Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 537 Gu Shiman Appears in Court, Good Acting! (plus more)

Ah Jun left.

Gone in disgrace.

There was no other way, the fact that he became the face of a female bigwig in the entertainment industry was pointed out by Zhang Wei in public.

There are even photos and videos to prove it.

It was useless for him to deny it.

Moreover, his duplicity, full of lies, lack of gratitude, and even deceiving fans were exposed by Zhang Wei in public.

It can be said that his character design has collapsed, and his acting career is estimated to be over.

He may have been a first-tier male star yesterday, but in the future he may return to the third or fourth tier.

Of course, if Mrs. Xu behind her still plans to continue to praise him, then the result is another story.

But Mrs. Xu has a rule, and Gao Tianri knows it.

That is the secret meeting that Mrs. Xu likes to play secretly and no one knows about.

And the relationship between Ah Jun and her has been completely exposed, so sorry, Ah Jun will be completely abandoned by Mrs. Xu.

This guy is fucked!

Although Gao Tianri is facing a crisis now, he is a big director in the circle after all, and his vision is still there.

He said that if Ah Jun was going to die, then the other party would definitely have to die!

All in all, Ah Jun's role as a witness has come to an end.

However, his speech did not put too much pressure on the defendant.

On the contrary, even because Ah Jun was finally exposed by Zhang Wei, his credibility as a witness was also questioned.

"Everyone, the jury, and the audience in the hearing booth, I wonder how a person who is full of lies can become an important witness for the plaintiff?"

"As an insider, I believe that the plaintiff should also know something about Ah Jun and the rich woman. How come the plaintiff seems to be completely unaware of something that can be discovered so easily?"

"Could it be that they actually knew, but deliberately pretended not to know, and still chose this guy who professes his benevolence and morality, but has no bottom line behind his back, as a witness in this case?"

What Zhang Wei said made people think deeply.

Indeed, outsiders must not know about Ah Jun hooking up with Mrs. Xu.

But what about the insiders?

Does Gu Shiman know?

As a first-line female star and the wife of a great director, there shouldn't be any news, right?

But you insisted on letting Ah Jun testify in court. What does this mean? Does it mean that you don't care about the witness's conduct and morals at all?

The court is a serious place, but you don't even care about the integrity of the witnesses, so do you have something wrong with yourself?

Zhang Wei's three short sentences caused many people to fall into deep thought, and then their suspicious eyes turned to the plaintiff's seat.

Aware of these scrutinizing gazes, both Laura and Gu Shiman's expressions became very ugly.

But there is no way, who let their witnesses be caught by Zhang Wei, they are now the disadvantaged party, and the disadvantaged party must be prepared to be suppressed by the superior party.

If they wanted to blame them, they could only blame Ah Jun for not being up-to-date, because someone found a loophole in this.

"Lawyer Zhang, is your speech over?"


Zhang Wei nodded slightly towards Ni Qiuping, and immediately returned to his seat in the dock.

At this time, Gao Tianri also breathed a sigh of relief, obviously knowing that his own side's disadvantage had been slightly resolved by Zhang Wei.

"Guide Gao, don't rush to relax, the enemy still has tricks to use!"

Zhang Wei looked at the plaintiff's seat with a solemn expression. Gu Shiman and the others still have many witnesses to subpoena, so they have to be prepared.

"However, I expect they will call no other witnesses."

"Lawyer Zhang, why do you say that? I remember that his witness list is very long."

"It's very simple. Even if they summon other artists to testify in court, the effect will not be great. Because there are not many other things in the entertainment industry, but there are a lot of scandals, especially these well-known artists. They probably don’t understand it themselves.”

Zhang Wei looked at Gu Shiman and the others with a sneer on his face, "Once they choose to summon other artists as witnesses, there is no guarantee that I will not expose the artist's scandals. When the character of the witnesses is questioned, the effectiveness of the testimony will also be reduced." Big discount."

"But what if the witness has no false information?"

"Director Gao, let me ask you, are there really clean people in your industry?"

"This... it seems that there is really... no..."

Gao Tianri was finally overwhelmed by Zhang Wei's question.

These days, there are no truly clean people in their circle.

What kind of innocent girls and infatuated niches are all human designs operated by the management.

Maybe she is a pure and pure girl who has long been the lover of the boss of the capital behind her back. Such an infatuated niche may secretly hook up with more than two-digit or even three-digit women.

In their circle, collapses of human settings happen every day. On the contrary, there are very few people who can really get out of the mud without being stained. At least Gao Tianri has never seen it.

Zhang Wei has already seen through this matter.

Similarly, in the plaintiff's seat, Laura was also hesitating.

"Lawyer Laura, what about the witnesses, let other witnesses come to court!"

Seeing that the wind direction in the courtroom changed, Gu Shiman hurriedly urged her.

"Shiman, there is little point in summoning other witnesses now!"

Laura pulled the list of witnesses with a helpless expression on her face.

Because there are fewer witnesses on this list who have no black material on them.

As long as you have black information, Zhang Wei might have already prepared follow-up measures, just waiting for you to summon him up.

At that time, if Zhang Wei is more ruthless and exposes the witness's underpants, wouldn't they fall into passivity again.

Therefore, even if a witness is to be summoned, it must be a witness who is not stained.

Thinking of this, Laura turned her gaze to Gu Shiman.

"Lawyer Laura, what are you looking at me for?"

"Shiman, the only witness we can get now seems to be you."


Although Gu Shiman knew that he would definitely go to court.

But it was only the first hearing on the first day, and my side was forced to do nothing, whether to fight or let myself go to court in person?

Should I say that your William International is too good, or that Zhang Wei on the other side is too good?

There is only one lawyer, one person!

Just one person, crushing your William International elite team?

"Plaintiff's attorney?"

At the trial seat, Ni Qiuping also reminded at the right time.

Hurry up, you plaintiffs!

Are there any witnesses coming up, please hurry up?

"Judge Ni, we have summoned the plaintiff in this case to testify on behalf of Gu Shiman!"

"Oh, Gu Shiman?"

Ni Qiuping glanced at Gu Shiman, but she didn't object.

Since the plaintiff has to go to court in person, it is naturally the best.

Under the gaze of the audience, Gu Shiman walked up to the court and sat on the witness stand.

This time, Laura held Gray's shoulders and got up herself.

Obviously, she wants to come in person!

"Shiman, hello!"

"Hello, lawyer."

After Laura and Gu Shiman greeted each other, the self-certification finally began.

"Shiman, I know that you have been greatly wronged recently, and even because of the pressure from your husband Gao Tianri, you have suffered from mild mental depression."


Hearing Gu Shiman's response, Laura nodded to her subordinate Gray, who also began to operate the notebook.

On the projection screen, a psychiatric diagnosis report appeared, with Gu Shiman's name in the patient column.

"This is a psychiatric test report conducted by an authoritative psychiatric institution on my client, Ms. Gu Shiman. The report shows that my client has already suffered from mild depression symptoms, and the mental health rating is poor."

Everyone in the audience saw the mental test report and nodded subconsciously.

Such a report can explain some problems, but the impact on the court is actually not that great.

There can be many causes of depression.

"Shiman, I want to ask you, what did that man in the dock do to you?"

Laura pointed at Gao Tianri, and then looked at Gu Shiman with piercing eyes.

"He He……"

Gu Shiman has language.

"Shiman, please don't be afraid, be brave, this is a court, no matter what you say, we will listen carefully, and Judge Ni will also protect you thoroughly, and we will not sit back and watch you be bullied!"

Sitting on the trial seat, Ni Qiuping nodded subconsciously, "Yes, this court is here, don't be afraid!"

"Okay, thank you all, I see!"

Hearing Ni Qiuping's assurance and Laura's encouragement, Gu Shiman finally "mustled up" his courage.

"In fact, at the beginning, I thought I was a happy woman who could marry Gao Tianri and a famous director. When he married me, he also said that he admired me very much and was very optimistic about my performance."

Gu Shiman is like a happy little woman, recalling every bit of the beginning of the marriage.

It can be said that under her description, the happy life of her and Gao Tianri was shown in front of the jury and everyone in the hearing.

"It was really good at the beginning, but I don't know when it started, he changed!"

Gu Shiman looked at Gao Tianri in the dock, with a puzzled expression on his face, "He has changed, he is no longer the man who loves me, he even makes me feel strange, makes me Feel scared!"

"He has changed. He used to come back every day and have dinner with me, but I don't know when he started going out early and returning late, becoming mysterious and even treating me as a stranger."

"I found women's hair on his clothes more than once, smelled women's perfume on his body, and saw him hugging other women in public, behaving too intimately, and even going in and out of high-end hotels together. "

When Laura heard this, she hurriedly asked, "So, the defendant cheated?"

"I don't know if he really cheated, but I don't want to know about it, I just hope he has me in his heart."

When Gu Shiman said this, his eyes were already wet, "In fact, I also know that as a great director, he needs to socialize at work and meet other actresses. I also tried to understand him and forgive him, but... "

Laura hurriedly looked around and found that many people had their ears pricked up.

She hurriedly asked: "But what!"

"But, he has completely changed!"

As Gu Shiman spoke, her tone was already choked up, "I don't know when he started to violently assault me, and he also said that he liked this feeling!"

"Violent assault, you mean QJ within marriage?"

Laura looked at Gu Shiman in surprise, and then at Gao Tianri.

"Yeah, he said he liked it and made me struggle, and he said the more I struggled, the more excited he was!"

While talking, Gu Shiman sobbed, as if telling a story that made her extremely sad.

In order to cooperate with Gu Shiman, Laura turned her head to Ge Rui again.

The latter immediately opened several photos on the projection screen.

These photos were taken in a hospital. Gu Shiman was undergoing an examination. There were many bruises and wounds on her body, and she looked very haggard and weak.

"As you can see, this is a photo of my client, Ms. Gu Shiman, who went to the hospital for an injury examination recently, and here is the test report and medical certificate given by the doctor!"

The report that appeared on the screen had a lot of text, which showed that Gu Shiman's injuries were more than just a few.

And under Gray's operation, many places were marked red.

Everyone could see clearly that these red spots were marked with words such as "bruises" and "suspected to be beaten".

At this moment, Gu Shiman rolled up her sleeves, showing off the bruised skin on her arm.

"That's what Gao Tianri did. He wanted to attack me. After I blocked it with my arm, this wound appeared!"

This combination of medical certificate + personal statement naturally has full effect.

For a moment, both the jury and the hearing stand felt a little sympathetic to Gu Shiman.

In addition, their hostility towards Gao Tianri gradually increased.

"Director Gao, do you like this tune?"

In the dock, Zhang Wei was also a little surprised, and quickly asked the people around him.

"Lawyer Zhang, how can I have it!"

Gao Tianri hurriedly shook his head in denial, then lowered his voice and moved closer to Zhang Wei: "Actually, I can't even stand up without the blue pill. How can I have the energy to play so much?"

"Oh, you've reached your age too!"

Zhang Wei looked at Gao Tianri and nodded in understanding.

Your tall director is in his 50s and almost 60s, and he drinks and socializes all day long. In addition to the three previous wives, it can be said that drinking and sex have already emptied you.

A man who can't stand up really doesn't need to do so much work.

Still struggling more and more excited?

Gao Tianri couldn't even get excited, okay!

Of course, Gao Tianri knew about these things, and Zhang Wei knew about them, but the jury didn't know.

They all believed Gu Shiman's words at this moment.

After all, there is a doctor's medical certificate and a photo of the wound, so they can't help but believe it.

"Shiman, I know you have been wronged a lot. Since Gao Tianri can treat you like this, then he must have done more excessive things, right?"

"Yes, he not only beat and scolded me, but also raped me in marriage, and he also..."

"What else happened to him?"

Laura asked quickly, and showed an encouraging expression, "Shiman, don't be afraid, we are all here, just speak out boldly!"

"He, he brought other women home, and let me go... once again he brought..."

"Bring it?" Laura blinked with curiosity.

"He also brought his own men, his own bodyguards, and asked me to dress them up, saying that there was going to be a party, woo woo woo, I really have no reason, but he wanted to beat me, so I had no choice but to run away... woo woo woo..."

Gu Shiman seemed to recall something horrific, sobbing and trembling.

And what she said caused an uproar in the audience.

Good guy!

Really good guy!

It is said that the entertainment industry is chaotic, but I didn't expect it to be so chaotic!

Gao Tianri actually brought other women home directly, which is blatant!

It's not over yet, I guess after one or two times, he found that Gu Shiman didn't dare to resist him, so he became more and more presumptuous, and even planned to play group games at home.

Of course, this is not the most outrageous thing, he actually asked his wife to join, and then called his subordinates and his bodyguards to come...

Everyone in the audience couldn't help but sigh, this tm is rare even in AV plots?

It can only be said that rich people really know how to play!

But having said that, the procedures that should be followed have to be followed.

Everyone showed hostility, looking at Gao Tianri full of hostility.

Of course, there are still some people whose expressions are mixed with envy and jealousy, but the hostility is obviously the most obvious.

"Lawyer Zhang, I..."

"Director Gao, you don't need to explain, I understand!"

Just when Gao Tianri wanted to explain to Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei signaled that it was okay.

"You are not good enough, how can you show it in front of outsiders, start a group chat at home, do you want to spread the news of yourself not good enough to the entire entertainment industry, it is obviously impossible!"

"Yeah, what I can't can I let others know?"

Gao Tianri nodded, but then remained speechless.

Look at what your attorney Zhang said, can you stop exposing me, I regret telling you this.

But Zhang Wei didn't care about these things at the moment, but turned his attention to the witness stand.

He also had to admit it.

The woman above is definitely the best acting opponent she has ever fought against.

As for the tearful accusations just now, the step-by-step acting skills, and the management of facial expressions without any affectation, you can definitely compete for the statuette!

"As expected of a first-line actress, as expected of a once popular actress, this acting really hasn't stepped back!"

Zhang Wei also had to sigh with emotion, a woman who can act is really tricky!

But that's not all.

Gu Shiman and Laura have another killer move.

Seeing Gu Shiman sobbing, he nodded slightly towards Laura.

Laura got it.

"Shiman, I would like to ask you, since the defendant Gao Tianri has gone too far, why didn't you choose to leave him?"

"Because, because..." Gu Shiman was almost sobbing, and he couldn't even answer.

"Shiman, if you have any grievances in your heart, just speak out, don't be afraid, we will definitely help you!"

Laura hurriedly urged her, but she couldn't help admiring in her heart, this Gu Shiman really knows how to act, and her acting skills are really beyond recognition.

"Because, because I...I..." Gu Shiman opened his mouth, as if organizing his words.

"I am pregnant with his child, so even if he goes too far, he is still the father of my child!"

Finally, under heavy pressure, Gu Shiman pointed at Gao Tianri and cried.


Everyone heard Gu Shiman's tearful complaint, and even heard two key words.


Gu Shiman is pregnant, she has Gao Tianri's flesh and blood!

So this can also explain why Gu Shiman didn't want to leave Gao Tianri because she was pregnant.

For the sake of the child, Gu Shiman had to be patient, even if her husband was a devil or a scum, she had to endure it.

For a moment, everyone in the court began to sympathize with Gu Shiman.

Feeling the changes in the courtroom, Zhang Wei had to sigh with emotion.

This woman's acting skills are really good!

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