Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 547 Are you sure? The crash begins!

Gao Tianri never expected that he would be betrayed by a friend who had a drink with him.

It can only be said that the friends and brothers at the wine table are not real brothers.

Chatting with you at the wine table, and calling you brothers and sisters are all fake, and they are not real brothers and friends.

"Director Gao, since there is no problem with the source of the video, then may I ask, in the video you said that you want to rape my client, does this clearly indicate your intention to carry out intermarital QJ?"

"This... is really all drunk talk, can't it be true?"

"But the way you look in the video doesn't look like you're drunk at all!"


Gao Tianri stopped talking, because no one seemed to believe him when he told the truth.

The jury and the hearing seat still looked at him with disgust, and even Judge Ni in the trial seat looked extremely cold.

Gao Tianri had no choice but to force a smile on his face, "Well, I really just said something drunk, it's a slip of the tongue after drinking, I really didn't mean that."

"Okay, since Director Gao insists on answering this way, then we won't bother with this matter anymore."

Laura chose not to get entangled, because the video only has so much content, and there is no substantive evidence.

"Director Gao, let's put aside the matter of QJ for now, and now let's talk about your threat to my client."

"Threat, how is it possible?"

Hearing this topic, Gao Tianri was even more speechless.

I haven't touched Gu Shiman in two years, how could I threaten him.

And the other party is accompanied by bodyguards in black every day, how can I threaten the other party by myself.

"Yes, then how to explain this?"

Seeing Gao Tianri's denial, Laura immediately turned around and snapped her fingers at her subordinate Grey.

The video appeared again on the projection screen.

The video belongs to street view surveillance, and it is a video of Gu Shiman shopping alone.

She walked into a store in the shopping center, and then suddenly two bodyguards in black appeared, as if they followed Gu Shiman in.

Next, Gu Shiman entered many stores, and these two bodyguards in black followed her all the way.

"Director Gao, according to what my client said, these two black-clothed bodyguards seem to belong to you. You sent two burly men to follow my client. Is there any purpose?"

"No, it's not mine, it's hers!"

Seeing the black-clothed bodyguard in the video, Gao Tianri quickly raised his finger to Gu Shiman.

"Director Gao, the matter is now, stop denying it!"

As Laura spoke, she walked back to the plaintiff's table and took a page from Gray.

"This is the testimony of one of the black-clothed bodyguards who appeared in the surveillance video. He told us that he was hired by you to monitor and track Gu Shiman!"

"How can it be!"

Seeing the statement in Laura's hand and hearing the "explaining" from the bodyguard in black, Gao Tianri immediately lost his composure.

This group of people was obviously arranged by Gu Shiman's people, or the people behind Gu Shiman.

Even the purpose of this group of people is to monitor themselves, and even kill themselves if necessary.

Such a person is actually arranged by himself. Isn't this contradictory?

"Oh, stealing the beam and changing the pillar, stealing the sky and changing the sun?"

On Zhang Wei's side, there were also some surprises.

He never expected that Laura and Gu Shiman did such a great job, they actually packaged the man in black who was trying to kill Gao Tianri as someone Gao Tianri was trying to threaten him.

This method of turning black and white can only be said to be beautiful.

Calling the good ones bad, the bad ones good ones, and their own people as bad people arranged by Gao Tianri, these are the methods of Gu Shiman and Laura.

Anyway, the men in black are on their own side, so what kind of evidence they want to testify is not up to them.

The so-called declarative testimony is nothing but bullshit.

"Against, the testimonies and black-clothed witnesses did not appear on the list!"

Zhang Wei naturally understood that he had to stand up and interrupt.


Ni Qiuping also nodded, and looked at Laura: "Plaintiff, why doesn't this court know about your affidavits and the so-called black-clothed bodyguard witnesses?"

"Sorry, Judge Ni, the witness came to us yesterday and provided this declaration statement. Because time is tight, we have no time to submit the evidence!"

Laura's excuse can only be said to be really an excuse.

How could Zhang Wei fail to see that this "declaration and testimony" was prepared long ago, and it was not written by "temporary decision" yesterday at all.

Ni Qiuping is also considered a veteran court driver, so she can naturally see how perfunctory Laura's excuses are.

However, Laura was already prepared.

"Judge Ni, if you don't believe me, we can also summon this witness. I believe he will very much want to appear in court to testify against all the crimes of the employer's boss!"


Gao Tianri was stunned, what did I do, there are witnesses to testify against me?

Wronged, I didn't do anything, and I really don't know that person.

"Ahem, since the plaintiff has said so, then this court declares that the objection is invalid, and at the same time accepts the testimony as evidence."

Ni Qiuping finally agreed to Laura's request.

"However, although this court agrees to accept this affidavit as evidence, if the defendant needs to call witnesses, you, the plaintiff, are also requested to be prepared."

"Of course, Judge Ni, we have already prepared."

Laura said, showing a slightly sinister smile to Zhang Wei.

Her implication is that we have prepared the witnesses long ago, no matter what cross-examination methods you Zhang Wei uses, it is impossible to ask why in the end.

"Good guy, this is preventing me!"

Zhang Wei naturally heard the voice-over, and immediately waved his hand, indicating that there is no need to summon him.

The fact that the witness was summoned didn't make much sense.

This is a dog leg, who only knows how to follow the master's orders, and there is no point in interrogating the other party.

"Since Lawyer Zhang doesn't intend to summon him, let's continue."

As Laura spoke, she looked at Gao Tianri on the witness stand again.

"Director Gao, I really didn't expect that you would use such a dirty trick to deal with your wife!"

Gao Tianri's eyes widened, what did I do, I was wronged.

"Not only did you use violence against your wife, but you also sent dangerous people to follow her, not to mention that after you saw the incident was exposed, you tried to use 50% of the property and 20 million to settle. If you want to pretend that this incident never happened, you still It’s really a good plan!”

This time, Laura finally seized the opportunity, fully fired and output crazily.

She pointed at Gao Tianri, spoke fiercely, and began to accuse in a strong tone.

Especially at the end, she also emphasized one thing.

Gao Tianri decided to use 50% of the family property to settle the settlement when he saw the matter was exposed.

Emphasizing that 50% is not Gao Tianri's bottom line, but the price he gave to shut Gu Shiman's mouth.

In other words, if the jury can help my client Gu Shiman, we can get more!

This was full of suggestive remarks, which were naturally accepted by the jury.

They are thinking, how much more?

60%, 70%, 90% or all?

If we choose 100%, will the court agree?

Whether the court agreed or not, Laura didn't know.

But she knew that under her accusation just now, the jury was already considering the possibility of 100% family property.

"Hmph, steady!"

Seeing this scene, Laura knew that this advantage was almost in her hands.

Because now the jury has begun to consider the issue of how much compensation, not whether Gao Tianri is guilty.

This shows that the result of Gao Tianri's guilt is already certain.

That being the case, Laura intends to take advantage of the victory to pursue and expand the advantage infinitely.

"Director Gao, as a woman, I really can't understand your behavior, but I believe that all the men and women present here understand one thing, that is, your behavior is undoubtedly a scumbag!"

"In order to prevent Shiman from doing anything against you, you even arranged someone to monitor her. Then I guess, are you going to imprison her and illegally restrict her personal freedom?"

"If you escape punishment this time, what about the next time, my client can only get a few million in compensation, and then you will divorce me, just like your first three wives?"

"No, I didn't intend to do this, I..." Under Laura's hasty firing, Gao Tianri frantically shook his head in denial.

"That's enough, I don't want to hear your justification!"

But Laura interrupted directly, and then sneered: "I only know that men's mouths are deceitful ghosts. Before you are clearly punished, I don't think everything you say is credible!"

After saying that, she nodded to the jury, signaling that you should not believe Gao Tianri's nonsense.

After completing this step, Laura felt that she had completely blocked the possibility of Gao Tianri and Zhang Wei turning defeat into victory.

Take care!

This is the result of Laura telling Gu Shiman with her eyes after sitting back in her seat.

She really couldn't think of any possibility of Zhang Wei's comeback, unless the man who had committed adultery with Gu Shiman went to court and confessed his relationship with Gu Shiman himself.

But who would do that?

This is absolutely impossible!

Therefore, they have no possibility of losing!

"Witness, you can leave now!"

At this moment, Ni Qiuping waved to Gao Tianri who was sitting in a daze.

Your self-certification is over, it's time for you to give up your position.

Gao Tianri had no choice but to get up, and sat back in the dock with an aggrieved face.

"Lawyer Zhang, let's..."

"Don't worry, Director Gao, you can't lose this one!"

Zhang Wei comforted him, then got up and came to the court.

"Lawyer Zhang, do you have any witnesses to subpoena? From your public list, it seems that there are only two people, Manager Chen and Director Gao?"

Ni Qiuping asked this question, naturally because Zhang Wei likes surprise attacks the most, so she asked too much just in case.

"Hahaha, Judge Ni is the only one who knows me. How do you know I'm going to call a new witness?"

Ni Qiuping: Σ(⊙▽⊙“a

Hearing what Zhang Wei said, Ni Qiuping was stunned.

I was just joking, you really want to summon me!

"be opposed to!"

Seeing that Zhang Wei was going to summon new witnesses, Laura naturally interrupted immediately.

Nonsense, isn't Zhang Wei most famous for his work, she will naturally destroy it.

"Judge Ni, I remember that the plaintiff was the first to use the tactic of 'strike first and play later' today, right?"

Zhang Wei looked calm, and pointed at Laura.

As soon as these words came out, Laura's heart suddenly "thumped".

Fuck, it's over!

"That's right, this court approved the plaintiff's wayward behavior before, so for the defendant, naturally..."

Ni Qiuping was about to say something, but suddenly she frowned, and then looked at Zhang Wei, "Lawyer Zhang, the release of the subpoenaed witnesses should be very important to this case, right?"

"It's natural. I guarantee that the witness is more important to this case than my client!"

"So exaggerated? That's fine, call your new witness!" Ni Qiuping was surprised, then nodded and agreed to the summons.

"Ahem, we have summoned a new witness to testify in court. The name of this new witness is..."

"Wu Yuanzong!"

With Zhang Wei's status as a person from all over the world, the door of the court was opened again.

A muscular middle-aged man, dressed in formal attire, walked into the court step by step.

"Brother Wu!"

Seeing the person coming, Gu Shiman in the plaintiff's seat finally couldn't sit still.

"It's really him!"

Similarly, Laura on the side couldn't hold back anymore, her face was horrified.

"Impossible, Zhang Wei has no interest relationship with the Wu Family, how did he manage to summon Wu Yuanzong!"

This time, she was really shocked.

Because according to Laura's understanding, Wu Yuanzong is the speaker of the Wu family, one of the members of the five oldest families behind the Oriental Metropolis.

And Zhang Wei's identity is just a subordinate of the Lin family and a lawyer of Jincheng Law Firm.

Although the Lin family belongs to the five families, Zhang Wei is not from the Lin family. To be realistic, Zhang Wei can only be regarded as a dog raised by the Lin family.

But Zhang Wei actually summoned Wu Yuanzong, and Wu Yuanzong really appeared in court.

why is that?

Seeing Laura's expression and reaction, and Gu Shiman's face changing from astonishment to the point of losing his composure, Zhang Wei was very satisfied with the effect.

As for why I was able to summon Wu Yuanzong, it was naturally because of interests.

What benefit Wu Yuanzong can get in this case is half of Gao Tianri's property, and it may even be all of Gao Tianri's property, which is worth about 1 billion.

But if Wu Yuanzong chose not to appear in court, what would he lose?

Wu Shentong is challenged by Xia Qianyue, and there is a high probability of losing, then Wu Shentong will lose the position of the leader of the martial arts.

Similarly, without the protection of the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance, the status of the martial arts family will inevitably plummet.

Moreover, the Wu family is different from the Zhang family, Lin family, Zhao family, and Hua family. The Wu family only has industries and relationships in martial arts. Once Wu Shentong loses the leader of the martial arts, these relationships may disappear.

Not only that, but the former enemies of the samurai family will become unscrupulous and take brutal revenge on the samurai family that has lost power.

After all, in order to obtain the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance, their martial arts family did too many immoral things and offended too many people.

Now the entire martial arts family is almost relying on the position of the leader of the martial arts, relying on the position of the leader of the righteous way to act.

Once these are lost, the loss of the Wu family can be said to be immeasurable.

Because of this, the Wu family was pinched by Zhang Wei, and Wu Yuanzong had to testify in court.

Compared with all the properties of Gu Shiman and Gao Tianri, the Wu family is obviously more important.

Even if Wu Yuanzong likes Gu Shiman, he is a member of the Wu family after all, and his first priority will always be the interests of the family.

Children's love can be considered, but it is related to the interests of the family, so it must be put aside!

It has to be said that after considering the interests of the family, Wu Yuanzong was actually very heartless.

Therefore, after entering the court, Wu Yuanzong didn't even look at Gu Shiman, and just sat on the witness stand.

However, his arrival still shocked many people in the courtroom.

Some people who knew him were even more surprised, not understanding why the other party wanted to go to court.

Zhang Wei smiled slightly and came to the witness stand.

"Mr. Wu, is this your first time in court?"

"Probably." Wu Yuanzong pouted, but did not refute.

After all, their martial arts family is a family of martial arts. In the past, conflicts were dealt with in the martial arts arena or in the arena, not in court.

"Okay, Mr. Wu, let's get down to business. I would like to ask, do you know the plaintiff, Gu Shiman?"


Wu Yuanzong looked straight ahead and answered calmly.

"Okay, the next question is the most critical one!"

Zhang Wei said with a serious face, and then raised a finger.

"I want to ask, is the child in Gu Shiman's stomach yours?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar!

They never expected that this question would be so explosive!

An earthquake, and it was a magnitude 12 earthquake!

The whole court was tense.

Quite a few people almost fell off their positions, but that was a turn of events.

"It's him!"

In the dock, Gao Tianri stood up, looked at Wu Yuanzong and then at Gu Shiman in disbelief, his eyes went back and forth between the two of them.

"Hey, lore!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao, who was on the side, laughed, her eyes were like crescent moons, and she showed her cute little canine teeth.

On the plaintiff's table, it was also "the sky is falling."

Gu Shiman got up with a shocked face, fixed her eyes on Wu Yuanzong, and stood on the spot in a daze, not moving for a long time.

"It's over, it's over!"

Laura also opened her mouth wide at the moment, her face full of despair.

She never thought of this step, and the change in her face also showed that she was really caught off guard by being killed.

All the eyes in the audience, either puzzled, surprised, or surprised, were all looking at Wu Yuanzong anyway, waiting for his answer.

Facing the gazes of the audience, Wu Yuanzong's expression did not fluctuate, and he replied calmly: "If the timing is correct, it should be mine!"

"Is the time correct?" Zhang Wei was puzzled for a moment, and then asked: "You and the plaintiff Gu Shiman went to bed, that is, the time of the adultery, could it be from the end of August to the beginning of September, and the place is..."

"It's a suburban villa under Gao Tianri's name. She and I stayed there for a few days and never left."

Before Zhang Wei finished asking, Wu Yuanzong had already rushed to answer.

Now, he completely admitted that he had an affair with Gu Shiman.

Similarly, the entire court was completely blown up under his answer.

No one expected that the turning point of the case would come so quickly.

Just now they were still considering how much to punish Gao Tianri.

Unexpectedly, after only a few minutes, the plot unexpectedly turned 180°!

It turns out that the person who cheated was actually Gu Shiman!

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