, believe it or not, I will make you unable to get out of this court, and let you go to the confinement room next door to be with the two guys from William International!

"Judge Ni, and everyone, I'm sorry!"

At this moment, Zhang Wei, who was the instigator, finally apologized.

"I shouldn't lose my temper in court, but I really can't control it, because I can't accept what the witness said. How can someone be so ungrateful, dare to lie in court, and lie a lot, Shit doesn't make sense!"

But when he lowered his head to apologize, his tone was not convinced at all.

"You, what do you mean!"

Ah Jun can naturally hear that the person Zhang Wei said was lying in court and telling a lot of lies refers to himself.

"Why, are you still not convinced?"

Zhang Wei stopped bowing and raised his face directly, and came face to face with Ah Jun once.

"I'm definitely not convinced!"

Ah Jun naturally argued hard, and became hardened on the spot.

"My friendship with Director Gao is not comparable to that of a lawyer like you who has only known him for two or three days!"


Zhang Wei smiled slightly, with sarcasm on the corner of his mouth, "Then the friendship between you and Director Gao for almost 10 years, can't resist the gossip on the Internet?"

As soon as these words came out, the bit of stubbornness in Ah Jun's body also disappeared.


If it is true as I said, I support Director Gao, then I must stand by his side.

But in fact, which celebrity dares to express his opinion now, saying that he supports Gao Tianri.

Then he will be attacked by the Internet trolls and the fans who support Gu Shiman all over the Internet.

He dare not!

In other words, as long as they are insiders, they dare not express their support for Gao Tianri at this time.

Whoever supports it will be unlucky!

I, Ah Jun, finally made it to the front line, and my future is bright.

Do I need to bet on my future, joke about my future and money?

That is of course impossible.

So standing in line with Gu Shiman is a must!

But this matter happened to be pointed out by Zhang Wei.

You side with Gu Shiman, so what about the nearly 10-year friendship between you and Gao Tianri?

He still has the kindness to know you, and also has the kindness to support you, so you just give up?

Yes, Ah Jun gave up.

He knew that after the testimony in this case was over, the friendship between him and Gao Tianri had come to an end.

However, Ah Jun didn't care.

Because after this case is over, Gao Tianri will also leave the house, and with his "domestic violence and derailment" and other incidents being exposed, he will definitely be blocked by the industry.

What is the value of a director who will not continue to make movies?

Every time Ah Jun thought of this, he told himself that what he did was not wrong.

You are still a first-line star, and if you want to continue to hang out in the entertainment circle, then you must stand in the right team.

And Gu Shiman's side is the right team!

"Ah Jun, it looks like you've already made your choice!"

Zhang Wei naturally saw what Ah Jun was thinking, and asked him directly in a cold voice.

"Yes, I have made a choice!"

Seeing that someone had said everything to death, Ah Jun naturally tore off his mask and confronted him directly.

"Although I, Jun, was brought together by Director Gao, it is also true that he did something wrong!"

"Although I have always regarded Director Gao as the noble person I was destined for, I know one more thing, that is, a person must have basic principles and a basic moral bottom line!"

"For example, you can't beat and humiliate women, you can't use your husband's status to mentally coerce your wife, and you can't..."

On the witness stand, Ah Jun finally "confessed", and said these words with a righteous face.

These "heartfelt words" also made his image taller in the eyes of the jury and the hearing audience.

Although Ah Jun is a character brought out by Gao Tianri, but in the face of big right and wrong, he firmly chooses to stand on the side of the weak...

It is estimated that there may be something similar to this in tomorrow's headlines.

"Well, well said, I want to applaud you!"

Seeing Zhang Wei's teasing face, he even stretched out his hands pretendingly, as if he was going to clap his hands and slap him.

"What I just said is all from the bottom of my heart!"

Ah Jun said, looked at Gao Tianri, and said solemnly: "Director Gao, as a former friend, I want to tell you that a man has done something wrong, just admit it, why insist on it?"

"If you do this, it will only make everyone look down on you even more!"

"You... Nima!" Gao Tianri finally couldn't hold back seeing Ah Jun's attitude.

He never expected that Ah Jun would "comfort" himself in this way.

I was wronged, but you don't listen at all, do you?

The form of public opinion is one-sided, so you really believe it is true, right?

Is there really no one who is willing to stand up and speak for me, even you Ajun have such an attitude?

Why can't you listen to my explanation, why don't you believe me, but believe that woman?

Gao Tianri's chest heaved violently, and he was already too angry to speak.

On the other hand, Ah Jun's expression became extremely excited after he expressed some heartfelt words.

Because he understands that he is on the right side, tomorrow's news headlines will definitely have reports about today.

Maybe relying on this speech in the trial, my attention can be further increased!

If the only burden is to offend Gao Tianri, what energy does a director who is about to lose power have?

No matter how he behaves in standing in line, he is making a steady profit and not losing money!

"Ah Jun, is your speech over?"

At this moment, Zhang Wei suddenly raised his hand to ask a question.

"It's over!" Ah Jun nodded and smiled, his goal had been achieved.

"Oh, it's finally over, so I will continue to ask questions next!"

As Zhang Wei said, he smiled slightly at Ah Jun, "First of all, do you have any basis for what you said just now, or those words from the bottom of your heart?"

"This..." Ah Jun's complexion changed slightly.

"Oh, by the way, you just mentioned the basic principles of being a human being, isn't the basic moral bottom line of being a human being?"


"You also mentioned the word 'noble person'. You said that you have always regarded Director Gao as a noble person in your career, isn't that true?"


Ah Jun didn't understand what Zhang Wei meant by repeatedly mentioning this matter.

"Ah Jun, I'm very glad that you mentioned the nobleman. In fact, according to my understanding, there should be more than one nobleman you hit, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Ah Jun's face changed slightly.

"Well, I don't understand what you're talking about, my noble person is only a senior guide!"

"Really, then you don't know a Mrs. Xu?"

Hearing Zhang Wei mention the three "Mrs. Xu", Ah Jun's complexion changed wildly, and his complexion suddenly turned pale.

This astonishing change of expression was also noticed by everyone.

Who is this Mrs. Xu who can make Ah Jun so pale?

"Madam Xu, could it be..."

In the dock, Gao Tianri seemed to have noticed something, and vaguely guessed something.

This Mrs. Xu is a big figure in their circle, and it is said that she is also a very powerful No. 1 figure among the big capitalists.

There is even a saying among the top executives in the entertainment industry.

Whoever Mrs. Xu wants to praise will definitely be popular!

in court.

When Zhang Wei pointed out the number "Mrs. Xu", he walked back to his seat again and took an envelope bag from Zhao Xiaoxiao's hand.

Under the watchful eyes of Ah Jun and everyone in the court, he walked to the projection equipment and looked at the witness stand with a smile on his face.

"Ah Jun, you haven't answered my question yet. Who is this Mrs. Xu?"

"I... I don't know what you're talking about..."

Although Ah Jun was panicked to death, he still responded calmly.

Just kidding, what he did with Mrs. Xu was very secretive.

I bet you're bluffing!

I bet you have no proof!

"Yeah, don't you know what I'm talking about?"

Zhang Wei sneered and directly opened the envelope bag in his hand.

"Everyone, please look at this group of photos!"

In front of everyone in the court, Zhang Wei directly projected a stack of photos on the projection screen.

In the photo, Ah Jun appeared.

He is shirtless, wearing a pair of men's tight shorts, smiling for the camera.

The second photo is still Ah Jun, he is still smiling, but with a different posture.

In the third photo, Ah Jun is still smiling...

The fourth, fifth, until the sixth, finally there is a change.

In the photo, Ah Jun pouted with a woman, and behaved very intimately.

The most important thing is the age of this woman.

The woman has silver-gray curly hair, and although she wears heavy makeup on her face, she can't hide the traces left by the years.

In the photo, the woman's bright lipstick left many marks on Ah Jun's face and neck. If there is no relationship between the two, then there must be a ghost.

"Ah Jun, let me ask you, how old is Mrs. Xu? Although I know it's not appropriate to ask a lady's age, I believe everyone is curious about it."

Zhang Wei pointed to the woman who was almost hugging Ah Jun on the screen, and asked with a smile.

This question caused everyone in the court to prick up their ears.

But many people are already guessing that this woman must be 60 at least, maybe more than that, maybe 70 years old.

Anyway, this woman is definitely not young.

To say that she is 50 years old is to praise her for being young.

"I, this..." Ah Jun was completely speechless at the moment.

He never expected that Zhang Wei actually had a photo of himself having a private meeting with Mrs. Xu.

How did these photos get out?

"Ah Jun, don't you want to answer this question?"

Zhang Wei came to Ah Jun with a look of surprise on his face, but then he smiled and said, "It's okay, I can tell everyone, it's a bit of a coincidence to be honest, Ah Jun's age multiplied by 2 is the answer!"

Now, everyone in the audience understands, it really is...

Unexpectedly, they really learned a lot today.

I actually saw the legendary old cow eating tender grass, and the popular actor Ah Jun was eaten tender grass by a grandmother-level woman.

"What can these photos prove? This lady and I are just playing around!"

Seeing that the matter was brought to light, Ah Jun hurriedly explained.

This cannot be explained.

He has quite a few fans. If he let the fans know that all his resources are given by a big female boss, and he becomes someone's little lover and is taken care of by him, wouldn't it mean that his acting career will be over?

"It's a play on the occasion again, this explanation is really universal!"

Zhang Wei laughed, and then said to Ah Jun, "Are you curious, why do I have these photos?"

"Actually, what I want to tell you is that Mrs. Xu has a habit of taking selfies. She seems to like old cows eating tender grass, and uploads photos and videos of herself eating tender grass to the cloud as her own 'trophies'~ ~~”

"Yes, these photos..."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I just said photos, right? In fact, I still have videos!"


Ah Jun was stunned, you still have the video?

"Everyone, jury, audience, please look at the big screen!"

As Zhang Wei said, he nodded to Zhao Xiaoxiao who was in the dock, and the latter immediately operated the laptop and connected to the projection device.

On the projection screen, start playing the video.

But this time the video didn't contain any X-rated content, but Ah Jun and Mrs. Xu were cuddling and talking.

"Xiaojun, I heard that you have always regarded Gao Tianri as a noble person, and you often talk about him?"

"Ma'am, this is my design. After all, Gao Tianri brought me up alone. If I don't thank him, wouldn't it appear that I am a little ungrateful?"

"What about me, I let the company under my name support you and gave you so many resources in the entertainment industry. This year's endorsement alone has helped you get 5. How much money have I made you, tens of millions? Well, there are hundreds of millions, right?"

"Ma'am, you are the noble person in my destiny. Gao Tianri is just saying that when I am acting on the occasion. In fact, he is just a passer-by in my life."

In the video, Ah Jun put his arms around Mrs. Xu, and said affectionately: "Actually, only you, Madam, are the noble person in my life. I knew from the very beginning that my life would be considered complete when I met you."

"Well, I am very satisfied with your answer, so I will reward you. This year there will be a film by a great director, invested and shot at home and abroad. I happen to be the investor, and I will recommend you as the leading actor!"

"Thank you madam for your appreciation!"

"From now on, the noble person you want can only be me, don't mention that Gao Tianri anymore."

"Yes, yes, the only noble person in my life is you."

After Ah Jun made the promise, he said in a sarcasm: "I believe that with my ability, even without Gao Tianri, I can still shine and make a splash in the entertainment industry. What is Gao Tianri, he is worthy of me His name has been on the lips?"

At this point, the video ends.

Ah Jun's face changed completely, turning blue and purple.

"Ah Jun, I'm not talking about you. Why are you being taken care of by a rich woman? To be honest, I'm really envious!"

Zhang Wei showed a moved expression.

His expression of envy, jealousy and hatred, combined with the current popular routine, everyone wants to be taken care of by a rich woman.

I don't want to work hard anymore, I also want to lie down, isn't this what is popular on the Internet today?

Although it was a joke, Zhang Wei's speech still attracted everyone's attention.

"Ah Jun, I can see from this video that you are still talking about my client, you have a problem with your own moral character?"

"Don't slander my client behind the scenes, but you have become the face of a big man. Fortunately, you have been creating all the character designs that rely on your own efforts. I can only say that your character design has collapsed!"

"I..." After being teased by Zhang Wei, Ah Jun was speechless.

After all, the videos are all here, how can he explain it like this?


Don't be ridiculous!

They have already helped you get 5 endorsement contracts this year. If you say you are acting on the spot, then these contracts may be terminated by you, and Mrs. Xu may even be angry. The consequences are simply unimaginable.

But you don't deny it, it's equally dangerous, because the entire court knows about your affair with a rich woman, and when the news spreads later, it means that the entire entertainment industry will know.

And the character set created by Ah Jun has always been hard work and struggle, but now you tell fans that your road to success is all shortcuts, what do you make them think?

This is not something that can be suppressed by spending some public relations fees. This is a real public relations crisis.

"How did you get this video?"

Thinking of the consequences of this incident, Ah Jun's eyes turned red at the moment, and he questioned Zhang Wei.

"Downloaded from the Internet!"

But Zhang Wei answered lightly, making Ah Jun not know how to refute for a while.

"You don't think that Mrs. Xu is very good at computers and software at her age?"

"Now that there are so many advertisements and pop-up messages on the Internet, it's not surprising that Mrs. Xu may have clicked the sharing option by mistake when uploading the video and shared the intimate video with you, right?"

Zhang Wei spread his hands, with a calm expression on his face.

When Ah Jun heard this explanation, he was stunned.

This is actually like this...

But thinking about Mrs. Xu's age, it seems that this explanation makes sense.

Could it be that my acting career is really going to be destroyed because of some pop-up messages in the software, or because Mrs. Xu clicked some operation options by mistake, resulting in photos and videos being seen by others?

Damn rogue software!

Ah Jun yelled frantically in his heart, he really deserved to die!

"Ah Jun, just now you kept saying that there must be a bottom line and basic moral principles in life, but I think a person who only knows how to take shortcuts on the road to success, and is even willing to bow his knees and abandon his dignity, is not qualified to judge my client! "

"Moreover, this person is full of lies, while standing next to the rich woman, while telling the fans who support him, my success is all due to my own hard work..."

Zhang Wei looked at Ah Jun, and said coldly, "People like you really make me feel sick!"

"Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting, shit!"

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