Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 554 Follow me into the house! Zhang Wei's legs are weak?

Ding Toyota's campaign office.

As Xiao Baihe expressed a lot of Zhang Wei's unique views on the campaign.

Everyone was silent.

Needle drop can be heard!

After a long silence, it was Ding Fengtian who spoke first.

"Well, let me ask, who is Zhang Wei? Has anyone mentioned this name to me before? Why does it seem inexplicably familiar to me?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng's expressions were slightly embarrassed.

Because of Zhang Wei's deeds, it is like the "History of Humiliation" of their local prosecutor's headquarters.

Zhang Weineng's current reputation can be said to be "indispensible" to their local prosecutor's headquarters.

Thinking of this, Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng looked at Tan Yingying who was shrinking behind Xiao Baihe at the same time.

They all remember it.

The first case that Zhang Wei fought against the local prosecutor's headquarters seems to be you, right?

It was you who made a head start, so that the kid became addicted to calling the local prosecutor's headquarters.

"Well, Zhang Wei is actually..."

Ding Fengtian was alone and whispered in his ear for a moment.

Ding Fengtian's expression also changed from curiosity at the beginning to surprise, then surprise, and finally stunned.

He was silent for a long time, as if thinking about something.

After a few minutes, he said quietly: "Xiao Zhao, Zhang Wei is the Zhang Wei you mentioned to me!"

"Yes, Chief Prosecutor, that's Zhang Wei."

Ding Fengtian raised his head and looked at Xiao Baihe.

"Why does this lawyer from Jincheng Law Firm have such a good relationship with you, a junior, and why can he still talk to you so much?"


When asked such a strange question, Xiao Baihe didn't know how to answer it for a while.

Yes, why does Zhang Wei have such a good relationship with himself.

It stands to reason that one of the two is affiliated to the local prosecutor's headquarters, and the other is affiliated to the law firm. The identities of the two are opposite. The prosecutor and the criminal defense lawyer should be "mutual enemies".

"Zhang Wei's girlfriend, told me that the alumni in the same dormitory just met me by chance today."

Fortunately, Xiao Baihe thought of an explanation.

"Oh, I see."

Ding Fengtian didn't doubt that there was him, he just nodded his head as he knew it.

Xiao Baihe breathed a sigh of relief, and Zhao Chunming and others were also relieved.

As long as the old leader doesn't pursue it, then everything is easy to talk about.

But Ding Toyota said something amazing at the next moment:

"So tell me, what do you think if I let Zhang Wei be my campaign manager?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked!


"Ah, this..."

"Leader, you have to think twice!"

"Prosecutor, this is not allowed!"

"No way, no way!"

Everyone, including Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng, was shocked, and immediately shook their heads and waved their hands.

How could they agree to this matter.

Who is Zhang Wei, a famous murder lawyer.

Who are you always, the former chief prosecutor of the Eastern Metropolitan Prosecutor's Headquarters.

When these two people got together, it didn't mean that the opponent immediately found a point of attack.

Then the media will make a big splash.

"Did the Former Attorney General Collude with the Capital?" Jincheng Law Firm sent strong generals to support, the reason turned out to be..."

Even the title of the headline, they have thought of it for Ding Tiantian.

The final ending is put in quotation marks, just enough to give people unlimited reverie.

If Ding Fengtian knew what the people around him thought, he would have to complain.

Letting you be campaign volunteers is really a shame. Why don't you become media reporters?

"I know what you are worried about, but as far as I know, there has never been any evidence to prove that Lawyer Zhang is directly related to those suicide cases, right?"


A group of people were suddenly speechless.

Because Ding Fengtian also knew about those cases, and as a veteran of the inspection system, how could he not go to find out the details.

But as far as he knew, these cases were finally closed and treated as suicide cases because there was no evidence to link the deaths of those deceased with Zhang Wei.

As for Zhang Wei's relationship with them, there have been many reports, but he also has a perfect alibi.

So, this is just a gimmick created by the media.

As long as I don't care, it's fine.

Moreover, although many of Zhang Wei's prestige are negative, there are also many positive ones.

For example, the other party helped the disadvantaged groups to speak out, and helped the wronged people to clear their charges. That is also a real record.

It's just that these achievements are all based on the local prosecutor's headquarters where he used to work as a stepping stone.

But it was precisely because Ding Tiantian felt that it seemed a good thing for Zhang Wei to come to his campaign team.

After all, look, I can even trust the "enemies" at the local prosecutor's headquarters, why don't you support me?

Isn't this the best publicity?

Therefore, Ding Fengtian felt that this matter seemed very feasible.

"I understand what you guys mean. You are afraid that if I contact Zhang Wei, it will cause difficulties for my campaign. But I want to say that everything has advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage of attracting Zhang Wei is naturally reputation, but you should also look at it. See the benefits of this."

Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng looked at each other.

How can this matter be good?

Not at all!

Once you keep cooperating with Zhang Wei, tomorrow the media headlines will dare to associate Zhang Wei with their local prosecutor headquarters.

At that time, it will be a big challenge to the prestige of the local prosecutor's headquarters.

But Ding Tiantian was determined to try it, so he looked at Xiao Baihe.

"This junior, if I want to contact Zhang Wei, what do I need to do? Oh, I'd better be able to talk to him face to face, that would be the best."

"It's not difficult to contact Zhang Wei, I have his contact information, and he also sent a business card to the supervisor."

Ding Fengtian immediately looked at Zhao Chunming.

The latter subconsciously touched his pocket, and then thought of Zhang Wei's business card, as if he had thrown it into the trash can.

Embarrassed now.

Zhao Chunming had no choice but to wave to Xiao Baihe, and when the latter approached, he ordered: "Xiao Baihe, please give Zhang Wei's contact information to the old chief prosecutor!"

"Director, have you lost Zhang Wei's business card again?"

But Tan Yingying didn't know which pot was left unopened and which pot to lift, which directly pierced Zhao Chunming's careful thinking.

For a while, the atmosphere in the entire office became quiet again.

Zhao Chunming, Guo Wufeng, and several other people from the local prosecutor's headquarters all stared at Tan Yingying.

"Yeah, I..."

Tan Yingying covered her mouth, looking like "it's over, I said something wrong again".

"It's okay, as long as you can get in touch!"

Fortunately, Ding Tiantian didn't care about these things, and hurriedly spoke up to resolve the embarrassment.

He took the business card from Xiao Baihe's hand, and smiled perfunctorily.

Only Tan Yingying was still stunned, feeling the leader's sharp eyes, a little at a loss.

woo woo woo...

I am telling the truth, how can I be treated like this by you, I am so wronged, woo woo woo...

Afterwards, the people in the office opened up other topics, but they never talked about Zhang Wei's matter.

A lot of people talked about it and persuaded them all, but they didn't really advise Ding Tiantian.

Seeing this, Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying also left immediately.

The whole office returned to its former bustle.


at the same time.

Dongjiang Yipin, in the mansion with river view.

Zhang Wei felt very refreshed.


Because father-in-law and mother-in-law are not at home today, there are only myself and Xia Qianyue at home.

Father-in-law is out on duty,

It is said that he is still on night shift and will not be able to return until the next morning.

The mother-in-law went to the aunt's house.

Although the quarrel was unpleasant before, Li Qinghua and Li Qinghe are still sisters after all, and it is common for them to go out and visit each other.

Now, Zhang Wei felt that the opportunity had come.

No, Zhang Wei and Xia Qianyue were watching the moon on the balcony with a bright view.

Zhang Wei glanced at the time, it was almost 10 o'clock.

At this point, it's time to sleep.

"By the way, today is the first time I've come to this house to spend the night, right?"


Xia Qianyue nodded, with a strange expression on her face.

Because this house belongs to Zhang Wei, but Zhang Wei has never lived in it.

"That means there is no room for me~"

Zhang Wei raised his eyebrows as he spoke.

Seeing the expression of the person in front of her, Xia Qianyue seemed to think of something, and replied as if enlightened: "Well, where do you want to live, you can actually live in my room..."

These words are naturally low as a mosquito, after all, for a girl, inviting a boy to her room is something she is ashamed to say.

"Hey, that's a good relationship!"

Zhang Wei was naturally excited, this girl finally got the hang of it.

Zhang Wei naturally knew Xia Qianyue's room.


"Elbow, follow me into the house!"

Zhang Wei turned into a big bad wolf, and dragged Xia Qianyue, the little sheep, straight to the bedroom.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.


The next day, morning.

What woke Zhang Wei up was a rush of phone ringing.

He dragged his tired body, raised his hand with difficulty, picked up the phone and stared at it for a long time before pressing the answer button.

"Hey, who are you..."

The voice of speaking, weak, proves someone's hard work yesterday.

"Hello, is this Zhang Wei? I'm Ding Fengtian."

On the other end of the phone, there was a rather tough voice.

Zhang Wei thought for a while, and his brain was almost half a beat behind before he realized who the other party was.

"Oh, old Ding, what are you looking for from me..."

Hearing this feeble answer, Ding Tiantian on the other end of the phone was surprised.

What happened to you boy last night, you stayed up for several nights, why is your tone so weak?

Also, what are you calling me, old Ding?

Although I want to get to know you, but do we know each other so well?

Besides, I'm almost 40 years behind you, and I can be your grandfather. You and I are not big or small here.

If it was before, Ding Tiantian might have been dissatisfied, and even hung up the phone directly.

But after all, he needs to rely on Zhang Wei, and he feels that he still needs to make a little show of favor.

"Zhang Wei, it's like this. I hope you can come to our campaign office. Yesterday I heard a junior from the local prosecutor's headquarters talk about your views on the campaign. I am very concerned, so I think..."

"Oh, Lao Ding, I'll check the situation this afternoon. I'm a little tired now. Let me sleep for a while. Let's talk in the afternoon..."

As Zhang Wei said, he directly pressed the hang up button, then threw the phone aside, and lay down again.

over the phone.

Ding Fengtian looked at the hung up communication with a look of disbelief.

"That kid actually hung up on my phone?"

Lao Ding felt that he should not invite the other party, and he regretted it.

This kid's attitude of being neither big nor small is really not suitable for his campaign team.

That, can I make another call to refuse, or we won't meet in the afternoon.

But what he didn't know was that Zhang Wei was really tired.

Last night, Zhang Wei originally thought that Xia Qianyue was a little sheep, who could let himself harm at will.

But unexpectedly, after going to the "battlefield", Xia Qianyue transformed from a little sheep into a red wolf, and managed this gray wolf to be submissive.

10 o'clock in the evening is the time for them to "go to war".

At 2 o'clock in the morning, it was their "truce".

Zhang Wei went from being active at the beginning to being passive in the end, and then almost lost his strength in the end.

And compared to someone who had used all his energy, Xia Qianyue seemed to have infinite physical strength, and she didn't feel tired from the beginning to the end.

Even at 2 o'clock in the morning, after Zhang Wei yelled to die, Xia Qianyue still had something to say.

If it is said that Jessica is a tiger going down the mountain, then Xia Qianyue is a dragon going into the sea, and it is impossible for anyone to fight against it.

So, after Zhang Wei hung up the phone, he lay down for several hours, and he didn't wake up until the sun was high.

The bed next to her was already vacant.

Outside the door of the room, there was the sound of someone making lunch.

When Zhang Wei got dressed, washed, and came out of the room, he happened to see Xia Qianyue in home clothes, and his father-in-law Xia Donghai.

"Boy, I'm here. I ordered some noodles for you at noon. Let's make do with it. Don't dislike my poor cooking skills."

Xia Donghai looked at Zhang Wei with a hint of kindness in his eyes.

Although Xia Donghai had treated Zhang Wei as his son-in-law before, he hadn't crossed that step with his daughter after all.

But last night, Xia Qianyue and Zhang Wei still took that step, and after I came back today, my daughter also told me about it.

Then, this kid Zhang Wei is considered to be his real family member.

"Thank you, father-in-law."

"You're welcome, as long as you don't think the noodles I ordered are not tasty, I know you are a good cook, and I'm just making do with the whole point."

Xia Donghai said, and handed the second bowl of noodles to his daughter Xia Qianyue.

"Thank you dad!" Xia Qianyue took a mouthful of the noodles, and then exclaimed that it was delicious.

Zhang Wei looked down at the noodles in front of him. Before Xia Donghai added a boiled egg, he really meant it.

He picked up the chopsticks and immediately took a mouthful of the noodles.

The taste is actually not bad.

Zhang Wei also had to make a comparison, only to find that Xia Donghai's craftsmanship is actually better than Li Qinghua's!

It seems that the cooking level of this family should be Zhang Wei \u003e Xia Donghai \u003e Li Qinghua \u003e Xia Qianyue.

If there is no Hanhan who can't cook at all, the mother-in-law is actually the existence with the lowest cooking skills.

And Xia Donghai has been eating Li Qinghua's food for decades.

Here, Zhang Wei had to say a moment of silence for his father-in-law.

Love is so great!

"By the way, my daughter said that she called in the morning, and she seems to have an appointment with you in the afternoon?"

"Oh Duo, I almost forgot, there is indeed something!"

With Xia Donghai's reminder, Zhang Wei just slapped his head.

I really made an appointment in the afternoon.

"Then, father-in-law, Hanhan, I'll go first!"

"Well, slow down!"

Xia Qianyue waved goodbye to Zhang Wei, her face was still a little shy and flushed.

But when she thought of Zhang Wei's appearance last night, she felt a little embarrassed again.

Could it be that last night, I exerted too much force, making Zhang Wei's walking a little unsteady now.


It's more than unstable.

Zhang Wei's waist is sore now, his legs are weak, and he even walks a little wobbly.

Fortunately, there are subways in the East, and Ding Toyota's campaign office is not in the suburbs, otherwise Zhang Wei felt that he would not be able to make it today.

Zhang Wei also had to remind himself that the next time he had an affair with Hanhan, he had to control the time.

God knows that Xia Qianyue's fighting power is so fierce, no, it should be said that God knows Xia Qianyue's staying power is so strong!

It was simply terrifying, he even used all his energy to feed the baby, but he still lost in the end.

So, when Zhang Wei came to Ding Fengtian's campaign office.

Ding Fengtian was shocked when he saw Zhang Wei.

You young man, with a pale complexion, dark circles under your eyes, not to mention sloppy footsteps, is still so sluggish.

What did you do last night?

"Young man, be temperate!"

Ding Fengtian said, quite a bit broken-hearted.

This is how many girls are ordered, the feet are so soft, they have to shake after walking a few steps?

Zhang Wei really wanted to answer, just one, but he was afraid that he would lose face, so he could only pretend that he didn't hear it.

Soon, the two sat down and talked about their campaign.

"Sorry, I'm actually not optimistic about your success in the election. For the position of campaign manager, you can find whoever you like, but I know you will definitely not win!"

"My boy, why do you say that?"

"Because this is an established fact!"

Zhang Wei said, pointing in the direction of the local prosecutor's headquarters, "Did you know that even if Xiao Tan from the felony department came, her winning rate is much higher than yours!"

"Can I know the reason, why do you dislike me so much?"

"Because you're too old, times have changed now, people don't like being old and stubborn!"

Zhang Wei didn't care about Ding Tiantian's face at all, and directly stated his biggest weakness in public.

"You boy, why did you talk to Prosecutor Ding, you..."

"Look, they still regard you as Prosecutor Ding!"

Zhang Wei looked at the people around Ding Fengtian, and smiled slightly, "People who live in the past cannot accept the new era, and this is your greatest weakness."

"Old Ding, I would like to advise you not to humiliate yourself. If you may have done something unclean before, then don't continue to run for office, because those people will definitely expose these things."

"You can be regarded as an old senior, and you have retired with honor. This is a rare good thing, don't let it be too late!"

Zhang Wei finally patted Ding Fengtian on the shoulder, said goodbye and left after a word of comfort.

Although his legs were still a little weak, Zhang Wei walked in a very chic manner.

And his words also made Ding Tiantian's face look a little helpless.

Times, have they really changed?

Can any young man comfort an old man like this like someone who has experienced it?

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