Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 538 Soaring in acting again, the assistant's betrayal!


This is the most important thing!

Nowadays, whenever people hear the word "children", their nerves are tense.

Although in one's own family, the child is the ancestor, but in the eyes of outsiders, the child is the sky!

But now, in this case, Gu Shiman unexpectedly broke the news that she was pregnant and had Gao Tianri's child.

Then the nature of this case has changed.

Originally, everyone thought that Gu Shiman was suing Gao Tianri for himself.

Unexpectedly, she actually had a child, so she probably filed a lawsuit against Gao Tianri for herself and the child.

Sympathy, understanding, regret.

This is the jury's affection for Gu Shiman.

I sympathize with her experience, understand her thoughts, and regret that she has found such a husband.

It can be said that Gu Shiman won the support of everyone present after the incident about the child was exposed.

The wind direction of the court completely turned to the plaintiff.

The jury consisted of six people, three men and three women.

Needless to say, the three women all fell for Gu Shiman.

Even the three men shook their heads at Gao Tianri, their eyes full of contempt.

If the ruling is announced at this time, the plaintiff will definitely get all 6 votes.

Laura was a little surprised to see that the trump card was so easy to use.

But as a veteran driver of the court, she also knows that children are "court killers", and this result is not unexpected.

Therefore, she decided to pursue the victory.

"Shiman, you chose patience for the sake of your child, right?"

"Yes!" Gu Shiman nodded almost crying.

"Then why, are you now going to court with the defendant again?"

"Because, because he threatened me and our children!"

Gu Shiman pointed at Gao Tianri and Zhang Wei and said, "He used to hire a lawyer to threaten people. I thought he wouldn't treat me like this. After all, I have his child, but he still behaves like this." I did, he invited the most dangerous lawyer in the Eastern Capital to threaten me, he... woo woo woo..."

Gu Shiman burst into tears again in court, but her speech already explained the problem.

Many people think of Gao Tianri's three ex-wives. Although the affairs of the three ex-wives have passed, their testimony is still lingering in everyone's ears.

Aside from those bad things about Gao Tianri, his three wives seem to have said that Gao Tianri likes to hire a lawyer to threaten him.

According to the first wife, Gao Tianri hired a lawyer.

The second wife said that Gao Tianri hired an awesome lawyer.

The third wife said that Gao Tianri invited a lawyer with his nostrils upturned and felt that he was very powerful.

And now, it was Gu Shiman's fourth wife's turn, who did Gao Tianri invite?

Zhang Wei!

He comes from Jincheng Law Firm, which ranks first among the top ten firms in the Oriental Metropolis, and the famous "Murder Lawyer".

Moreover, he is a lawyer with a real "killing" record, which can be said to be a top figure in the lawyer circle of Dongfang Capital.

Knew it!

Some of Gao Tianri's habits may change, but the way of hiring a lawyer has never changed.

Not only that, but the lawyers he hired seem to be more powerful than each other.

The first three wives have all said that the lawyer Gao Tianri hired threatened them.

Then Gu Shiman said at the moment that Zhang Wei threatened him, it didn't seem to be surprising.

"Shiman, do you mean that the defendant and Zhang Wei threatened you?"

"Yes, they took advantage of the opportunity to discuss the terms of reconciliation and threatened me. It was at that time that I made up my mind to fight them to the end!"

As Gu Shiman said, the tears on his face disappeared, but the tear stains were still there.

Her expression became extremely solemn, she frowned, gritted her teeth, and put on a look of "I want to fight you to the end".

And her changes were seen by everyone.

This is one strong woman!

Not afraid of power, but choosing to fight Gao Tianri and Zhang Wei to the end just for the sake of their children is really admirable.

She's sure to win!

If she really wins, then she is a perfect heroine template, and a good life in the future is beckoning to her.

Everyone really wanted to see this scene, Gu Shiman was holding her child, enjoying a beautiful life.

And in this life, Gao Tianri is not needed, let alone Zhang Wei!


At this moment, even Zhang Wei admired Gu Shiman a little.

An excellent actor can achieve the ultimate management of facial expressions, laugh and cry when he wants to laugh, this is almost a compulsory course for excellent actors.

But a great actor is not just performing on the spot, her performance must also resonate with the audience and create an emotional harmony with the audience.

But now, Gu Shiman has clearly achieved this step. Her words, coupled with her almost flawless acting skills, made the mood of the entire court move in the direction she expected.

It's really tricky for such a powerful actor to be the opponent!

Looking at the performance of the two women in court, Zhang Wei frowned unconsciously.

In court, the "show" continues.

"So, Shiman, you choose to fight against them for yourself and for the sake of the child in your belly!"


"It's also because of your child that you choose not to be patient anymore, but to get what you deserve from the defendant, to be precise, everything your child deserves?"


"Then are you sure of winning?"

"To be honest, I don't have one, but for the sake of my child, I can risk everything!"

When Gu Shiman answered these questions, his face was determined, and his tone was short and capable.

She made everyone see a "strong mother", saw her growth, and saw her determination.

"Shiman, I support you!"

Seeing this, Laura also nodded subconsciously, as if she was moved by the senior acting skills of the person in front of her.

"Judge Ni, our questioning of the parties is over!"

Laura walked back to the plaintiff's seat, and nodded with her subordinate Gray, both of them had a smug look in their eyes.

It seems that this is safe!

"Well, now that the plaintiff's self-certification is over, then, lawyer Zhang, it's your turn to cross-examine..."

Reminded by Ni Qiuping, Zhang Wei got up slowly and walked to the court.

Everyone wanted to see how this lawyer Zhang, who had no upturned nostrils but was absolutely awesome, was going to interrogate Gu Shiman.

"Hello, Shiman."

"Hello, lawyer."

The two greeted each other in a neutral tone, as if they were strangers.

But Gu Shiman complained in his heart, Shiman is also called by you, do I know you well?

It's okay for Laura to be silly, but what are you Zhang Wei, you dare to call me Shiman?

However, due to the character design just made, Gu Shiman can only complain a few words in his heart, and these words must never be said in court.

"By the way, Shiman, I want to ask, how long has the baby in your belly been?"

"You mean the time of pregnancy, about one month or so."

"Oh, a month."

Zhang Wei nodded, but then frowned: "According to the calculation, the time of conception is about 6-7 days, that is, a month and a week ago, between you and my client..."

"Yes." Naturally, Gu Shiman would not deny this gynecological knowledge point.

"That's weird..."

Zhang Wei scratched his head and made a puzzled expression.

"What's strange?"

"Because the time is not right."

As he spoke, he took a cousin from Zhao Xiaoxiao again, and walked back to Shiman.

"Look here, it's the end of September, tomorrow is the beginning of October, a month and a week ago, that's the first few days of late August, right?"


"Then look here, this is my client's schedule for August. Throughout late August, he has been filming in other places. And you are also filming in the crew, right? I went to the crew of "Two People's Martial Arts" to find out. The staff also told me that you have been in the film and television city base of the Oriental Capital for a few days."

When Zhang Wei said this, he raised the schedule in his hand and asked: "So I want to ask, my client is more than 100 kilometers away from you, how did he manage to make you pregnant more than 100 kilometers away?" ?”

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was stunned.

Although this is not the result that everyone wants to hear, it is also true.

Gao Tianri was filming in other places in late August.

At the same time, Gu Shiman was also filming in Dongfang, so it can be said that there is no possibility of any intersection between the two parties.

After more than a hundred kilometers, how does Gao Tianri get Gu Shiman pregnant? Is it possible that any of them can teleport?

"Are you trying to say that the child is not Gao Tianri's, but me and another man?"

"Shiman, I didn't say that, but since you brought it up, I believe you have to give me and everyone an explanation, right?"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, looking straight at Gu Shiman.

This is what you proposed, I didn't force you.

But now, the entire court wants to know the answer.

They all wanted to know, could Gao Tianri be able to get you pregnant because he was a hundred kilometers away?

Facing the locked eyes of the entire court, Gu Shiman was calm and composed, without any panic at all.

Because she knows that the more critical the moment is, the less she can panic!

"I know what you are suspecting. It is indeed as you said, if Gao Tianri is a hundred kilometers away, it is absolutely impossible for me to get pregnant."


"Then there is only one possibility, and that is that I had sex with other men, right?"

"Well, that's all."

What Gu Shiman said made Zhang Wei nod subconsciously.

"However, what if Gao Tianri came back on purpose while he was away for work?"


Now, it was Zhang Wei's turn to be stunned.

came back?

How did you come back and leave the crew to accompany you?

Don't be ridiculous.

Your marriage with Gao Tianri has long existed in name only. How could he give up his job and come back to accompany you?

Don't look at Gu Shiman's superb acting skills in court, but Zhang Wei has seen this woman's brutal and tyrannical side in reality.

I still remember your attitude when you, Gu Shiman, came to our Jincheng law firm.

With your personality, I really thought that Gao Tianri would come back to accompany you.

"Shiman, the one under your buttocks is the witness stand, you should know that you can't lie in court, right?"

"I know, but I have witnesses!"

"There are witnesses!"

Hearing Gu Shiman's response, Zhang Wei couldn't calm down at all.

He hurriedly looked at Gao Tianri, his eyes full of questions.

What's the situation, are you really going back?

Gao Tianri shook his head crazily.

I really don’t have this one. I was filming in other places from late August to early September. Gu Shiman and I have never met each other during this period. I didn’t lie to you!

Now, Zhang Wei and Gao Tianri were stunned.

Impossible, Gao Tianri has never been back to Dongfang Capital, and Zhang Wei knows this.

So what happened to this witness?

At this moment, Laura stood up, "Judge Ni, in view of the defendant's question, we request to summon witnesses to corroborate our client's testimony!"

"Well, this court approves it!"

At Ni Qiuping's signal, the court door opened, and then a woman in uniform walked in.

"Isn't this woman Gao Dao's assistant?"

Zhang Wei knew this woman as Gao Tianri's assistant. When he went to Gao Tianri's work unit, he met her briefly.

It's a pity that Gao Tianri has been living in Zhang's Martial Arts School for the past few days, and the female assistant has hardly been here, so the two sides are not familiar.

At this moment, the female assistant sat on the witness stand.

"Witness, you..."

"I'm here to prove that Director Gao suddenly left the crew for a few days in late August and disappeared without a trace!"

Before Zhang Wei could ask any questions, the female assistant spoke directly.


Zhang Wei froze again, then looked at Gao Tianri.

Gao Tianri was still shaking his head frantically, with a look of astonishment on his face.

It seemed that he was also confused about his "disappearance".

"Witness, may I ask how do you count as missing?"

"Director Gao said he had something to deal with, and then left the crew. I haven't contacted him for a few days, and I don't know where he went."

"Are you sure no one has contacted him?"

"Yes, it's not just me, no one in the entire crew can contact him!"

The female assistant said, and muttered: "Maybe, he went home to see his wife. Although I know that the relationship between him and his wife is not very good, but this is the only possibility?"

As soon as this statement came out, many people in the audience couldn't help but speculate.

Could it be that Gao Tianri really returned home during the few days he was away, and then made love to Gu Shiman?

Then Gu Shiman got pregnant by coincidence in those few days?

"We request a suspension, I want to confirm with the person involved!"

As Zhang Wei said, he hurried up to Gao Tianri and started communicating with him in a low voice.

"Where did you go those days?"

"I'm out of town, I haven't returned to Dongfangdu."

"Always on the set?"

"That's not true. I went out with an actress from the crew for a few days, and she and I..."

Although it was already very vague, Zhang Wei heard the voice-over immediately.

Lao Gao, you are good enough. You are obviously dying, but you can still have an unspoken game with an actress, and you will go out for several days.

"Understood, so does anyone know that the two of you went out to 'collect wind'?"

"My assistant knows, she..."

Gao Tianri pointed at the female assistant on the witness stand, but Zhang Wei frowned, then relaxed.

"It seems that your assistant has also become the other party's person!"

The assistant knew about this, but the assistant said he didn't know, so it was obvious that the other party had already stood up.

The female assistant on the witness stand is definitely going to stand for Gu Shiman this time.

For this reason, the other party even gave perjury.

After all, one is a director who is about to leave the house and will be banned by the industry, and the other is a future top-tier actress who will fight the villains bravely and is likely to gain massive exposure and popularity.

As long as the female assistant is not too stupid, she will know whose side she should stand in line with.

The icing on the cake is never as good as giving charcoal in a timely manner.

To Gu Shiman, the current behavior of the female assistant is just a timely help?

"Let me ask you, who is that female celebrity who went out with you, can she come to testify in court?"

"She traveled abroad with her boyfriend!"

"She still has a boyfriend!"

Zhang Wei couldn't hold back anymore.

Although I know that your entertainment industry is very chaotic, it doesn't have to be so chaotic, right?

What the hell are you hooking up with a married woman?

No, it's her boyfriend, not her husband, and they're not married yet. Fortunately...

Well you big-headed ghost ah!

Now that they have gone abroad, it means that there is no witness to refute the testimony of the female assistant, which is tantamount to putting tremendous pressure on the defendant.

"Lawyer Zhang, have you finished your communication?"

At this moment, Ni Qiuping also urged.

"Judge Ni, we're done talking."

"So do you have any objections to the witness's testimony?"

"I want to say there is, but we have no evidence to refute it for the time being."

"Oh, I see, that means there is no objection for the time being, right?"

"I guess..."

Zhang Wei was also helpless, who made Gao Tianri behave indiscriminately.

You didn't take care of your birds those days, and this happened.

Even the female assistant under his confidant fell in love with Gu Shiman, what can he say?

There is no solution for the time being!

"Well, since that's the case, you can go down as a witness. As for your testimony, the clerk will record it truthfully!"

Ni Qiuping waved her hand, and the female assistant left the witness stand.

Gu Shiman appeared in court again, and there was an imperceptible, hidden smile on the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, the female assistant's speech was all arranged by her.

"What I want to tell everyone is that during those few days, Gao Tianri came back. He returned to Dongfangdu, and QJed me in his suburban villa, forcing me to have sex with her."

"It was that time, when I refused, he beat me and said a lot of nasty things to me, which made me think of rebelling against him."

"Unfortunately, after that time, I became pregnant, and I became pregnant with his flesh and blood."

When Gu Shiman said this, she began to cry again, with a sad face, "I hesitated. I don't know whether I should resist him, but I know that I am not alone at the moment, because I still have a child."

"Even if the child's father is a scum, a devil, and the person I hate the most in this world, the child is innocent."

"Because of this, I convinced myself time and time again that for the sake of my child, I had to be patient, and I had to think about the future, but I didn't expect that my patience again and again, in exchange for his progress... Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... ..."

Gu Shiman cried again in court.

But even Ni Qiuping on the trial bench did not interrupt her hastily at this moment.

It seems that even Ni Qiuping has acquiesced in this matter, acquiescing that Gu Shiman is the victim of this case.

"This time, it's really tricky!"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Wei had no choice but to admit defeat.

This time, their disadvantage is too great, and they don't know how to come back.

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