Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 551 Another discussion? Zhang Wei is a threat!

Friday night.

A hidden place in the Eastern capital.

In the pitch-black hall, only 5 lights fell down to act as illumination.

Among the rays of light, sat five people wearing masks.

But one of the fat men took off the mask directly.

"I said, everyone is so familiar, so don't wear a mask. It's annoying. Besides, wearing a mask is a bad habit left by our ancestors. It's time for us to get rid of this bad habit."

After the fat man showed his true face, he continued to explain: "Let me say yes first, I definitely didn't ask you to take off the mask because wearing the mask was uncomfortable, I just thought it was unnecessary!"

"Fatty Lin, although you are usually unreliable, but this time I support you!"

The second person also took off his mask, and then the third person, the fourth person, and the fifth person...

No one is wearing a mask anymore.

These five people are Zhang Tianlong, Lin Xiangtian, Wu Yuanzong, Hua Chaofan and Zhao Qingyan.

The five major families gathered together again.

"Zhang Tianlong, tell me, what's the matter with us this time?"

Lin Xiangtian, as the person who likes an active atmosphere the most, directly asked the initiator of the first place.

"I'm looking for you this time, mainly for two things!"

Zhang Tianlong was unambiguous, and raised two fingers.

"The first thing is about the selection of city councilors."

Hearing this, Lin Xiangtian, Hua Chaofan and Wu Yuanzong on the left and right took a look, then they were speechless, and curled their lips in disdain.

"Zhang Tianlong, is it meaningful for you to ask this question? Everyone knows that you want to support your own people to the top."

Lin Xiangtian said, "Don't be funny" on his face.

So, you, Zhang Tianlong, are a hypocrite. You have already booked a candidate, but you still have to ask everyone if there is any good candidate to recommend, right?

This is the same as during the interview, the general manager of the company found the interviewer and told the other party like this.

"This kid is my nephew, but as the general manager of the company, I need to avoid suspicion. You can figure out his interview!"

What else can the chief interrogator do? Can he pass the general manager's nephew?

In the same way, everyone knows that you want to support Hawkins to the top. What do you mean by saying this now?

"Yes, I really want to support Hawkins to take over!"

Zhang Tianlong was straightforward, since everyone knew about it, he simply admitted it.

Arranging his loyal subordinates in the city council is a necessary plan for him to stabilize his position.

And this plan cannot be missed!

"In order to support Hawkins in his position, our Zhang family will use certain resources, and I hope that the four of you will fully cooperate when the time comes!"

"Okay, if we cooperate, what benefits can we have?"

Lin Xiangtian picked out his ears with a dull expression on his face.

He actually knew Zhang Tianlong's purpose.

You asked the four of us to cooperate, didn't you just ask us to spend money on Hawkins' grades? We agreed.

But you, Zhang Tianlong, broke your mouth and said a few words, just thinking that we will pay unilaterally without getting anything back, that's not okay.

Although we are five families, it is true that we are in the same spirit, but our four families are not your subordinates.

Seeing that Lin Xiangtian didn't cooperate with him so much, Zhang Tianlong frowned slightly, feeling a little annoyed in his heart.

In fact, he really planned to go whoring for nothing.

Of the five major families, the Zhang family is in charge, so shouldn't the other four families fully cooperate with us?

My Zhang family has a head and a face, and the status of the four of you is different.

Everyone loses and everyone loses, everyone wins and everyone prospers, that's the truth.

But as everyone knows, times have changed.

At least in Lin Xiangtian's generation, although everyone belongs to the five major families and can sit down and be friendly, everyone is more concerned about the interests of their own family.

Compared with Zhang Tianlong who used the other four families as tools in the name of the five major families, Lin Xiangtian and others also paid more attention to their own personal interests.

If you want to prostitute us for free, I'm sorry, our four families are not philanthropic, so we won't let you Zhang Tianlong prostitute for free.

Therefore, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly fell silent.

Zhang Tianlong was annoyed that Lin Xiangtian actually asked himself for benefits.

And Lin Xiangtian and others were also annoyed, you Zhang Tianlong didn't even give any benefits, you just wanted us to pay unilaterally.

Aren't you more outrageous than a scumbag?

When those scumbags chase after girls, they will first deceive girls with sweet words, but when it comes to you, they don't even bother to write a bad check?

Under the silence, Zhang Tianlong was the first to be unable to sit still.

After all, this matter is related to his interests.

"If Hawkins is in charge, I can make decisions about the overseas investment projects he is in charge of, and the urban construction projects of the Oriental Capital. I will give priority to the four of you!"

"That's about the same."

When Lin Xiangtian heard this, he nodded in satisfaction.

Then, he directly stated: "Isn't it Hawkins? I have been very optimistic about that yellow curly hair before. He is a talent. It would be great to have him as a city councilor!"

"Then let me ask a little more, where is the opponent?" Suddenly, Hua Chaofan spoke.

"Since you can let Zhang Tianlong call us here alone, presumably it's because the opponent is very difficult?"

Zhang Tianlong nodded, "Yes, there is a tricky person who is running for city councilor this time."

"Who is it?" Lin Xiangtian immediately became interested.

"Old Ding!"

"Old Ding?"

Hearing what Zhang Tianlong said, Lin Xiangtian and the others looked at each other in blank dismay.

Who is this old man?

Lin Xiangtian rolled his eyes, and then remembered a person.

"Zhang Tianlong, you're not talking about that old man, are you?"

"That's right, that old man!"

Hearing that the other party admitted, Lin Xiangtian was speechless.

"If it's that old man, that Hawkins under your command, you've met your opponent!"

"Yeah, that's why I need your help to help Hawkins increase his popularity!"

"For this, we can only do our best."

"Well, who is the old Ding you are talking about?"

Seeing that the two were interested in chatting, Hua Chaofan raised his hand to interrupt.

"I've been abroad before, and it hasn't been long since I came back to the east. I don't know any old men."

Wu Yuanzong, who had not spoken all the time, explained when he saw this: "The current chief prosecutor of the Eastern Metropolitan Prosecutor's Headquarters is surnamed Hou, and the previous one was Ding. This old Ding is the former chief prosecutor!"

"In the process of investigating a major case, he was injured by a gangster's black gun, so he had to retreat from the local prosecutor's headquarters. However, after he retired to the second line, he chose to go into politics, and this year he plans to compete for the eastern city councilman. s position."

"Then, this old man, what's the approval rating of the public opinion?"

"The former chief prosecutor, and also a brave gangster, who rushed to the front line in everything, retired with honor after being injured. If you move out any of these deeds, you can get a good approval rating."

As Wu Yuanzong said, he also took a look at Zhang Tianlong.


It's really tricky!

"Understood, it seems that we not only need to help, but also need to work harder, otherwise Hawkins would never win, right?"

Hua Chaofan also understands, but he has no interest in running for the city council.

He didn't bother to touch politics.

"Then, the first thing to consider is that the discussion is over!"

As Zhang Tianlong said, he raised his second finger.

"The next thing is about Zhang Wei!"

Hearing this, Zhao Qingyan, who had never spoken, was stunned for a moment.

"Good guy, this is the second time we've discussed this kid, right?"

Lin Xiangtian couldn't hold back anymore, the fat on his face trembled when he heard this name.

Without him, Zhang Wei left an indelible impression on him.

"This time, I think this kid has already posed a threat to us!"

Zhang Tianlong said, looking at Wu Yuanzong.

This made Wu Yuanzong's face slightly embarrassed.

At the last meeting, everyone was friendly, and Wu Yuanzong didn't take Zhang Wei seriously.

He even said "without shame" that a mere Zhang Wei couldn't help himself.

The results of it?

Face slaps in reality are so fast!

Not only did he fail, but his plan to annex Gao Tianri's family property also failed, and he even took his lover Gu Shiman into it.

What is this, losing his wife and losing his army?

Fortunately, this lady is not his own, but the opposite.

But this can't be tolerated.

The point is, Zhang Wei actually threatened himself, forcing himself to compromise.

Therefore, regarding Zhang Wei's matter, Wu Yuanzong's attitude is...

"That's right, this kid has become a serious problem for us. If we let him continue to dance around, it will be bad for us!"

If Zhang Tianlong wants to deal with Zhang Wei, then Wu Yuanzong will support him 100%.

This lost face must be recovered.

"But the question is, how to deal with this kid?"

Lin Xiangtian also interrupted to ask.

But just such a question made both Zhang Tianlong and Wu Yuanzong silent.

They also had to admit that although Zhang Wei often confronted them, they all went through formal channels.

He is a lawyer, and those cases happened to be picked up by him, and then they went through the formal process.

His handling methods, court trial methods, etc., make people unable to catch the flaws.

Moreover, Zhang Wei is an orphan, without the encumbrance of his parents and relatives, even if he wants to find flaws from the people around him, he can't do it.

To say that the other party's only relatives are the girlfriend in name and father-in-law and mother-in-law.

But Zhang Tianlong also asked someone to investigate these three people.

Both Li Qinghua and Xia Donghai belonged to the little people in their respective systems, one was an ordinary field worker and the other was a court clerk, neither had any real power.

It is difficult for such a person to do wrong things even if they want to, and even if they make mistakes, they are small mistakes, and there is no way to make a fuss.

Therefore, using normal methods, they seem to be unable to deal with Zhang Wei.

"Lin Xiangtian, isn't this kid in your law firm? You can't use your identity as the big boss..."

"Farewell, Wu Yuanzong, do you think I don't want to?"

Seeing what Wu Yuanzong said, Lin Xiangtian immediately spread his hands, "This kid is very cunning, he dared not even listen to my orders, and he and I got into trouble, and he directly informed my father, which made me lose him." Method."

"Mr. Lin?"

Wu Yuanzong was stunned when he heard what Lin Xiangtian said.

Just Zhang Wei, can he alarm Mr. Lin?

"Isn't it? Just a few days ago, I don't know if it was the fault of that kid. My father even called me and told me to cut off contact with the girl caddy at the golf course and those women recently. .”

"I'm provoking someone. Didn't I just have affairs a few times, and I didn't bring women home. I am very disciplined, and I respect my wife, so women outside will never bring them back. Family, but that's it, my father still meddles in my affairs, do you think it's fair?"

Hearing Lin Xiangtian's words, Zhang Tianlong and others were speechless.

It's reasonable for you to have an affair, right?

Look at us, am I, Zhang Tianlong, having an affair, is your brother Lin Xiangrong having an affair?

Only you, Fatty Lin... Oh, and Wu Yuanzong, you two like to have affairs, don't you!

Wu Yuanzong noticed that the other people were looking at him, and couldn't help lowering his head.

"No, obviously I was asking Fatty Lin, why did I become the target of criticism?"

He immediately reacted, and hurriedly asked: "We are talking about Zhang Wei, why are you talking about having an affair?"

"Oh, yes, look at my brain circuit, my father scolded me for being stupid!"

As Lin Xiangtian said, he spread his hands again: "In short, I can't handle Zhang Wei. If you have the ability, you can handle it yourself!"

Zhang Tianlong and Wu Yuanzong looked at each other, then they looked at Hua Chaofan and Zhao Qingyan, but quickly looked away.

Because they knew that Hua Chaofan couldn't handle Zhang Wei, and Zhao Qingyan's words...hehe.

But at this moment, behind Lin Xiangtian, a man in black approached and whispered something in his ear.

"Oh, is there such a thing?"

Lin Xiangtian was surprised for a moment, then waved his hand to let his subordinates leave.

"What's the matter, Fatty Lin?"

"It's nothing, it's just that someone under my command gave me a report, saying that I want to take a leave of absence to go to Longdu to do business."

Hearing that someone under Lin Panzi asked for leave, everyone else lost interest.

"But it's a coincidence that the one who asked for leave was none other than that kid's boss, Tie Ruyun!"

But Lin Xiangtian muttered, and then laughed: "It's strange to say that in our law firm, Zhang Wei is not convinced by anyone, but he has a good relationship with Tie Ruyun."

"This time Tie Ruyun returned to Longdu, I don't think he can handle it, otherwise why did this guy leave Longdu in despair?"

"It was because of an incident 12 years ago that he got the title of coward. I think this time, he will still escape in despair."

Lin Xiangtian muttered, but unfortunately Zhang Tianlong and others didn't listen.

He wasn't surprised either. They couldn't possibly be interested in the affairs of his own law firm.

Lin Xiangtian muttered to himself, but suddenly had an idea.

"By the way, if Tie Ruyun can't figure it out, is it possible to invite that kid as a foreign aid?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Tianlong and Wu Yuanzong suddenly regained their spirits.

"You mean, if Tie Ruyun can't handle it, Zhang Wei will leave Dongfangdu and go to Longdu?"

"I mean it's possible, just the possibility..."

Zhang Tianlong looked pensive, he felt that this was an opportunity.

If there is room for manipulation in Longdu, it is not impossible to keep Zhang Wei there forever.

I just need to...

However, this matter has to be discussed in the long run.


Zhang Tianlong glanced at everyone present, and his gaze stayed on Zhao Qingyan for a moment.

He knew that with the relationship between Zhao Qingyan and Zhang Wei, maybe he planned to deal with Zhang Wei, and Zhao Qingyan could go back and report the news.

Therefore, even if you want to plan this matter, you have to find someone you can trust.

However, Lin Xiangtian's words gave Zhang Tianlong a very good idea, a feasible direction for the plan.


Saturday, rest day.

Zhang Wei woke up early and made a hearty breakfast for his second daughter and himself.

At the dining table, the two are feasting.

"Strange, why don't you read the newspaper today?"

While eating breakfast, the second daughter discovered something unusual.

Because Zhang Wei woke up more than ten minutes earlier than the usual time to wake him up, and the state of the other party when he was eating breakfast was not at all leisurely.

In the past, when Zhang Wei ate breakfast, he read the newspaper and drank porridge at the same time.

But today, there is not even a newspaper on the table.

There must be something!

"Oh, I asked Hanhan to go shopping today."

"Oh, date!"

Hearing this, Zhao Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought it was a big deal, but I was going on a date with sister Xiao Xia, so it's fine.

However, after the second girl bowed her head and took a sip of porridge, she still carefully reminded: "Remember to prepare a small umbrella, otherwise you will be hit with one shot, hehehe..."

"Second girl, do you often hang out with classmate Mo recently, can you drive on such a broken road?"

"If you want to take care of the duck, are you my father?"

"In my heart, I have always treated you as a daughter."

"Go away, eat your breakfast quickly, go out on a date, don't stay and dirty Miss Ben's eyes!"


After the daily quarrel with his second daughter, Zhang Wei was in a very happy mood and felt that he could be full of energy all day long.

After saying goodbye to his second daughter, Zhang Wei set off directly to the city center.

But after Zhang Wei left, Zhao Xiaoxiao suddenly became energetic.

"This guy suddenly said that he wants to go on a date. I don't know if he can take it. Or, come and see?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao felt that she had to help, otherwise Zhang Wei might not be able to win Xia Qianyue.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xiaoxiao took out her phone and opened the V letter.

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: Zhang Wei is going out on a date today~/Cheers]

【Jessica: Dating, with whom / curious】

[Mo Yuzhu: Could it be @Xia Qianyue/bad smile/bad smile/bad smile]

[Xia Qianyue: ...]

[Mo Yuzhu: Hehe, Hanhan stopped talking, it seems to be the default/smirk/smirk/smirk]

[Mo Yuzhu: @Xia Qianyue, remember to prepare a small balloon, otherwise, if you fall into the soul, you will be a mother in a year/bad smile]

【Xia Qianyue: slipped away.gif】

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: How about we just go out for a stroll @Mo Yuzhu @Jessica @Xiao Baihe]

[Mo Yuzhu: OK! 】

[Jessica: OK! 】

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: That's strange, how about Xiao Baihe, why didn't she reply to the news, didn't she work hard before this kind of thing? 】

[Mo Yuzhu: Oh, I remember, she seems to be busy helping the seniors at the headquarters to participate in the city council election, she must be busy. 】

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: Politics, that’s okay, it has nothing to do with us/I hate it]

[Zhao Xiaoxiao: Looking at the private chat messages, we have to sum up today's schedule/insidious]

[Mo Yuzhu: OK! 】

[Jessica: OK! 】

After finishing the chat, a smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Xiaoxiao's mouth.

Looks interesting this weekend.

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