Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 545 Gao Tianri is having a room with a big heart!

Civil court, scene.

"This court announces that today's hearing has officially begun!"

After Ni Qiuping made the announcement, she looked at the plaintiff's seat, "Plaintiff Gu Shiman, before you sit on the witness stand, this court should ask clearly whether your mentality has adjusted after the rest of Tuesday night, Wednesday and this morning. alright?"

"Thank you, Your Honor, for your concern. My mentality has been adjusted. Even if the defendant asks some unreasonable questions, I can handle it!"

As Gu Shiman said, she looked at Zhang Wei with a look of determination on her face!

This scene also made the jury and the hearing audience a little distressed after seeing it.

This woman, facing the torture of the defendant's lawyer in court, has shown such a resolute attitude, which is really admirable.

In comparison, the defendant's lawyer was so inhuman that he had the heart to embarrass a weak woman in court!

In the jury and hearing seats, countless eyes turned to Zhang Wei, with obvious hostility.

"Hey, hey, how did I become a villain? Did I do something heinous?"

Zhang Wei was keenly aware of these hostile gazes, and complained speechlessly in his heart.

He had to admit that Gu Shiman's acting skills seemed to have improved crazily in the past two days, and with just one look, he stirred up the emotions of most people in the courtroom.

"This woman is really amazing..."

Zhang Wei muttered something, but he still walked to the witness stand.

"Shiman, how are you resting these two days?"

"Thank you, Attorney Zhang, for your concern. With the blessings of fans who support me, I am resting well!"

"Really, if I ask you a question today, can you answer it? Do you need to rest for a while?"

"No, just ask whatever you want, I won't hide anything!"

Facing Zhang Wei's "aggressiveness", Gu Shiman responded with a cold face.

"No, no, I don't think you're resting well. Look, there are wrinkles around the corners of your eyes."

"What, wrinkle, where is it?"

Gu Shiman was shocked, she paid special attention to maintenance on weekdays, how could she have wrinkles.

But Zhang Wei chuckled, "Oh, I'm just joking, to liven up the atmosphere!"

Gu Shiman's originally panicked expression suddenly turned cold.

Are you kidding me?

You can still laugh now, but after I use my superb acting skills to teach you how to be a human being, you will definitely not be able to laugh anymore.

Die you!

Gu Shiman thought viciously in her heart.

At the same time, Zhang Wei turned to the trial seat after arguing with Gu Shiman.

"Judge Ni, we think that the plaintiff's witness Gu Shiman hasn't had a good rest, and ask her to return to her seat to continue to rest, so we won't ask her any questions for the time being!"


Ni Qiuping was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't come to her senses.

You, Zhang Wei, actually plan to let Gu Shiman go?

Wednesday all day, plus this morning, and tuesday afternoon, you have nothing to do?

In the past, in your court trials, as long as you took a break in the middle, couldn't you always catch the opponent's flaws?

It's hard to say, are you really going to give up this time?

"Give it up, shit, I just want her to get used to it first, so that she won't be able to accept it for a while when the sudden news comes!"

Zhang Wei seemed to see what Ni Qiuping was thinking, and immediately sneered in his heart.

That's right!

He prepared a killer move for Gu Shiman, but the killer move is most interesting only when it is used at the last moment.

Wouldn't it be a lot less fun if Gu Shiman was taken away from the beginning?

After all, today's trial has just begun.

"Since the defendant doesn't want to ask questions, then witness Gu Shiman, you can go back and sit down first."

Ni Qiuping doesn't know what Zhang Wei is thinking, since you don't want to ask, then move on to the next witness!

Gu Shiman was also a little surprised that Zhang Wei didn't pester him endlessly, or even stalked him to death?

As Laura said before, Zhang Wei was notoriously difficult in court.

But when I saw it today, it seemed that the rumors were nothing more than that.

"Is this giving up?"

Gu Shiman thought, and returned to the plaintiff's seat.

Laura on the side began to weigh the pros and cons.

"We have a great advantage now. Even if we summon witnesses next, the other party may catch the witness's flaws, which will damage our plaintiff's impression in the jury's mind. Therefore, I suggest that we do not need to present evidence in the future and let the defendant Start proving yourself!"

Both Gu Shiman and Ge Rui nodded at Laura's words, expressing their understanding.

Everyone can see how big the plaintiff's advantage is now.

There is no need to summon some witnesses to come up.

Therefore, Laura immediately got up and announced, "Judge Ni, the plaintiff has decided to end the statement, and will not call any more witnesses!"

"Since the plaintiff has finished its opening statement, the defendant, you can get ready!"

Ni Qiuping also expressed her understanding, and then reminded Zhang Wei.

"Okay, thank you Judge Ni for reminding me, we can't wait!"

Zhang Wei said with excitement on his face, then he walked quickly to the court, cleared his throat and announced: "The defense summoned the witness Mr. Chen to appear in court!"

Following Zhang Wei's announcement, a man wearing a suit and wearing a leader came to the court and sat on the witness stand.

"Mr. Chen, please tell us your identity."

"I'm Jingui City Film and Television City Base, the lobby manager of the Four Seasons Hotel!"

"Oh, the manager of the hotel, right?"

Zhang Wei nodded, explaining the identity of the witness.

"The hotel manager, Jingui Film and Television City?"

Gu Shiman in the plaintiff's seat also frowned.

Because this hotel manager seems to be able to prove something.

After all, during the few days of his pregnancy, Gao Tianri was indeed not in Jingui City all the time.

If the hotel manager could prove that Gao Tianri had been in the hotel in Jingui City, wouldn't it be an indirect proof that the child in his belly was not Gao Tianri's.

"Shiman, don't panic, I have already prepared countermeasures for this witness!"

Seeing that Gu Shiman frowned slightly, Laura on the side responded calmly.

Her face was full of confidence, and she was not at all surprised by the appearance of this witness.

"Very confident!"

In front of the witness stand, Zhang Wei caught the expression changes of Gu Shiman and Laura.

But he didn't care, and asked questions step by step.

"Manager Chen, please tell us, during the period from late August to early September, did you meet my client, Director Gao?"

The witness took a careful look at Gao Tianri in the dock, then nodded, "I've seen it!"

"Where did you see it?"

"Of course I work in the hotel."

"You mean, in the All Year Four Seasons Hotel at the base of Jingui Film and Television City?"


"During that time, did my client live in the hotel every day?"


"So, is it a woman who stayed in the hotel with him?"


"Is it Ms. Gu Shiman in the plaintiff's seat?"

"Of course not, that woman is much younger."

Following Zhang Wei's questioning, the witness told some facts very calmly.

Gao Tianri cheated, and went out to have a room with a young woman.

Although this matter was not good for Gao Tianri's reputation, it became the basis for his "innocence" in this case.

"It's so strange. At this point in time, it should be the time when Director Gao returned to Dongfang Capital to perform QJ behaviors on the plaintiff, Ms. Gu Shiman, but he has been in the hotel in Jingui City all the time. How did he manage to be human? How about QJing the plaintiff who is more than 100 kilometers away in the hotel?"

As Zhang Wei said, he spread his hands, expressing his incomprehension.

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the court were stunned.

Yeah, how is this possible?

Although Gao Tianri behaved badly, he had a room with a woman in a hotel in Jingui City.

But he opened the room. After all, he was in Jingui City. How could he make Gu Shiman, who was QJ in Dongfangdu, pregnant at the same time?

Although Gao Tianri is a scumbag, it is obviously impossible for him to QJ Gu Shiman.

Could it be that Gu Shiman has been lying all along?

After hearing this fact, many people in the jury and the hearing booth started pointing at Gu Shiman.

They were all guessing, why did Gu Shiman lie?

"Lawyer Laura..."

"Shiman, don't be nervous, let him jump for a while!"

After Laura calmed down a little, she looked at Zhang Wei with a gloomy expression.

I'll just let you jump for a while, and I'll make you look good later!

in court.

"Manager Chen, are you sure that Director Gao stayed in your hotel for a few days?"

"Of course, I saw it with my own eyes!"

"Similar to Director Gao and his female companion, such a combination of one old and one young should be rare, right?"


Manager Chen recalled for a while, and said: "Theoretically, I know all the crews who come to our film and television city to film. As a great director, Director Gao, I have naturally heard of his reputation. He came to our film and television base in Jingui City Filming on location, I have seen each other in the film and television city more than once, so how could I have misunderstood the person!"

"That's good!"

Zhang Wei nodded, then looked at the jury.

Seeing that the jury seems to have accepted the statement of the witness, he naturally accepted it as soon as it was good.

"As for Manager Chen, we have nothing to ask!"

Zhang Wei returned to his seat and sat down calmly.

Gao Tianri, who was on the side, hurried over and asked with a puzzled look: "Lawyer Zhang, can this witness prove my innocence?"

"Director Gao, you don't think that the opponent is not prepared at all, do you?"

But Zhang Wei showed an expression of "Why are you so naive".

"What, is the testimony of this witness invalid?"

"No, the testimony of this witness is temporarily valid, but the effect will be greatly reduced under the next question from the plaintiff."

As Zhang Wei said, he signaled Gao Tianri to continue watching, because Laura was about to make a move.

Seeing the plaintiff's seat, Laura got up calmly and walked towards the witness stand.

"Hello, Manager Chen."

"Hello, lawyer."

"Manager Chen, now is the peak tourist season, isn't it?"

"Yes, especially since the summer vacation, the hotel business in our film and television city has been quite good recently."

"Then I would like to ask, why did you give up your busy hotel job in Jingui City and come to Dongfangdu to testify instead?"

"Well, isn't it an obligation to testify?"

"Yes, but the court probably didn't issue you a subpoena. It should be the defendant's lawyer who found you, right?"


"Then, can I understand that the defendant's lawyer gave you a little favor to persuade you to come to Dongfangdu to testify?"

"No, the plaintiff's lawyer is making groundless speculations, subjective assumptions, and hypothetical statements!"

Just when Laura made a hypothesis, Zhang Wei stood up immediately.

"Judge Ni, we have evidence to prove that there is an interest relationship between the defendant and the witness Manager Chen!"


Ni Qiuping originally wanted to say that the objection was valid, but since Laura had said so, she could only hold back these four words.

"invalid objection."

Seeing this, Laura sneered.

"Manager Chen, what is your monthly salary?"

"If it's the peak tourist season, if the hotel business is good, there will probably be tens of thousands of dollars..."

"Then if there is a sudden transfer of 50,000 more in your account, the money must have come from a wrong source, right?"


Under Laura's question, Manager Chen's expression suddenly became flustered, with sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Manager Chen, I would like to know why there was a personal transfer of 50,000 yuan in your personal account from August to early September?"


Manager Chen was a little embarrassed, and looked at Gao Tianri with dark eyes.

"This money... this money is..."

"The defendant gave you the money, right?"

"Yes, it is,"

Under Laura's pressure, Manager Chen finally admitted.

"During that time, Director Gao came to our hotel to open a room. He said he didn't want to be disturbed, so he gave me a service fee of 50,000 yuan and asked me to help keep an eye on it. I just..."

"So, there is actually an obvious relationship of money and interests between you and Gao Tianri, right?"

"This..." Manager Chen was at a loss for words.

"You took money from the defendant, I guess you must speak for him in court?"

"This... This money was when he stayed in the hotel, hoping not to be disturbed. I collected it when they opened the room. It has nothing to do with today's trial."

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay if you say it's okay?"

Seeing Manager Chen's explanation, Laura sneered again: "If you can collect the defendant's money once, naturally you can also collect the second and third times."

"Let me ask you, you said that the defendant and a young woman came to your hotel to open a room. You should know this woman, right?"


"Witness, please understand that you are sitting on the witness stand. If you give false testimony in court, you should know what the consequences will be?"

"I... I know it!"

Under Laura's pressing step by step, Manager Chen finally couldn't bear the pressure and confessed directly.

"Who is that woman?"

"'s Yang*!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Because the name mentioned by Manager Chen is a new national idol.

Even, many people in the court are still its fans.

Heartbroken, dreams shattered, idols crumbled.

Anyway, there was a lot of commotion in the courtroom, and many people showed expressions of disbelief and disbelief.

"Good guy, Director Gao, you are really dedicated. You are not interested in young and beautiful female stars?"

Zhang Wei looked at Gao Tianri with a look of surprise, you are an old boy, and in the name of a director, you secretly ruled a popular actress.

"No, Yang* is having an affair with you, doesn't she have a boyfriend?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao on the side couldn't hold back anymore, her face became extremely surprised.

Zhang Wei seems to remember that before his second daughter, she seemed to have been a fan of Yang* for a while.

It seems that the image of idols has collapsed.

"Manager Chen, you mean this Miss Yang and the defendant have booked a room in your hotel, right?"

Manager Chen also knew that this matter would have an impact on many people.

But now that he has told the truth, he doesn't intend to continue to hide it.

Anyway, it broke out, he nodded and admitted: "Yes."

"Oh, Sting!" Laura looked surprised now.

Then she looked directly at the trial seat, "Judge Ni, regarding Manager Chen's testimony, we request to submit a video evidence, which can prove that Manager Chen's testimony is not true!"

"Yes, then I approve!"

Seeing Ni Qiuping's nod, Laura turned her head and nodded to her subordinate Gray.

The latter immediately opened the notebook and connected to the projection screen.

Not long after, a video appeared on the projection screen.

"Hi everyone, I'm Yang*. I would like to declare here that during the filming in Jingui City, director Gao Tianrizhi and I were ordinary colleagues at work. I absolutely deny the unspoken rules of rumors posted on the Internet. The same , if director Gao or someone else shows evidence, it is all forged. I will never have an illegal private meeting with any decision-maker of the crew because of the drama of the crew. Please don't spread rumors, otherwise I will I will hire a lawyer and reserve the right to prosecute the rumormongers!"

In the video, it is the new national idol Ms. Yang who appears.

But the video is not over yet, there are other people speaking.

"Hi everyone, I'm Yang*'s boyfriend. I can testify that during the filming in Jingui City, Yang* and I were together all the time. It is absolutely impossible for Yang* to go out with the director of the crew. Stay with me! As for the so-called rumors of unspoken rules, I hope that the rumor makers will take care of themselves, and if I see any such rumors appearing on the Internet again, I will ask a lawyer to prosecute you to the end!"

The man's speech contained anger and warning, it could be said that he was gnashing his teeth.

"That's amazing. Even though he was cheated on, he still stood up to defend his girlfriend, and acted as if nothing had happened. It's embarrassing for this young man."

Zhang Wei laughed when he saw a man and a woman testifying in the video.

That day, Gao Tianri really went out to have a room with Ms. Yang in the video, and they stayed for several days.

As for Ms. Yang's boyfriend, apart from appearing at the shooting opening ceremony, he didn't show up again until the shooting was over.

So, during the filming of the film crew, Gao Tianri never came to the base of the film and television city when he was having a room with his girlfriend. How could he accompany him the whole time?

What is this, you have to swallow it in your stomach after breaking your teeth?

I have to say that this boyfriend's psychological quality is quite good. He knew that his girlfriend might have cheated on him, but he still pretended to be okay, and even cooperated with Ms. Yang to make a video to warn the rumormongers.

Zhang Wei looked at Gao Tianri, who also looked confused.

He remembered that when Yang* had a room with him, he despised his boyfriend very much, and said that the other party was nice to him because he liked his fame and so on.

Anyway, Gao Tianri knew that it was Yang* who took the initiative to seduce him, not because he wanted to subtly rule the other party, but because the other party wanted to be submerged!

It can only be said that this boyfriend is really big-hearted.

I admire you!

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