Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 541 Serial tricks, this woman is putting on a show again?

Tuesday night.

Dongfangdu TV Station, the backstage of Lisa's talk show group.

"Yes, I understand!"

"Second Master, don't worry, I know how to do it!"

"Please rest assured, I will never let you down, and I will never give Gao Tianri and Zhang Wei a chance to come back!"

Gu Shiman waited for Wu Yuanzong on the other end of the phone to hang up the communication, and then quietly put down the phone.

"Gao Tianri, Zhang Wei!"

Two names were spit out from her mouth, deep in her eyes, gloom and disgust flashed.

It's still a little bit, and it's a little bit closer to completely accomplishing the goal.

She, Gu Shiman, even if it wasn't for herself, for that person, she would make Gao Tianri lose everything.

And the only obstacles to her achieving her goal are these two people.

"Miss Gu Shiman, please get ready, it's going to be on the show!"

"Oh, I'll be right there!"

At this moment, a staff member from the program team came to inform her that she was naturally ready.

5 minutes later.

The front of the show.

"Welcome everyone to watch my program "Interview with Lisa" again. The guest we invited this time is still Ms. Gu Shiman who met with you yesterday!"

"Please, Shiman..."

At the invitation of the host Wang Lisha, Gu Shiman went on the show again.

"Hello, Shiman."

"Hello, host."

Wang Lisha stood up and nodded to Gu Shiman who came up, and then the two girls sat down gracefully.

Facing the camera, the host Wang Lisha smiled and said: "After the program team interviewed Shiman yesterday, many fans privately messaged me in the background, saying that they want to see the follow-up of Shiman's divorce lawsuit, so today I specially invite Shiman again Come here."

"Shiman, you don't mind?"

"Of course not, I'm even very grateful to the "Lisa Interview" program group for giving me the opportunity to speak my heart out to the audience!"

Gu Shiman naturally expressed his gratitude, and also smiled at the camera, giving people a kind and generous impression.

Wang Lisha looked at the woman in front of her, and she couldn't help but sigh in her heart. As expected of a once popular female star, a first-line female star, this calmness facing the camera is not something ordinary guests can have.

But the script still has to go, Wang Lisha also knows her task today.

"Shiman, I heard that in today's court trial, you encountered difficulties from your opponent's lawyer, and you even choked up several times while sitting on the witness stand?"

Seeing Wang Lisha's question, Gu Shiman's eyes showed a gloomy look.

However, she still controlled her expression and pretended not to care: "Actually, I don't blame lawyer Zhang Wei. I know that he also raised those questions for his work and his own legal fees."

The implication is that Zhang Wei took the money and used other people's money to eliminate disasters for others.

Following Gu Shiman's speech, the barrage in the live broadcast room refreshed frantically.

"Fuck, Lawyer Dog, you are making things difficult for my goddess!"

"Damn it, it's great to be a lawyer just because you have studied for a few years!"

"Fuck, brothers, let's charge Zhang Wei together, I will lead the charge!"


"Count me in!"

"Chong Zhangwei +1"

It can be seen that most of the fans who posted the barrage opened fire on Zhang Wei without even watching the content of the trial.

If they watch the show, maybe there will be a doubt.

Because Zhang Wei actually didn't make things difficult for Gu Shiman during the trial, it was the woman herself who was acting on the witness stand.

But how many of the people who posted the barrage had actually read the court records, and how many of them were real passers-by?

Wang Lisha also had to admire Gu Shiman, you justified Zhang Wei on the surface by saying good things, but in fact told the audience that Zhang Wei was doing it for money, but it was really amazing.

With a knife in his smile and a needle in his cotton, Zhang Wei was stabbed in just one sentence.

However, Wang Lisha was very satisfied with the effect, because her and Gu Shiman's mission today was to piss off Zhang Wei and Gao Tianri.

"Shiman, you are still too kind. Lawyer Zhang Wei earns a day's legal fees by beating you in court, probably at least four figures?"

"This, I don't know..."

"I don't know, but I guess this number will be higher. After all, he is a rising star in the legal circle of the Oriental Capital, and he is vaguely catching up with his boss Lin Xiangtian."

If Zhang Wei was watching the show, he would definitely call him a good guy.

I just graduated from the status of a trainee lawyer, how come you, Wang Lisha, say that I am going to surpass the big boss?

You are spreading rumors about me!

Sure enough, the barrage refreshed quickly again.

"A dog-like lawyer who only knows how to make black-hearted money!"

"Call on the Lawyers Association to disqualify Zhang Wei as a lawyer!"

"Yes, if the Lawyers Association does not ban it, we will complain!"

"Let these unscrupulous lawyers see the strength of our fans!"

"Rush the duck, brothers, follow me!"

The limelight of the barrage has completely turned into an output to Zhang Wei.

The staff also gestured towards Wang Lisha, the task is completed, and the next topic can begin.

"Shiman, I heard that you rejected an extremely generous offer from the defendant during the trial. Why?"

"Because I want revenge!"

Hearing Wang Lisha's question, Gu Shiman immediately answered in a very firm tone.

"My body, my mind, and my spirit have been tortured by Gao Tianri all the year round. If I just forgive her like this, I will definitely not be reconciled, so I want to take revenge on her and let her know that as a woman, I am not so easy to be abused." knocked down!"

"That's why you rejected the 500 million, or even the 20 million childcare fund?"

"Yes, because I want Gao Tianri to understand that in this world, all problems can be solved not by relying on money. My lawsuit with him is not for money, but for the breath in my heart!"

As Gu Shiman said, the corners of his eyes became moist again, "If I agree to the defendant's conditions today, then I won't even forgive myself!"

"I, Gu Shiman, am not a woman who will bow down because of money. If I can make Gao Tianri pay enough, I don't even need a penny. I just want to see him take responsibility for what he has done! "

"Well, I believe that the audience in front of the screen can also feel Shiman's determination!"

Wang Lisha looked at the camera and said with a smile: "The audience in front of the screen, how much property do you think Shiman should get from Gao Tianri, is it reasonable?"

Following Wang Lisha's speech, a voting option appeared in the live broadcast room.

30%, 50%, 70%, 100%.

There are four options in total, and as the audience clicks on one of the options, the percentage of votes will be displayed behind.

Soon, the number of voters who chose 100% increased rapidly, almost exceeding 80% of votes.

Seeing this, the staff of the program group all smiled knowingly.

In fact, the proportion of people who voted 100% was only about 30% of the four options, and 80% of the data was modified by their background.

But the fans and audience don't know, and the barrage at this moment is all about "voting 100%", "those who don't vote 100 are not human", "brothers, vote for me 100" and so on. Barrage.

Of course, most of these barrages were also posted by the staff.

Anyway, the rhythm of the barrage, as long as you refresh it many times, many people will follow suit.

These few staff members are all experts in playing this game.

Soon, the voting deadline will come.

Choosing a 100% ratio almost completely crushes the other three options.

"Shiman, look, many viewers support you to take away 100% of Gao Tianri's property. I believe this is also what the public wants?"

"No, no, I don't need so much, I really don't need it, I just want to give my child a good home."

"Shiman, don't refuse, everyone supports you, I believe this is what you deserve!"

"No, no, I can't do this, it will make people think I'm greedy, I can't want..."

Seeing that Gu Shiman "repeatedly refused", Wang Lisha was helpless.

"It seems that our Shiman is still too kind. She doesn't even want everything she deserves. I can only say that you are still too naive."

Wang Lisha shook her head and looked at the camera again, "But I believe that the audience watching the show has a steelyard in their hearts, and they all know what price Gao Tianri needs to pay, so that he can truly understand that the world can't be run with money. to everything!"

"I hope everyone understands that when dealing with some unfair things, they can firmly grasp the weapon of the law, and let those who break the law and commit crimes pay a sufficient price!"

Under Wang Lisha's summary and hint speech, the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded again, and a new round of storm was set off.

The barrage pointed at Zhang Wei and Gao Tianri, and everyone appealed to Gao Tianri to compensate 100% of Gu Shiman's property.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Wang Lisha looked at Gu Shiman again.

"Shiman, look at the barrage, we have so many viewers supporting you, I also want to say to you on behalf of the viewers, come on, go get back everything you deserve!"

"Thank you host, thank you audience!"

This time, Gu Shiman did not explicitly refuse, and she was "moved" again and shed tears at the scene of the show.

After 30 minutes, the show finally ended.

After the staff made the "OK" gesture, Wang Lisha and Gu Shiman, who were sitting on the stage, finally stopped.

The smiles on their faces disappeared in an instant, and then the two walked backstage one after the other with cold faces.

Backstage of the program group, in Wang Lisha's office.

"This bunch of idiots are really stupid. I just burst into tears on the stage, and these people became my stormtroopers."

At this moment, Gu Shiman doesn't have the slightest weakness that he showed just now, on the contrary, he has a proud and arrogant face.

"Fans are like this. They only need a little guidance, and they can burst out with enough energy. However, who can guarantee that things on the Internet are true or false. Anyway, most of those who say they support you are also It's just a touch of the keyboard, don't expect too much from them."

A strong disdain also flashed in Wang Lisha's eyes.

After all, most of the people who can speak on the Internet are keyboard warriors.

You let them follow the trend to post a barrage, and they post diligently.

But if you ask them to do something, they will push back and hold back, and even talk about him, anyway, they just can't do anything.

Therefore, Wang Lisha's implication is that you should not expect too much from these barrages, their combat effectiveness is actually very limited.

Tuk tuk tuk!

There was a knock on the door.

"come in!"

The door of the room opened, and a young female assistant walked in with her head bowed.

"Sister Wang, the evening media reporters you asked me to contact have already arrived at the scene."

"Oh, I see, let them wait for a while, we will come right over."

Wang Lisha waved her hand and sent the female assistant away.

"Shiman, you have to sell another wave of misfortunes next. You have to let the media cooperate with today's program, so that you can guide public opinion and generate the greatest benefits!"

"Don't worry, I understand!"

Gu Shiman nodded, which was expected.

Although "Lisa Interview" is the No. 1 program in the Oriental Metropolis evening program, it is hard to guarantee that there are still people who do not watch TV.

Therefore, in order to match the effect of this program, the media must also promote it together.

Newspapers, periodicals, even We-Media official accounts, and digital media reports all need to follow up in real time and announce and distribute the programs together.

The people behind Gu Shiman and Wang Lisha have all been told that if they want to kill Gao Tianri and Zhang Wei, they have to be willing to use resources.

So, they mobilized all the media.

One hour later, the media interviewed the scene.

"Ms. Gu Shiman, I heard that you are in the latest film crew, and many people in the film crew complained that you are playing big cards, and that you often lose control of your temper and lose your temper?"

"I was not in a good mood in those few days, because the divorce proceedings with Gao Tianri put me under too much pressure, so I lost control. Since you brought it up, the reporter, I sincerely apologize to the rest of the crew here , I hope they forgive my petty waywardness."

As Gu Shiman said, he stood up and bowed. This scene was also photographed by some reporters nearby.

When bowing her head, Gu Shiman's face was very gloomy.

It seemed that after she went back, she would immediately investigate who was so bold as to dare to complain about herself.

No one in the entire production team knew that I brought capital into the crew, and behind me was the representative of the capital.

I, Gu Shiman, swear, the person who complained, I will make it difficult for you to survive in this industry!

Although she was resentful in her heart, there was only a smile and apology on Gu Shiman's face.

"Ms. Gu Shiman, I heard that you have had zero scandals since your debut. Is it true?"


Gu Shiman blinked first, then smiled and said: "I think the most important thing for an artist is character, followed by acting skills. This is the foundation of an artist. As a public figure, the most important thing is to pay attention to your own words and deeds! "

"As for the gossip, it's just a way to stir up popularity, and I, Gu Shiman, don't even bother to do it. For me, memorizing lines conscientiously, practicing acting skills, and filming in the crew are the best ways to treat this career manner."

When many reporters heard this answer, they all nodded subconsciously, showing admiration.

However, Wang Lisha, who was observing the interview scene, rolled her eyes on the spot.

You woman is really full of acting skills. Our show has been hyping you up for two days. If you still say that, I can't help it.

But now she and Gu Shiman are good teammates on the same front, so she can only complain in her heart.

"Miss Gu Shiman, I feel that compared to you, your husband Gao Tianri is really terrible. You have had no scandals since you debuted, and he has changed wives three times, and then found you again. According to my knowledge You know, he has said this about you more than once in private, saying that he married you just to save a little salary, so he can let him go whoring for nothing!"

"For this question, I don't know how to answer you, because I haven't heard him say that."

Gu Shiman denied it for a while, but then smiled wryly: "Although my marriage is not happy, I also loved that man once, so please don't tell too much bad news about my husband, I still have some conflict."

"But he has treated you like this, but you still want to repay him with virtue?"

"After all, I once loved that man, and he is also the biological father of the child in my womb."

The reporters all looked at each other in blank dismay, and then they were all greatly moved.

The woman in front of me has a very noble character.

All the reporters couldn't help but nodded, showing admiration.

Seeing that his acting skills had convinced so many reporters, the corners of Gu Shiman's mouth rose again.

"I hope everyone, don't hate my husband. Although I really want him to pay the price, I still hope to have a good reunion with him. Thank you everyone."

Gu Shiman finally bowed deeply, but the moment he lowered his head, there was only a sinister sneer on his face.

It's a pity that the reporters couldn't see this scene.

That night, the video of this interview was circulated on major media and apps, and the popularity was unprecedented.

Even the hot search on V blog, which has had several accidents, more than half of the top ten hot search items are about Gu Shiman and this case.

It can be said that this interview with Gu Shiman directly brought her popularity to the top of the list.

At this moment, Gu Shiman can tell everyone that I am the most popular female artist in Longguo!



Zhang Wei was woken up by the sound of discussions in the V letter chat group.

He opened the chat group, and saw three women, Zhao Xiaoxiao, Mo Yuzhu, and Xiao Baihe chatting in the discussion group, and the news was refreshed quickly.

"These three night owls, don't they like to sleep?"

For these three, Zhang Wei was a little speechless.

A hacker who turns day and night, a forensic doctor who likes to stay up late, and a prosecutor who often works overtime, it seems quite reasonable that he is still up at this point.

Zhang Wei just glanced at the chat information and understood the general idea of ​​the matter.

Then he opened the mobile web page and browsed the most popular news and posts.

After 10 minutes, he put down the phone.

"Good guy, this woman is putting on a show again, her acting skills are really good!"

"No, it should be that the people behind her have done enough to use public opinion to crush me in all directions?"

After Zhang Wei put down his phone, he quietly looked at the ceiling and thought about what strategy he would use next to hit his opponent hard.

After thinking about it, he thought that to hit Gu Shiman, he needed to expose the other party's lies.

And to do that, you need someone's help!

To this end, Zhang Wei carefully finalized the plan, and then began to plan for the whole day of action on Wednesday.

This day will be the key!

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