Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 552 City Councilor Election? I thought about the world of two

(The efficiency is high today, it will be released in less than 2 hours...)


Downtown, Southeast Pedestrian Street.

Zhang Weike still remembered that when he first "dated" Xia Qianyue, it seemed to be here.

The results of it?

As a result, I got unlucky and my teeth got stuck in drinking water.

Unexpectedly, in the apartment building across the street, a woman's body fell down, and a counterfeit money case was also involved.

It was also because of this case that Zhang Wei was injured, but it was also a blessing in disguise, which also made Xia Qianyue feel dependent on herself.

Zhang Wei is very fortunate that he was able to meet Xia Qianyue, a naive girl.

"Zhang Wei!"

Just as he was thinking about someone, a crisp shout sounded in his ears, it was Xia Qianyue's voice.

"Hanhan, here!"

Zhang Wei beckoned not far away, and Xia Qianyue, who was wearing a summer must-have white shirt and sportswear, trotted over excitedly.

Looking at Xia Qianyue who looked like a country deer, Zhang Wei couldn't help feeling that it's good to be young.

Look at the collagen all over the body, the white and tender smooth skin, and the vigorous appearance.

Zhang Wei finally understands why those rich people can be so single-minded and always obsessed with beautiful girls in their early 20s.

It seems that he also stepped into the ranks of those people ahead of time.

The two meet.

Although Xia Qianyue was still a little embarrassed, Zhang Wei directly held the hands of the people around him, and the distance between the two became closer and closer.

Xia Qianyue resisted at first, but then the movement of struggling became smaller and smaller as she got older.

There is a show!

Zhang Wei keenly noticed that Hanhan seems to have accepted the status of girlfriend, and he doesn't reject him at all.


Xia Qianyue didn't know what Zhang Wei was thinking, but asked curiously, "Zhang Wei, where are we going to play today?"

“The city center is so big, just stroll around~”


Seeing that the people around him nodded in agreement, Zhang Wei naturally put his arms around Xia Qianyue's waist, and the two of them started to go shopping like you and me.

And just after the two walked through the pedestrian street, three heads poked out one by one from the hanging corner of a shop.

Zhao Xiaoxiao, Mo Yuzhu and Jessica.

"Good guy, is this the beginning?"

"Hey hey, let's get started now, maybe we'll have to move our mouths later, maybe at night..."

"That's pretty good, little sister Xiaoxia is finally going to this step!"

The second girl was surprised, Mo Yuzhu was crazy, and Jessica was feeling emotional.

"Hurry up, catch up, or they will walk into the corner!"

In the end, Zhao Xiaoxiao worked hard the most, urging the two companions to follow up together.

The next morning, Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue lived happily in the world of two people, while Zhao Xiaoxiao and the three daughters followed all the way.

Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue played a lot of entertainment, and went around the playground in the city center twice.

Carousel, elevator, shooting device, etc., they themselves don't remember how many projects they have played.

And Zhao Xiaoxiao's three daughters also followed all the way, eating an unknown amount of dog food the whole way.

"Look, look, they are eating ice cream together again, it's too picky to eat a cone on such a hot day!"

"That's right, that's right, I heard that Zhang Wei earns tens of millions a month, but when he visits an amusement park, he only buys one ice cream. He's so inhuman."

"Before you talk about others, can you look at yourself first?"

Jessica looked at Zhao Xiaoxiao and Mo Yuzhu, and saw that they were holding a cone in each hand, and she was too lazy to complain.

"Aren't you too?" But Zhao Xiaoxiao and Mo Yuzhu snorted immediately.

It turned out that Jessica's hands were also holding two cones at the moment.

"I haven't tried it for a long time, let's reminisce about the fun of childhood..."

Jessica, who has always been generous, was also embarrassed by what the second daughter said, her face flushed slightly, and she could only lower her head and bury it in her plump chest.


Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue were holding hands as they strolled along a snack street.

"By the way, are they tired after following for so long?"

Although Xia Qianyue looked ahead, she secretly pointed behind her and asked a question cautiously.

"You shouldn't be tired, don't underestimate the three of them, they are all strong women."

Zhang Wei also smiled slightly, as if he knew everything behind him.

There is no way, the three of Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others may all be excellent talents in their respective fields.

The second daughter is a top hacker, the mourning daughter is a professional forensic doctor, and Jessica is an expert in psychology.

But none of them are talents in criminal investigation, and they are even laymen in follow-up investigation.

So in just a short while, Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue found out that someone was following them.

After discovering that it was Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others, Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue could only pretend not to notice them and continue with today's date plan.

However, this has been followed, and it seems quite uncomfortable.

"How about we find a chance to get rid of them?"


This time, it was not Zhang Wei who proposed it, but Xia Qianyue.

Zhang Wei froze for a moment, but then nodded frantically.

Since Hanhan wants to live a two-person world, there is no reason for him to disagree.

Zhang Wei looked around and quickly locked on to the target location.

"Go, where are we going!"

"That's the hotel!"

Xia Qianyue took a closer look, and it was a chain hotel for all seasons!

"Yeah, it's in the hotel that we can get rid of them!"

Zhang Wei showed a wicked smile, and then pulled Xia Qianyue straight to the hotel.


Seeing Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue quicken their pace, Zhao Xiaoxiao panicked.

"Where are they going?"

"What's wrong, they speeded up?"

Mo Yuzhu also got excited, and hurriedly looked forward.

As a result, they saw that Zhang Wei dragged Xia Qianyue directly into the Four Seasons Hotel.

Zhao Xiaoxiao and Mo Yuzhu looked at each other.

The two said in unison: "Fuck!"

This is too fast, isn't it only noon?

Although they were shopping in the snack street just now, is that enough food for a day's consumption?

Is this intended to fast-forward directly to the evening, to overnight?


too fast!

"Well, shall we still follow?"

"This... if we really bump into them doing business and we rush in, wouldn't it be a bad idea? What if Zhang Wei's beastly hair blows up and brings us into harm's way?"

Mo Yuzhu said, blushing and coyly said: "Don't look at me often driving in the discussion group, but in fact I am still a big girl."

"It's rare to come out, can't we also treat it like a weekend?"

In the end, Jessica stood up.

Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue might have reached that point, why should they bother?

"That's right, the snack street in front, let's go shopping first, after we're full, we'll see who we're going to harm in the afternoon?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao regained her spirits immediately and began to prepare for the object of harm in the afternoon.

"How about, let's go find Xiao Baihe, she seems to be busy in the city center today, let's go and see her?"

"Well, good."

Jessica agreed with Mo Yuzhu's proposal.

Anyway, as long as Zhang Wei is not disturbed, then everything is easy to talk about.


the other side.

The back entrance of the Four Seasons Hotel.

Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue finally sneaked out.

"Zhang Wei, why do the people around you look so weird when we come out?"

"Maybe it's because we stayed in the hotel yesterday, wondering why we didn't check out until noon today?"

Zhang Wei muttered something and guessed what the other people around him were thinking.

The conscience of heaven and earth, they really just took the road to pass by the hotel.

But in the eyes of outsiders, they were the young couple who stayed in the hotel last night. They got excited at night and got out of control. Unexpectedly, when they got excited in the morning, they even did morning exercises, and they didn't come out until noon.

So Zhang Wei could hear some ladies passing by nearby whispering to their companions.

"This young man doesn't look strong, but he is very powerful. He didn't come out until noon."

"Tsk tsk tsk, that girl doll too, she didn't know how to restrain herself, she was willing to let her go at noon."

"This young man has been tossing all night, his legs are going to be weak today, right?"

"That's right, I have to use several small balloons this night, and after tossing this morning, there is not a drop of water left!"

Under the guidance of passers-by around, Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue couldn't explain it, so they could only run away in despair.

After walking two streets, the strange eyes around him disappeared.

"Zhang Wei, where are we going this afternoon?"

"Well, how about going downtown for a stroll?"

"Okay, okay. By the way, we visited the playground in the morning, how about going to see how Xiao Baihe is doing in the afternoon, she seems to be in the city center too!"

Hearing Xia Qianyue's proposal, Zhang Wei was speechless.

It was agreed today that we lived in a world of two, so why are we going to see Xiao Baihe?

These three people can't live in a world of two.

But seeing Xia Qianyue's look of anticipation, it was hard to refuse the words.

"Okay, but after we go, if she is busy, we can't disturb each other!"

In the end, Zhang Wei could only compromise, but it also left a little room for the two.

Zhang Wei said, praying in his heart.

Xiao Baihe, please be very busy today. It is best to be so busy that you can't find the north, so that we don't have to bother you.

Please God hurry up and kill Xiao Baihe!


In the afternoon, downtown.

Oriental Metropolis Civic Square.

Xiao Baihe is very busy, very busy!

She didn't know why, but in the afternoon, several calls suddenly came, all of which were the tasks of the headquarters.

She could only answer the phone while busy with the matter at hand.

As a result, it is natural that I can't take care of two things at the same time, the busier I get, the more chaotic I get, and I keep making mistakes.

After finally hanging up the phone, she was finally able to do what she was doing.

And her job is to distribute leaflets.

"Please support Senior Ding Tiantian, the former Attorney General of Dongfangdu, and now he is running for city council."

"Please take a look, if possible, I hope everyone can vote for Senior Ding."

"Senior Ding is an old-timer in the inspection system. After he takes office as a city councilor, he will focus on discipline and style. I believe that with his help, Dongfangdu will definitely be better."

"Please support Senior Ding Tiantian a lot, please do a lot..."

In the civic center where people come and go, Xiao Baihe and several other young prosecutors from the local prosecutor's headquarters are distributing leaflets.

"Sister Lily, I'm so tired!"

Finally, Tan Yingying couldn't bear it anymore, and went to Xiao Baihe's side to complain.

Although it is October now, the autumn wind has not yet arrived, and the sweltering heat of summer is still there. In such a hot day, it is really a crime for a group of them to come to the Civic Center to distribute leaflets.

"Why did you leave the matter of distributing leaflets to us?"

As Tan Yingying spoke, she felt the urge to throw the leaflets in her hand into the trash can.

"Hehe, who made our supervisor insist on showing favors!" Seeing this, Xiao Baihe sneered with disdain.

It's all Zhao Chunming's fault, he took care of this matter himself.

As for the reason, it was naturally because Ding Fengtian was Zhao Chunming's old leader.

As a subordinate who used to be hand-in-hand, Zhao Chunming is absolutely sure that his old leader will run for the city hospital, and they can do something to check the system.

Of course, the so-called contribution naturally does not use the authority of the local prosecutor's headquarters, which is illegal and naturally cannot be done.

The so-called contribution is really just contribution.

Zhao Chunming asked young people from the felony and misdemeanor offices to help out and distribute leaflets.

That's why this scene happened. It was obviously a weekend break, but neither Xiao Baihe nor Tan Yingying, his follower, could rest.

"On such a hot day, the supervisor threw us such a thick stack of leaflets, and then people ran away without a trace. They didn't even bring us a bottle of water. It's so hot!"

Tan Yingying used the leaflets in her hand as a small fan to cool herself off from the heat, but unfortunately the wind power is really limited.

"Now, if anyone can give me a bottle of ice water, I will recognize her as a great benefactor!"

"Water is coming~"

Just when Tan Yingying finished complaining, a voice familiar to Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying came from not far away.

I saw a boy walking towards the two of them with several bottles of ice water in his hands.

"Zhang Wei!"

Seeing the boy, Xiao Baihe showed displeasure.

"Water, water, I want water!"

Seeing the ice water in Zhang Wei's hand, Tan Yingying no longer cared about being afraid, and became excited.

"Xiao Tan, Lao Xiao, you all have worked so hard. I never thought you would distribute leaflets here!"

Zhang Wei handed the ice water to the second daughter, Xiao Baihe took the water even though his face showed disdain.

As for Tan Yingying, she couldn't wait a long time ago, so she opened the lid and drank heavily on the spot.

Ton ton ton ton...

"Ah - it's so cool!"

On a hot day, the heat is unbearable, what could be better than drinking a bottle of ice water?

If there is, it is two bottles.

After drinking a bottle of water, Tan Yingying's small eyes never left the second bottle of water in Xiao Baihe's hand.

"By the way, what are you two doing? A good prosecutor is not a good prosecutor. Are you here to be a volunteer?"

"Whoever said that we are not prosecutors? Today, Director Zhao has just arrested a young man. It's all because the supervisor insisted on trying to show face, and it ended up hurting us."

With a bottle of water in her stomach, Tan Yingying has been successfully instigated by Zhang Wei, and she began to complain about the leadership.

"Yingying, it's too serious for you to say that!"

"Sister Baihe, what's the matter? Don't you look at how heartless the supervisor left us here to fend for ourselves in such a hot day. Besides, he didn't save face in the end, but What we got, we got nothing!"

As Tan Yingying spoke, she became more and more excited. She wished she could pull Zhao Chunming out and flog Zhao Chunming's corpse for three days and three nights.

"Well, looking at it this way, it's really miserable!"

Zhang Wei couldn't help but nodded, and then waved to Xia Qianyue who was not far away.

Xia Qianyue also ran over excitedly with an iced drink in her hand.

"Here, I'm afraid you don't have enough, so I bought a few more bottles."

"Thank you so much, you are my great benefactor!"

Tan Yingying cried. In her eyes, Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue were closer than her parents.

"By the way, your old leaders are going to participate in the election of city councilors as representatives?"

Zhang Wei also held a flyer in his hand and read it carefully.

Ding Fengtian, the former Attorney General, promised to focus on disciplinary issues after being elected as a city councilor.

Zhang Wei just glanced at the contents of the leaflet and understood the other party's purpose.

Those who check the system do have some support for the election, such as their work history and the prestige brought by their profession, which are all advantages.

Ding Tiantian's campaign leaflets listed the countless honors he had received during his years as a prosecutor.

But Zhang Wei also saw an obvious shortcoming.

"I think it should be difficult for your senior Ding Tiantian to be elected as a city councilor!"


Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying spoke in unison.

"It's simple, he's too old!"

Zhang Wei pointed to the photo of Ding Fengtian on the leaflet.

Although some wrinkles and aging have been weakened by the photographer's PS processing, it can be vaguely seen that this is a 70+ old man.

"The times have changed now, and it is the world of young people. We don't want to see a person who may be demented at any time elected as a city councilor. We hope that more young people will enter the decision-making level and change the once stubborn and even corrupt. system."

As Zhang Wei said, he took out another flyer from his pocket.

"Look, this is Hawkins' flyer. He clearly wrote a message here. Hawkins is only 43 years old, and he belongs to the young people of the city council!"

Zhang Wei pointed to a piece of information in the leaflet and emphasized: "Look here, his campaign slogan, the content is specially marked!"

"Young Man!"

Looking at the two eye-catching words in the flyer, the combination of everything means "young people".

"Look, Hawkins also knows that senior Ding's age is a big problem, so he deliberately marked himself as a young man during the campaign. In my opinion, your senior Ding actually doesn't have much chance!"

"How could this be..."

Seeing Zhang Wei speak so cruelly, Tan Yingying looked depressed, and even Xiao Baihe heaved a long sigh.

In other words, their work was in vain today.

"Oh, by the way, Hanhan and I still have to go shopping, you guys are busy..."

"Zhang Wei, since Xiao Baihe and the others are so miserable, why don't we give them advice?"

Just when Zhang Wei was about to escape, Xia Qianyue suddenly felt compassion.


Zhang Wei was speechless for a moment, what about the agreed two-person world?

Didn't we say yes, if Xiao Baihe is busy, we should hurry up and leave?

I thought about the world of two!

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