Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 549: The End of the Bad Woman, Killing People Still Wants to Punish Their Hearts!

Civil court, scene.

"Jury, have you negotiated a result yet?"

"Yes, Your Honor, our jury has reached its verdict!"

"Well, chief juror, you make the announcement."

The chief jury stood up, and under the gaze of the audience, announced in public:

"After the jury's careful verdict, we believe that all the accusations made by the plaintiff, Ms. Gu Shiman, against the defendant, Mr. Gao Tianri, are all invalid!"

As soon as this remark came out, no one in the audience was surprised.

Gu Shiman was a liar from the beginning to the end, a woman who would do anything for profit, a poisonous woman who accompanies an adulterer to murder her husband!

This case allowed everyone to see her true face, what kind of woman she was, and her true nature.

It can only be said that whoever supports her now will have his brain kicked by a donkey.

The moment the result was announced, the atmosphere in the plaintiff's seat was like mourning.

Laura sat slumped on the chair, Gu Shiman's face was pale, ashen ashes.

Even Grey's group behind them looked ruined.

"Oh, Fuck, I knew it, I knew I was innocent, I was innocent!"

On the dock, Gao Tianri was the first to jump up, his expression excited, and he couldn't help waving his hands.

"Haha, we won!"

Then came the second daughter, holding the notebook and dancing.

"Director Gao, calm down, you just won a lawsuit, don't get excited."

Zhang Wei was still very calm, and Xia Qianyue looked at each other, and the two nodded to each other.

In this case, it is very normal to win.

Because Zhang Wei found his adulterer and forced him to admit the truth.

Wu Yuanzong's testimony can be said to have completely killed the game, without giving Gu Shiman any chance to refute.

At the trial seat, Ni Qiuping also nodded.

She was naturally not surprised by this result.

"Ahem, now that the jury has announced the verdict, this court declares that this round of trial is officially over."

As Ni Qiuping spoke, she raised the gavel but did not knock it down.

"However, before the end, this court would like to say one more thing. The law is sacred and inviolable, and some people attempt to use the law as a tool to realize their ambitions. Such behavior is absolutely unacceptable!"

"When someone tries to use the law as a weapon, as a tool to achieve her own goals, then she will also pay the price, accept the sanctions of the law, and even lose her freedom for this, so I hope everyone can learn from it and don't Make the same mistake as the plaintiff!"

Ni Qiuping's words meant something.

After she finished speaking, she knocked down the gavel.


Courts began to dissolve.

In the dock, Zhang Wei stood up calmly.

"Now, the outcome has been decided, it's time to do something else..."

As he spoke, he waved to the cheering Zhang brothers and sisters in the hearing booth, and then held down the second girl who was still shouting, and finally patted Gao Tianri on the shoulder, signaling the other party to follow.

A group of people walked to the plaintiff's seat in a mighty manner.

"Ahem, Ms. Gu Shiman, hello."

Hearing Zhang Wei's greeting, Gu Shiman's eyes flashed an undisguised killing intent.

"Why, Ms. Gu Shiman, you seem very dissatisfied?"

Zhang Wei had a sly smile on his face, naturally he didn't care about Gu Shiman's expression at all.

A woman who has lost everything, even her adulterer Wu Yuanzong abandoned her, she is no longer a threat.

"Oh, by the way, don't forget the accomplice!"

As Zhang Wei said, he looked at Laura, Gray and the others.

At this moment, at the entrance of the court, several people walked in.

"We are from the investigation department. Now we have received a report that someone is committing perjury in court. May I ask which one is Ms. Gu Shiman and which one is Lawyer Gray?"

What should come, always will come.

Since both Gu Shiman and Ge Rui perjured themselves in court and provided false testimony, they must be investigated.

"Two, come with us!"

As the investigation department said, it was about to take Ge Rui and Gu Shiman away.


But at this moment, Zhang Wei stopped them first.

"Senior brother, can I have a few words with Gu Shiman, my client and her have just concluded a divorce lawsuit, and there are some things that I need to explain to her!"

"Okay, hurry up!"

"Thank you brother!"

As Zhang Wei said, he came to Gu Shiman.

"Shiman, do you still remember that we gave you a chance?"

As soon as these words came out, Gu Shiman's originally angry expression flashed with remorse.


Zhang Wei and Gao Tianri gave her a chance!

50% of the property, and a trust fund of 20 million.

If I had agreed at the beginning, wouldn't I be able to spend the rest of my life without worrying about food and clothing, without going to jail, and without getting nothing.

If he agreed, there would be no such thing as Wu Yuanzong testifying in court, because at that time the trial would reach a settlement and everything would be over.

"Shiman, do you know that it's not us who defeated you, but your own greed. If you could accept it as soon as you see it, then all of this could have been avoided."

Zhang Wei said with helplessness in his eyes.

If you didn't force us back then, but chose to back down a step, then you wouldn't have ended up like this.


The anger on Gu Shiman's face was replaced by remorse, and he opened his mouth several times, wanting to say something, but he still couldn't say it.

She didn't want to admit it, she didn't want to admit that it was because of greed that she completely ruined her life.

"Shiman, the opportunity was given to you back then, but you didn't grasp it!"

As Zhang Wei said, he patted Gu Shiman on the shoulder, then leaned closer to him, and said in a low voice, "But don't worry, you are just giving false testimony for the time being, and I will ask the court to show mercy and transfer you to a lower security level." After all, you can be regarded as a pregnant woman, I believe Wu Yuanzong will not sit idly by his child, right?"

Gu Shiman's expression twitched a few times, she didn't know how to respond to Zhang Wei's "kindness".

If you are kind, don't let Wu Yuanzong appear in court.

"Oh, by the way, after you give birth, I will ask Director Gao to charge you with attempted murder. After all, you have discussed loudly with Wu Yuanzong how to get rid of my client and embezzle his property. "

"Similarly, thanks to this case, everyone now knows that you are the contemporary Pan * Lian. I believe that when the time comes to prosecute, no one will want to stand by your side."

"After your case is convicted, you may be changed to a prison with a higher level of security. You must not be burdened. Remember to eat and drink well in there. Director Gao may come to see you. After all, you are considered a husband and wife."

After Zhang Wei finished speaking, he patted Gu Shiman's shoulder again with a kind smile on his face.

"you you you……"

But what he said at the end made Gu Shiman seem to have a mouthful of resentment accumulated in his heart, which finally exploded from his chest and poured into his throat.


After Zhang Wei's verbal attacks broke the defense continuously, Gu Shiman finally couldn't hold back anymore and vomited blood on the spot.

"Hurry up, take her to the hospital, hurry up!"

Seeing this, the people from the investigation department acted quickly and took Gu Shiman and Ge Rui away.

"Shiman, have a good journey!"

Watching Gu Shiman being taken away, Zhang Wei waved his hands, as if saying goodbye to a friend.

However, this move of his made Zhao Xiaoxiao, Zhang Xinwu and others stunned, and made the other people around stand on end with chills.

As expected of a "murder lawyer", just a few words broke his defenses, and he vomited blood on the spot.

If this is forced to say a few more words, will my life be lost?

The investigation department sent Gu Shiman and Gray away, but Laura, who is the head of William International, obviously hasn't left yet.

"Lawyer Laura, how are you doing?"

Laura looked slumped, as if she hadn't realized that she had already lost the lawsuit.

"Zhang Wei, you..."

"Don't rush to speak harshly, the people who arrested you are coming too."

Zhang Wei pointed to the entrance of the court, and several people in suits and ties came.

"We are of the Bar Association and would now like to ask attorney Laura Campbell of William International to assist us in a perjury investigation!"

Laura was stunned when she heard the person self-reporting her identity.

"How is it possible that Gu Shiman and my subordinates have not only been taken away?"

"I reported it to the Lawyers Association!"

Zhang Wei laughed and told the truth.

"I know that Judge Ni will report to the investigation department, but I also know that you will use your subordinates as a shield, so I was also in the trial and asked my people to send a report to the Lawyers Association in my name. It just so happened that they It's all here now."


Laura never expected that Zhang Wei would have anticipated this scene during the trial.

"Zhang Wei, do you think the Lawyers Association can kill me with one blow? They can't do anything to me!"

"I know, I'm just disgusting you!"

Faced with Laura's harsh words, Zhang Wei just smiled slightly.

Of course he knew that it was impossible for the Bar Association to clean up Laura all at once, but he did this just to remind the other party.

"I hope Lawyer Laura will keep her eyes open in the future, and don't take everyone's cases, so as not to stumble again!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's "friendly reminder", Laura's face showed anger.

She finally understood the consequences of being the most rival with Zhang Wei.

Once you lose the lawsuit, in addition to failure, you have to endure the opponent's verbal output against you as the winner.

After only a few words, I couldn't help but want to hit someone.

"You are ruthless!"

In the end, Laura and William International were taken away by members of the Lawyers Association.

Although he said he wanted to investigate the crime of perjury, Zhang Wei knew that the investigation by the Lawyers Association would not be as detailed as the Investigation Section.

After all, Laura has a lot of scapegoats at hand, and those colorful subordinates can just throw one out as a scapegoat.

However, after this case, Zhang Wei believed that the other party would not accept the case against him unless it was a last resort.

"it is finally over!"

The plaintiff's Gu Shiman and the entrusted lawyer Laura and others have all been taken away.

Although it is a civil lawsuit, it has the effect of a criminal lawsuit, and Zhang Wei is also very emotional.

How to be an opponent with yourself, no one can be honest?

Here, Gao Tianri finally came over.

"Lawyer Zhang, is it over this time?"

"It's over, Director Gao, what did you say, can this be considered the end?"

Facing Gao Tianri's speech, Zhang Wei froze for a moment, then shook his head frantically.

"What's going on, is there anything else?"

"Of course, Director Gao, we still have a lot to do!"

As Zhang Wei said, he hooked up with Gao Tianri, "First of all, we need to make a list. After writing down the case ruling, there are those people who need revenge."

"Is this necessary?"

"Of course it's necessary. It's such a great feeling to beat a dog in the water."

As Zhang Wei said, he took another document from Zhao Xiaoxiao's hand.

"Look, to save time, I've made a list for you. We want to take revenge on these people one by one... Oh, no, it's a claim. We want to pay your respects to your reputation and the mental damage you have suffered recently. They initiate a claim one by one, and let them pay you a large amount of compensation!"

"Let's come one by one. When everyone on this list has paid their compensation, then this case will be truly over."

Gao Tianri took the list from Zhang Wei's hand, his eyes widened.

Because there are too many names in this list.

"Are these the same people who signed the joint statement before?"

"Yeah, these people stabbed you twice, don't think that you can get away with it."

"This Wang Lisa, she..."

"Wang Lisha and the "Lisa Interview" program team can be regarded as abettors. They have to apologize to you individually, and you have to ask them to write a 10,000-word essay, otherwise you must never forgive them!"

"Then these media and self-media are all..."

"Since they dare to spread rumors about you, they will have to pay the price!"

Zhang Wei pointed to every name on the list with a murderous look on his face.

Seeing this, Gao Tianri was a little stunned, but it made sense after thinking about it.

When this group of people suffered damage to their reputation, none of them stood up to speak for themselves, and each of them made trouble, and some even blackmailed themselves to gain traffic.

Now I have successfully turned the tables and washed away my grievances.

If these people don't pay anything, just delete the previous speeches and videos, so they can stay out of the matter, isn't it too cheap for them?

When Gao Tianri thought about it, it seemed that this really made sense.

This group of people stabbed themselves twice at the critical moment, and it was the kind that went straight to the vital point. No matter what they said, they had to go back and stab the opponent's "heart" twice to let them know the price of spreading rumors!


That afternoon.

With the help of Zhang Wei, Gao Tianri held a huge press conference.

At the press conference, Gao Tianri was eloquent and emotional, giving full play to his acting talent as a director, and told his recent tragic experience at the press conference.

When he said that he almost died unjustly in court, he even cried in court, acting more unjustly than Dou E.

When he told the story that he finally kept the clouds and saw the moon, and with the help of Zhang Wei, he was also moved to tears, his expression was excited, and there was a hint of choking.

In the end, he even took out the list directly, claiming to hold everyone on the list accountable.

All of a sudden, it was like dropping a blockbuster directly in the media circle of Dongfang Capital.

As long as the media and self-media accounts that have reported on the incident between Gao Tianri and Gu Shiman, even V Bo Da V who forwarded it, have received Zhang Wei's lawyer's letter.

Even if these media people deleted the report afterwards, even deleted the forwarding, and canceled the account, but the screenshot records at that time have been saved, and they have no way to deny it.

In the lawyer's letter, the amount of compensation they need to pay is listed. Although they saw that each of them was not beyond their ability, once they paid, it would cost them half their lives. I can't tell the pain.

"Isn't it just forwarding the report?"

"Didn't you just say something casually to help?"

"We don't know that you were wronged?"

Even on the Internet, some people try to justify themselves.

But Zhang Weina didn't care at all. On behalf of Gao Tianri, he didn't accept these people's excuses at all.

"If you are not convinced, see you in court!" This was the last sentence of the lawyer's letter.

It is a warning and an ultimatum.

You can either obediently admit your mistake and apologize, and pay for the loss, or we will see you in court.

At first, many big media really planned to hire lawyers.

But when the cooperating law firms heard that the opponent was Zhang Wei, they were all discouraged.

Just kidding, the second-ranked William International has lost. This case can't be won in the first place. Your actions constitute defamation, reputation loss, and even incidental moral damage. How do we fight it?

This case can't be won!

This is the consensus of almost all law firms.

And the opponent is Zhang Wei. Although they really want to be famous, they don't want to die!

There is no need to fight this case, so why make a joke of your own life?

So in the end, the big media all apologized one after another, and then sent legal counsel to discuss the settlement fee.

And Zhang Wei also asked the friends from the criminal department to take charge of the negotiation.

All afternoon, the friends in the criminal department were very busy.

And at night, the main event came.


Dongfangdu TV Station, Lisa's talk show group.

"Dear viewers, welcome to watch "Lisa Interview" on time. I am the host of the program, Wang Lisha. I am honored to have Director Gao Tianri as a special guest today. Let us welcome Director Gao!"

Just under Wang Lisha's announcement, Gao Tianri attended the program as a guest of "Lisa Interview".

"Director Gao, I heard that your divorce case has ended recently, and you won the case, Director Gao?"

"Yes, at this moment, I finally don't have to worry anymore, I don't have to worry about my reputation being damaged, and I don't have to worry about someone making a fuss about this matter anymore. Thanks to Lawyer Zhang, and also to the judges and staff of the Dongfang Metropolitan Court , with their help, I finally washed away all the grievances on my body."

"Director Gao, now you, do you have anything to say?"

"Well, before I want to speak, can I play a video?"


Wang Lisha said, signaling Gao Tianri to be free.

Gao Tianri immediately took out his phone, opened a video, and started playing it.

"Welcome all viewers to watch our "Lisa Interview" program on time. This time, our special guest will be Gu Shiman, a big star who has recently been involved in divorce proceedings and has received special attention. Ms. Gu Shiman is invited!"

In the video, there was an opening speech that everyone was inexplicably familiar with.

The host Wang Lisha, after hearing this opening speech, the smile on her face froze instantly.

And the barrage in the live broadcast room also began to swipe the screen frantically.

"Good guy!"

"This is a direct knife!"

"Making up, madly making up, hahaha!"

"I'm dying of laughter. This is a face slap on the spot, okay? Looking at the host, the joy on his face seems to have disappeared."

"What happiness, if people don't cry now, it means that their psychological endurance is very strong!"


"The male guest is really engaging!"

"It's not a joke, it's very poisonous, and killing people has to punish the heart!"

"This male guest chose the method of speaking with the most barrage, emmm..."

In the "Lisa Interview" program, because Gao Tianri played the previous interview with Gu Shiman, the atmosphere of the entire program group changed.

Similarly, the barrage in the live broadcast room also began to refresh crazily, and the popularity was unprecedentedly high.

It is understood that Gao Tianri did not say a word in the audience, but only played the previous interview program as a "make-up" behavior, which pushed the entire program that night to the No. 1 broadcasting volume of the TV station in the past ten years.

This also corresponds to the sentence in the barrage, Gao Tianri wants to kill people, but also kills his heart!

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