Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 539 Retire to advance, are you really for the children?

Zhang Wei felt that he was in a hard fight.

As for the reason, it was naturally because of the betrayal of "our own people".

This own person even went to court to give false testimony to stand up for Gu Shiman.

And the other person who can clear Gao Tianri's grievances is currently traveling abroad, and he probably won't be able to return in the short term.

And even if the other party could come back, it would probably be difficult for the other party to admit in front of his boyfriend that he and Gao Tianri went to the hotel to get a room.

Therefore, there is currently no possibility of breaking the game.

You don't even need him to look at it, you know that the entire court has already lined up.

Zhang Wei could only look at the woman on the witness stand.

At this moment, Gu Shiman may feel that he has a chance to win, and a sneer flashed in the depths of his eyes.

She laughed!

I gave you Zhang Wei a chance back then, but you didn't cherish it yourself.

It's too late to regret now, you're doomed!

With my superb acting skills, victory is naturally within reach.

Gu Shiman seemed to have seen the scene where after he won the case, he got everything from Gao Tianri, and then he and his lover stayed together.

"Lawyer Zhang, do you want to continue asking questions?"

At this time, Ni Qiuping continued to remind.

You, Zhang Wei, tried to interrogate Gu Shiman before, but it was destroyed by an unexpected witness.

It's you who is now passive.

Zhang Wei naturally also considered it.

He found that, except for Lao Ni who might be reasonable, the whole court was actually supporting Gu Shiman.

Then even if you ask some small questions, the jury and the hearing seats probably won't care.

You can't win unless you break the news!

This is the dilemma he faces.

But where does it come from?


"We request to discuss with the parties again for 5 minutes!" Zhang Wei raised his hand again.

Ni Qiuping naturally nodded.

But she is also strange.

In previous cases, Zhang Wei did not discuss with the parties in court.

But this time, why did he have to discuss it twice in court? Could it be that Zhang Wei was unsure and panicked?

Now Zhang Wei and Gao Tianri got together again, and the two discussed a lot.

For a while, the two spoke one after another, and then nodded from time to time.

In this way, 5 minutes passed.

"Judge Ni, we're done talking!"

"Then hurry up!"


Zhang Wei came to Gu Shiman again, after tidying up his appearance, he asked with a smile: "Shiman, you said so much just now, I can think that all you did was not for yourself, right?"

"Yes, I did this for the sake of the child in my womb!"

As Gu Shiman said, she gently stroked her lower abdomen, her face full of happiness.

"So, if my client is willing to fulfill you, what do you think?"


Hearing Zhang Wei's words, Gu Shiman was stunned.

Not only her, Laura and Gray in the plaintiff's seat were also confused.

The same is true for the hearing and jury seats, and even Ni Qiuping on the trial bench.

What does it mean to be willing to fulfill you?

Does that mean you gave up?

There are still other situations.

Everyone in the audience looked at Zhang Wei.

And Zhang Wei explained unhurriedly: "Everyone knows that the root cause of this case is that the marriage relationship between the plaintiff Fang Gu Shiman and my client Gao Tianri has come to an end. The identities continue to live together.”

"That's why the plaintiff, Ms. Gu Shiman, entrusted Ms. Laura of William International, as an attorney, to initiate a lawsuit against our client, and the purpose of the lawsuit is to legally divide property after divorce."

"Although Ms. Gu Shiman raised a huge claim amount against us, our party, Mr. Gao Tianri, decided to partially agree to Ms. Gu Shiman's request after a long consideration."

"What is partial consent?" Gu Shiman finally couldn't sit still, and hurriedly interrupted.

She thought that Zhang Wei was going to give in, but she didn't expect Zhang Wei to be making a show of it, so she naturally had to ask clearly.

Seeing that Gu Shiman really took the bait, Zhang Wei immediately smiled and said: "It's very simple, I persuaded my client to agree to divorce you!"

Gao Tianri in the dock also nodded at this time.

Yes, he agreed to a divorce.

Gu Shiman narrowed her eyes and her face was gloomy.

Because what she wants is not just a simple divorce, she wants Gao Tianri to leave the house, she wants everything about Gao Tianri.

The real estate under the other party's name, the other party's studio, the other party's film and television company, and all the other party's investment projects at home and abroad.

All of this belongs to her, Gu Shiman.

Of course, this is the ultimate goal, but it cannot be said in court.

Otherwise, everyone will think that she is a greedy woman.

Therefore, Gu Shiman's countermeasure is...

"Is it just agreeing to a divorce? The pain she inflicted on me, the trauma she caused to me, my life, my career..."

As she spoke, she was about to cry again, and the circles of her eyes began to turn red.

"Shiman, you've had enough!" Zhang Wei hastily interrupted her.

If this is not interrupted, the other party will cry again.

"I know what you want, so I also persuaded the client to make a choice."

As Zhang Wei said, he walked up to the jury and asked Gu Shiman loudly, "But I want to ask, who is the fundamental purpose of your lawsuit?"

"Of course it's for the child in my belly!"

Gu Shiman didn't think too much, but answered quickly.

Don't be selfish here, if it's for myself, it will leave a bad impression on people.

But if the child is used to make a fuss, it can attract everyone's sympathy and understanding, and it will be no problem to ask for more property at that time.

After all, I am doing it for my children, not for myself.

"Okay, for the children!"

As Zhang Wei said, he gestured to Zhao Xiaoxiao, who immediately started operating on his notebook.

Not long after, a form appeared on the projection screen in the courtroom.

"This is a piece of data calculated by our professional financial personnel. It is the total cost of a child in an ordinary family from birth to 18 years old."

"As you can see, the expenditure during pregnancy is about 10,000-20,000. The expenditure during confinement is 20,000-30,000."

"The next step is the expenditure during the childcare period. The expenditure for 0-2 years old is about 65,000, including preschool and other expenses. Early childhood education starts at 3-5 years old, and the cost is close to 100,000. 6-14 years old is compulsory education. The financial situation does not rule out the possibility that he arranges for his children to go to noble colleges, so the tuition fee for one year is close to 200,000 yuan, and the tuition fee for the 9-year system is 1,800,000 yuan. For 15-18 years old, the cost is relatively small, and the approximate cost is 40,000-50,000 yuan One year, a total of 150,000."

"As for the university, at this time the child has become an adult and independent, Gao Dao does not need to pay this fee in name, but as the father of the child, Gao Dao has an additional reason to pay for the child's college tuition, miscellaneous fees, accommodation and other expenses."

"Then we can make a settlement. The total cost of raising a child and giving him an elite education is about 2.1 million!"

2.1 million, hearing this number, many people in the court curled their lips.

Does it really cost so much to raise a child?

We have worked hard all our lives, but how old can we raise our children?

"What's the point of you saying this?" Gu Shiman looked at the numbers on the screen with a puzzled expression.

"This means a lot!"

But Zhang Wei looked like "you don't understand", then pointed to Gao Tianri and said, "Director Gao decided to pay 20 million, which is close to 10 times the amount, to set up a trust fund for your children. As long as your children When a certain age is reached, the fund will pay the child a fixed fee, which will be paid until the child reaches the age of 18!"

"In other words, my client attaches great importance to the child in your womb, and he decided to fulfill the basic responsibility of a father, which is to be fully responsible for the child's future life and education!"

As soon as this remark came out, many people on the jury nodded.

The three men all had expressions of "it should be so", and the hostility towards Gao Tianri in the eyes of the three women also subsided a lot.

Not only the jury, but also the hostility towards Gao Tianri in the hearing booth gradually began to subside.

This scene was something that Gu Shiman and the boss did not expect.

Zhang Wei actually resolved the hostility of the audience through this retreat-for-advance move.

"But what about the pain he inflicted on me?"

"Shiman, please don't worry about this, my client has also considered it!"

As Zhang Wei said, he gestured to Zhao Xiaoxiao, who immediately opened another form.

"This one is the public property of my client, Mr. Gao Tianri."

"As you can see, my client owns multiple properties under the name of my client, and also owns a film and television company, a shooting studio, and some shares in a cultural media company. The total value of these properties is about 1 billion. .”

"And my client decided to give half of it to Ms. Gu Shiman, that is, 50% of the full amount, and hand it over to the plaintiff in this case, Fang Gu Shiman, in the form of property division in divorce!"

50%, if converted into working capital, it would be 500 million!

Hearing this number, many people were secretly dumbfounded.

Later, Zhang Wei added: "Of course, the 500 million yuan will not include the 20 million yuan spent on raising the children. Mr. Gao Tianri decided to pay the money alone after the divorce, and there is no need for Gu Shiman." Ma'am, you've spent your money!"

"More than that, my client has decided to sincerely apologize for the physical and psychological pressure that Ms. Gu Shiman has suffered for a long time. Let me emphasize that this is a public apology in the name of my client, Mr. Gao Tianri, and will be issued at the same time. Published in many media and newspapers in Dongfang Metropolis to show our sincerity!"

Now, the audience's hostility towards Gao Tianri has been reduced by more than half.

After all, although Gao Tianri did some scumbags, at least his attitude of "admitting his mistakes" is still very good.

If you say compensation of 500 million, you will compensate 500 million, and if you say sorry, you will apologize!

And Gao Tianri didn't say a word the whole time, let alone raised any objections. It can be said that he acquiesced in this matter.

In the eyes of outsiders, Gao Tianri's attitude is really nothing to say.

However, in the audience, some people were not satisfied with the compensation.

They are Laura and Gu Shiman.

What Gu Shiman wants is all, not 50% of 500 million, and the so-called 20 million childcare fund.

There is a chance to get all the money, and the company and the studio, so why agree to half of it?

Therefore, Gu Shiman winked wildly at Laura.

"be opposed to!"

Laura naturally got up and interrupted Zhang Wei's singing.

"It is now in court, not in the stage of negotiating a settlement agreement out of court. The conditions are given during the court hearing, which does not conform to the normal hearing process!"

"Having said that, it is now my questioning stage. I can ask the plaintiff, Ms. Gu Shiman, any questions related to this case!"

Faced with the opponent's rebuttal, Zhang Wei also responded directly.

Then he looked at Gu Shiman, "Shiman, what I just said is just part of my question. I will formally ask you a question now. If my client makes such a condition, will you agree?"

As soon as this remark came out, Laura was shocked.

This is actually a question?

"Witness, you can answer this question."

And Ni Qiuping also spoke at this time, and gave Laura a wink.

Sit down quickly, don't disturb others to answer questions!

Laura had no choice but to sit down.

Now, all eyes were on Gu Shiman, and everyone wanted to see how she would answer.

"Shiman, this is the most sincere condition my client has given, and I believe there is no better condition than this."

"Besides, we have fully considered your most important request, that is, everything is for the child, so I specially persuaded my client to raise the childcare expenses for the two of you by a full amount." ~Ten~10 times!"

Zhang Wei deliberately emphasized the basis of Gu Shiman's claim, that is, the child, and emphasized some words.

He just wants to tell everyone that if Gu Shiman is really for the sake of the child, then there is no reason why he would not agree to such a good condition.

If you don't agree, then you have another purpose!

So, will Gu Shiman agree?

Agreed hell!

Gu Shiman shouted crazily in his heart, he just wanted to send his wife away with 500 million, just dream!

"I thought about it, and I realized that I still..."

"Ahem, let me interrupt!"

Sensing that Gu Shiman might refuse, Zhang Wei interrupted the former first.

"Let me ask, Shiman, do you know how long it takes for a woman to go from pregnancy to delivery?"

"10 months?"

"Yes, then do you know how long the entire period of a general divorce lawsuit is from the first court hearing to the end of the case ruling and the end of the other party's appeal?"


Gu Shiman has really seen a lot of divorce cases, but the cycle of 1 year or even 2 years or 3 years is always taken, which is too long.

Moreover, after some divorce cases are settled, the husband or wife disappears directly, and it is useless for the court to apply for compulsory enforcement. The person is not found until a few years later, and there are many cases of fines again.

"Let me tell you, most property enforcement in divorce proceedings takes more than a year. Even if the amount of property is huge, this period will be extended several times. I made a conservative estimate. If you really want to deal with your Even if Director Gao does not appeal the divorce lawsuit with Director Gao, the cycle will take about 2-3 years, right?"

"Shiman, by that time, you have already given birth, and the child is already over 2 years old. You are a lonely woman, do you want to rely on yourself to raise the child, and at the same time engage in a divorce case with my client? ?”


Zhang Wei's words really made Gu Shiman unable to answer.

Although she is definitely not alone, she can't say it.

"If you agree now, you can get 500 million property immediately, and your child also has a trust fund of 20 million. You and your child can immediately enjoy the best life, the best education, and this money It can be said that it will last forever. I really can't figure it out, why do you have any hesitation, what else do you disagree with, isn't this child my client's, that's why you are so hesitant? "

Zhang Wei's words can be said to be heart-to-heart, but the last sentence has hidden murderous intentions.


Gu Shiman never expected that Zhang Wei was going to fight against the general at the end.

"By the way, I still need to explain to you about the trust fund."

Zhang Wei didn't care how ugly Gu Shiman's face was, but continued: "My client will give the child a trust fund, but the prerequisite is that the child must belong to him. I believe that no matter how generous my client is, it is impossible Do you want to help others raise their children?"

"So after the child is born, we hope that the child will conduct a paternity test with my client. If the child belongs to my client, then the 20 million fee will be paid by my client as soon as possible, but if... I am If the child does not belong to my client, then I am sorry, but the 20 million is nothing, as for the child's education expenses, please ask Shiman to find the child's biological father!"

As soon as these words came out, Gu Shiman's face turned ashen, and she clasped her fingers tightly, with a ferocious expression on her face.

The entire court was lost in thought.

Zhang Wei's request seems to be reasonable.

After all, you will be willing to spend money on your own children, but if you spend money on other people’s children, are you willing to be taken advantage of?

I see, ninety-nine out of ten people would disagree, right?

Zhang Wei naturally saw this, and immediately took advantage of the victory to pursue, and said in a strong tone: "Shiman, you should agree with my suggestion?"

"It's okay if you refuse, but I'm a little curious. Could it be that the child in your womb is not my client's, and the child's father is actually someone else?"

All of a sudden, Gu Shiman seemed to be in a desperate situation.

Her previous excuses were all children.

But Zhang Wei proposed a paternity test to prove that the child is Gao Tianri's.

But once the paternity test is done, the result will definitely not satisfy everyone.

Gu Shiman doesn't know anything else, but she is sure of one thing, the child is definitely not Gao Tianri's.

Because Gao Tianri had died a long time ago, how could he get herself pregnant.

"Shiman, now that my question has been asked, you should answer me. Are you willing to agree to the generous terms we offer for the sake of your child?"

"Or, you initiated this lawsuit for another purpose, not really for the child in your womb, so you don't want to agree to our conditions, but plan to be more greedy?"

Zhang Wei gave Gu Shiman two choices, waiting for the latter's answer.

In the entire court, everyone looked at Gu Shiman, waiting for the answer.

"Indeed, the conditions you have given are extremely generous. I can't disagree. After all, it's all for the children!"

After a long silence, Gu Shiman finally spoke.

However, a smile suddenly appeared on her face.

"However, I once remembered that a lawyer said to me like this..."

Zhang Wei's complexion changed slightly, he seemed to remember which sentence it was.

"But, I refuse!"

Sure enough, Gu Shiman said this directly in court!

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