Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 553 Election is like a trial? Appropriate metaphor

It is estimated that the world of two people will not be able to survive.

Because Xia Qianyue deeply sympathized with what happened to Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying.

Of course Zhang Wei disagreed when he saw this scene.

"Hanhan, the two of us are limited in ability, so it's considered as helping, but..."

"It's okay, we're still here!"

Just when Zhang Wei was about to make excuses, he heard the voices of the second girl and others from behind.

He didn't have to look back to know who was coming.

I saw the second daughter Zhao Xiaoxiao, the bereaved daughter Mo Yuzhu, and the third daughter Jessica also came here.

"Did you agree to come together?"

Seeing so many female friends appear, Zhang Wei suddenly became unhappy.

Can this still be a two-person world?

The answer, of course, is no.

"Let's find a cool place, let's sum it up!"

The second girl said, she moved to Zhang Wei's side, and smiled.

"Sorry to interrupt your date."

"It's okay, don't bother me, I'm fine."

Zhang Wei almost squeezed out a smile with his facial muscles.

Now, a group of 7 people together found a roadside drink shop and asked for two tables by the window to sit down.

Xiao Baihe, Xia Qianyue, Zhang Wei, and Tan Yingying sat together, while Jessica, Mo Yuzhu, and Zhao Xiaoxiao sat beside them.

When the beverage store saw the fruit tea being served, Tan Yingying couldn't wait to insert the straw and drank it in a big gulp.

"Wow, Shu Tan~"

Apparently, she was alive again.

"By the way, what are we going to discuss?"

Here, Zhao Xiaoxiao also drank a drink, and then looked curious.

"You guys didn't know anything, so you agreed to help?"

Another blue vein twisted on Zhang Wei's forehead, he was so angry.

Fortunately, Xiao Baihe explained: "It's about running for city councilor. Zhang Wei said that our work was wasted!"

"Running for city councilor, so that's what it is..."

Hearing such a thing, Zhao Xiaoxiao immediately lost interest, grabbed the drink on the table, and began to sip it.

After all, politics is such a thing, who likes young people?

"Hey, it's such a boring thing!"

Mo Yuzhu on the side also raised her hand and rested her chin on her chin, looking like she was wandering away.

"Boring politics."

Jessica was also a little bored, shaking the straw with both hands, showing no interest.

"This..." Xiao Baihe was surprised to see several friends behave like this.

"Look, this is the state of politics."

Zhang Wei pointed to the three of Zhao Xiaoxiao and explained, "Young man, no one likes this."

"Xiaoxiao and the others all have good family conditions, or they can earn a lot of money, and they don't need to run around to survive, but they are not interested in politics."

"Think about those people who don't have such good conditions, such as people like me who are running around for work all day. Do you think we have the heart to talk about politics? Maybe we don't even have the heart to vote?"

Hearing that Zhang Wei put gold on her face, Xiao Baihe curled her lips in disdain.

"Then what should we do? Is there any way to help Senior Ding win votes?"

Tan Yingying on the side recovered, and asked with interest.

"Politics is not something that can be won by shouting slogans and pulling votes!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand, pointed at Zhao Xiaoxiao and the others, and then said solemnly, "Just like the example I gave them just now, are Xiaoxiao and the others interested in politics, and will they remember voting day?"

Tan Yingying and Xiao Baihe looked at each other, obviously they couldn't.

"So, it is actually very difficult to convince young people to vote for Ding Toyota, or even Hawkins. Similarly, it is also very difficult for you to persuade those who can vote and are willing to vote, because no one will easily vote. Change your mind."

Zhang Wei pointed to a middle-aged couple passing by the door of the coffee shop, and saw that they were holding the flyer in Xiao Baihe's hand.

"You see, this couple is supporting Lao Ding."

"Old Ding?"

Although Xiao Baihe knows that Zhang Wei likes being both big and young, isn't it a bit inappropriate to call her senior, Lao Ding?


He called me Lao Xiao, and senior Ding Tiantian as Lao Ding. Didn't he call me old too?


Zhang Wei pointed to the door again, and the couple seemed to have met two young people, who were holding Hawkins' leaflets in their hands.

Xiao Baihe looked over quickly, and saw that the middle-aged couple talked with the young man for a while, but then they waved their hands and refused.

"Look, once people nowadays decide on something, they won't change their mind easily, and it's pointless to let other people persuade them."

This middle-aged couple is an example. After they identified Lao Ding, they would not vote for Hawkins.

"Isn't that good?" Tan Yingying interrupted hastily.

"Yeah, it's pretty good under normal circumstances, everyone is basically 50-50!"

Zhang Wei was talking, but suddenly paused, and said solemnly: "But what if it's not a normal situation?"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying rushed forward.

"Have you had much contact with the jury?"

Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying looked at each other, and then subconsciously replied: "A lot, basically contact every day."

"Yes, in fact, campaigning is very similar to convincing the jury, except that there is a huge gap in the number of juries. The civil court only needs to get 6 people, and the criminal court needs to get 12 people, while the campaign needs to convince everyone in the east to vote, and More than half of the people who want to vote."

As Zhang Wei said, he began to make gestures: "The East has a total population of 30 million. If you remove those who don't want to vote and those who are not interested in politics, one-third of the population is too much, that is to say, there are 10 million people. want or will vote."

"Hawkins and Lao Ding only need to win the support of 5.01 million people to win the victory!"

"5.01 million people!" Hearing this number, both Tan Yingying and Xiao Baihe's eyes widened.

How many leaflets do they have to distribute to compete for the support of 5.01 million people?

Even if he broke his leg during the weekend, he might only get a few hundred people.

"So, ground push is the most useless!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand, then pointed to an LED billboard on the opposite street outside the coffee shop.

"Look, people's advertisements are all used."

On the screen, an advertisement for Hawkins appeared.

Hawkins' campaign strategy is to focus on development, expand investment in the Oriental Metropolitan Circle, and at the same time carry out land development in the suburbs to achieve urban integration.

"Look at others, online promotion, advertising promotion, and even local promotion are used. The three aspects of development are much more advanced than your method."

"It's a lot of money, right?" Xiao Baihe looked at the dazzling LED billboard with an unhappy expression.

"Yeah, just such a billboard costs several thousand for a week to rent, or even a larger one, and tens of thousands for a better location. Not to mention online promotion, the cost of a trending search is ten times less. Tens of thousands to start."

"Compared with these, the cost of local promotion is the least. After all, the leaflets are distributed by a group of volunteers, and volunteers are free labor."

Zhang Wei said, looking at Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying with a smile, "So, you two were prostituted for nothing!"

"If you work for nothing, you will work for nothing. Do you need to put it so harshly?"

Zhang Wei's words made Xiao Baihe feel unhappy, but he felt that what the other party said was right.

"But, that Hawkins is so rich?"

"The family has no money, but there is a consortium behind it!"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, which is not easy to explain.

After all, behind Hawkins is Zhang Tianlong, the five major families.

Zhang Tianlong may not have money, but Lin Xiangtian and Hua Chaofan are rich. One of them owns the largest law firm and group in the East, and the other occupies the hugely profitable biotechnology industry. These are huge capital flows.

And what does Lao Ding have?

Ever had a reputation as an Attorney General?

In contrast to these two comparisons, the starting point of the competition between the two sides is not at the same level at all.

"However, these are basic moves and don't make any sense."

Having said this, Zhang Wei paused again.

"Why?" Tan Yingying asked quickly.

"Remember what I said about the jury?"

Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying nodded immediately.

"The jury is actually a strong-willed person at the beginning. They find you guilty and will not change their mind easily."


Both Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying expressed doubts, isn't the jury a fool?

"Perhaps in your impression, the jury is just a piece of paper, right?"


"But if they want to become fools, isn't there a prerequisite?"

"What conditions?"

"That's the wind that can change their minds."

Zhang Wei pushed forward lightly, and slapped forward casually.

With Zhang Wei's single hand, the weak air flow blows on Xiao Baihe's pretty face, and the blue hair on his forehead sways, making him feel a little bit of coolness.


"Yes, wind!"

Zhang Wei followed with a solemn expression: "At the end of the election campaign, there will always be explosive stories. Whoever has the most explosive stories, the jury will be on whoever!"

"The so-called election is a super-large court trial. Hawkins and Lao Ding are both the prosecution and the defense. Whoever can produce evidence of the other party's guilt will be elected as a member of the council!"

"The 10 million citizens are all jurors. When they see the evidence in favor of someone, they will decide that that person is not eligible for the seat of parliamentarian, and the other person will have an absolute advantage!"

Hearing this description, Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying immediately opened their mouths.

The election campaign is a super-large trial scene, Senior Ding and Hawkins are the prosecution and defense, and the 10 million citizens in the East who can vote are the jury.

"Then who are the judge and the lawyer?" Tan Yingying blinked in confusion.

"Judges are the order of the campaign, something invisible."

Zhang Wei chuckled, spread his hands and said, "Of course, this is inevitable. If the judge is a human being, there is no way to be truly fair and just."

"As for the so-called lawyers, they are naturally the think tanks of the campaign teams of both parties. For example, Hawkins has advisers by his side, and Lao Ding also has advisers by his side."

When Zhang Wei said this, he paused for a while. He didn't tell Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying about some things.

That was Hawkins' side, not only the staff, but also people like Zhang Tianlong standing behind the "judge".

These characters are qualified to manipulate the "campaign".

"Zhang Wei, according to what you mean, don't you mean that when the campaign is in full swing, the two sides will crazily reveal the other side's scandal?"

"Yeah, isn't that what campaigns do?"

Zhang Wei spread his hands, looked at Xiao Baihe, and put on an expression of "Why are you so naive".

Come on, that's the city council of Dongfang Metropolis, what an honor it would be to be a city council member.

Once in the city council, he has the decision-making power over the Oriental Capital.

If Zhang Wei didn't know that his reputation was too bad, he might even run for election.

"According to what you mean, we should treat the election as a trial, and then produce evidence step by step to prove Hawkins' guilt?"

"That's right, Lao Xiao, you are really a child to teach!"

"Go away, don't call me Lao Xiao!"

Hearing the word "Old Xiao", Xiao Baihe became angry.

You call your predecessor Lao Ding, and then call me Lao Xiao, the more you hear it, the more uncomfortable it becomes.

"So, it doesn't make much sense for Lao Ding and the others to ask you to come and push, because in the end they all need to 'go to court' to fight, and in the end they all do it with real knives and guns!"

"Hearing what you said, I feel that politics is so dark!"

Tan Yingying said with a look of fear and fear.

"But you're afraid. When you get involved in this matter, you are already part of politics."

As Zhang Wei said, he winked at Xia Qianyue.

As far as the election is concerned, that's enough. If there is more, they can only understand it by themselves.

So, if you have to flash people, you have to flash people.

"Well, let's talk, Hanhan and I will go first!"

As Zhang Wei said, he pulled Xia Qianyue up and left.

This time, Xiao Baihe did not stop him, after all, Zhang Wei was originally drawn by them to campaign for popular science.

"Electricity is boring~"

Zhao Xiaoxiao on the side even yawned boredly.

Mo Yuzhu also leaned on the arm of the lotus root, dozing off beside her.

"I'm more concerned, where will they go after they leave?"

Jessica pointed to the disappearing figures of Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue, with a curious look on her face.

"I went to the hotel at noon, I don't think I will go again at night?"

"It's not necessarily true. When you're interested, you can't control it."

"What is it?"

Out of the corner of her eye, Zhao Xiaoxiao glanced at Jessica's plump and proud figure.

It seems that Zhang Wei can't control this person.

But soon, the second girl shook her head, dispelling these charming thoughts from her head.

It's better not to understand this kind of thing.

"Let's go, let's go shopping too, it's rare to come out, so we have to play!"

As Zhao Xiaoxiao said, she pulled up Jessica, and then patted Mo Yuzhu, who was asleep, to wake up. The three women set off in a scene as well.

Among the originally lively seven people, only Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying were left in an instant.

"Sister Lily, do you think we should keep pushing?"

Tan Yingying pointed to the stack of leaflets in front of her, with a displeased expression on her face.

"Why do you push, don't push!"

Xiao Baihe said, and threw the stack of leaflets directly on the bar counter of the coffee shop.

Then she pulled Tan Yingying out of the coffee shop.

Then the two went straight to Ding Toyota's campaign office.

Ding Toyota's campaign office is in a town house of a friend of his.

But the house was rented to him by a friend, and the two parties even signed a rental contract.

After all, Ding Fengtian was the former Attorney General, and his campaign slogan was to focus on integrity and discipline, so even some details of the office must be firmly grasped.

At this moment, some prosecutors who were originally under Ding Tiantian's command also came to the office, which can be regarded as standing for Ding Tiantian.

Among them are Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng from the local prosecutor's headquarters.

"Prosecutor Ding, thanks to your cultivation, Lao Guo and I were able to get to where we are today!"

"Yes, Chief Prosecutor, if you hadn't brought us by your side, how could we have learned so much!"

"Where, everything is what I should do!"

Ding Fengtian looks like a kind old man, but anyone who is familiar with him knows that this man in court was also a man with black face and fangs.

But apart from treating criminals, Ding Fengtian's reputation is actually pretty good.

He treats his subordinates both kindly and powerfully, and treats victims even more kindly. He has accumulated a good reputation for so many years as a prosecutor.

It was by relying on these reputations that he was able to run for a member of the city council.

At this moment, Ding Tiantian was still very happy to see that his former subordinates came to help him.

However, when he thought of the popular support rate of the election, his happiness turned into a long sigh.

"Oh, it looks like my approval rating is much worse than that 'foreign friend'!"

Preliminary polls show that his support rate is actually less than 30%, while Hawkins is almost twice his, and it can be said that his opponent has an overwhelming advantage.

"Prosecutor, don't worry, we will keep an eye on that guy for you!"

Zhao Chunming said, patting his chest to make a promise.

"Xiao Zhao, this can't be done. You are all talents in the local prosecutor's headquarters. You have to be busy with your own work. If you help me..."

"Don't worry, the Attorney General, we are not looking at him specifically, but during the investigation of the case, or during the investigation of the case, we happened to pay attention to some cases related to Hawkins, and then did a little research. We are sure to lead your campaign. It doesn't matter!"

Zhao Chunming hurriedly explained that Ding Tiantian didn't know whether he was crying or laughing.

Although this reason can be explained, who would believe it?

Anyone in the industry knows that this involves some "private use of power".

However, Zhao Chunming's explanation can also make people unable to catch the horse's feet.

Anyway, I happened to find this guy, it was all a coincidence, believe it or not~

"This..." Ding Tiantian couldn't say anything.

"Director, here we come!"

At this moment, Tan Yingying's voice sounded at the door of the villa.

"Xiao Tan, why are you here? Have you finished handing out the leaflets?"

Zhao Chunming looked strange as he watched Tan Yingying and Xiao Baihe return.

"Director, why are you handing out leaflets? Distributing leaflets is really useless!"

As soon as Tan Yingying arrived, she immediately complained.

But then, she found that everyone in the office was looking at her, and many of them were the leaders of the local prosecutor's headquarters.


Tan Yingying exclaimed, and hurriedly ran behind Xiao Baihe, looking like a frightened little rabbit.

"Director, leaders, I met Zhang Wei just now, and I heard him talk a lot. I think the effect of ground pushing is really not worth the candle!"

Xiao Baihe was not ambiguous, and directly said everything he had learned from Zhang Wei just now.

After hearing Zhang Wei's "unique opinion", everyone including Ding Tiantian looked at each other in blank dismay.

Ding Fengtian even had a doubt, who is this Zhang Wei, why does it sound familiar to me?

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