Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 546 Gao Tianri proves himself, there is a villain by his side

in court.

As the video played, the atmosphere in the entire courtroom changed slightly.

Although anyone with a discerning eye can see that this video is nothing more than Yang*'s attempt to save himself.

What's more, many people watched the scene in the video where the boyfriend gritted his teeth and warned, and always felt that there was a green light on the boy's head.

Maybe the other party also knew that he was cheated on, but because of the fame brought by his girlfriend, he chose to bear it, and chose to pretend that he didn't see it.

Anyway, the two videos were played.

"Manager Chen, you said that the woman is Ms. Yang, but Ms. Yang denied the matter, and her boyfriend also testified that he accompanied the whole process during the filming at the film and television base. So the idea of ​​opening a house should be impossible, right?" .”

Manager Chen was speechless for a while.

What kind of boyfriend accompanied me all the time, I really thought I was blind.

I saw with my own eyes that Yang* took the initiative to hook up with Gao Tianri, and then chatted and laughed with the latter the whole time, even smiling when they opened the room.

As for the boyfriend?

Sorry, I really didn't see the other party accompanying me all the way.

"This... I think that Miss Yang is lying..."

"Manager Chen, why can't it be you who lied?"

Seeing that Manager Chen was still denying it, Laura pressed her step by step, "You have a financial relationship with the defendant, and you have received him a service fee of 50,000 yuan, so there is no guarantee that you will not charge him another favor fee, isn't it? "

"Objection, inflammatory speech, the plaintiff's lawyer is maliciously speculating on the character of our witness!"

Seeing that Laura was trying to frame Manager Chen, Zhang Wei hurriedly got up and interrupted.

"The objection is valid!"

Ni Qiuping glared at Laura.

"Judge Ni, we have no questions to ask about this witness."

Seeing that many members of the jury were suspicious, Laura knew that the purpose had been accomplished, so she ended the cross-examination directly.

After all, her purpose was to tarnish the witness's reputation and weaken the credibility of the witness's testimony, and the assumptions just now had achieved her goal.

Many people in the jury and the hearing booth showed signs of understanding.

They think that although Yang* may be lying, you, Manager Chen, are not a good bird either.

After all, you have received money before, so there is no guarantee that you will not continue to collect money and give false testimony for money.

"As expected of Laura from William International, she even thought of this step!"

In the dock, Zhang Wei looked at Laura, who was sitting back in her seat, with an extremely calm expression.

However, he knew that Manager Chen's hotel room testimonial had almost no effect.


On Zhang Wei's side, Manager Chen is not just a witness.

"Judge Ni, we request that the defendant Gao Tianri be summoned to testify in court!"

"Well, this court approves it!"

Regarding the defendant's self-certification, everyone wanted to see what Gao Tianri would say.

In the plaintiff's seat, Laura and Gu Shiman looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths showed different degrees of sneer.

Summoning the defendant to appear in court by himself means that Zhang Wei has nothing to do.

That being the case, they only need to add one more knife at the end, then everything will be...

In court, Gao Tianri sat on the witness stand, and Zhang Wei also came in front of him.

"Hello, Director Gao."

"Hello, Lawyer Zhang."

After the two greeted each other, the self-certification began.

"Director Gao, I know you have a lot to say about the plaintiff, Ms. Fang Gu Shiman's speech, don't you?"


"Then let's come one by one."

Zhang Wei said, holding up a finger.

"First of all, the main point of this case is that Ms. Gu Shiman said that you raped her and made her pregnant!"

"No, I haven't touched her for more than a year or almost two years."

Regarding this matter, Gao Tianri naturally shook his head in denial.

"Then about the period between the end of August and the beginning of September, did you return to the Oriental Capital from the film and television base in Jingui City?"

"Of course not. It's a bit ashamed to say it. I really went out to have a room with a female colleague of the crew."

Gao Tianri showed a bit of embarrassment. After all, although he did this, although it was an unspoken rule in the industry, it could be considered cheating in disguise.

As for his so-called discussion of scripts and lines, of course they are all excuses.

A man and a woman go to a hotel to open a room. If you don't come out with something, are you really busy with work all night?

Don't be ridiculous!

"But this female colleague seems to deny it?"

"Of course, she made her debut with a character set featuring pure girls. Although she has a boyfriend in name, it is said that she has never even held hands or kissed her lips."

Gao Tianri said, laughing at himself.

It's best not to believe the characters in the entertainment industry.

For example, Yang* in this case, said that she is a pure girl, and she has only dated such a boyfriend since her debut.

But in fact, no one knows how many people this woman has slept with behind her back to get a heroine position.

Anyway, during the few days when the room was opened, this woman's flirtatiousness on the bed was definitely not a pure girl.

Gao Tianri knew that this man must be a battle-tested and experienced veteran, and some postures and positions were beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Veteran, absolute veteran!

At least have the strength to kill a hundred people!

If it wasn't for his own failure, he could only rely on drugs to maintain his state, otherwise he really wanted to fight this man for hundreds of rounds.

Zhang Wei didn't know what Gao Tianri was thinking at the moment, but continued to ask, "Director Gao, so you really have sex with that Miss Yang?"

"Although I'm sorry, but I admit it is!"

Gao Tianri nodded solemnly, then looked at the jury with an apologetic expression.

Although Yang* denied it, he just had a room with the other party.

So sorry, I may have slept with your dream girl, your favorite idol.

In court, many men showed regret, and even beat their chests and stamped their feet in a trance.

Apparently, when Gao Tianri confessed, the hope in their hearts was completely shattered.

Hehe, it really fits the answer of the entertainment circle...

Zhang Wei looked surprised after hearing Gao Tianri's answer.

"Director Gao, since you said that you spent the past few days chatting with a female colleague of the crew about the script, how could you return to Dongfang Capital under such circumstances and QJ the plaintiff Gu Shiman in this case?"

"Yeah, I'm also surprised. I'm not a superman, and I can't fly. How could I go back?"

Gao Tianri also spread his hands, looking puzzled.

"Well, it's really weird~"

Zhang Wei nodded, then looked at Gao Tianri with a smile.

"Director Gao, let's move on to the second point of controversy in this case. The plaintiff, Gu Shiman, said that you beat her with domestic violence, and that you had raped her many times in marriage, and even invited friends to come with you in a frenzy? "

"It's all slander, it's all slander, I can never do such a thing!"

Gao Tianri looked at Gu Shiman in the plaintiff's seat with an expression of indignation, and said in an aggrieved tone: "Shiman, I have never been violent towards you, how could you slander me like this!"

"Besides, you know about things like QJ... you know that I'm actually..."

Having said that, Gao Tianri paused, then lowered his head.

Seeing that Director Gao suddenly fell silent, Zhang Wei hurriedly asked: "Director Gao, what do you want to say!"


"Director Gao, you want to kill us in a hurry, do you have any secrets?"


Seeing Zhang Wei's repeated questioning, Gao Tianri finally gave up, "Actually, a few years ago, I couldn't get a normal erection because of excessive drinking!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Of course, Zhang Wei knew about it a long time ago, he was just acting.

However, the entire jury and hearing seats were shocked when they heard the news.

Everyone looked at Gao Tianri in surprise.

Good guy!

Really good guy!

An old man, in court, actually admitted that he was not good at that!

But when they think that Gao Tianri is almost 60 years old, has had four wives, and met many female stars while filming, they understand.

Spending all day in debauchery, such an unrestrained life will destroy his abilities sooner or later.

Apparently, retribution has come.

"Thank you Director Gao for your acknowledgment. I would like to emphasize here that Director Gao has seen a doctor. Here is the doctor's medical certificate. Now we will publish the medical certificate in response to Director Gao's wishes!"

Zhang Wei gestured to Zhao Xiaoxiao, who immediately operated the notebook.

On the projection screen, a medical report and diagnosis certificate appeared, which clearly stated the symptoms.

The patient's clinical manifestations: erectile weakness (impotence).

This line of words was specially marked by Zhao Xiaoxiao with a red circle, which is very eye-catching.

"Everyone, please see the diagnosis time."

The date of diagnosis on the screen was also marked in red, which was diagnosed 2 years ago.

"It can be seen in the medical certificate that my client suffered from erectile dysfunction 2 years ago. How could he suddenly propose to QJ the plaintiff and bring his friends along?"

As Zhang Wei said, he walked up to the jury and shook his head with emotion: "What a man values ​​most is naturally his ability to get an erection."

"Anyway, if I were a high-level director, I would definitely not invite my friends to play at home after my body collapsed, and then show my possible erection weakness. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for me?"

Many men nodded.


If they can't do it, how can they still invite others to play at their home, and they have to do extra work. Isn't this exposing their own shortcomings?

Anyway, I'm a man, and I can't do things that expose my shortcomings.

It's so embarrassing!

Since he couldn't do it himself, Gao Tianri obviously couldn't do it either.

So... doesn't it mean... Gu Shiman lied?

In the court, many people looked at Gu Shiman with suspicion and unkindness.

Is this woman really lying to herself all this time?

Doubt, incomprehension, and suspicion surrounded the dock at the moment.

"For the sake of self-proof, don't you even hide this kind of thing?"

Laura also did not expect that Gao Tianri would admit to his impotence in court.

I have to say that it really takes a lot of courage.

But so what?

There was no panic on Laura's face, and the coldness at the corner of her mouth was even worse than before.

Because Gao Tianri's appearance in court was something she had expected a long time ago.

For Gao Tianri, William International had already prepared various plans.

Now, just wait for the questioning to end, and when she cross-examines, it will be the moment of the trial.

In court, Zhang Wei is still adding.

"Director Gao, I didn't expect you to admit such a thing just to prove your innocence."

"Yes, in order to prove my innocence, I even told about my impotence. I have suffered a huge loss."

Gao Tianri said, with a trace of helplessness, remorse, and relief on his face.

It has to be said that his acting skills are also not covered. He vividly shows the physical decadence of a middle-aged man, from the change of mentality to the change of expression.

Even Zhang Wei had to praise him, he deserves to be a director!

"Judge Ni, for Director Gao, we have no questions for the time being."

Seeing that the atmosphere had been reached, Zhang Wei decisively ended the question, and then sat back in the dock.

"How is it?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao, who was sitting on the seat, immediately moved her little head over, and Xia Qianyue, who was beside her, was equally curious.

"At the moment the advantage is on our side, but I know it will disappear soon, so everything is in my expectation."

"Oh, all right."

After hearing this, Zhao Xiaoxiao and Xia Qianyue breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it is still in the plan, they are naturally not afraid.

After Zhang Wei finished answering, he looked at the seat next door with a calm face, watching Laura get up and walk towards Gao Tianri step by step.

"Guide Gao, hello."


Laura and Gao Tianri greeted each other.

"Director Gao, I want to ask, are you really dying?"

"The doctor has given me a diagnosis, can there be a fake?"

Gao Tianri smiled wryly. Although he also hoped that this was not true, there was no way.

"Really, I'm surprised. You said you couldn't do it yourself, but you were able to go out and open a room with a certain female colleague from the crew?"

"Judge Ni, if Lawyer Laura asks this question, can we think that she agrees with our testimony?"

The moment Laura asked the question, Zhang Wei stood up.

The so-called testimonial, of course, was to prove Gao Tianri's innocence, and he presented the hotel room testimony, which was QJ's alibi.

"Judge Ni, our side is just hypothetical, asking hypothetical questions!"

Laura also quickly defended herself, and then looked at the trial seat.

Since there is a dispute, let Ni Qiuping decide.

"Ahem, since it is a hypothetical question, this court allows you to finish asking this question, but please note that you need evidence to support your hypothesis!"

"Thank you, Judge Ni!"

Laura thanked her, and then hurriedly asked: "Director Gao, please answer me, if according to the instructions in the medical certificate, you were already dying two years ago, how will you go out with your female colleagues at the end of August this year?" What about opening a room?"

"This... a little blue pill that I take occasionally..."

"Occasionally, medication?" Laura's eyes widened with surprise.

"So, although you were actually diagnosed with erectile dysfunction, you used drugs to stimulate erectile function at some point?"

"I guess..."

Faced with Laura's question, Gao Tianri could only nod and admit.

"Doesn't that mean that even if you have been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction, there is actually a possibility of erection, and there are also conditions of QJ my client?"


Gao Tianri couldn't speak now.

But Laura didn't need him to answer, "Director Gao, you said you couldn't QJ my client, but the fact is that you have the possibility of QJ, and you also have the conditions to commit a crime!"

"But I really don't have QJ Shiman!" Gao Tianri argued and shook his head frantically.

Regarding this point, he naturally wanted to deny it, because he really hadn't done it.

"Director Gao, you said in court that you don't have QJ, but unfortunately I don't believe you, because on some occasions, what you said is completely opposite to what you said today!"

As Laura spoke, she gestured again to her subordinate Gray, who also began to operate the notebook.

"Everyone, please watch the big screen. This is what Director Gao said at a private party this year."

On the screen, a room in a high-end club appeared, and there were several people sitting in the room.

Gao Tianri, and two well-known people in the film and television industry, the three of them are chatting.

One of them held a wine glass and said in a disdainful tone: "Women, they are just clothes, it's normal to change one after another!"

"That's right, there are as many women as you want." The other boss also nodded with a smile.

"By the way, Director Gao, I heard that you went to Jingui City to take pictures these few days. Did that Yang* get involved?"

"Hey, that's natural!"

After being questioned, Gao Tianri laughed, "Speaking of which, this bitch is quite coquettish. She had a room with me for 4 days, and she took the initiative every time!"

"I opened a house for 4 days. The young girl is like a wolf like a tiger. Can your body take it?"

"I almost couldn't bear it. Fortunately, I prepared medicine, otherwise I would be gone." Gao Tianri said, picked up the wine glass in front of him, and drank it down in one gulp.

"By the way, where is your Shiman? Are you still on the set of "Two People's Martial Arts"?"

"Yes, she has always been."

"Director Gao, you too, you still have a beautiful wife hidden at home, and you're still promiscuous everywhere, aren't you afraid of being caught by Shiman?"

"Hmph, do you think I'm afraid of her?"

Gao Tianri may have drank too much wine, and said in a disdainful tone: "This bitch dares to go to the house for three days without a fight. I won't spoil her!"

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Hmph, when I get back, I'll..."

Seeing this, the two companions looked at each other and smiled.

"Director Gao, don't get used to women, otherwise they will easily make you angry!"

"Yes, but you must not let them feel that they have status, otherwise they will cry and make trouble..."

"Don't worry, I understand what you two mean. After I go back, I plan to kiss her hard and let her understand that this family is up to me!"

At this point, the video ends.

And the picture was also fixed on the scene where Gao Tianri blushed after drinking and uttering harsh words.

"Director Gao, you have personally admitted in front of two witnesses that you intend to carry out evil intentions against my client."

"This... can I say, are these all drunken words..."

Gao Tianri looked at himself on the screen with a hint of embarrassment on his face.

Really, he swears!

He drank too much that day, and he was really just talking nonsense.

Besides, can what a man said at the wine table be taken seriously?

"Really, but I remember there is a saying in Longguo, which is called telling the truth after drinking?"

Laura looked at Gao Tianri with a sneer on her face.

If you use drunkenness as an excuse, then can I also use drunkenness to testify against you?

And you admitted it yourself, do you still want to deny it?

"Ahem, may I ask you about the origin of this video? After all, this kind of private club, rooms are generally not allowed to shoot videos."

At this moment, Zhang Wei stood up to rescue Gao Tianri.

"This and the video were shot by one of the guests drinking with Director Gao, not a candid video!"

Laura was naturally ready to speak.

"Fuck, there is a villain by my side!"

Hearing this, Zhang Wei and Gao Tianri immediately understood.

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