Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 555 If Zhang Wei wants to be punished, the old man will suffer!

The news about Zhang Wei's meeting with Ding Fengtian finally got out.

After all, he didn't hide his whereabouts, and just swaggered here to run for office.

As for Hawkins, it was obvious that someone had been arranged to keep an eye on Ding Tiantian.

All of a sudden, Zhang Wei came to Ding Tiantian's campaign office, and even the news that Ding Tiantian intended to make Zhang Wei the campaign manager spread.

The news went around and around, and finally it was passed into Hawkins' ears.

Hawkins' campaign office is located in the center of the eastern metropolis. For his campaign, he rented an entire floor of an office building in the city center.

Of course, the money was not paid by him, but by the supporters behind him.

At this moment, Hawkins received the message.

"What, Ding Fengtian actually found Zhang Wei and asked him to be the campaign manager?"

"The original chief prosecutor of Dongfangdu actually chose to collude with a lawyer?"

"This is such a big news, do you want it to come out?"

Hawkins feels that this is definitely a good opportunity to suppress Ding Toyota. Once this matter is revealed, and then his own side adds fuel to it, it may be able to hit the opponent's public support rate.

But then he chose to make a phone call and told the people behind him what he thought.

"Don't make trouble for now, we need to analyze the stakes in this matter!"

But what Hawkins didn't expect was that he was going to do something, but the bosses behind him didn't support it.

the other side.

After Zhang Tianlong put down the phone, he frowned tightly.

"Zhang Wei, it's this kid again!"

When he heard the word "Zhang Wei", his head hurt a little.

It's really that this kid is so capable of making troubles that he even caused his two younger brothers to suffer to varying degrees, and even because of Mo Juren's case, his own prestige was greatly challenged.

Zhang Tianlong knew that once Zhang Wei and Ding Tiantian were allowed to cooperate, it would definitely be a big threat to Hawkins.

It must be stopped.

But how to stop it?

Zhang Tianlong decided that another meeting was necessary.

But for this meeting, Zhao Qingyan didn't need to come.

After all, Zhang Tianlong knew that the relationship between Zhao Qingyan and Zhang Wei was really good, and his daughter was Zhang Wei's follower.

Similarly, Wu Yuanzong and Hua Chaofan did not need to come forward.

Although the two of them have nothing to do with Zhang Wei, they can't help him much.

So, Zhang Tianlong just made a phone call and asked the new secretary to make an appointment with Lin Xiangtian.

Soon, Zhang Tianlong met the big boss of Jincheng Law Firm at a certain golf club in the Oriental Capital.

"Fatty Lin, why are you playing golf again?"

On a lush golf course, Zhang Tianlong looked at the fat man in front of him, speechless.

"Hey, I'm just such a hobby, do you have an opinion?"

Lin Xiangtian muttered something, and swung his club casually.

The golf ball drew a beautiful arc in the sky, and then fell into the green belt nearly 10 meters away from the hole.

"It's okay, it's better than before. Before, your balls fell into the water, but this time they just fell into the grass. At least the work of the caddy is not difficult. It is definitely more convenient to pick up the ball in the grass than in the water."

When Zhang Tianlong saw Lin Xiangtian's skills, he subconsciously complained.

"Zhang Tianlong, it's boring for you to do this, it's too much!" Lin Xiangtian became impatient when he heard the complaints from the people around him.

Fuck, I got up early and came here to play golf, why? I want to have a good mood today.

As a result, you came here early in the morning to mess with my mentality, right?

Zhang Tianlong said, with your golf skills, if you come to play golf, who is playing whose mentality?

"Fatty Lin, I came to you to discuss something important!"

Not wanting to complain about the skills of the person in front of him, Zhang Tianlong decided to get down to business.

He told Lin Xiangtian the information reported by Hawkins.

"Yo ho, this kid is awesome, how can he fix things every time?"

Hearing that Zhang Wei went to see Ding Fengtian, Lin Xiangtian smacked his lips slightly, with a strange expression on his face.

He looked at Zhang Tianlong meaningfully, and complained in his heart.

Did your Zhang family offend this kid secretly, or did your family have an affair with Zhang Wei?

They are all surnamed Zhang (Zhang), so it is reasonable to say that they belong to our own family, so why bother?

"Fatty Lin, tell me how to deal with this kid!" Zhang Tianlong didn't want to argue, so he went straight to the showdown.

Lin Xiangtian waved his hand, then held the handle of the club with both hands, and walked around the spot a few times.

"Let me analyze and analyze with you. If we create resistance for Zhang Wei, what do you think will happen to that kid?"

"how could I know?"

"That kid will immediately fall to Ding Tiantian and become Hawkins and your most difficult opponent!"

Lin Xiangtian analyzed and said the worst result.

In his understanding, Zhang Wei is this kind of person.

If you talk nicely to him, then he doesn't actually pose much threat to you.

But if you put pressure on him, then he will act like a spring and in turn create more pressure on you.

The more you press him, the stronger his resistance becomes.

Therefore, we cannot blindly suppress Zhang Wei.

"Fatty Lin, according to your point of view, how should we deal with this kid?"

"Who said I'm going to deal with Zhang Wei?"

Lin Xiangtian spread his hands, "This kid is smart, if you and I use tricks to force him to submit, do you think he will be at your mercy?"

Zhang Tianlong thought for a while, it seemed that Zhang Wei really didn't know how to listen to himself.

Speaking of Zhang Dihu's case before, he asked Lin Xiangtian to warn Zhang Wei, but it didn't seem to work.

Then again, even if Lin Xiangtian issued another warning this time, would Zhang Wei listen?

Obviously it's impossible.

"I can't fight, and I don't listen to warnings. This kid makes it difficult for me!"

Zhang Tianlong said, with killing intent in his eyes.

"Don't you, although this kid has no fighting power, but I heard that there is a girl beside him who is very powerful!"

Lin Xiangtian quickly stopped Zhang Tianlong's thoughts, which was absolutely impossible.

Zhang Wei, once you show your killing intent towards him, you must kill him with one blow.

Once that kid is allowed to survive, he may suffer endless revenge.

This kid's mind is not big, didn't he see the revenge method of this kid after he won Gao Tianri's case?

Even those self-media people who eat traffic, he didn't let go of them. Even those who reposted the news had to apologize publicly, and even compensated Gao Tianri for the loss of reputation. This kid is really flawed and must be reported. .

Therefore, it is best not to use any means until you can really kill this kid with one blow.

"Actually, I have an idea!"

Lin Xiangtian's eyeballs rolled, and a hint of alertness flashed in the depths of his pupils.

"Zhang Tianlong, you know, this kid Zhang Wei is in the law firm, and even I can't cure him!"

"Hehe, isn't it because you are not strict with yourself?"

"I know, but I've been in this position. It's impossible for me to worry about everything under my subordinates, right?"

Lin Xiangtian retorted, and then said: "Speaking of business, do you know who this kid is in the Criminal Department and has a good relationship with?"

"How do I know, I don't care about your law firm!"

"I mentioned it before, you didn't listen carefully. But let me tell you again, although this kid is not convinced by anyone in the law firm, he seems to have a good relationship with Tie Ruyun from the criminal department."

"Iron Ruyun?"

Zhang Tianlong paused, as if he had heard of the name somewhere, but he didn't have much impression.

"All in all, to deal with Zhang Wei and keep him from getting together with Ding Tiantian, there are actually a lot of ways, and the most effective way is to let him leave the Oriental Capital!"

Lin Xiangtian hooked his fingers towards Zhang Tianlong, motioning for the latter to come over.

"Zhang Tianlong, I have to say that you are lucky. This time, I really have a way to get Zhang Wei to leave the Oriental Capital temporarily. And the purpose of you coming to me is to let Zhang Wei not cause trouble for you, right?"

"Yes, so what can you do?"

"It's very simple. Now that Tie Ruyun is in Longdu, as long as we cause him a little trouble and make him unable to deal with it, he will definitely ask Zhang Wei for help. And the relationship between your kid and Tie Ruyun, he will certainly not If you don’t save yourself from death, Zhang Wei will definitely leave Dongfangdu to go to Longdu to do business, so he won’t be able to sabotage your plan.”


"Of course, I'll take care of things, don't worry!"

Seeing Lin Xiangtian stretching out his fat hand and patting his chest for reassurance, Zhang Tianlong always felt that he was not so safe.

"The people of Longdu can really trap that kid?"

"Please, that's Dragon City. Although that kid is so arrogant in the east, it's impossible for him to be invincible in court, right?"

Lin Xiangtian waved his hand, with an expression of "you are worrying for nothing".

Just like he said, it's Longdu there.

Don't say that there are so many masters there, just say that this kid is an away game, do you know how difficult it is?

If you're lucky, it's possible to delay that kid for ten days and half a month. Maybe when the election is over, that kid will still have a headache.

"In that case, let's do it!"

"Don't worry, I'll go after this shot!"

As Lin Xiangtian said, he waved his hand, indicating that Zhang Tianlong can leave first, and don't disturb my golfing thoughts.

"Hehe!" Zhang Tianlong sneered, he didn't care much about Lin Xiangtian's behavior.

This fat man is like this, he may not care about other things, but when it comes to golf, this fat man is really obsessed with it.

Zhang Tianlong left, and Lin Xiangtian swung again.

The golf ball drew a beautiful arc in the sky, and then fell into the landscape pool 20 meters away from the hole, and splashed a little water along the way.


Seeing this scene, Lin Xiangtian swears directly.

He gritted his teeth, looked at the direction Zhang Tianlong was leaving, and then at the golf ball on the ground.

"How about another shot?"

Anyway, Zhang Tianlong has already left. He knows how long it takes me to play a shot, and he can handle his affairs at any time.

After convincing himself in this way, Lin Xiangtian set up the ball again and got ready.

Today, I want to have a good time!


weekend, afternoon.

Longdu, an airport.

Tie Ruyun was supposed to arrive on Saturday night, but he made some preparations in advance, so he was delayed for a day, and officially arrived in Longdu on Sunday afternoon.

As soon as he got off the plane, he was filled with emotions.

"Longdu, I'm back!"

The memory of the last time I was in Longdu has to be traced back more than ten years ago.

At that time, when he left Longdu, it can be said that he was very embarrassed, he left in a hurry, and he didn't even dare to tell his family.

So when he comes back this time, he will definitely go back to his home for a visit, and then meet that...

Called a car at the airport, drove him to a small town near the outskirts of Longdu, and then went straight to the familiar place in his memory.

In this town where he lived since he was a child, he saw his elderly father, his brothers and sisters, and his family.

Unfortunately, he didn't dare to disturb them in the past, he didn't want to destroy this tranquility.

He just stood not far away, watching every move of his family, silent.


Thousands of words, but a long sigh.

I can't tell, I don't know the way.

"Maybe in the eyes of my parents, I'm that useless child instead!"

Tie Ruyun left without looking back, no one from the family said hello.

He left the small town, entered Longdu again, and went straight to his destination.

But when he arrived at the destination, he found that someone seemed to be waiting for him at the door.

Of course, when I got out of the car, I saw a few people in suits and leather shoes walking towards me.

"Is it Tie Ruyun?"

"I am Tie Ruyun, you are..."

"We are from the Longdu Lawyers Association. We found that when you were practicing in Longdu, there was a sexual harassment allegation under your name. Please come with us now!"


Tie Ruyun was stunned. He thought that he had chosen to escape back then, so it was fine, but the accusation has not been withdrawn until now?

"I still have to see the client today?"

"Sorry, you have such an accusation in your name. If you don't handle it well, your license may be revoked, so you don't even think about seeing the client!"

The visitor didn't give Tie Ruyun any face, and interrupted him in a cold voice.

"If I were you, let's think about how to refute this accusation. More than ten years have passed since this incident, and few witnesses and evidence from that year can be preserved. Then eyewitness testimony is very important at this time!"

As the visitor issued a warning, Tie Ruyun instantly felt that he had come by mistake.

"Then how long am I going to delay?"

"Naturally let us figure out whether this accusation is true or not. All in all, please cooperate with us!"

The visitor couldn't help but "invite" Tie Ruyun into the car, and then drove away.

Tie Ruyun looked in the rearview mirror at the place that was gradually moving away, with only helplessness and confusion in his eyes.


After so many years, that thing still haunts me?

And it doesn't matter if you pester yourself, the Lawyers Association in Longdu actually dispatched so many people at once.

If this matter is not handled properly, the lawyer's license may be revoked.

How can this be good!

Most importantly, he even made an appointment with the client.

"Well, although I can cooperate with your investigation, can I contact the person concerned and cancel this meeting?"

"Then you can do whatever you want!"

This time, the members of the Lawyers Association did not stop him.

After all, those who cooperate with the investigation are only suspects, and they will not force each other too much before their license is revoked.

But it is necessary to cooperate with the investigation.

Seeing this, Tie Ruyun quickly dialed a number, informed the person on the other end of the situation, and canceled the meeting.

After hanging up the phone, Tie Ruyun thought about it, then hurriedly opened the V-mail collection, edited a message, and sent it out.

"Maybe I can't handle it, so I can only find a helper. I don't expect anyone from Longdu to help me, so the only way..."


Oriental Capital, Lin Mansion.


Following a reminder, Zhang Wei took out his mobile phone and found that it was a new message from V Letter.

"Who, you still send me a message on the big weekend?"

Zhang Wei opened the record and found that it was the old iron's information.

"Okay, old man, come to me on big weekends, right? If it's about work, I can..."

[Zhang Wei, I'm in trouble in Longdu, please help! 】

Seeing this line of words on the message, Zhang Wei suddenly frowned.

This line of words reveals some information.

Lao Tie is in Longdu, and he is in trouble, and he can't handle it by himself!


What trouble?

Why did Lao Tie appear in Longdu?

Being able to let Tie Ruyun send a message directly to himself, it means that Tie Ruyun has really encountered a difficult situation and needs help from the outside world.

What happened to this, you can't even make phone calls, you can only send messages?

"Could it be that Lao Tie was kidnapped by a group of men in black?"

Zhang Wei made a random guess, but he was actually right.

But since it was Lao Tie who asked for help, he naturally had to act.

"Hey, is this Miss Cuilan, I'm sorry to disturb you on the weekend, can you please help me book a plane ticket to Longdu?"

"Oh, you asked me why I went to Longdu, so I'll also ask you by the way, why did Lao Tie go to Longdu? He seems to be in trouble!"

"Oh, is that so, if it's just dealing with the case, why is it so troublesome?"

"Well, you mean... there is such a thing?"

"Okay, then please help me book a plane ticket, I want to leave tonight!"

After hanging up the phone with Tie Cuilan, Zhang Wei's expression became extremely strange.

"Old man, enough is enough. Sexual harassment and stalking were involved. How could such an honest person like you do such a thing? There must be something wrong here."

"However, this problem is just a small problem in my opinion. I feel that the case you accepted is a little tricky. I didn't expect it to be another old case!"

Zhang Wei rubbed his nasal bone. He worked too hard last night, and his body has not recovered yet. He has to rush to Longdu non-stop, so it really doesn't make people have a good rest.

But since Lao Tie is in trouble, how can he not help.

That night, Zhang Wei got on the plane to Longdu and left Dongfangdu.

And the news of his departure from the Eastern Capital also reached the ears of Lin Xiangtian and Zhang Tianlong.

Coincidentally, the two of them were having dinner together.

"Look, I told you that this kid will leave, you still don't believe me?"

"Fatty Lin, it's rare for you to be reliable for a while."

"Hey, what are you talking about, am I unreliable on weekdays?"

Zhang Tianlong's words made Lin Xiangtian very dissatisfied.

But Zhang Tianlong doesn't care about this.

He only hoped that the people in Longdu would be strong enough to delay Zhang Wei for enough time.

You are all dragons, don't let that kid make a comeback again!

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