Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 550 Don't even think about running away, the old man has something on his mind

Friday, a working day.

Jincheng Law Firm, Office of the Criminal Department.

On a busy Friday, Zhang Wei was sitting alone in his office...reading a newspaper.

"Male Silence and Female Tears, Lisa's first overturn in the history of the talk show group? "

"Killing the heart must be punished, director Gao Tianri went crazy on the spot, shouting silently!" "

"What makes the program group collectively silent, what makes the live barrage explode, let us walk into the scene last night"

"Well, good, good!"

Looking at the article on the headlines of the newspaper, Zhang Wei was very satisfied.

These media outlets have all been warned by him, and the content of this headline is also aimed at the "Lisa Interview" program group.

Yesterday Gao Tianri was interviewed by the program team as a special guest.

After Gao Tianri was on the show, he hardly spoke, and was playing the "Lisa Interview" program on his mobile phone the whole time, playing the episode where Wang Lisha interviewed Gu Shiman.

"Shiman, as a woman, I can understand your pain, but I hope you can persevere, adjust your mentality, and get ready to fight."

"But please rest assured, whether it's me, the fans in the live broadcast room, or the audience who watched our show, I believe they all support you from the bottom of their hearts at this moment!"

"At the same time, I, Wang Lisha, also appeal to the audience and all female compatriots to support Shiman, such a woman with good character and self-improvement!"

Especially when the video was broadcast to the scene where Wang Lisha raised her arms and shouted, calling on all women to stand up and support Gu Shiman, the barrage of the program group exploded.

The ratings of the program during that period should be the highest ratings in the Oriental Metropolis in the past ten years!

But presumably, the mood of the entire program group, especially Wang Lisha, may not be very good.

After the opening, Gao Tianri didn't say a word the whole time, played the entire video, and left without saying a word.

I believe that the faces of Wang Lisha and the entire program staff must be burning hot pain.

However, who made them stand in the wrong team?

If you insist on supporting Gu Shiman, you will be slapped in the face now. This is called self-inflicted suffering!

Anyway, Zhang Wei is in a good mood.

As for the "Lisa Interview" program, what did it have to do with him when he encountered the biggest car rollover in history?

"In short, this matter has come to an end, but follow-up claims still need to be done!"

Zhang Wei muttered, and looked at the large office area of ​​the criminal department opposite the office.

I saw the newcomers in the criminal department, all busy on the phone, arguing with the other end of the phone, some of them were arguing red-faced.

As the temporary supervisor of the office, Li Yueqin was patrolling the large office area, walking up to the newcomers from time to time to help them negotiate better with their opponents.

"Remember, Zhang Wei said that this time we are exporting against the wind, so don't be cowardly, just catch them and do it!"

"Do you still remember the basic routine of negotiation, the quotation is always higher than the real price, and the price is directly reported to the expected amount!"

"The premium is 30%-50%, and a 100% premium is fine. Don't be cowardly, just do it. In short, our offer should scare them and make them feel scared!"

"Don't take it lightly after quoting the price. When their legal counsel arrives, we will have to argue with them, but don't worry, Zhang Wei is standing behind us. They will never dare to go to court with us!"

Under Xiao Li's urging, the newcomers in the criminal department were in full swing, negotiating with all the media, public figures and self-media people who had published articles discrediting Gao Tianri in Dongfangdu, and sued them for compensation.

According to Zhang Wei, the money had to make them feel pain, let them know the price of saying the wrong thing, and make them a warning.

In this way, next time, when they are still thinking about following the trend, they will think of the scene of being cut by someone today, and they will understand the truth of talking too much.

Once you are afraid, then Zhang Wei's goal will be achieved.

Zhang Wei looked at the busy appearance of the friends outside, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Whether it is a big person, a big media, or a small person, from the media, none of them can be let go."

"Anyone who does something wrong has to pay the price, cut some flesh off of them, make them afraid, make them understand that everything has a price!"

"Especially those dozens of guys who jointly issued a statement, did you ever think about today when you inserted the knife, did you ever think that Gao Tianri could turn the tables, and prepare each and every one of them for me, I have prepared a measurement for you Customized claim amount!"

The so-called tailor-made is naturally based on the worth of each artist in that list, and formulates a number that will make them unforgettable for life.

Thinking of this, a hint of cruelty appeared in Zhang Wei's eyes.

tuk tuk ~

Just then, someone knocked on the door.

"Master, I need help!"

It was the young apprentice Lin Yumeng who opened the door. She was holding a pile of documents, and she asked Zhang Wei for help after entering the office.

"What's wrong?"

"It's that Jun, isn't it because you exposed the fact that he was taken care of by a rich woman in front of the whole court? Now the brokerage company says that Jun has been fired by them, and he signed a statement stating that those things are all personal actions. The company has nothing to do!"

"Oh, to shirk responsibility?"

Zhang Wei just figured it out in a split second. He was planning to abandon Ah Jun and get a gecko to cut off his tail.

But it's true, Ah Jun's personality has collapsed. I heard that his fan club has disbanded. Some people on the Internet have announced that they will withdraw from fans and abandon fans.

And the brokerage company, seeing Ah Jun like this, naturally gave up on him directly.

Then the brokerage company, as the capital side, probably no longer hides its profit-seeking nature.

Ah Jun has been fired by us, and the economic disputes related to him, the claim for compensation, you go directly to him, it has nothing to do with our company!

Presumably, this is the excuse of the brokerage company.

"Hmph, I want to leave now, there's no way!"

Zhang Wei sneered and looked at Lin Yumeng, "Apprentice, what are you going to do?"

"Well, of course I invite them to come to our lawyer to have a chat~"

As the little apprentice spoke, he glanced at Zhang Wei from time to time, as if hesitating to speak.

As the master of the person in front of him, Zhang Wei can say that he knows everything about his lovely apprentice.

As soon as the other party showed his little eyes, he knew what the other party was going to do.

"What's wrong, apprentice, what else do you want to do?"

But Zhang Wei didn't point it out, he wanted Lin Yumeng to speak out by himself.

"Just that... master... I think when they come to negotiate this afternoon, can you... help me?"

"Of course, you want me to stand for you?"

"Yeah, but don't worry, I will negotiate the whole process, you just need to sit there and put pressure on the other side~"

"Understood, I will set aside time to come out in the afternoon, so you can prepare."

"Thank you master~"

The little apprentice thanked him sweetly, and rushed out to get ready with a happy face.

Seeing his apprentice like this, Zhang Wei couldn't help shaking his head with emotion.

The little girl was finally able to solve the problem by herself, and even started to send him as a master.

"However, having said that, isn't the direct leader of the department usually involved in such matters?"

Zhang Wei suddenly thought of something, this kind of thing should be helped by Lao Tie, right?

By the way, what about the old man?

Zhang Wei looked behind the Criminal Department, the office of the head of the department.

He vaguely remembered that when the morning meeting was held today, Lao Tie seemed to answer a phone call, and then stayed in the office all the time, without showing up all morning.

Why, is this a call from Team Lin?

Is this "negotiation" at an impasse?

"The relationship between men and women is really complicated. Is it true that Lao Tie and Team Lin are dead?"

Zhang Wei muttered, and then thought of himself.

"The relationship between me and Hanhan is simpler. The main reason is that Hanhan doesn't have that much thought, is simpler, and is easier to fool around... No, this is called innocence, and it is a rare and excellent quality!"

Zhang Wei has decided to ask Xia Qianyue to come out this weekend. After all, Gao Tianri's protection mission is over. It is unlikely that Xia Qianyue will receive a new mission immediately, and she will definitely be able to rest for a while.

This weekend is a good opportunity to ask each other out!

Zhang Wei thought for a while, then took out his phone and sent Xia Qianyue a message about the weekend.

Afterwards, he began to work while waiting for a reply.

Soon, the news came.

[OK! 】

This is Xia Qianyue's reply message. Zhang Wei smiled when he saw it.

Sure enough, this weekend can finally live a two-person world.



A Jun's former brokerage company representative came, and they even hired a lawyer.

However, when they entered the meeting room of the criminal department and saw Zhang Wei, who was sitting next to Lin Yumeng, who was serious and unsmiling, the faces of all of them, including the lawyer, became unnatural.

"This is Zhang Wei... Lawyer Zhang?"

The lawyer representing the brokerage company, after seeing Zhang Wei, spoke unnaturally and his teeth were chattering.

"Oh, my master is really good. I said I could settle the case, but he was worried. He also said that he was afraid that you would cheat me or that I would be fooled. He said he had to watch it."

At this moment, Lin Yumeng was "complaining" about Zhang Wei's behavior, while warning her opponent frantically.

You all should pay attention, my master is here, if you don't cooperate well, I will have good juice from you!

Zhang Weiquan was expressionless and said nothing.

But just sitting there, he put a lot of mental pressure on the opponent.

Subsequently, negotiations began.

At the beginning, everyone was just talking and talking, but as time passed, Lin Yumeng finally revealed a number.

"What, 20 million!"

The representative of the brokerage company shook his head frantically after hearing the claim amount.

"This number is too high, and Ah Jun has already been fired!"

The lawyer also let go, clearing the responsibility for his employer.

"Hey, I just heard a little story yesterday and I want to share it with you."

"Xiao Ming and his father went to visit the museum. Xiao Ming was naughty and accidentally broke an antique. The staff told Xiao Ming and his father that the antique was genuine. You would have to pay the museum several million yuan. Guess what, my father immediately contacted the museum. Xiao Ming severed the father-son relationship, but in the end his father still had to pay the museum several million, do you know why?"

The people in the brokerage company looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Because the father didn't do a good job of guardianship. Since Xiao Ming is his son, he has to take good care of each other's words and deeds. Even if he cut off the father-son relationship with Xiao Ming immediately after the event, they were still father and son before the event!"

As Lin Yumeng said, Tu Qiong saw, "No matter how ruthless your agency is afterwards, when the incident happened, Ah Jun was an artist under your name, so you have to be responsible for his words and deeds!"


The people from the brokerage company looked at each other, and everyone hesitated.

This is 20 million, and a public statement has to be issued, which is a matter of being slapped in the face.

If they admit it, wouldn't they tell others that we didn't take care of the artists under our name, we did something wrong, and we accept the punishment?

We don't want such a shameful thing!

"Even if what you say makes sense, we will not compensate 20 million yuan, let alone apologize!"

The lawyer snorted coldly, and vividly displayed the ugly face of the employer.

"Hmph..." Seeing this, Zhang Wei couldn't help laughing.

His smile made everyone in the agency nervous.

But Zhang Wei just smiled and didn't do anything else.

"If that's the case, there's no way~"

Lin Yumeng rested her forehead with one hand, showing an expression of "I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it".

Then, she said to herself again: "By the way, do you know Mrs. Xu? She seems to be very dissatisfied with Ah Jun's affairs."

"So what, wasn't Ah Jun killed by you?"

"Then if we tell Mrs. Xu that your company broke the news for us, what do you think will happen to her?"

"Ah, this..."

The people in the brokerage company were shocked.

What does it mean that we broke the news, we don't know anything.

Moreover, Ah Jun is a first-line artist under our banner, and we will only expose this kind of material when we lose our nerves.

Doesn't this give our brokerage company a self-destructive future?

"What are you doing, you have to pay attention to evidence in everything you do!" The representative of the brokerage company suddenly became anxious.

"But Mrs. Xu is still angry. When I release the news at this time, do you think she will pursue the evidence? Reasonable?"

Lin Yumeng smiled slightly, revealing a mouthful of white teeth, but this smile was terrifying like a little devil in front of everyone in the brokerage company.

Mrs. Xu is a bigwig in the circle, with a lot of resources and contacts in her hands.

Although his own brokerage company has some strength, it is completely inferior to Mrs. Xu.

If the other party is still angry and blames the brokerage company for Ah Jun's affairs, wouldn't that be the end of it?

Mrs. Xu just needs to speak out, some of her peers are suppressing her, not to mention continuing to hang out in the entertainment industry, it is a question of whether they can get away with it.

"That... isn't it 20 million and an apology, we admit it!"

Finally, under Lin Yumeng's threat and Zhang Wei's double pressure, the representative of the brokerage company finally compromised.

20 million yuan in compensation is a lot, and a public apology is required.

Faced with such "outrageous and unreasonable" demands, the brokerage company shook hands with Lin Yumeng with a smile, and then left with a smile.

As for how their expressions will change after they leave, it has nothing to do with Zhang Wei and the others.


After winning the negotiation, the little apprentice was very happy, and Zhang Wei was also very happy.

Because of the 20 million yuan in compensation, their law firm can get 30% of the share, which is 6 million yuan in performance.

This is just a lump sum. When all the compensation is received, the criminal department's performance is estimated to be the first in all departments of the law firm.

So, with this good news, Zhang Wei knocked on the door of Tie Ruyun's office.

"Old man, good news, this year our criminal department may become the number one in the performance of the six major departments of the law firm!"

"Ah, good news?"

Tie Ruyun's face was slightly confused, and there was also unspeakable sadness, which made Zhang Wei inexplicably stunned.

On such a happy day, why do you have such an expression? It's really unlucky.

"Old Tie, what's wrong with you, Captain Lin didn't reply to your message?"

"Ah, Captain Lin, I haven't contacted him for several days."

Tie Ruyun shook his head, his unhappiness didn't seem to be because of Lin Ruonan.

"What's the matter, old iron, our criminal department is booming now, but you are worried?"

"Well, I had a case before. Because a lot of things happened in the middle, I didn't finish it."

"Is the client in jail?"

"Prisoned, in for 12 years."

"Why, you want to appeal for him?"

"I think so too, but unfortunately it can't be done!" Tie Ruyun said, sighing.

Zhang Wei looked surprised, what's so difficult about appealing?

Isn't it just to find an intermediate or high court and write an appeal?

The big deal is to rummage through the doubts or arguments of previous case trials. As long as you are willing to work hard, you will definitely find arguments to support the appeal.

"Old man, is it difficult to appeal?"

"It's difficult, because I'm in Dongfangdu, and the case was judged in Longdu."

"That's it..."

Zhang Wei secretly said that it was so.

That's no wonder, it's really difficult to separate the two places.

"However, I believe that if you really want to turn things around for the client, even if you separate the two places, you can..."

"No, because after something happened to me, the lawyer in charge of that case became someone else, and I was no longer a defense lawyer."

"Oh, that's it, then you are worried about the ball, you are not a defense lawyer anymore, what are you worrying about?"

Hearing Tie Ruyun's explanation, Zhang Wei was speechless.

I thought it was an old case, and the relationship is not your case.

"Old man, be happy, everyone has opened bills today, and the criminal department is booming!"

Zhang Wei and Lao Tie waved their hands and left the office.

As for Tie Ruyun, he sat quietly in his seat and remained silent for a long time.

After more than ten minutes, he took out his phone again and dialed a number.

"Help me prepare. I plan to come to Longdu this weekend. That case must be closed. I only know that a person must have a beginning and an end!"

After hanging up the phone, Tie Ruyun looked at the bustling criminal office outside, but he couldn't be happier.

Because he was thinking about another thing in his heart.

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