Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 542 Going out on Wednesday, meeting Zhang Youlin for the first time

Wednesday, a working day.

In the Zhang's Martial Arts Hall, Zhang Wei saw Gao Tianri who was sleeping abnormally and had dark circles under his eyes.

"Director Gao, how did you become an iron-eating beast?"

"Lawyer Zhang, don't make fun of me. Did you read the news last night?"

"Gu Shiman has started to show off her acting skills again. Can I not see it? Many discussion groups I joined are talking about it."

"Yeah, I also saw those headlines and hot search articles last night. I can only say that if this case continues like this, I'm completely finished."

"Don't worry, I've actually found a solution."

Seeing that Gao Tianri was not confident and looked sad, Zhang Wei naturally tried to comfort him.

"Really, Lawyer Zhang, you have found a countermeasure."

"That's right, in fact, countermeasures have always been there, it just depends on how we get them!"

As Zhang Wei said, he put his arms around Gao Tianri's back and started talking with him in a low voice.

Soon, someone has the information they want.

"It looks like today, we have to investigate separately!"

Afterwards, he took another look at his team and began to clarify the division of labor.

"Smelly brother, take your sister to monitor Gu Shiman and see if she will act like a demon again."

"Xiaoxiao, you stay at home and watch Director Gao by the way, if there is any situation here, please contact me."

"For me, I will act when Hanhan arrives!"

Zhang Wei said, looking at the door of Zhang's Martial Arts Hall.

Xia Qianyue went back last night, saying she was going to pick up the car.

In fact, Xia Qianyue has been practicing in the investigation department for so long, and by the way, she also took the driver's license test.

Although her mind is sometimes one-sided and sometimes not very bright, it has to be said that she is still very quick to learn the professional skills of the investigation department, including the ability to drive vehicles.


As the horn sounded outside the door, Zhang Wei knew that Xia Qianyue had come.

"That's all right, let's act!"

With Zhang Wei's order, Zhang Xinwu and others started to act separately.

Zhang Wei also immediately walked out of the martial arts hall and looked towards the intersection.

I saw a black car slowly driving out of the passageway at the intersection, the body of the car bumped and paused for a few times, and then staggered to a stop on the concrete floor at the entrance of Zhang's Martial Arts Hall.

The car door opened, and Xia Qianyue got down nervously.


She wiped the faint traces of sweat on her forehead, then waved to Zhang Wei.

"Hanhan, you drive your father-in-law's car, does he know?"

"Yes, he is the one who lent me the car."

"Does he know that you just got your driver's license?"

"Of course, he also said that although this car has been with him for nearly ten years, it is not expensive in general. If it hits it, it will hit it. Anyway, it is insured, so I don't want to feel bad."

"Your novice driving skills, I guess the insurance may not pay for it!"

Zhang Wei glanced at the black car that nominally belonged to Xia Donghai, and had a vague premonition in his heart.

He had calculated thousands of times, but the only thing he didn't count was probably Xia Qianyue's driving skills when he just got his driver's license.

Well, how about updating the mission and going out in my car together...

"Zhang Wei, let's go!"

Just when Zhang Weigang had this idea, Zhang Xinwu, who was sitting in the passenger seat, waved to Zhang Wei, and after Zhang Xinyan stepped on the accelerator, the off-road vehicle disappeared directly into the passage.


Zhang Wei also had to accept the reality that he had to take a ride with a novice female driver today.

"Zhang Wei, let's go too!"

Seeing that Zhang Xinwu and others were in action, Xia Qianyue hurriedly opened the co-pilot's door for Zhang Wei, and got into the car in a hurry.

Zhang Wei, who had just witnessed Xia Qianyue's parking scene, hesitated for a moment before walking to the passenger seat, with a slight hesitation on his face.

Gritting his teeth for the last time, he still got into the co-pilot.

In the driver's seat, Xia Qianyue saw Zhang Wei getting into the car, and then gripped the steering wheel tightly, with a look of excitement on his face.

"Zhang Wei, please fasten your seat belt. Dad said that the handling of this car does not seem to be very good. He said that after driving for a long time, some minor problems are normal."

Zhang Wei: "..."

Well, someone has some regrets.

He shouldn't have agreed to let Hanhan go back to pick up the car.

Xia Qianyue took a deep breath after finishing her instructions, and did not light the car again until she exhaled the turbid air from her mouth for a long time, and started the vehicle.

At the gate of Zhang's Martial Arts Hall, the black car made a U-turn slowly, then made a small turn. It was not until 5 minutes later that it finally adjusted the direction and started to set off.

As if embarrassed by her immature driving skills, Xia Qianyue glanced at the people around her, and explained: "Well, Zhang Wei, don't be nervous, actually, during the exam, the coach said that I'm actually pretty good! "

Good foundation?

Zhang Wei glanced at Xia Qianyue, and then complained in his heart.

This is no nonsense, of course your background is pretty good, even if this car crashes, with your physical fitness, you might be able to overturn the other car directly?

"By the way, don't be afraid. I know I'm a novice, so I drive very slowly. Even if I get hit, nothing will happen."

"Ah, this..."

Don't say it! Can you tell me that I am more nervous?

Zhang Wei's heart is going crazy.

Regret, I really regret it anyway!

He should think clearly that the lethality of female drivers, especially those who just got a driver's license, is the most terrifying.

Therefore, it is not without reason that novice female drivers are generally called road killers.


Dongfangdu, a suburb.

While Zhang Wei was worried, Xia Qianyue drove the black car and drove the two of them to the villa under Gao Tianri's name.

After getting out of the car, Zhang Wei clutched his chest, he could feel his heart beating a little hard.

"Fortunately, nothing happened. It looks like Hanhan just got her driver's license, but at least she knows that driving slowly will ensure safety."

Zhang Wei was a little fortunate in his heart. Xia Qianyue "intentionally took care of" the original 1-hour drive, but it took an extra half an hour to arrive here.

Fortunately, nothing happened on the way.

And those who saw Xia Qianyue driving, all gave full play to the spirit of the old driver taking care of the newcomer, that was as far away as possible, and there was no such thing as overtaking.

Now, their destination has arrived.

"According to Gu Shiman's testimony in court, it was in this villa that she was raped by Gao Tianri before she became pregnant."

Zhang Wei pointed to the villa with a sneer on his face.

What was being QJed by Gao Tianri, it was obviously you, Gu Shiman, who came here to meet his lover.

As for who the lover is, the one from the Wu family!

"Could she be lying, Zhang Wei?"

"She must have lied, but sometimes, the best results can be achieved when lies and truths are told together."

Zhang Wei thought for a while, and analyzed: "I guess, the place where Gu Shiman and his lover had a tryst is indeed in this villa. After all, it's quite quiet here, and there's no one around, so it's the most suitable for an ulterior private meeting." !"

"Then why can't it be an apartment in the city center? Anyway, your client was there during that time, and he wasn't in Dongfangdu."

"The apartment in the city center is monitored. What if someone finds out, Gu Shiman's goal is to embezzle all of Gao Tianri's property. She will never choose a place full of people to have an affair with her lover!"

Among other things, the city center is crowded.

With so many people watching, it's hard to guarantee that someone who cares will not notice it.

Therefore, choosing a villa in the suburbs to have an affair can save a lot of unnecessary troubles.

"Then we came here to find clues?"


Seeing Xia Qianyue's sudden cleverness, Zhang Wei chuckled, "We not only need to find clues about Gu Shiman's affair with his lover, but also find evidence that can prove his identity!"

As long as it can be proved that Gu Shiman had an affair with a man, then it can be proved that Gu Shiman was at fault in the marriage.

And once the identity of the man is proved, the man can be summoned directly to court.

If the two of them can find out that the time when the man had sex with Gu Shiman is in late August, then it can prove that the child in Gu Shiman's belly is not Gao Tianri's.

Once this is proven, the case is closed.

Therefore, Zhang Wei took out the key of the villa and quickly entered the villa with Xia Qianyue.

Gao Tianri's suburban villa is completely designed as a holiday villa, with a beach style, with a swimming pool and a large lawn inside.

The water in the swimming pool is very clear, with a faint smell of disinfectant, and the lawn is neatly trimmed, which means that people often come to clean it.

While that's great, it's not good news for Zhang Wei.

Because this place has obviously been cleaned up, it will become relatively difficult to find traces of the adulterer.

Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue took tools, put on plastic gloves, and started to work in the villa.

Xia Qianyue searched the first floor, Zhang Wei searched the second floor, and then the two reunited to search the basement together.

Unfortunately, nothing was found.

Zhang Wei felt that he had checked every corner, even on the beams of the house, the floor drain in the supporting bathroom, and the inside of the kitchen sewer, but the result was still nothing.

"It looks like this place has been cleaned up!"

He doesn't need to doubt it, because this is the truth.

Obviously, in order to hide traces of herself and her lover, Gu Shiman sent a professional cleaning company to clean up the villa.

No wonder there is no trace left here.

"After all, it is a profit of 1 billion. If you don't make these preparations, it would be a strange thing!"

Zhang Wei stood in the entrance hall of the villa with his hands behind his back, thinking carefully.

There should be no clues for suburban villas or downtown apartments.

There is no surveillance near this villa, so it is impossible to see the adulterer appearing.

Isn't that incomprehensible?

"Zhang Wei, what should we do now?" Sure enough, seeing that there were no traces, Xia Qianyue could only lie down obediently.

"Let's go to the city to eat!"

Zhang Wei yelled, signaling Xia Qianyue to continue driving.

"Ha, dinner?"

Xia Qianyue was confused, didn't she want to find clues today?

"Yeah, how can you work hard if you don't eat enough?"

Zhang Wei urged, pushed Xia Qianyue and left the villa.

The black car continued to start, and the two returned to Dongjiang Yipin this time.

It's a pity that both Xia Donghai and Li Qinghua are working today, and there are only Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue in Nuo Da's river view room.

After Zhang Wei cooked, the two of them simply made do with a home-cooked meal. There was no lunch break, and they continued to work in the afternoon.

However, after coming out of Dongjiang Yipin, Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue looked at each other at the same time as if they had sensed something.

"Someone is following us!"

"And there are a lot of people, almost driving in different cars, in case we find out."

Through the rearview mirror, Zhang Wei saw several cars following behind their vehicle.

These cars will take turns to line up at the front, trying to give Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue the illusion that no one is following them, it's just a coincidence.

But they obviously overlooked one point, that is, Hanhan just got his driver's license, driving at a speed that would drive old drivers crazy.

The cars behind followed them for several streets. No matter whether Xia Qianyue stopped and braked suddenly, forgot to turn on the turn signal, or forgot to drive when the green light was green, they never honk the horn once.

Is this reasonable?

This is obviously unreasonable!

In this case, if it was an ordinary driver, he would have already scolded his mother in the back, and even encountered a bad-tempered one, maybe there would be a full-scale martial arts on the road.

But the people in the three cars behind didn't respond at all!

In fact, the people in the three cars behind were also depressed.

"Is the information wrong? I remember that according to the information, the target traveled in an off-road vehicle. Why did he change to a low-end vehicle?"

"It's fine with low-end cars, and the driving skills are still so bad. I remember that the driver of the target should not be so good at driving, right?"

"That's right, those who don't know about this driving skill may think it's a female driver who has just been certified!"

"Stop talking, the car stopped!"

At this moment, a person pointed forward.

Seeing that Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue had already parked their car by the side of the road, they got out of the car and rushed into a small alley by the side of the road.

"Here, what should I do?"

"Keep an eye on them when the task is given by the above, what else can we do, chase after them!"

The three cars also pulled over, you listen, and a dozen men in black got out of the car one after another and rushed into the alley.

As a result, they found that the alley was actually a dead end, and there was no one in it.

"what's the situation?"

At this moment, the dozen or so people were stunned.

What about this person?

There is no sewer manhole cover here, and there is no fire ladder. How come there are no people?


The figure of a heavy object falling to the ground sounded behind them.

A group of people looked back and found that the target of tracking had appeared.

However, the posture of the two of them was a little strange. An old man was hugged by a girl for the princess.

"Hanhan, next time you jump up and tell me, I'm afraid I'll pee my pants."

"Oh, I see~"

After Xia Qianyue put Zhang Wei down, she walked up to a dozen men in black, "Who are you and why are you following us?"

"Be careful, according to intelligence, this girl is the number one in the martial arts tournament!"

Among the men in black, the leader looked wary, and even made a posture of preparing for battle.

"Hehe, your target is indeed us, and you have already investigated it beforehand. Tell me, who told you to follow us, Zhang Tianlong or Wu Yuanzong, or..."

Based on just a few words, Zhang Wei guessed that the man in black must come from one of the five major families.

"This girl is tricky, pre-emptive!"

But the opponent didn't give them a chance to question them. It may be that Xia Qianyue put too much pressure on them, forcing them to take the first shot as if they were facing a big enemy.

"Hey, you..."

Seeing this, Zhang Wei hurriedly waved his hand, wanting to remind this group of people.

It's useless even if you make the first move, you're just ordinary people, my Hanhan is a "Saiyan"!

Bang bang bang!

In just 5 seconds, a dozen or so men in black lay down instantly.

Some of them didn't even realize that they were knocked down by some kind of attack.

"Hanhan, leave someone who can ask questions!"

"Ah, I'm sorry, I haven't fought with anyone for a long time, and I can't control it."


Seeing that everyone had collapsed, Zhang Wei immediately lost his composure.

clap clap clap clap...

But the next moment, there was a burst of applause from the entrance of the alley.

"There are still people!"

Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes, and looked back with Xia Qianyue.

Then, he saw a man.

A man with sword eyebrows and star eyes, who can be called a handsome guy, looks like he can kill himself in seconds, and has a haughty look on his face.

If there is a child passing by, they will definitely ask: "Mom, does he look at people with his nostrils like this?"

When the person came over, the arrogance on his face became clearer.

"Unexpectedly, the men I arranged were knocked down by you so easily, not bad, not bad."

"Who are you……"

"My name is Zhang Youlin, my father's name is Zhang Tianlong, my grandfather's name is Zhang Tianyan, and I am the third generation of the Zhang family!"

The visitor was so arrogant that he didn't even bother to conceal his identity, and directly reported his household registration booklet.

"Good guy, people from the Zhang family!"

Zhang Wei looked at the person in front of him, and then pointed to the group of people behind him.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm from Zhang's family, and they can only be regarded as Zhang's dogs!"


Seeing the opponent's disdain to look at people with straight eyes, and the indifferent attitude of his subordinates, Zhang Wei's perception of the person in front of him is naturally very bad.

"Then, this young master of the Zhang family, why did you let someone follow us? We don't remember provoking you, do we?"

"I just wanted to see who upset my second uncle and my father. I didn't expect to see an interesting person today!"

Zhang Youlin said, but looked at Xia Qianyue beside Zhang Wei with piercing eyes.

"Woman, you managed to get my attention!"

"Brother, you must have read too many domineering CEO articles, and this speech is too low!"

Hearing Zhang Youlin's speech, Zhang Wei complained directly.

Zhang Youlin didn't care about Zhang Wei, but stared at Xia Qianyue, and said with great interest: "In this world, there are countless Miss Jin begging me to chase after you, but now I'm only interested in you!"

"Crazy!" Xia Qianyue couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

You are enough, believe it or not, I will beat you!

"Very well, I like wild horses that are difficult to tame, this will stimulate my desire to conquer!"

As Zhang Youlin said, a wicked smile appeared on his face, and he snapped his fingers behind him.

Not far away, a helicopter flew into the air.

"Woman, there will be a period later!"

Zhang Youlin jumped up high, then jumped left and right in the alley, rushed to the roof a few times, then jumped and grabbed the helicopter's guardrail, then turned over and entered the plane.

"What a nimble monkey, but there are so many high-rise buildings in the city center, you might as well ask a good neighbor to use a swing to walk faster!"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Wei could only complain again.

Everyone has already boarded the helicopter, what can he do, the other party probably won't hear him if he curses.

But Zhang Wei still kept an eye on the one just now.

Zhang Youlin, the son of Zhang Tianlong.

Slapping Lao Tzu in the face and causing his son to wipe his ass, this is really... wait!

I slapped my face, and my son came to wipe his ass?

At this moment, a good idea suddenly appeared in Zhang Wei's mind!

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